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1840 Mi.1 3x, Queen Victoria 1P, plate 2 2x, 6, wide margins, 1x small thin place U:A5
1840 Mi.1, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 10, wide margins, excellent quality, cat. Gibbons £375 U:A5
1840 Mi.1, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 3, wide margins, red cancel. Maltese cross U:A5
1840 Mi.1, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 3, very wide margins, cat. Gibbons £290 U:A5
1840 Mi.1, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 7, wide margins, very fine piece on cut-square with red cancel. DEVIZES, cat. Gibbons £180 U:A5
1840 Mi.1, Queen Victoria 1P black, horizontal pair, red postmark, wide margins U:A5
1840 Mi.1b, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 4, letters Q-L, superb margins, blurred red postmark, on the reverse side rámová line wmk, cat. Gibbons 300£ U:A5
1840 Mi.1b, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 8, letters S-A, L wide margin, nice print of whole black cancel. Maltese cross, light horiz. fold, cat. Gibbons 400£ U:A5
1840 Mi.2b, Queen Victoria 2P blue, letters C-G, very nice piece, certificate Knopke from y 2010 U:A5
1840 Mi.2b, Queen Victoria 2P blue, plate 2, letters BC, (SG DS 8f), LR corner close margin, blurred red postmark - on this plate red cancel. rare, small hole, cat. Gibbons £1200 U:A5
1840 Mi.2b, Queen Victoria 2P, blue, plate 1, letters M-J, exceedingly nice wide margins on/for all sides, on small cut-square from letter, complete black cancel. Maltese cross, photo-certificate H. Pröschold BPP from y 1984 "very fine", jewel of every collection, extraordinary offer U:A5
1840 Mi.2b, Queen Victoria 2P, blue, plate 2, letters P-F, on/for all sides very nice wide margins, significant bright colour, ideally centered black cancel. Maltese cross, photo-certificate K.-L. Louis BPP from y 1998 "excellent general condition" U:A5
1840 Mi.2c, Queen Victoria 2P pale blue, plate 1, letters M-D, on/for all sides exceedingly nice wide margins, red cancel. Maltese cross - clear print, photo-certificate K.-L. Louis BPP from y 2004, nice piece U:A5
1840 Mi.2c, Queen Victoria 2P ultramarine, str-of-3 on cut-square, wide margins, extraordinary piece, here for the first time in auction, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer from y 2000, cat. min. 3.000€ U:A5
1841 Mi.4a, Queen Victoria 2P blue with R margin sheet with inscription "...the labels above...", plate 4, letters I-L, stamp. with newly naneseným gum, L close margin and small tearing to picture of stmp., photo-certificate K.A.Louis, extraordinary offer, cat. Gibbons 5.000£ ++ after/behind sheet margin! U:X
1847 Mi.5a, Queen Victoria 6P violet, stmp on cut-square with whole numeral pmk 186, cat. min. 1.200€, outstandingly wide margins U:A5
1847 Mi.7, Queen Victoria 1Sh, superb U:A5
1847 Mi.7, Queen Victoria 1Sh, L close margin, otherwise very fine U:A5
1858 Mi.11 IIA, Queen Victoria 2P blue, plate 6, numeral skotské cancel. "131" Edinburgh, little occurring blue paper with "ivory head" - ivory head on the reverse side; pravo at top missing 2 teeth, after all interesting piece, cat. Gibbons 325£ + "ivory head" U:A5
1858 Mi.16, Queen Victoria 1P red, plate 225!!, letters NF, in UL corner short teeth, cat. Gibbons 700£, very rare plate! U:A5
1858 Mi.16, Queen Victoria 1P, block of 6, rare U:A5
1867 Mi.31a, Queen Victoria 9P yellow-brown, plate 4, letters P-L, fine centered piece, bright colour, small residue of gum, cat. Gibbons 2.000£ U:A5
1867 Mi.35, Queen Victoria 5Sh rose, c.v.. 400€, nice piece with exceedingly preserved perf U:A5
1869 Mi.30, Queen Victoria 6P violet, plate 9, letters Q-J, original gum, super color "mauve", very fine piece, cat. Gibbons 550£ U:A5
1878 Mi.49, Queen Victoria 10Sh, nice shade, CDS COLCHESTER MR.4/82, superb print, rare stamp, cat. Gibbons £2.800 U:A5
