Public Auction 32 / Collections

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125224 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue  collection
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection plate flaws on/for all values outside 1000h, contains ca. 1.800 pcs of stamp. and blocks with identified plate variety with description, sorted according to values, supplemented with several cuts from dispatch notes, mainly used stamp., smaller part clear, placed on pages in 5 spring folder; originates from Germany, descriptions in German + very extensive lifetime work!
Starting price: CZK
125066 - 1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue  selection che
1918 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue selection cheaper values, contains Pof.1, 2, 3, 5, 6 + 1C, 4B, 6C, all in multiblocks, for example. Pof.4B blk-of-25 and blk-of-18, Pof.6C 2x blk-of-15, index inserted, cat. min. 3.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
125279 - 1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue  collection
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of stmp and mainly entires in spiral stockbook, contains i.a. Austrian also Hungarian mixed franking, partially also on/for p.stat, multiple franking, imperforated 10h on/for cut dispatch-note, varieties perf, interesting postmarks, various color, also value 1000h, maculature, SO1920 (overprint) and oths.; very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
125235 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue, SO1920 (ov
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue, SO1920 (overprint) big specialized collection of plate flaws on stmp issue Hradčany and with overprint SO1920 (overprint) (mainly mint never hinged stamps), carefully sorted and placed on album sheets in spring folder, cat. only stamp. without plate variety min. 15.000CZK, general c.v.. price min. 30.000CZK; very nice collection!
Starting price: CZK
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / REVOLUTIONARY OVERPRINTS collection 230 pcs of overprints on 4 stock-cards, contains i.a. Beroun, Dačice, Jaroměřice n./R., Nové Město na Moravě , Pardubice, Ústí n. L.., Žamberk, Slavkov and oths., sought
Starting price: CZK
125152 - 1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KOŠICE-ISSUE  selection of 46
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / KOŠICE-ISSUE selection of 46 pcs of intended Košice miniature sheets, Pof.A360/362, sestaveno according to types and plates according to Čtvrtečka, incl. listing; placed in stockbook A5
Starting price: CZK
124878 - 1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / MOSCOW-ISSUE   specialized tri
1945 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / MOSCOW-ISSUE specialized trial values 20h, Pof.383, contains krajovou pair with omitted upper perf, all primární and sekundární plate defects incl. catalogued, total 23 pcs of multiblocks, all described and documented detailními pictures plate variety, nice, perfectly placed in office fold, c.v.. ca. 4.500CZK
Starting price: CZK
124876 - 1945-1966 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  specialized collection of
1945-1966 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 specialized collection of stamps, contains contains exclusively various types, combination types, plate variety, plate variety, production flaw, omitted perforation hole and color shades, all exactly described and marked; on 8 on stock-sheets in/at office cover A4 cat. over 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
125117 - 1945-65 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  collection of stmp and minia
1945-65 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 collection of stmp and miniature sheets, contains stamps in blocks of four from period of old currency, complete coupons, Pof.525-537 in blocks of four, from y. 1954 only souvenir sheets and printing sheet; contains i.a. Kosice MS with plate variety - broken paw 2x, Praga 1950 2x, Bratislava 1952, Praga 1955 4x, souvenir sheets Cosmos and printing sheet; placed in 2 stockbooks, good quality
Starting price: CZK
