1918 complete set Austrian stamp. from y. 1908-1918 valid after/around 28.10.1918 in territory of Czechoslovakia (posléze provided with overprint POŠTA / ČESKOSLOVENSKÁ / 1919), i.a. large Coat of arms Mi.,208II-211II, Mi.200I-203I, Mi.204II, Mi.205I-207I, Express - rectangle with coupons, - triangle and Newspaper stamps in pairs, only 5 pcs and Postage due stmp - big numerals (1908) hinged, c.v.. 1.100€ (* pieces considered)
1919Reg letter addressed to to Vienna franked with. mixed franking Hradčany stamp. 5h and Hungarian stamp. with overprint "KÖZTÁRSASÁG" 40f Zita and 2f Reaper, Pof.3, Mi.240 and 190, CDS POZSONY/ 919 Feb.17.; good condition, exp. Tribuna, rarely occurring post. stamp. other state on/for our territory!
Pof.4A joined spiral types, 5h blue-green, block of four with lower margin, comb perforation 13¾:13½;, spiral types combination on pos. 91, plate 2, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 2.300CZK
Pof.32Ep, 120h violet, line perforation 10½;, green additional printing through/over whole stamp., rare occurrence, in/at the bottom line short teeth, exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Karasek, c.v.. 16.000CZK
Pof.100, Reaper 15f white numerals, type II., well centered overprint, from important foreign exhibit (ex Dr. Fischmeister), mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., Stupka, Fischmeister
Pof.127, Postage due stmp - black numerals 2f, overprint type II., wmk Pz, exp. by Gilbert., Stupka + photo-certificate Stupka from y 2009, c.v.. 22.000CZK
PLATE PROOF value 100h, comp. 4 pcs of plate proofs from copper engraving (!) in various colors, on/for light browny paper without gum, L lower with name of author, known only these 4 color, this is rarest PLATE PROOF this issue, c.v.. Pofis doesn't report, c.v.. Klim 24.000CZK
1921comp. 2 pcs of letters, 2x commercial money letter franked with. on both sides of letter, high franking, pre-printed envelope sent to firm Baťa to Zlín, CDS PRAGUE; without seal, 1x filling holes
1927letter sent as Registered + C.O.D., franked with. i.a. halving 60h stamp. T. G. Masaryk Neotypie (gravure-print), Pof.189 with by hand writen notice postal úřednika on reverse vysvětlující this emergency opatření from nedostatku stamp. lower values, franked with. then stamp. Pof.206, 215, 226, CDS TORNALA/ 19.III.27, sent back with note. Vyvoláno - unknown; envelope with vertical fold out of stmp.; rare entire!
1934Pof.A283A, 284B, souvenir sheets Anthem-issue, high and landscape format, 1x format 173x285mm and 1x 175x283mm, exp. by Mrnak and Gilbert, value 1CZK - light stains, both light bumped corners, 2x original folder, light stains, c.v.. 15.000CZK
1920Pof.L2A IIs, I. provisional air mail stmp. 24Kč/500h brown, line perforation 13¾;, bar type II (!), dark color shade color, rare stamp, exp. by Mahr and Karasek, c.v.. Pofis 25.000CZK, c.v.. Klim 60.000CZK
1919express printed matter sent as Registered (!) in/at postal rate I, envelope with additional-printing Státníhoobilního institution franked with. express stamp. 5h, Pof.S2 as express printed matter + uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h blue on/for payment rekomandačního fee, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.V.19, larger format (ca. A5) with rukopisnou note. receiver; rare and decorative entire!!
1920whole alternate parcel card from abroad, customs fee paid halving overprint Postage due stamp 20h, Pof.SO36, CDS PODVLK/ 13.IV.20 and 5.IV.20, framed pmk Main customs office in Prague; small tearing in margins, rare bisected franking!
1920blank form Dodávací card of Postal saving bank in Prague, to BUK. PODSKLE, on reverse CDS PODVLK/ 28.I.20, (Rem.: PODSKALIE and PODVLK - community podstoupené after/around plebiscite on/for Oravě in 1924 Poland); folds, after all very interesting printed matter dokládajícíúzemní change on/for Oravě!
1920forerunner Austrian Návěstný and delivering card on/for valuable mailing, with fee 15h paid overprint Postage due stamps Pof.SO34 2x - from that 1 stamp. bisected (!), cancelled by postmark PODVLK/ 2.V.20 and service postmark Municipal off. SÁRŇA; several stains from stamping ink, extraordinary entire!
1939Exile issue, Pof.A342/343 Praga, plate variety in/at black added-print for World exhibition in New York - place "Slovak" is Sbovak"; hinged, slightly faded gum, sought plate flaw!!
