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1912 Mi.113 (SG.116), George V., cat. Gibbons £600 U:A5
1948 Mi.171-172, Silver Jubilee, sought stamp, cat. Gibbons £308 U:A5
1954 Mi.178-191, Elizabeth II., cat. Gibbons £200 U:A5
1891 Mi.48-50, Queen Victoria, cat. Gibbons £830 U:A5
1891 Mi.51, overprint 1841/ Hong Kong/ JUBILEE/ 1891, cat. Gibbons £475 U:A5
1900 Mi.55-60, Queen Victoria, cat. Gibbons £300 U:A5
1912 Mi.98-110 (SG.100-113), George V., set 14 pcs of stamps, shades, cat. Gibbons £433 U:A5
1924 Mi.P1-5, Postage due stmp, cat. Gibbons £110 U:A5
1963 Mi.689-698 + 726-735, Butterflies I. + Butterflies II., complete set, stamps issued without gum, c.v.. 320€ U:A4
1973 Mi.1126-1131, Giant Panda, popular set, c.v.. 170€ U:A5
1936 Mi.223, 30. Anniv management poloostrova Kwantung, highest value, rare offer, this stamp. missing in overwhelming majority collections, cat. JSDA 53.000 yen, c.v.. Michel 300€ U:A5
1956 airmail letter to Czechoslovakia with multicolor franking, very decorative U:A5
1937 R service letter Czechosl. consulate in/at Harbin, with Mi.15 2x, 73, CDS HARBIN/ 16.11.37, addressed to to Czechoslovakia, on reverse transit pmk PRAGUE 7 FOREIGN COUNTRIES/ 27.XI.37; good condition U:A5