125262 - 1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  nice collection, contains ba
1945-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 nice collection, contains basic set, coupons from period of old currency, PB Art I., souvenir sheets - more times, various types, Praga 50 2x, Bratislava 52, A1216 tzv."prádlo" 2x, blk-of-10 PL951, PL1023-25, PL1626, etc.. etc.., placed in 10 stockbooks, all in cardboard box; very good condition, total 20kg of material
Starting price: CZK
125155 - 1961 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / BUTTERFLIES  specialized colle
1961 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / BUTTERFLIES specialized collection typických flaws on stmp this issue, Pof.1217-1225, placed in 2 sheet stockbook A4, all with podrobnými descriptions, sum cat. only basic stamp. 3.810Kč
Starting price: CZK
124877 - 1967-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92  specialized collection of st
1967-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 specialized collection of stamps, contains exclusively various types, combination types, plate variety, plate variety, production flaw, inverted harrow perforation, color shades and different papers, all exactly described and marked, without general items; on 9 on stock-sheets in/at office cover A4, cat. over 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
125047 - Cancelled

Starting price: CZK
125049 - 1977-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / STAMP BOOKLETS  collection
1977-92 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 / STAMP BOOKLETS collection 132 pcs of stamp booklets unofficial issue, placed in punched pockets in spiral stockbook, i.a. By Way of October 77, Gottwaldov and Laugaricio 79, Bratislava 80, Politfila Trenčín 81, Boskovice 81, Mladá production 81, Piešťany 80, Moderna 8j and oths., interesting
Starting price: CZK
125277 - 1993-2005 CZECH REPUBLIC  basic collection of stamps, miniat
1993-2005 CZECH REPUBLIC basic collection of stamps, miniature sheets and PB, contains i.a. PAL2 and oths., in 12-sheet stockbook, cat. over 6.000CZK, suitable for continuation, unexamined
Starting price: CZK
125278 - 1993-2008 CZECH REPUBLIC  basic stamp collection, miniature
1993-2008 CZECH REPUBLIC basic stamp collection, miniature sheets and PB, placed on free album sheets in cardboard box, contains black prints, face-value 22.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
124882 - 1993-2009 CZECH REPUBLIC  study selection of odchylných per
1993-2009 CZECH REPUBLIC study selection of odchylných perf holes, contains different perf. holes (MPO, SPO, omitted perforation hole), total 63 pcs of bloks of four, incl. some rare variants; perfectly placed in kacelářské fold, rare
Starting price: CZK
124880 - 1993-2010 CZECH REPUBLIC  specialized selection of miniature
1993-2010 CZECH REPUBLIC specialized selection of miniature sheets, contains various types, printing plate, production flaw incl. sought variants, in addition for example. PL164 with other perf in addition (!); placed in covers and office cover A4, interesting, cat. over 20.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
125230 - 1932 AEGEAN ISL.   collection of stamps Mi.88-97, Anniv Gari
1932 AEGEAN ISL. collection of stamps Mi.88-97, Anniv Garibaldiho, all 13 complete sets with overprints names islands, several pieces in/at quality mint never hinged, major-part hinged (small to smaller), front sides nice, all without certification, on 3 on stock-sheets A4, catalogue value for hinged 200€ after/behind one set, total min. 2.600€
Starting price: CZK
125261 - 1850-1918 AUSTRIA  quality collection incl. better items Lom
1850-1918 AUSTRIA quality collection incl. better items Lombardy-Veneto, Levant, Crete and Field Post, nice elaborated with descriptions in 20-sheet stockbook A4, only chosen pieces, důraz kladen on/for quality postmark, defects and color, 8 sides only the first issue (!), according to owner c.v.. Michel 28.000€, excluded from sum various flaw print, neither dotted valuation postmarks; valuable
Starting price: CZK
