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1939 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / POSTAGE-DUE complete collection 2-stamps gutter with plate number, c.v.. 6.900Kč U:Z
1939-43 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA interesting comp. of stamps on stock-sheet, 7x Overprint issue, 3x Postage due stmp - gutter, 3x admission stmp Terezín (minor gum fault), exp. by Gilbert U:Z
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 complete basic collection on hingeless sheets in 10 spring folder, contains i.a. Košice-issue - 4-stamp gutters, Kosice and Partisan MS, St. Adalbert - coupons, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, Airmail with coupons also margin, miniature sheet "linen", Art and oths., very carefully elaborated, all in banana box, total 25kg of material U:K
1968 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / EXHIBITION PRAGA study collection on album sheets in 5 spring folder, contains stamps - all coupons and gutter-pair, clear also used, blk-of-10; FDC and first day sheet/-s with postmarks with all distinctive characters, much with signatures of authors; p.stat, black prints, complete set special postmark on/for ministerial envelopes right franked with. exhibition stamp. 60h; then entires transported by air mail, balloon, holubí post, divided according to postmarks, pilots, colors advertising labels, incl. German flight for village/-s SOS, ; slogan pmk, entrance ticket, parkovací card, advertising matter incl. gramodesky, invitation-cards, plakety and medal, bulletiny, literature and oths.; absolutely exceptional and unrepeatable offer U:Z
1913-70 ALBANIA interesting collection of stmp and miniature sheets, i.a. Mi.Bl.1-8, Bl.16, 162-168, 179-187, 235-241, 359-374, 448-455, 647-649, better sets from 20.-50. years etc.., placed in 2 stockbooks, c.v.. 7.650€ U:Z
1850-90 AUSTRIA collection on free album sheets, i.a. Mi.1 9x, 2 8x, Mercure 3x, 16, 17, 6I, 7I, II with red postmark etc.., good quality, c.v.. 13.100€ U:Z
1917 AUSTRIA / FIELD-POST / ITALY / PLATE PROOF 3x complete set; issue Charles, values 1h-4K, red Opt with changed face-values; black inverted overprint with changed face-values; red inverted overprint with definitive face-values; on 3 album pages, cat. min. 750€ U:Z
1915 AUSTRIA / FIELD-POST / PLATE PROOF 3x complete set; issue Franz Joseph, values 1h-10K, color green, brown and wine red, on paper without gum; on 3 album pages U:Z
1849-1968 BELGIUM fine basic collection in 3 albums, stěžejní is classic period (Mi.1-18, 59 pcs of, chosen margins and raz.), from y. 1866-1905 contains for example. Mi.34Aa also 34Ab (!), 127A, 129-142, to r.1905 mostly used, to r.1924 **/* and from r.1925 mint never hinged incl. Mi.235 I.-243 I., 333-341, etc.., obsaženy are also souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1-Bl.9, from expensive items missing only Mi.354-365, well contains are also railway and parcel stamp.; suitable to continuation, We recommend it examination, cat. min. 24.000€, interesting price U:Z
1918-40 ESTONIA specialized and mainly complete collection mainly postmarked stamps, placed on free album sheets Schaubek, contains i.a. blocks, strips, shades, various postmark, mint never hinged souvenir sheets Mi.Bl.1-3, very nice, cat. only basic stamp. ca. 800€ U:Z
1849-1960 FRANCE business supply of stamps incl. better stamp. and sets from period of 30. to 50. years, newer issue mint never hinged, in 16-sheet stockbook on 19 sides, cat. min. 7.700€ U:Z
1849-1920 GERMAN STATES nice incomplete basic collection mainly used stamp. on pages format A4 in spiral folder, contains all states BADEN - WUERTTEMBERG, all chosen quality, complete list/roster and valuation, nezapočitány specialties and sporné unattested item/-s, cat. according to owner 36.000€ U:Z
1850-1920 GERMAN STATES nice specialized collection mainly used stamp. in/at 16 sides stockbook A4, all chosen quality, strips, cut-squares, postmark, shades etc.., list/roster and valuation according to single states, nezapočitány shades neither postmark, cat. according to owner 14.900€ U:Z
1850-1920 GERMAN STATES old collection on album sheets Letra, much more expensive stamps, mostly good quality, included to sum ordinarily basic variants, color, etc.., c.v.. ca. 30.100€, profitable price! U:Z
