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1734 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE / FRANCIS I. (1708–1765), Holy Roman Emperor, folded cover of letter from Bratislava (at that time seat Francis I as governor in Hungary) to Prešov, great imperial seal, decorative U:A4
1794 NOBILIARY CORRESPONDENCE miniature letter sent to lordship Strážky (today Prešov territory, Slovakia), recipient Emerich Horváth-Stansith de Gradecz, handwritten off. notice "4" (Kreuzer), sought! U:A5
1804 folded letter to monastery Rein (Styria) with postmark "G" in circle, it means. GRAZ, so-called. "kleine Post", very rare entire, c.v.. Müller 500bd, extraordinary offer U:A5
1834 folded picture letter (!) from Písek, so-called. "Bildbrief", straight line postmark PISEK (catalogue Votoček. č.1792/3.), hand-made datovaný 12.August 1834, written Czech language, with intimním content. Předchůdce decorative letters, with gravures 4 best known sights Písek, in/at takovéto size quite unknown, absolutely rare offer, unique rarity (!), ex Dr. Rieger, good condition U:A4
1848 folded letter with negative postmark SZAMOS-ÚJVÁR (Gherla, today Romania), c.v.. Müller 480 points, very rare! U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1 HP Ib dark orange, pair, wide margins, CDS PRAG, cat. min. 475€, very fine U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1 HP Ib, marginal strip-of-3, wide margins, margin 7mm, CDS PRAG, c.v.. ca. 1.500€, very fine U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1 HP III, exceedingly wide paper crease, CDS PRAG/ 10.1., c.v.. ca. 380€, speciality - suitable to exhibit! U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1 MP III, light yellow, pair, wide margins, CDS PESTH/ 15.8., c.v.. 385€ U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1-5, complete set, all stamp. with big parts wmk U:A5
1850 the first issue., Mi.1X, HP III, deep orange, horizontal strip of 3, stronger hand-made paper 0,12mm, L close and lower wide margins, CDS STEYER/ 2.2., cat. min. 1.200€ U:A5
1851 Mi.7 Ib, Head of Mercury (6 Kreuzer) brown-orange, so-called. "Yellow Mercury", on silk paper 0,055mm, new photo-certificate Ferchenbauer from y 2010, marked as "very nice piece", at top closer margin (usual), otherwise very fine and decorative piece, this rare shade often missing also in big collections (!). c.v.. 17.500€ U:X
1853 Mi.1, newspaper fiscal stamps, 9 pcs of stamps, various shades and types, 2x CDS MILAN, 1x close margin, otherwise very fine, c.v.. 1.150€ U:A5
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.4b, 4Kr brown, rare shade, R close margin, dark fiscal cancel, it means. relatively rare, because major-part stamp. 4Kr occures with postmark TRIESTE, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.850€ U:A5
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.4b, 4Kr dark brown, certificate Ferchenbauer from y 2007, rare shade (!), c.v.. 850€; also with reprint from y 1873, type II., red, for Lombardy-Veneto, c.v.. 450€, original fold in gum U:A5
1867 Mi.42 If, Head of Mercury, blk-of-15, CDS PRAGUE, unique block for type If, cat. Ferchenbauer shows price only for block of four 320€, 2 corner stmp L lower and R at top are damaged + horiz. fold between stamp. below the first str-of-5, photo-certificate Capouch, cat. Ferchenbauer for blk-of-10 –,– U:A5
1867 Mi.42 If, Head of Mercury, blk-of-15, CDS PRAGUE, very rare, maybe unique rarity (!), cat. Ferchenbauer shows price only for block of four, in upper margin cut to 3 stamps, included to sum only as block of 8, c.v.. ca. 2.000€ U:A5
1867 Mi.42 IIb, Head of Mercury, blk-of-15, certificate Babor from y 1994, upper row damaged, included to sum as blk-of-10, sought, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.750€ U:A5
1883 Mi.49, Double-headed Eagle 50 Kreuzer violet, c.v.. 380€ U:A5
1883 comp. 2 pcs of cut-squares with stamps Mi.44, 45, four-circle dumb postmark WIEN; Mi.44, 45, 47, CDS RAABS; very decorative U:A5
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9A, 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 13, cat. Ferchenbauer 375€ U:A5
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9A, 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 13, very rare perforation in/at postal usage (!) U:A5