124903 - 1914 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA  Mi.89-90 in/at whole printing s
1914 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Mi.89-90 in/at whole printing sheets (!), 2x 50 pieces, with all overprint types I-III, various plate variety etc.., by/on/at sheet Mi.89 in addition interesting getting inclination of overprint; several stamp. minor gum fault, otherwise quite very fine and rare objekt, suitable to specialized collection
Starting price: CZK
125256 - 1879-1918 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA  nice mainly complete colle
1879-1918 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA nice mainly complete collection with mild specialisation as for example. nezobkované stamp., various perf, wmk, types, etc.., all in 16-sheet stockbook A4, c.v.. Michel 7.600€
Starting price: CZK
124338 - 1880-1940 FRENCH COLONIES  nice collection of stamps, placed
1880-1940 FRENCH COLONIES nice collection of stamps, placed in 10-sheet stockbook, contains all sets incl. better values, cat. over 16.000€
Starting price: CZK
124298 - 1859-85 FRENCH COLONIES  collection 45 pcs of stamps, i.a. M
1859-85 FRENCH COLONIES collection 45 pcs of stamps, i.a. Mi.15, placed on stock-sheet, c.v.. 1.800€
Starting price: CZK
125036 - 1880-1940 FRENCH COLONIES  interesting collection of stmp an
1880-1940 FRENCH COLONIES interesting collection of stmp and miniature sheets, placed on album sheets in spring folder, c.v.. 1.170€, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
124894 - 1851-1863 GERMAN STATES / SAXONY  nice specialized collectio
1851-1863 GERMAN STATES / SAXONY nice specialized collection on free album sheets, i.a. Mi.12, letter with Mi.12, 13 2x, letter with Mi.18,19; chosen pieces, cat. min. 2.440€
Starting price: CZK
1852-1865 GERMAN STATES / THURN-TAXIS, SCHLESWIG-HOLSTEIN small collection on free album sheets, major-part stamp. in chosen quality, wide margins, whole postmark etc.., c.v.. 2.830€
Starting price: CZK
124883 - 1840-1987 GREAT BRITAIN  basic stamp collection in/at atypic
1840-1987 GREAT BRITAIN basic stamp collection in/at atypical album, well contains classic, i.a. Mi.1 3x, Mi.2 2x, from that 1x with photo-certificate Knopke, Mi.35, 49, 99, 118, 174 (minor faults); in overwhelming majority nice quality, some stamps in relation to lower quality at all excluded from sum, cat. Gibbons to y 1960 min. £22.850
Starting price: CZK
124887 - 1840-1980 GREAT BRITAIN  wide specialized collection of stam
1840-1980 GREAT BRITAIN wide specialized collection of stamps with many classical stamps, i.a. Mi.1 3x, 2, 35 plate 2, 99, 118, 174 - minor faults, well vysbírané plate in time 1855-1880, absolute most of stamps in very good quality, cat. Gibbons min. £26.000
Starting price: CZK
125031 - 1963 GREAT BRITAIN / COMMONWEALTH collection of stamps to/at
1963 GREAT BRITAIN / COMMONWEALTH collection of stamps to/at 100. Anniv of Red Cross, exhibit elaboration, on hingeless pages on pages A4 with description, 8 sheets, contains country Commonwealth (Antigua, Bahams, Bermuda, Guiana and other), nice, according to supplier cat. Michel ca. 300€
Starting price: CZK
124895 - 1862-1880 GREECE  specialized collection on free album sheet
1862-1880 GREECE specialized collection on free album sheets, issue Head of Hermes - big, 47 pcs, 1x block of four, letter, color shades, paper, postmark, chosen pieces; extraordinary offer from estate after/around renomovaném Viennese collector, c.v.. ca. 3.240€
Starting price: CZK
124407 - 1918-21 HUNGARY  comp. of ca. 290 pcs of various stamp. from
1918-21 HUNGARY comp. of ca. 290 pcs of various stamp. from occupied territories + local issue, for example. Arad, Bánát/ Bácska, Temesvár, Debrecen, Orgland and line other, larger quantity of on cut-squares, for specialist definitely interesting, in stockbook A5
Starting price: CZK
123973 - 1871-1970 HUNGARY  very nice basic collection in 4 albums, i
1871-1970 HUNGARY very nice basic collection in 4 albums, incl. expensive items (Mi.74-81, 128-161, 484-7, **502-10), stěžejní part in years 1930-1958, from r.1945 mint never hinged, only superb souvenir sheets from y. 1947-58 (complete, Mi.Bl.10-Bl.28A) and PB in/at c.v.. price 2.850€; missing only several nepodstatných stamp., collection definitely udělá kupujícímu radost, c.v.. total 9.500€; we advice
