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1942 BELGIUM postcard sent by FP to Berlin with FLEMISH LEGION Mi.II, sent to base tank division Großdeutschland, Brandenburg, very rare usage! U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION miniature sheet Mi.V 4x, inverted overprint (!), exp. Pickenpack, c.v.. for 1 stamp = 300€, for miniature sheet c.v.. doesn't report, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION miniature sheet Mi.VII 4x - imperforated (!), exp. Pickenpack, c.v.. for 1 stamp = 300€, for miniature sheet c.v.. doesn't report, extraordinary offer! U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.IX-XIV., Portraits, stamps in margin U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XX A, corner piece with overprint LANGEMARK, superb U:A5
1944 DENMARK / DÄNISCHE LEGION Mi.I-III, complete set with cancel. FIELD-POST/ No. 25362 L, small/rare printing, on cut-squares quite rare, missing in most collections, exp. Pickenpack BPP + photo-certificate Pickenpack from y 1981 U:A5
1943 FRANCE Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism letter transported German field post from occupied part/-s Russia to France, with Mi.VIII., CDS FIELD-POST/ 14.1.43, military unit postmarks FP č.03865A, incl. content, more times censored, usage these stamps on letters from eastern front is very rare, rare offer, well preserved U:A5
1942 FRANCE Volunteer Legion against Bolshevism Mi. VI-X., 1x complete set with coupons L, 1x complete set with coupons R and with date of print - only 1x in/at sheet on pos. 5 (Surtax 500%) + Mi.XP, 4 pcs of imperforated plate proofs in various colors, from that 3 pcs marginal, 1 pcs with nominal hodnou and 3 pcs else/yet without value, all exp. Pickenpack, usage PLATE PROOF rare, extraordinary selection of, by several pieces toned in gum - frequent jev on/for this type paper PLATE PROOF, c.v.. ca. 900€ U:A4
1940 GUERNSEY Reg letter franked with. bisected stamps Great Britain Mi.218 5x, exact franking, CDS GUERNSEY/ 31.DE.40, very nice U:A5
1942-42 GUERNSEY Reg letter with Mi.1b, 2b, 3-5, exact franking, CDS GUERNSEY/ 29.JU.42, exp. Stein, rare, c.v.. 760€ U:A5
1920 MARIENWERDER Reg letter franked with. vertical corner str-of-4 stamp. Mi.1 with 4 imprinted coupons, supplemented with stamp. Mi.4, 8, CDS STUHM/ 5.8.20, on reverse arrival postmark LAGGENBACH/ 6.8.20; good condition, c.v.. Michel -,- with remark very rare! U:A5
1920 MARIENWERDER Reg letter franked with. vertical corner str-of-4 stamp. Mi.11 with 4 imprinted coupons, CDS MARIENBURG/ 7.7.20, on reverse arrival postmark LAGGENBACH/ 9.7.20; only Reg label hints from glue, c.v.. Michel -,- with remark very rare! U:A5
1922 MEMEL Reg letter franked with. str-of-4 stamp. Mi.70 with lower margin and plate number P1705 17, CDS MEMEL/ 19.4.22, on reverse arrival LAGGENBECK/ 21.4.22, passed through censorship; good condition, c.v.. Michel -,- with note. very rare!! U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.VII.b, imperforated, in addition with full L sheet margin, rarest stamp. from all sets, printing only 2000 pcs of, sought, mint never hinged, exp. Krischke U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.VII.b, imperforated, with lower margin of sheet, rarest stamp. from all sets, printing only 2000 pieces, mint never hinged, excellent chance U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.VII, highest value 1Rp, low edition (!), 2x mark U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi. IA. - VI.A perforated + Mi. I.B - VI.B imperforated, all in blocks of four + Mi. VII.bB, the bottom corner imperforated blk-of-4 (!) with small production flaw gum, printing this stamps only 2000 pcs of, on/for současném filatelistickém market quite unique matter! Extraordinary offer from big estate "Obsazených territory", which/what exklusivně rozprodáváme in Czech auctions, rare chance, suitable also as investment U:A4
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.I-VII, VIIa+b, VIII-X, complete set (!), low edition, extraordinary offer U:A4
1942 NORWAY / NORWEGIAN LEGION vertical pair, issued on paper without gum, very low edition, missing in most collections legionaire issues U:A5
1942 PSKOV official card sent as Registered in the place, franked with. stamp. Mi.11, CDS PSKOV/ 29.1.42, Reg cancel PSKOV/ N.... with written number "638", arrival PSKOV/ 30.1.42 in front, sender: Work office, non-philatelic mailing occur rarely, nice quality U:A5
1941-42 PSKOV Mi.10-11, City Coat of Arms and Cathedral, blk-of-10, CDS PSKOV (ПСКОВ) 25.4.42, very fine U:A5
1943 SERBIA Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with mixed franking of stmp Mi.7 2x, 75, CDS POŽAREVAC/ 6.V.43, censorship U:A5
1942 SERBIA Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with Mi.5, 11, CDS POŽAREVAC/ 10.VII.42, German censorship U:A5
1942 SERBIA Reg letter to Bohemia-Moravia with Mi.7 2x, 5, CDS POŽAREVAC/ 22.XI.42, on reverse arrival PRAGUE, censorship, nice U:A5
1943 SERBIA comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters, 1x to Bohemia-Moravia and 1x to Germany, with Mi.72, 75, 78, 79, CDS POŽAREVAC, on reverse arrival FREIBURG, censorship U:A5
1941 SERBIA comp. 2 pcs of request sheets with Mi.3, 5 str-of-3, rare occurrence U:A4