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9B, 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 12½;, on small cut-square, CDS TRIESTE/ 1.12.99, superb U:A5
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9B, 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 12½;, with part of wmk, certificate Puschmann from y 2010, c.v.. 235€ U:A5
1908 Jubilee 1908, 2 plate proofs in black color (refused design ?), format 50x59mm, on paper without gum, decorative frame with inscriptions same as stamps with value 1H from same set (Mi.139), in/at value štítcích 5h, on reverse mark "Kreuzer", for specialist very interesting, from estate noted Prague collector Dr. Kropfa U:A5
1910 Mi.161-177, Jubilee, complete set, c.v.. 1.200€ U:A5
1915 PLATE PROOF Mi.184, War issue, vertical pair, imperforated plate proof U:A5
1916 Mi.203b, Coat of arms 10K violet, block of four, certificate Puschmann from y 2010 U:A5
1916 PLATE PROOF Mi.P55-57, Postage due stmp, highest value 1 Koruna, 5 Koruna and 10K, imperforated stmp with upper margin U:A5
1917 Mi.220D, Express stamp 5h green, line perforation 12½:11½;, photo-certificate Soecknick from y 2009, very fine piece, missing in most collections, cat. Ferchenbauer 350€ U:A5
1917 PLATE PROOF Mi.222a, Charles 20h green, block of four, imperforated plate proof on stamp paper U:A5
1886 LEVANT Mi.14II, Double-headed Eagle with overprint 10Pa, so-called. Constantinople-opt., rare stamp, missing in most collections, exp. Wallner, Richter, cat. Ferchenbauer 700€ U:A5
1915 FIELD-POST / PLATE PROOF set 21 pcs of maculature prints, values 1h-10K, on original paper without gum, interesting U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST Mi. I.-XIV., emperor Charles, officially unissued, complete set, small hinged., sought by specialists, c.v.. 675€ U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST / PLATE PROOF Mi.73-75 2x, Charles and Zita, 2 set plate proofs (6 pcs of stamps), imperforated, different color, complete set, exceedingly rare, missing in every collection, c.v.. 620€ U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST / ITALY / PLATE PROOF Mi.P1-7, Postage due stmp, basic set, also with imperforated plate proofs for Mi.1-7 U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST / ITALY / PLATE PROOF set 13 pcs of imperforated plate proofs for unissued edition Charles, changed face-values, cat. min. 400€ U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST / ROMANIA / PLATE PROOF Mi.18-34, Charles, values 3B-4L, imperforated, cat. Ferchenbauer 110€ U:A5
1918 FIELD-POST / ROMANIA / PLATE PROOF Mi.18-34, Charles, values 3B-4L, nominal value printed in red instead black! U:A5
1851 2x used folded cover of letter with the first issue 3 Kreuzer, Mi.3, HP, I.a type, ribbed paper, plate variety, wmk, tmavěčervená color, posting straight line postmark WIEN/ 27.MAI, addressed to to Swechat; light archiving fold through/over lower margin stamp., c.v.. 625€ U:A5
1851 folded letter with the first issue 2 Kreuzer grey, Mi.2, HP, I.a type, velmí nice grey shade, first print, plate variety vyštiplý frame, posting straight line postmark BUDWEIS/ 25 MAI, addressed to to Plawnitz; preserved seal, c.v.. 1.425€, decorative piece! U:A5
1851 folded letter with the first issue 3 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer, Mi.3, HP, I.b type, plate variety Ferchenbauer. No.78 (75€), so-called. Liliputschnitt, posting straight line postmark KŘELOWITZ/ 30.7., addressed to to Budějovice; archiving fold out of stmp., c.v.. 150€ U:A5
1851 folded cover of letter with 3 Kreuzer issue I, Mi.3, marginal piece, lined postmark OLBERSDORF (Albrechtice in Silesia) which/what postrádá date (catalogue of Votoček č.1699/5. = 3000 bd. (!), Müller č.2020b = 2500 bd.), on letter known only 1 piece! Supplemented with straight line postmark OLBERSDORF/ 9.MAR, addressed to to Litovel, on reverse transit pmk TROPPAU/ 9.MAR. and EISENB. OLLMÜTZ/ 10.3.; quite extraordinary entire, UNIKÁT, letter is on/for several places repaired, We recommend it examination U:A5
1855 folded letter with issue I Mi.4, 6 Kreuzer MP, type III., close margin (so-called. Liliputschnitt), complete green (!) CDS RICHENBURG/ 27.6., (c.v.. Müller č.2361, shows only blue), RR!, addressed to to Kamenický Šenov, on reverse circular transit pmk BAHNH: PARDUBITZ/ 28.6. and BODENBACH/ 28.6., arrival straight line postmark STEINSCHÖNAU/ 29.JUN., unusually nice quality, exp. by Ferchenbauer + photo-certificate Ferchenbauer from y 2004: "splendid exemplar" U:X
