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1944 KHUST selection of 24 pcs of Hungarian stamps with Khust overprint Czechoslovak Post/ 1944, Pof.RV174 - vertical strip of 4, 175, 177 3x (margins) and vertical strip of 4, 180 - block of four, 183 2x (margin), 186, 190, 194 - horizontal pair, 196, 198; i.a. block of four C7 with various umístěním overprint, C4 - omitted dot after/behind year, C4 - very distorted "P"; exp. by Blaha., c.v.. Majer min. 2620CZK, interesting selection of, C17 minor gum fault U:A5
1944 KHUST letter in the place two-sided with Pof.RV201, RV191-193, CDS KHUST 25.XII.44, low starting price, without certification, c.v.. ca. 10.000CZK U:A5
1946 larger part money dispatch-note with Bratislavké issue with provisory postmark STREDA N. BODROGOM with date stamp 19.JAN 1946, on reverse delivering fee paid by usage forerunner Slovak postage-due stamp. with hand-made blue overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO (!), Alb.D13 4x, D21 2x, cancelled provisory straight line postmark KAMENICA N. CIROKOU and date stamp 25.I.1946; vertical fold, rare occurrence!! U:A5
Pof.354-356Mx(16), Košice-issue - large crosses, superb condition, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 30.000CZK U:X
Pof.354-356Mx(4), Košice-issue - small crosses, c.v.. 25.000CZK U:A5
Pof.35-356Mv(4), blocks two 4-stamps gutter with lower margin, value 2 Koruna with plate mark 1, value 5 Koruna light and 6 Koruna with RE plate mark, very fine, c.v.. 6650Kč U:A5
Pof.353-359DZ, comp. 11 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with plate mark, values 2k, 5 Koruna and 6 Koruna after/around 1 plate, other complete after/around 2 cover; very fine, cat. min. 3.680Kč U:A4
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 12, combination 221 (according to Čtvrtečka), known max. 20 pieces (!!) U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, MS pos. 13, combination 221 (according to Čtvrtečka), known max. 20 pieces (!!) U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, plate variety - score in tail lion, nice, c.v.. 6.500CZK U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, comp. 3 pcs of miniature sheets, MS pos. 5, 9 and 12, all sought combination 211 (according to Čtvrtečka) U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, flaw print - significant shifted print, partial light fold U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, significant red stain between K and O, c.v.. 700CZK, in addition circle at value 5 Koruna, interesting U:A5
1945 postcard with 2 Koruna, Pof.354 with provisory straight line postmark POPRAD 1/ 13.VI.1945, passed through censorship; good condition, sought! U:A5
1946 Reg letter to USA (!), on reverse franked with. block of 6 stamp. 2 Koruna, Pof.354, CDS BARDEJOV/ 26.I.46, transit pmk NEW YORK/ 2.26. 1946 and arrival postmark with date 28.Feb.46; light faded in margin envelope/-s, rare mailing abroad! U:A5
1945 Pof.363-371, Bratislava-issue, missing value 2,40 Koruna, selection of whole folded sheets, Pof.371B with joined types I+II+I, cat. min. 4.200CZK, good quality U:A3v–
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava-issue 10K black, marginal block-of-12 with joined types I+II+I, cat. min. 1.700CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.381-386, Moscow-issue, complete set 100-stamps. sheets, contains various plate variety and omitted perf. holes, on/for several stamp. values 5h small slightly rusty spots, otherwise sound condition U:A3v–
1945 Pof.381, 383, Moscow-issue, 381 with plate variety 42/1 (marginal Pr), RE42/2, RE42/3 and RE42/4 (3x marginal strip-of-5), also with 383 with plate variety 92/3 (corner blk-of-4), very interesting U:A5
