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1974 Pof.2111, Postal emblems - letter, pair, fluorescing paper 1, production flaw - shift blue downward, also with postcard with Pof.2111xb, significant shift blue; interesting - still unpublished U:A5
1974 Pof.2111xb, Postal emblems - letter, corner str-of-5 with date of print 5.IV.77, shaded sachet, with date of print for the first time in auction U:A5
1974 Pof.2113 production flaw No.1, Postal emblems - pigeon, block of four with R margin, print only blue color - omitted yellow and red, c.v.. 2.000CZK U:A5
1975 Pof.2126, International Year of Women, selection of with paper without opticaly clearing agent, 1x with date, 1x with RE 1/85, also with 2x marginal Pr, optically cleared paper with plate variety 1/85 and RE 1/85, cat. min. 2400CZK U:A5
1975 Pof.2129ST, 30th Anniv of Destruction of Villages., 2x corner blk-of-4 (with plate variety and without plate variety on pos. 35/2) + dispatch-note with stamp. II. type, cat. min. 1.280Kč U:A4
1975 Pof.A2175A + B + plate variety, miniature sheet L. Svoboda., complete set types and subtypes by/on/at perf miniature sheets A 4 pcs of, imperforated B 4 pcs of and imperforated miniature sheet with plate variety "vert. line by/on/at nose", plate variety by/on/at imperforated miniature sheets rare, very fine, c.v.. 6.500CZK U:A5
1976 Pof.NL2203-A2205 2x, first day sheets 55. Anniv Communist Party of Czechoslovakia, 1x common first day sheet/-s with A2205 - optically cleared paper, 1x paper without optical brightener; c.v.. 2600CZK U:A4
1977 Pof.2260ORZ, Czechoslovak Porcelain 60h, corner blk-of-14 with date of print, inverted frame perf, folded and partly detached in perforation (in vertical perf marginal block of four above control-numbers), also with normal corner blk-of-4 for comparison, only stamps c.v.. 3.600CZK, on request exp. by Arbeit U:A5
1978 Pof.2298, 2299, 2301, Mint Kremnica; 2298 - corner str-of-5 with plate variety 5/2, 2299 - marginal strip-of-3 (1x red smudge, defect scrap), 2301 - marginal Pr, shifted perforation up; also with 2x parcel dispatch card segment with with shifted perforation U:A5
1978 Pof.2331, New Prague, bnd-of-10; 2359, INTERCOSMOS, corner str-of-3; 2361, INTERCOSMOS, bnd-of-10; comp. 3 pcs of bands with margin and dates of print, all optically cleared paper, cat. min. 4000CZK U:A4
1978 PLATE PROOF comp. 2 pcs of plate proofs issue Slovak Pottery 30h and 1Kčs, cut-squares carton, nice U:A5
1980 Pof.2444, Spartakiad, corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 9/2, corner Pr with RE9/2; fluorescence preserved rovnoměrně in/at complete area, c.v.. 900CZK U:A5
1980 Pof.2452 ST, Papercutting 4Kčs, upper bnd-of-20, combination types I+II+II+I and plate variety 1/5; fluorescence preserved rovnoměrně in/at complete area, cat. min. 2.250CZK U:A4
1986 Pof.A2747B, 60 Years of F.I.P., type II., c.v.. 3.500CZK U:A5
1986 Pof.2767VV, Rolling Stocks value 5Kčs, vertical R bnd-of-10 with blue vertical strong line through/over all stamp. U:A4
1992 PLATE PROOF miniature sheet Comenius, Pof.A3002, cardboard paper without gum, signature of author (Herčík) U:A5
1953 Pof.PL757, 759, Destinnová, Vojan, blk-of-10 Pof.757 type II., very fine, c.v.. 3.400CZK U:A5
1954 Pof.PL770, Congress of Communists, very fine, c.v.. 3.200CZK U:A5
1954 Pof.PL774, Mausoleum, very fine, c.v.. 2.900CZK U:A5
1954 Pof.PL789, Physical training and sport, very fine, c.v.. 6.000CZK U:A5
1955 Pof.PL840-843, National costumes I, contains blk-of-10 with II. types stamp., Pof.840 and 842, c.v.. incl. types 7.600Kč U:A5
1985 ZS40, Art Handicraft 10x50h, rare, for the first time in auction U:A5
1953 CDV105, Gottwald, uprated with stamp Pof.507 and D69, D70 5x, postage-due used as postage stmp, CDS ČERČANY/ 13.VI.53, quite rare! U:A5
1953 whole parcel card sent as express, franked with. 32 pcs of stamp. 10Kčs Zvolen, Pof.521, CDS HOVĚZÍ/ 17.VI.53; part stamp. over margin, after all exceptional entire, in addition from small postal office!! U:A5
1953 view card with imprinted stamp CPH43/9 uprated with stamp Pof.721, 521, 502, railway pmk č.905 KOUTY N. D. - ZÁBŘEH N./M./ 17.VI.53; superb, rare usage! U:A5
