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1922 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA postal-agency BEŇA (VELIKOJE MUŽIJOVO), c.v.. Geb.2505, black framed pmk on postcard, this type catalogue doesn't report, torn in/at bottom and right margin U:A5
1916 Maxa F75, PC Franz Joseph 5h with perfin (!), uprated with stamp Crown 3h all with perfin "F.W." f. Francis Wawerka, Lipník n. B., good condition, rare! U:A5
1923 Maxa H16, invoice with additional-printing firm Henry Francek's Sons - Chomutov, documentary stamp 20h with perfin "HFS", on reverse mounted bill; light folds, decorative U:A3s|
1925 Maxa K50, invoice with revenue 1CZK with perfin "K&S" f. Kastrup & Swetlik, ES-KA Cheb, incl. confirmation; good condition, folds U:A3s|
1915-20 GERMANY comp. 5 pcs of identification entires sent to Moravia, advertising added prints, i.a. RIEMANN, Chemnitz; EBERLE, Augsburg and oths., very decorative U:A5
1915-25 GERMANY comp. 6 pcs of identification entires sent to Moravia, advertising added prints, i.a. RIEMANN, Chemnitz; EBERLE, Augsburg and oths., very decorative U:A5
1902-13 GERMANY comp. 7 pcs of identification entires sent to Moravia, Reg and C.O.D., firm Riemann, Chemnitz-Gablenz; Blombach, Ronsdorf; Dick, Esslingen; Tillmann, Remschied, nice U:A5
1851 SCHLESWIG WAR occupation Holstein, preprinted folded ex offo letter with incomplete cancel. KK FElDPOSTAMT 24/3, pre-printed Herzog Wellington 42. Linien-Infanterie-Reg., on reverse arrival straight line postmark TETSCHEN A. D. ELBE/ 28.Marz.; light archiving fold, very rare postmark, decorative piece, cat. Ferchenbauer fancy price! U:X
1917 comp. 2 pcs of FP cards 8h (Ferch.3), 1x to Switzerland uprated with stamp 3h, CDS Etappenpostamt BELGRADE/ 13.VIII.17, censorship; 1x as Registered to Vienna, uprated with stamp 25h, CDS Etappenpostamt DĄBROWA/ 20.X.17, censorship; very nice U:A5
1914-17 comp. 2 pcs of Ppc franked with. Austrian and Hungarian stamp. with postmark From the Army in the Field, 1x frame in German, 1x bilingual (!), cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1916 K.u.K.. SCHULFLUGSTATION COSADA, red double circle pmk with eagle on FP card with additional-printing K.u.K SEEFLUGSTATION COSADA, supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 29.V.16; nice print, light fold in/at right corner, cat. Pithart 3.500CZK U:A5
1918 comp. 3 pcs of entires: address tie-on label with lid, mailing Sample without value, with Mi.188, 195, sent on/for FP 516; off. post. envelope, straight line postmark "FP Sorting Off. Prague", contains 1 lead seal, handwritten notice "2 seal" and "seal missing"; post. fabric bag from mailing matches dragoon 7. regiment, CDS FP SORTING OFF. PRAGUE; exceedingly interesting contemporary documents! U:A4
1918 S.M.D. BELVEDERE II Tb, red frame censorship mark on Ppc supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 20.V.18; superb, cat. Pithart doesn't report U:A5
1915 K.u.K.. Navy STEAMER XIV, violet single circle cancel with eagle supplemented with CDS Field Post POLA/ 16.VIII.15; superb incl. copy-print postmarks, cat. Pithart 2.700CZK U:A5
1917 S.M. STEAMER V, red frame censorship mark., through/over CDS Field Post POLA/ 10.VII.17, addressed to to Bohemia; good condition, cat. Pithart 3.500CZK U:A5
1914-15 S.M.S. DROMEDAR, S.M.S. ERZH. KARL, Dromedar violet round cancel. with eagle on Ppc Kotor, supplemented with CDS ROSS/ 10.XII.14; Erzh. Karl red straight line postmark + censor violet round cancel. with date 16.III.1915; both superb, cat. Pithart through/over 3.000CZK U:A5
1917 S.M. PATROUILLENBOOT FOGAS, Danube Flotilla, red round coat of arms' postmark (incomplete surplus print only marks), supplemented with CDS FP 299/ 2.IV.17; light vertical fold in/at postcard, cat. Pithart 5.000CZK U:A5
1917 S.M. U-BOOT X, violet single circle cancel with small eagle, supplemented with cancel. Field Post POLA 10.I.17, men 14 men; good condition, nice postal imprint submarine, cat. Pithart 14.000CZK U:A5