1878 Mi.49, Queen Victoria 10Sh, large format, in corners letters G-A / A-G, rare stamp, missing in most collections, ordinary quality, c.v.. 1.600€ U:A5
1882 Mi.66 (SG.137), Queen Victoria £5 orange, thimple postmark GLASGOW/ NO 3/94, nice imprint, cat. Gibbons £4.500, extraordinary offer! U:X
1882-1901 Mi.D39, 41, 42-43, 49-50, 52, 54 (SG.O1, 4-6, 14-16), Official, sought stamp. - so-called. "bank-note", cat. Gibbons £2.879 U:A5
1883-86 Mi.D22-25 (SG.O61-64), Official, value 9P on cut-square - short teeth, cat. Gibbons £2.095 U:A5
1884 Mi.85, Queen Victoria 1£; brown, c.v.. 1.400€ (cat. Gibbons £2.400), very fine perf, CDS CORNHILL, stroke by pencil (for parcel mailing common) U:A5
1887-89 Mi.D26-31, 32, 33 (SG.O65-72), Official, cat. Gibbons £848 U:A5
1888 Mi.98, Queen Victoria £1 brown, wmk 10, numeral pmk "855", very rare stamp, nice piece with perfect perf, c.v.. 1.800€ (cat. Gibbons £3.800) U:A5
1891 Mi.99, Queen Victoria £1, superb U:A5
1891 Mi.99, Queen Victoria 1£;, deep shade U:A5
1896-1902 Mi.D64-65, 66 (SG.O31-33), Official, value 1P on cut-square, cat. Gibbons £380 U:A5
1840 letter franked with. 2 pieces stamp. Mi.1a, black, plate 2, letters B-L, F-C, 1x lower close margin otherwise superb margins, clear postmark red Maltese cross, on reverse arrival postmark., addressed to to Cockermouth, very fine piece, cat. Michel special. 1.500€ U:A5
1841 folded letter with Mi.1b, Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 6, letters F- I, in UL corner close margin, black cancel. Maltese cross, L red straight line postmark Hedben Bridge/ Penny Post, on reverse arrival red CDS HALIFAX/ MY19 1841, in lower margin faded archiving fold, cat. Gibbons 600£, nice piece! U:A5
1841 folded letter with Mi.3 Ib, Queen Victoria 1P red-brown, plate 10, letters O-J, (SG AS69g), superb margins, black Maltese cross, addressed to to Edinburgh - on reverse arrival postmark JUN.20.1841, photo-certificate K.A. Louis, light archiving fold in lower margin, nice piece, cat. Gibbons 250£ U:A5
1842 heavier letter franked with. atypical block of 6 stamp. Mi.3, 1 stmp - closer margin, crosswise fold between stamp., otherwise very fine, exceedingly decorative piece! U:A5
1843 folded letter with Mi.3 Ib, Queen Victoria 1P red-brown, plate 13, letters M-G, (SG BS2), superb margins, black Maltese cross, addressed to to London, photo-certificate K.A. Louis, very fine very fine piece, cat. Gibbons 280£ U:A5
1843 folded letter with Mi.3 Ib, Queen Victoria 1P red-brown, plate 32, letters O-L, (SG BS21e uh), very wide margins, black Maltese cross with number 8, sent from London to East Grinstead; in upper margin archiving fold, nice piece, cat. Gibbons 350£ U:A5
1852 folded R letter franked with. str-of-3 stamp. Mi.4a, Queen Victoria 2P blue and 2 pcs of stamp. Mi.3 IIa, Victoria 1P red-brown, Mi.4 with plate 4, letters DD-DF, cut R otherwise nice margins, Mi.3 with plate 154, letters P-I and plate? with characters H-G, nice margins, numeral pmk "908", on reverse arrival postmark BRISTOL/ DE.14.1852; good condition, photo-certificate K.A. Louis, cat. Michel special. 1.200€ U:A5
1853 letter to France with Mi.6, on reverse straight line postmark HANDSWORTH and round cancel. BIRMINGHAM/ JA.29.1853, arrival BOULOGNE, wide margins, rare entire, signed Diena U:A5
1853 folded letter to Nové Scotie in Canada, franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. Mi.4a, Victoria 2P blue, plate 4, letters L-A, N-E + 2 pcs of stamp. Mi.7b Victoria 1Sh green, cut to čtverce with nice margins, only 1 pcs of light cut lower, numeral pmk "466", on reverse CDS LIVERPOOL/ JU.24.1853 and arrival oval postmark; vertikalní fold through/over 1 stamp. 2P, partially detached flap in/at folds paper, rare mixed franking (!), cat. Michel special. 3.000€ U:A5