1953 DOPLATNÉ (due) underpaid letter from 1. day of monetary reform stamp. 3Kčs Pof.487, burdened with postage-due 54Kčs, mounted stamp. values 5Kčs and 2Kčs, Pof.D75 10x, D77 2x, CDS ČESKÝ BROD/ 1.VI.53, arrival pmk PRAGUE 1/ 3.VI.53; good condition, less common usage 5Kčs postage-due stamps! U:A5
1953 underpaid heavier commercial letter sent before/(in front of) currency reform, with surtax paid already in time currency reformy(!), mounted postage stmp Pof.666 3x, CDS KLADNO/ 30.V.53, with note. 21g by blue raddle, on reverse mounted Postage due stamp values 6Kčs, Pof.D78 9x, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.VI.53; good condition U:A5
1953 commercial letter sent in/at Sunday 31.5.53, last day before/(in front of) currency reform (!), CDS OSEK U DUCHCOVA/ 31.V.53, with 3Kčs, Pof.722; good condition U:A5
1953 commercial Reg letter with schodovitou franking stamp. Pof.671 39x, Pof.666 32x, CDS KOLÍN/ 4.VI.53; good condition, nepovolený way prepayment, very decorative entire, sought by specialists! U:A4
1953 commercial Reg and express letter franked with. 8 pcs of stamp. 20Kčs Gottwald, Pof.489, CDS HORAŽĎOVICE/ 1.VI.53, addressed to to Prague - sent by pneumatic tube mail, on reverse CDS TELEGRAPH CENTRAL OFF. PRAGUE/ 2.VI.53 and CDS PRAGUE 1/ 2.VI.53; good condition, quite rare, in addition decorative entire! U:A5
1953 commercial Reg and express letter with Pof.L30 9x, KD L30 2x, KH L30 + Pof.488 8x, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 6.VI.53, corresponding postal-charge 190Kčs (!), format 32x23cm, 1x vert. fold outside franking, wrinkled margins, after all very interesting entire, on request exp. by Drazan U:A3v–
1953 combination pay imprint and franking, used 20 pcs of stamp. 50h Hviezdoslav, Pof.502 with machine advertising print PRAGUE 025/ 18.VI.53 + on reverse meter stmp values 10Kčs PRAGUE 024/ 18.VI.53; good condition U:A4
1953 airmail letter to USA in time monetary reform, sender firm ARTIA, incl. content, on reverse used 20 pcs of stamp. 5Kčs Gottwald, Pof.488, CDS PRAGUE 220/ 12.VI.53, on face-side CDS PRAGUE 120/ 13.VI.53; good condition, interesting entire U:A4
1953 DEAD LETTER OFF. PRAGUE, underpaid letter from start monetary reform stamp. 2Kčs Pof.709, burdened with postage-due 36Kčs stamp. Pof.D78 6x, with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.VI.53, cancelled as Invalidated, on reverse notice "For postage due refused", off. opened for zjíštění sender, yellow stick-on label Postal dead letter off. Prague, supplemented with cancel. "Additional Charge for sending Koruna 1,12", on reverse CDS PRAGUE 19/ 16.VI.53; detached back part stick-on label, otherwise good condition, rare document/attribut postal transport in time of monetary reform! U:A5
1953 comp. 3 pcs of letters franked with. i.a. air stamps, 1x 4-tuple franking stamp. Pof.L28 with CDS MNICHOVO HRADIŠTĚ/ 13.VI.53, 1x Reg letter i.a. franked by stmp 50Kčs, Pof.L24, with CDS PLZEŇ/ 11.VI.53, 1x letter franked with. i.a. overprint airmail stamp 15Kčs with upper řezaným coupon, Pof.KL31a with MC OSTRAVA/ 11.VI.53; good condition U:A5
1953 heavier letter underpaid stamp. 3Kčs, Pof.713, sent in/at předvečer monetary reform, advertising MC BRNO 2/ 30.V.53; at the delivery place přepočítáno postage due on/for 50ti-násobek old currency from 6CZK on/for 228CZK (note. blue by pencil), nakonec chosen only missing postal-charge without penal fee in value 114CZK. On back side mounted stamp. Pof.D75 20x, in front Pof.D78 2x, D77. Cancelled CDS PRAGUE 1/ 3.VI.53, envelope A5 signs of postal service, quite rare mailing! U:A4
1953 larger part of parcel card with stated valuable 1.000Kčs, franked with. 18 pcs of stamp. 20Kčs Gottwald, Pof.489, CDS PRAŠICE/ 16.VI.53; part stamp. mounted over margin, interesting entire from small postal office U:A5
1953 cut square from parcel cover with Pof.643 5x, 704 2x, 720, CDS SNĚŽNÉ N./M./ 15.VI.53, interesting U:A5
1955 PLATE PROOF Pof.L38, Olomouc, master die in/at original brown color issued stamp., interesting U:A5
1955 PLATE PROOF Pof.L41, Prague, master die in/at original grey-blue color issued stamp., exp. by Karasek U:A5
1967 Pof.L56-61, PRAGA '68, complete counter sheet with coupons, gutter-pairs and dates of print, cat. min. 1900CZK U:A3v–