1945 Pof.382, Moscow-issue 10h brown-yellow, vertical strip of 4 with upper margin, over 2 stmp joined paper (!), in addition by/on/at upper stamp. omitted perf hole, sought by specialists, mint never hinged U:A5
1945 Pof.383, Moscow-issue 20h brown, marginal block-of-4 without upper perf, yellow gum (rare !), exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 3.600CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.385, Moscow-issue 1 Koruna red, marginal block-of-4, omitted perforation L, sought U:A5
1945 Pof.404, 1. anniv of Slovak National Uprising, corner blk-of-4, significant perf paper crease, in this issue rare U:A5
1945 Pof.A408/412, Partisan MS, complete set 9 pcs of miniature sheets according to souvenir sheet fields AP1-AP9, good quality, c.v.. 2.500CZK U:A4
1945 Pof.418, Portraits - Masaryk 1,20 Koruna, stmp "with upper coupon", rare! U:A5
1945 Pof.420, Portraits - Beneš 1,60Kčs green, horizontal pair with sheet margin, significantly shifted perf downward, 1x minor gum fault, after all exceptional! U:A5
1948 Pof.488N, Gottwald 5Kčs, imperforated vertical pair with margin, incomplete-printing upper stamps, cat. min. 3.800CZK U:A5
1949 Pof.498K, Lenin, 2x L corner blk-of-6, 1x combination types I+II+I, 1x without stamps II. type (rare), cat. min. 940CZK U:A5
1949-52 Pof.507c, Jirásek 8Kčs grey-green, pair, sought shade, on request exp. by Arbeit., also with Pof.416 - very dark color shade, Pof.625, corner piece with plate variety 10/1 and Pof.L19, block of four with plate variety 6/1 - double upper frame (see special journal Philately) U:A5
1949 PLATE PROOF Pof.532, Stalin, carmine, yellow paper without gum U:A5
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, type III, on request exp. by Arbeit., nice, c.v.. 20.000CZK U:A5
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, type VI, plate 6 - straight 9, inscription - type III., c.v.. 950CZK U:A5
1952 letter with Agricultural Work 3Kčs, Pof.650 plate variety 40/1, "reflector", white stain below cooler tractor, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 16.VIII.52; sought plate variety, rare! U:A5
1953 Pof.740B, Zápotocký 30h, comp. of 7 expressive shades colors and gum (various issue), from that 5x block of four, 1x horizontal pair; exceptional selection of! U:A5
1953 selection of expressive color shades, Pof.736 2x, 737 2x, 740A 3x, 740B 5x, from that 1x small production gum flaw, 741 3x, 742 3x, all catalogue variants; unusual U:A5
1954 issue Profession, selection of sought shades, Pof.775 - 1x dull gum nezasahující to margins, 2x smooth gum to to margins, 2 various editions; Pof.782a+b - olive green (very rare stamp !); Pof.777 - 1x dull gum, 1x smooth gum, significantly lighter brown U:A5
1954 Pof.776, Profession - nurse, selection of various shades, 2 editions with dull ribbed gum, 4 editions with smooth gum and 1 with glrilled gum, total 13 pcs of stamps, also with 2 cuts dispatch-notes with interesting shades U:A5
1954 Pof.776, Profession - nurse, vertical strip of 3, joined paper, glrilled gum, rare! U:A5
1960 selection of expressive shades issue Castles and castles, Pof.1103 - 5 catalogued shades, total 15 pcs of stamp.; 1104 - 4 shades, from that 1x with date of print (total 9 stamps); 1106 - 2 shades (6 stamps); 1107 - 2 shades (6 stamps); also with 1205, corner blk-of-4, interesting, high catalogue value U:A5
1961 Pof.1174, Personalities of Cultural Life - Hviezdoslav, type II., letter "C" instead "G" in the word ORSZÁCH, c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1961 Pof.1175, Personalities of Cultural Life - Mrštík, type II., pos. 10/1, closed numeral(s) "6", c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1961 Pof.1222, Butterflies 80h, type II., sought stamp, c.v.. 3.600CZK U:A5
