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1879 TEPLICE poster annunciating draw lottery pořádané on the occasion of industrial exhibition in/at Teplicích, German, format 45x59cm, printing-works Wächter, Teplice, torn in margin U:A3s|
1902 POLITICS / BRNO poster issued on the occasion of 5. Anniv Strany nationally socialistic, people's celebration in Brno, garden Mr. Habána, Schmerlingova 29 (now hotel Amphone), format 76x58cm, color, print bros. Chrastinů, Valašské Meziříčí U:A3s|
1930 ART Mánes: Hundred years Belgian art, format 95x60cm, in/at belgických national colors, printing-works Titelbach-Kříž, Prague X U:A3s|