1973 Pof.L77xb, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines, optically cleared paper, L the bottom corner stamp., exp. by Kulda and Pofis U:A5
1973 Pof.L79xb, 50 years Czechoslovak Airlines, optically cleared paper, right the bottom corner stamp., expert Benes., c.v.. 9.000CZK U:A5
1976 Pof.L82, Powder Gate, str-of-5 with production flaw - incomplete-printing light blue, cat. min. 5.800CZK U:A5
1946 complete set 5 pcs of airmail letters, first flight Prague - New York, addressed to to Brussels, London, Limericku, Ganderu and N. York, arrival postmark on reverse, sound condition U:A5
1948 commercial Reg and airmail letter to Netherlands East India, with Pof.L17 2x, L18, L20, L22, posting nationalized CDS ZLÍN 2/ 25.II.48 (communist převrat), on reverse arrival BATAVIA/ 2.3.48; light folds, decorative piece! U:A5
1949 air mail matter to USA, obituary, franked with. air overprint stamp. Pof.L25 2x, L27, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 23.XI.49; superb, rare and decorative jewel of every collection air-mail entires!! U:A5
1971 PLATE PROOF Pof.D97, Postage due stmp - flowers, master die in colors stamps, cardboard paper, L filling holes U:A5
1946 letter with 2,40Kčs Bratislava's issue sent after valid time, CDS out of stmp BRATISLAVA1/ 10.III.46, burdened with postage-due in value 4,80Kčs, mounted provisional Slovak Postage due stamp Alb.D23 2x, D15 2x, cancelled by postmark TRNAVA/ 11.III.46; good condition, decorative letter U:A5
1946 PROVISORY insufficiently franked ordinary letter to Slovakia, stamp. Pof.415 3x, CDS PRAGUE 31/ 20.III.46, burdened with postage-due zapoužití Slovak postage-due stamp. with black overprint Czechoslovakia, Alb.D13 2x, D19, CDS BELUŠA 23.III.46; good condition, decorative piece U:A5
1953 refused insufficiently franked letter, evidently from period of monetary reform mounted stamp. Pof.505 5x, 666 20x, MC OSTRAVA 1/ 22.VI.53 out of stmp., sent back with cancel. DOPLATNÉ (due) and NEPŘIJATO, in case of emergency mounted postage stmp 2x 60h as surtax, Pof.737 2x, with straight line postmark Post Off. OSTRAVA 1; good condition, interesting document of postal traffic! U:A5
1946 whole newspaper wrapper with address label on 9 newspaper copies/imprints with mounted 9-blokem newspaper stamp. 10h, Pof.NV24 with provisory cancel. STUDÉNKA/ 1946; good condition, decorative! U:A5
1968 PT3, PRAGA ´68, unnumbered, format 147x209mm, very rare (!), with signatures Lukavský and Herčík, issued maybe only 16 pieces, also with contemporary correspondence explaining origin this print, exceptional offer U:A4
1947 FDC envelope with additionally printed coupon (Two-year plan), Pof.448KP, Two-year plan 2,40Kčs with coupon R, special postmark PRAGUE 1/ 1.I.1947, without address, Monograph doesn't report U:A5
1948 FDC 8B/48n unannounced variant FDC issue 5. Anniv contract/-s Czechoslovakia - USSR, on face-side block of four stamp. Pof.493 + on reverse Pof.487, 493, all cancelled special postmark, sent registered and as Air-mail to USA (!), transit and arrival postmark RIVERSIDE/ Jan.14.1949; quite rare and sought by specialists U:A5
1948 FDC Pof.647-649, Sokol festival 1948, wrong date postmark 3.VII.1948 (right 7.III.1948), sought by specialists U:A5
1948 envelope to death president E. Beneš, envelope with additional-printing sent as Reg, mounted stamp. Pof.464-466,smuteční special postmark SEZIMOVO ÚSTÍ/ 3.9.1948/ Deceased CDS. Edward Beneš president budovatel; several small dots in perforation, very rare occurrence common envelope/-s with mourning pmk, postmark was/were used at the post office Sezimovo Ústí only after/around period 20 minut!! U:A5
1968 special envelope with Pof.1565, Czechosl. town III - Ostrava, special postmark PRAGUE/ HAMBURG/ EXHIBITION CZECHOSL. KULTURY/ 1.4.1948, on reverse hints after sticking in album, very interesting U:A5
1968 PLATE PROOF additional printing to FDC, 1x orange brown, 1x original color, viewing of quality recommended U:A5
1951 TRANSPORT SUSPENDED air postcard to Canary Isl. in time zastaveného postal contact with Španělskem, CDV 94 Gottwald uprated with stamp 5Kčs, Pof.488, CDS PRAGUE 15/ 10.XI.51, mounted card "Back/ Postal traffic suspended", CDS PRAGUE 120/ 12.XI.51; good condition, sought! U:A5