1918 S.M. UNTERSEEBOOT "41", red straight line postmark on Ppc sent to Moravia, supplemented with through/over CDS Field Post POLA/ 19.II.18, submarine registered to service 19.2.18 !!, straight line postmark with používalo necelé 3 month (!), men 19 men; nice print, slightly faded margins, rare, cat. Pithart 17.000CZK, in/at 19. auction sold after/behind 18.000CZK U:A5
1920 RUSSIA Hong Kong, colored postcard Honkongu sent from return Czechosl. armies from Russia, quality print violet postmark FP from ship PRESIDENT GRANT/ XXXV., according to text 2.9.20; superb! U:A5
1918 RUSSIA Ural, preprinted postcard FP to Czechoslovakia from member of 1. officer school for pěchotu in/at Kyštymu on/for Urale - round violet postmark, supplemented with cancel. Czechoslovak Red Cross - Prisoner division; torn in upper margin + several stains U:A5
1920 RUSSIA Vladivostok, envelope letter to Czechoslovakia with round červeno-fialovým FP-postmark No.4/ CZECHOSL, army in Russia, sender member staff regiment K. H. Borovský with by hand written date posting 28.V.20; small tearing, on reverse several stains U:A5
1919 I. field aircraft troop, red straight line postmark on Ppc to Bohemia, CDS BAZIN (Pezinok) 920.JUN.28 (sic!), crosswise fold, very interesting! U:A5
1920 7. aircraft troop, blue straight line postmark on Ppc to Bohemia, CDS CS.FP 46/ 9.V.20, bumped corners, very interesting! U:A5
1938 SPAIN / INTERNATIONAL BRIGADES air-mail letter to Hodonín, CDS FP COREOS DE CAMPANA/ E.DE.C.B. MOVIL/ B.I./ 11.Dic.38, stick-on label + green censorship mark, arrival CDS PRAGUE 82-Airport/ 17.XII.38; good condition U:A5
1944 comp. 3 pcs of entires sent on/for address one member Protectorate army to Písek - conductor music Protectorate army, 2x as postcard with numbers FP sender 47248-B and 47006, 1x green preprinted FP card with number field post sender Flp.No. 47248; good condition U:A5
1939-40 comp. 9 pcs of Us cards with postmarks FP POSTE AUX ARMES, all one sender S.P. 2197, 1x frame censorship mark and 1x subdivision round cancel. CZECHOSL. MILITARY FIELD POST S.P. 2197 + 10 pcs of clear or Un cards CS.FP in France with various promotional added prints; good condition - small stains, and bumped corners Us cards U:A5
1940 Yugoslav PC 1Din to France uprated with stamp 1,50Din 2x, CDS BOROVO 5.IV.40, recipient Jaroslav DOSOUDIL, air base Saint-Jean-d'Angély, transit pmk PARIS, arrival postmark; interesting text, nice U:A5
1940 SENEGAL air-mail letter sent to Czechosl. military section in France, post. box S.P.2197, CDS DAKAR, Us military censorship, on reverse arrival postmark AUDE; good condition, interesting! U:A5
1943 AIRGRAPH CDS Czechosl. FP/ 6.DE.1943, sender Otto WAGNER (1902–1974), Czech soldier, commander of Foreign Legion, Sidi Bel-Abbes, torn flap, very interesting! U:A5
1948 mixed franking meter stmp Stalin works and postage stmp 1Kčs, Pof.417 on/for air-mail mailing to USA, forerunner meter stmp with valuable statement 9,00 in/at gotickém type, CDS ZÁLUŽÍ V KRUŠNÝCH H./ 19.5.48, envelope with commercial additional-printing Stalin Works National Corporation; decorative piece good condition, rare mailing abroad! U:A5
1912 FLUGWOCHE FLUGFELD WIEN 23.-30. Juni 1912, violet circular pmk on Ppc airport, sent to Moravia, CDS WIEN/ 1.VII.12, very interesting U:A5
1947 SVIT/ TATRAS SCOUT CONGRESS/ 21.22.VI.1946 blue circular pmk on Ppc to Bratislava, rarity ! U:A5
1914 FIELD-POST money letter with mixed (!) Hungarian and Austrian franking on/for printed matter Hungarian envelope, mounted stamp. Turul 35f, Mi.102, and Austrian issue 1908 Mi.141, 144, CDS FP No.212/ 8.X.14, supplemented with line FP cachet cancel. Corps Magazin No.21/ 3 Zug.; good condition seal, several small stains, same letter see cat. Ferchenbauer page. 1127, cat. min. 600€ U:A5