1940Exile issue, Pof.A342/343 Praga, PLATE PROOF red (!) additional printing for World exhibition in New York, shift added-print state emblem / symbol in red color, warped paper + hints of overprint color; sought production defects!
1940PLATE PROOF Exile issue, Pofis. ANV18 newspaper miniature sheet Bratislava, inverted placing emblem / symbol and inscription, blue emblem at top and lower black additional printing for World exhibition in New York, original covers
1919CPŘ3Pa, Charles 8h with perf for typewriter, with bottom properforovaným margin (already detached, but according to text was/were components/parts mailing), private additional printing Vilem Popper/ Poděbrady, uprated with stamp Hradčany 3h, Pof.2, CDS PODĚBRADY/ 23.II.19; rare!
1939commercial letter with 12+12Pf Hindenburg, provisory straight line postmark RÜCKERSDORF, marked postage due "T 2.20", mounted Czechosl. Postage due stamp Pof.DL57, DL62 2x, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 15.X.39, straight line postmark "Censored", envelope light wrinkled, after all interesting
1944CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA R service letter sent from annexed Khust to Budapest, emergency envelope with Mi.748 2x, CDS HUSZT/ 44 IV.26., Hungary - Ruthenian Reg label, official railway-station cancel. M.Á.V. HUSZT, on reverse arrival BUDAPEST/ 44. IV.27; good condition, nice, rare non-philatelic entire!
1944CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA R service letter sent from annexed Mukachevo to Budapest, emergency envelope with Mi.719 2x, CDS MUNKÁCS/ 44.VI.1., Hungary - Ruthenian R label, official railway-station cancel. MUNKÁCS/ M.Á.V./ 944. VI.1, on reverse arrival BUDAPEST/ 44. VI.2.; good condition, nice, rare non-philatelic entire!
1942PLATE PROOF overprints issue Anniv. of Protectorate, Pof.72-73, in/at blue and red color on/for white, light ribbed paper without gum, c.v.. 10.000CZK
1945GHETTO TERESIENSTADT blank form "Druhá proclamation to pickup admission stamps", Druckvermerk: "4483-8.43-G-2n-1A51", sought variant, printing 2.000 pcs of, used else/yet end April 1945 (!), rare occurrence, on/for album sheet, from foreign exhibit (ex F. Hanzl), good condition
1945GHETTO TERESIENSTADT blank form for posting request about/by sending admission stamps for parcel to ghetto Terezín consignee in/at Protectorate + message about/by postoupení request. (Rem.: Central secretariate Jewish self-government in ghetto request shromažďoval and zasílal is by couriers SS on/for Úřadovnu SS in Prague 5, from which/what žadatelobdržel written vyrozumnění). Quite rare occurrence, in book Beneš - Tošnerová (page. 258) is vyobrazen only Un blank form request (!), whole sheet from exhibit (ex F. Hanzl), sound condition
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT provisional blank form from July 1943, which/what was/were zasílány the first admission stamps on/for parcels to Terezin ghetto, Druckvermerk: "4459-7.43-PO5-1n-1A51-do". V text blank form/-s is výslovně declared "Tuto stamp přilepte on/for post. balík...", on reverse blank form/-s is list/roster content parcel. Printing mere 1000 pcs of, directly this blank form is vyobrazen in book "Post in ghetto Terezín (page. 283), from foreign exhibit (ex F. Hanzl), extraordinary chance, good condition
1943 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT larger part cover from small parcel sent as Registered to ghetto Terezín, with Pof.91 and 92, CDS GAYA/ KYJOV/ 14.IV.43, whole sheet from important foreign exhibit (ex F. Hanzl), extraordinary chance, good condition
1939letter to Vienna, framed pmk Postal Agency Deutsche Dienstpost/ UNGAR BROD, supplemented with dvojřádkovým cancel. official post and blue provizorním(!) 2-lines cancel. StandortstaffelUNGARISCH HRADISCH, nice print, rare!
1939Alb.15, Kutná Hora 1,60CZK, lower corner blok of 4 with plate number "1A", thin/close lower margin (!!), print upper half overprint folder, pos. 31, 32, 41, 42, mint never hinged, one of most precious plate marks Slovakia, exp. Slovak. philatelist + Nov, exceedingly interesting ticket (!), in/at c.v.. Földes zmateční price, in/at c.v.. Alb. from year 2001 price 5.000Sk italic
1939Alb.M23C, Hlinka 50h green, horiz. 4-stamp gutter with mixed perforation 10½:12½;, combination C13 - L stmp, very rare occurrence, on request exp. by Synek., c.v.. Földes 25.000Sk