1872-1944 GERMANY quality slightly specialized collection, in overwhelming majority postmarked stamps, with many classical stamps (min. 4600€), whole line interesting values (Mi.94A II.-97A II., 177-196, 330B, atp.), major-part miniature sheets Mi.Bl.1 - Mi.Bl.11 mint never hinged (with protlačenými corners from photo-corners, Ostropa - chip of wood in paper; Nothilfe - in upper corner fold), from more expensive stamp. missing only Mi.716-29, 438-39, 458, 496-98; in Stibůrkově album, cat. min. 25.800€ (used inflation nezapočítána), interesting price!! U:Z
1872-1945 GERMANY very nice incomplete basic stamp collection on/for 82 pages format A4 in spiral folder, classic and stamp. to year 1923 used (catalogue through/over 7000€), then then clear mint never hinged, missing better souvenir sheets, součásti complete list/roster according to sides and valuation, according to owner c.v.. 21.600€ U:Z
1872-1945 GERMANY very nice specialized collection of stamps in 3 zásobících Lindner about/by 60 sides, contains chosen stamp. with plate variety, shades, margins, blocks, plate number, i.a. plate variety inverted "1" in/at control-numbers stamp. Mi.237 and other interesting item/-s, supplemented with part/-s stamp. colony/-ies and occupied territory, all identified and ocněno, according to owner c.v.. 67.500€ U:Z
1885-1921 GREAT BRITAIN / LEVANT almost complete collection of stmp Mi.1-61, missing No. 25, placed on stock-sheets, c.v.. 1.100€ U:O4
1875-1937 ICELAND nice collection of stamps incl. highest values, contains i.a. issue 1930, postage stmp Mi.125-146 and Official 44-59, placed on free album sheets, c.v.. ca. 3.500€ U:Z
1932-35 ITALIAN COLONIES comp. of stamps, Aegean islands Mi.88-97 II+VI, Tripolis Mi.141-150, Eritrea Mi.233-242, Somalia Mi.197-208, on 3 stock-sheets, c.v.. 920€ U:Z
1863-36 ITALY nice collection incl. better stamps and sets, placed on album sheets Stibůrek in spring folder, contains i.a. Mi.22, 49, 362-368, 391-400, 437, 537, Airmail, Postage due stmp and Official, used Mi.41 excluded from sum, c.v.. 6.800€ U:Z
1901-33 ITALY / AEGEAN ISL.., LEVANT, ALBANIA interesting collection of stamps, all sets also better pieces, placed on album sheets in spring folder, small hinge / label, c.v.. ca. 3.680€ U:Z
1912-77 LIECHTENSTEIN nice collection in album Lindner, contains i.a. Mi.1-3 2x, 45-52, 53-60, 65-71, 72-74, 78-81, 94-107 (!), 108-113, 122-124, 140-141, 148 2x, 149-150, 332-333, 398 and oths., newer stamps mint never hinged, cat. min. 6.200€ U:Z
1852-1932 NETHERLANDS, NETHERLANDS INDIES ucelená collection of stamps on pages Schaubek (73-22 sheets) in spring folder, contains interesting classic, varieties colors also perf, i.a. also stamp. Mi.131-133 and other, cat. min. 3.500€ U:Z
1923 SOVIET UNION Mi.3-6, Surtax stamps, selection of 87 pcs of stamps on 3 stock-sheets, specialisation according to types and plate variety, c.v.. 250€ U:O4
1942-60 SOVIET UNION specialized collection, contains opakovaná issue, printing errors, various perf, grids, plate variety, souvenir sheets XXV Years of Soviet Stamp, Mausoleum, Stalin and oths., placed in superb stockbook Leuchtturm and in protective box, c.v.. ca. 20.000€ U:Z
1872-1962 SWEDEN almost complete collection of stmp (missing Mi.158), incl. Official and Postage-due stamps P1A,B-P10A,B (!), placed in 30-sheet stockbook, c.v.. 3.900€ U:Z
1862-71 SWITZERLAND collection of stamps in old album, contains i.a. complete Pro Juventute, Airmail, Mi.Bl3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 14 and oths., very nice quality, c.v.. 4.950€ U:Z
1854 SWITZERLAND specialized collection of stamps issue Seated Helvetia, contains 107 pcs of and 2 letters, carefully described and on 2 stock-sheets, contains types print, papers and hedvábných lines, various quality, but mainly very fine, part expertized, c.v.. only for basic variants - 7.600€, real catalogue price much higher (!), for example. I. Berne printings (30 pcs) at all unconsidered! U:Z
1913-20 THRACE nice collection on free album sheets Stibůrek, complete Greek and Bulgarian occupation, all sets, low edition, c.v.. 700€, rare offer U:Z
1948-90 WEST BERLIN complete collection of mint stamps and joined printings, overprints expertized, placed on album sheets Borek in spiral folder, very carefully elaborated, c.v.. 20.000€ U:Z