1855 folded cover of letter with the first issue 1 Kr, Mi.1, HP, type III., very wide margins, CDS WIEN/ 16.8., commercial cancel., addressed to in the place; good condition, cat. min. 500€ U:A5
1856 folded cover of letter franked with. fiscal revenue the first issue 3 Kreuzer C.M., posting round CDS BODENBACH/ 3.4., vzdau arrival postmark REICHENSTADT/ 4.4.; significant archiving fold also through/over upper margin revenue, c.v.. 900€ U:A5
1857 folded letter with the first issue 1 Kr + 2 Kreuzer, Mi.1, HP, T III., Mi.2, MP, III.b type, wide margins, CDS BUDWEIS/ 17.8., addressed to to Krumlov; very light fold over stmp., preserved seal, c.v.. 1.000€ U:A5
1858 folded letter with the first issue 3 Kreuzer + 6 Kreuzer, Mi.3, MP, III.b type, Mi.4, MP, T III., posting round cancel. BUDWEIS 13/4, addressed to to Vienna; preserved seal, cat. min. 120€ U:A5
1858 folded R letter on/for known address to Kamenický Šenov, with the first issue., in front 3 Kreuzer rare type III.c + on reverse 6 Kreuzer with significant plate flaw, bright blue (!) line CDS LEITMERITZ/ 30.JULI, (catalogue of Votoček č.1224/8. = 200 pt.) + straight line postmark "RECOMANDIRT", transit pmk BODENBACH/ 31.7. and arrival STEINSCHÖNAU/ 31.7. on reverse, exceedingly attractive entire, cat. Ferchenbauer ca. 2.500€ (without plate defects) U:A5
1859 whole front side výnosu No.24/ 1859, addressed kněžím Budějovice dieceze, with Mi.2, marginal piece, CDS illegible + print církevního cancel. + 4 pcs of St. Andrew's crosses (!), 2x brown + 2x orange, various types. Naprosto rare usage St. Andrew's crosses as příchytek for sticking address label, from old collection (ex Rieger), decoration every exhibit, exp. Klusoň, fancy price! U:A4
1859 complete Brno newspaper NEUIGKEITEN with newspaper stamp. Mi.17c dark violet, straight line postmark FRANCO, c.v.. 1150€, toned in margins, otherwise nice U:A4
1859 folded letter in the place with 3 Kreuzer, Mi.11, II.a type, posting straight line postmark TROPPAU/ 14.JUN, on reverse arrival postmark TROPPAU/ 14.6.; light archiving folds out of stmp., c.v.. 565€ U:A5
1860 2x Us folded R letter, franked with. 4 pcs of stamp. The 2nd issue 10Kr, Mi.14, type II., CDS KADEN 8/9, on reverse line arrival postmark TREBITSCH/ 9.SEP.; part zadního složení odstřihnuta, c.v.. 480€ U:A4
1864 folded letter in the place with The 4th issue., 3 Kreuzer green, fine perf, Mi.25a, CDS TROPPAU 4/10, on reverse arrival, c.v.. 285€ U:A5
1864 folded cover of letter with Mi.30 and 31, Eagle 2 Kreuzer + 3 Kreuzer, decorative CDS ELBOGEN (Loket)/ 26.7. - superb print, addressed to to Horní Slavkov, arrival SCHLAGGENWALD/ 27.7. on reverse, from exhibit, sound condition U:A5
1864 mixed franking IV. and issue V on face-side letter, Eagle in oval - fine and rough perf, 2 Kreuzer yellow pair + single stamp. Mi.24, 3 Kreuzer green pair + single stamp., CDS DEBRECZIN 11/12; tearing cut-square in lower margin + missing 1x tooth stamp. 2 Kreuzer, cut square front sides letter + 20% to price cut-square, c.v.. price 1.175€ + 20% U:A5
1865 FISCAL USAGE OF POSTAGE STAMP release with fee paid only post. stamp. issue V 5 Kreuzer, Mi.32, cancelled hand-made transcription, according to text Obergmünd 8. August 1865; perfect condition!! - cat. Ferchenbauer min. 1.000€ - rare entire! - owner guarantees the authenticity! U:A4
1867 VI. issue - cross stuck together complete address strips sent as Reg printed matter, with VI. issue 2 Kreuzer + 10Kr fine print, Mi.35II, 38II, CDS WIEN/ 7.6.76 supplemented with round cancel. RECOMMANDIRT, on reverse arrival postmark PRAG/ 8.6.; fold in margin one strips out of stmp, bicolored franking cat. Ferchenbauer 1.800€, rare usage - decorative! U:A4
1880 FISCAL USAGE OF POSTAGE STAMP release with mixed (!) franking post. stamp. VI. issue 5 Kreuzer and pair revenues 1 Kr issue 1879, cancelled hand-made transcription; perfect condition (!) - cat. Ferchenbauer - fancy price ! - rare and quite rare entire, owner guarantees the authenticity U:A3v–
1884 Reg letter to Brno two-sided with Mi.46, 44 5x, CDS RAJHRAD/ 22.7.84, decorative small format, cat. Ferchenbauer doesn't report, 1x value 2 Kreuzer - damaged corner U:A5