1962 Pof.A1268A+B, miniature sheet PRAGA 1962, set of all types from both editions, total 16 pcs of miniature sheets; good quality - only small production defects gum, c.v.. 9.000CZK U:A4
1965 Pof.1481, Czechosl. town - Jindřichův Hradec, 3x complete counter sheet - xaa, xac and yb, also with half-sheet xab with dates of print, 1.X.67 - rare (!), bnd-of-20 yb with date of print; c.v.. 6570CZK, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1965 Pof.1482, Czechosl. town - Nitra, comp. of stamps - 7 editions with dates of print, various shades and gum, 18.9.65 - corner blk-of-4, 26.5.70 - pair, 16.2.72 - str-of-4, 31.8.72 - blk-of-10, 19.7.73 - blk-of-10, 9.8.73 - str-of-5, 4.12.73 - blk-of-10; also with pair with plate variety 84/1 and parcel dispatch card segment with same plate variety; exceptional selection of U:A5
1965 selection of expressive shades issue Czechosl. town I, Pof.1482 - 5 shades (total 11 pcs of zn.); Pof.1483 - 6 shades (total 17 zn.); Pof.1563 - 3 shades (6 zn.); Pof.1565 - 2 shades (5 zn.); hladké also grid gum, very interesting U:A5
1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.1488, Czechosl. town - Prague, master die in black color, cardboard paper, signature Herčík U:A5
1966 Pof.1519, Fishes 1Kčs, marginal block-of-4 with plate variety 81/1, 91/1 and 92/1 - incomplete-printing "V", pair with joined types I. + II. and stmp with plate variety - incomplete-printing "K", cat. only defects min. 870CZK U:A5
1966-74 selection of complete counter sheet with coupons, Pof.1543, Guernica; 1759 2x, Peace Movement, A and B with various dates of print; 1833, 25. anniv of foundation U.N.; 1884-85, UNESCO; 1908, XIV. world's road congress, folded, partially torn in perforation; 2066, BRNO 1974; 2091-92, BRNO 1974; c.v.. 1.200CZK U:A3v–
1966 Pof.1564, Towns - Telč 50h, corner blk-of-20, significant shifted print and perf, plate variety on pos. 1, c.v.. 16.000CZK U:A5
1966 PLATE PROOF Pof.1565, Czechosl. town - Ostrava, master die in red color U:A5
1966 PLATE PROOF comp. 7 pcs of plate proofs issue Game in black color on chalky paper, ex Mysliveček U:A5
1966 PLATE PROOF comp. 7 pcs of plate proofs issue Game in black color on chalky paper, all with big margin, ex Mysliveček, interesting U:A5
1966 Pof.1570ST, Game 80h, complete counter sheet, 5x combination types I+II+I and I. + II., cat. min. 3000CZK, folded in perforation U:A3v–
1966 Pof.1571, Game, comp. 4 pcs of stamps, various shades, i.a. thin/light print yellow (blue background) U:A5
1968 unissued XIV. Congress of Communists, both values 30h and 60h, corner pieces, superb, c.v.. 4.800CZK U:A5
1970 Pof.1813 type II., Beethoven 40h, pos. 21/2 line in character "h", c.v.. 2.500CZK U:A5
1971 Pof.1876xb, Vernacular Architecture - Šariš, selection of, 2x corner str-of-3, optically cleared paper, color test scale 1x green - violet - black, 1x violet - green - black; for comparison corner blk-of-4, paper without optical brightener, quite without marks; also with parcel dispatch card segment franked with. pair with slightly smudge color R; only normal stamps c.v.. 1.520Kč U:A4
1971 PLATE PROOF Pof.1877, Vernacular Architecture - Hronsek, print in black color, original year 1970, value 3Kčs instead 2Kčs, unusual U:A5
1972 Pof.1964, Vernacular Architecture - Náchod region, comp. 3 pcs of blocks with dates of print, paper without optical brightener with 0.4.72 (faulty print) - corner str-of-3, optically cleared paper with 11.XI.76 - corner str-of-4, fluorescing paper 2 with 2.7.86 - pair; also with parcel dispatch card segment, very thin/light print black; interesting selection of, only stamps c.v.. 2.130Kč U:A5