1948-90 WEST BERLIN complete collection of mint stamps, Mi.33 2x, overprints expertized, placed on album sheets SAFE in 2 spiral cover, together with almost complete collection postmarked stamps, very carefully elaborated, c.v.. mint never hinged stamp. 9.675€, used stamp. through/over 7.000€, total ca. 16.700€ U:Z
1893-94 USA comp. of mainly postmarked stamps on 15 stock-sheets, contains i.a. Mi.84-85, 117-124, 246, 286-288 and oths., high catalogue value U:Z
1860-1905 BRITISH GUIANA interesting comp. of stamps on 2 pages, very valuable pieces, cat. Gibbons more than £1.800 U:O4
1873-1934 GRENADA nice collection of stamps on album sheets in folder, all sets, rare stamps, for example. 60-blok Queen Victoria, chosen quality, cat. Gibbons £3.400 U:O4
1863-1905 ST. LUCIA small collection on/for album sheet, valuable stamps, high catalogue value U:O4
1880-1930 BRITISH COLONIES collection of stamps on album sheets in spring folder, contains complete set, highest values, sought stamps, very interesting, extraordinary offer (!!), high catalogue value, we advice own calculation U:Z
1886-1948 CHAMBA comp. of stamps on free album sheets, contains i.a. Mi.13, 15 (SG.19, 21) and oths., cat. Gibbons £565 U:O4
1948-2005 SINGAPORE collection of stamps on pages Leuchtturm-Vario in spiral stockbook, complete set, highest values, souvenir sheets and PB, nice motives, c.v.. ca. 3500€ U:Z
1974-80 COOK ISL. Mi.397-418, Sea Snails and Mussels, 691-762, Cnidaria, values 1C-1$ in blocks of four, highest value 10$ low edition! U:O4
1855-1930 WHOLE WORLD comp. of stamps from Europe also overseas, more than 1100 pcs of stamps, placed in old 10-sheet stockbook, contains much valuable older stamps also interesting classic, various quality, originates from very old estate, suitable for next elaboration and sale U:Z
1935 COMMONWEALTH Siver Jubilee., various countries from Antigua after/around Turks & Caicos, 58 countries incl. Australia, Hong Kong and oths., missing only Ascension, Egypt, Falkland Isl. and St. Helena., on 3 stock-cards, extraordinary offer U:O4
1948 COMMONWEALTH Silver Jubilee, complete collection incl. better stamps, i.a. Falkland Isl., Hong Kong and oths., on 2 stock-cards, extraordinary offer profitable U:O4
1948 COMMONWEALTH Silver Jubilee, complete collection incl. better stamps, on 2 stock-cards, sought set, cat. Gibbons £2.000
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 mainly complete collection big Slovak provisional p.stat and blank forms with overprint ČESKOSLOVENSKO, contains i.a. post. order cards CPV13.3 with hand-made also machine overprint, order card/-s CPA2.2 both overprints, CPA 2.3 with machine overprint in two colors + hand-made, official cards liberated from postage with overprints, 17 pcs of various dispatch-notes, envelope CP and order sheet with overprints, 4 pcs of various forms telegrams with overprints, customs certificate 3 pcs of etc.., total 42 pcs of various p.stat and blank forms; all in very good status, nice set!, cat. only p.stat more than 13.000CZK U:O4
1861-1918 AUSTRIA interesting selection of 44 pcs of p.stat, contains postal stationery covers, letter-card/-s, PC, i.a. pneumatic-tube post Prague 3x, upratings, also Reg PC Bosnia 1910, financial offices, mailing cards etc.., placed in spiral stockbook, very nice! U:Z
1943-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA / GHETTO TERESIENSTADT comp. 7 pcs of various blank forms "Notification of sending admission stamps", contains provisional blank form from July 1943 with cancel. "Jewish Council of Elders in Prague / Branch Hradec Králové" + arrival CDS NÁCHOD 2/ 27.VII.43, 1. issue from July 1943 with straight line postmark "BRANCH UHERSKÝ BROD", 2. issue from October 1943 with cancel. "Jewish Council of Elders in Prague/ Branch Kolín", 3. issue from March 1944 with cancel. "Jewish Council of Elders in Prague/ Branch Hradec Králové", 4. issue from June 1944, 5. issue from September 1944 and last 6. issue from February 1945; various color blank forms, quite extraordinary chance, on album sheets (ex F. Hanzl), rare, good condition U:X
1940-44 SLOVAKIA comp. 11 pcs of letters, from that 2x with Postage due stamps, 9 pcs of Reg and airmail letter to Vienna, nice frankings, censorship and oths., interesting selection of U:Z
1921-23 SOVIET UNION collection 89 pcs of entires in spiral stockbook Leuchtturm, carefully elaborated and described, much Reg letters, letters abroad (action Brender), interesting frankings, very interesting, extraordinary offer U:Z