Starting price: CZK
1852-1859 ITALIAN STATES / MODENA, NAPLES, PARMA, ROMAGNA nice collection on free album sheets, i.a. Parma Mi.1-14 (!), Newspaper stamps Mi.1-2; Romagna Mi.2; Naples (Napoli) Mi.1, cut square Mi.1+3 and oths.; from estate renomovaného Viennese collector, cat. min. 8.780€
Starting price: CZK
124893 - 1855 ITALIAN STATES / SARDINIA  specialized collection of st
1855 ITALIAN STATES / SARDINIA specialized collection of stamps - Embossed printing, color, postmark, letters, i.a. Mi.12+11 on letter, MI.14 4x and oths., chosen pieces, cat. min. 4.100€
Starting price: CZK
124337 - 1860-1985 ITALY  almost complete collection on album sheets
1860-1985 ITALY almost complete collection on album sheets in 2 albums, c.v.. for Un stamps **/* more than 28.000€, for stamps with new gum 22.700€, for stamps without gum 6.900€, extraordinary offer (!), total c.v.. more than 58.000€, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
124888 - 1852-1936 LUXEMBOURG  collection of stamps on free album she
1852-1936 LUXEMBOURG collection of stamps on free album sheets, incl. better stamps also whole sets, in classical time 4 pcs of stamps with small flaw, other good, c.v.. 3.860€ (stamps hinged considered)
Starting price: CZK
124892 - 1852 PAPAL STATES  exceedingly interesting small collection
1852 PAPAL STATES exceedingly interesting small collection of stamps 1. issue, color, pairs Mi.1, 3, 6, 8, 9, marginal pieces, nice letter with pair Mi.8+9 to London etc.., cat. min. 2.025€ (c.v.. Sassone significantly higher notation)
Starting price: CZK
124901 - 1853-62 PORTUGAL  Mi.1-3, 5-16, (No. 5, 6, 7, 9 - usual mino
1853-62 PORTUGAL Mi.1-3, 5-16, (No. 5, 6, 7, 9 - usual minor faults - small light places), otherwise all very fine, mostly with exceedingly wide margins and nice postal imprints (mainly on stmp Mi.1 and 3 extraordinary), nice start portugalské classic, c.v.. 4.450€
Starting price: CZK
124348 - 1853-1940 PORTUGAL  exceedingly nice basic collection on alb
1853-1940 PORTUGAL exceedingly nice basic collection on album sheets Stibůrek, almost complete, nice classic (Mi.3a, 7a, 8, 9a, 15, 16, 17-24, 25-33, 34-45; min. 6.700€), very well contains also parcel, club/federal and Postage due stamp., from expensive items missing only Mi.1, 4, 5, 119-23, Bl.2, Bl.3 and 645, miniature sheet Mi.Bl.1 - without gum (c.v.. 1.200€, included to sum 100€); ojediná chance, suitable to continuation also to detailed sale, cat. min. 13.650€
Starting price: CZK
124889 - 1906-1936 RUMANIA  selection of better sets, placed on 10 ca
1906-1936 RUMANIA selection of better sets, placed on 10 cards, i.a. Scout Mi.413-417, 437-442, Mamaia 468-473, 484-488, 516-518, stamps hinged considered, c.v.. 1.060€
Starting price: CZK
124896 - 1858-89 RUMANIA  specialized collection classical stamp, pla
1858-89 RUMANIA specialized collection classical stamp, placed on free album sheets, much expensive stamps, i.a. 18 pcs of stamps from issues "Bull's Head" 1858-62, wide margins, some very decorative postmark, color, blocks, marginal and corner pieces, plate variety, cut-squares, 2 letters etc.., cat. min. 9.200€; extraordinary offer from estate after/around renomovaném Viennese collector
Starting price: CZK
119332 - 1935-42 SOVIET UNION  specialized collection of stamps, diff
1935-42 SOVIET UNION specialized collection of stamps, differentiated perf, positions of watermarks, grids; mainly mint never hinged, only several stamps hinged, placed in 4-sheet stockbook Ministry communications USSR, c.v.. 5.200€, index inserted
Starting price: CZK
124900 - 1850-1905 SPAIN  collection of stamps on free album sheets,
1850-1905 SPAIN collection of stamps on free album sheets, incl. better classical stamp., good quality, c.v.. 6.800€
Starting price: CZK
124902 - 1850-1969 SWITZERLAND  nice collection in old album, much mo
1850-1969 SWITZERLAND nice collection in old album, much more expensive stamps, i.a. Mi.5I,14ks Seated Helvetia, so-called. "Strubel", Mi.20-28, Pro Juventute, Airmail, 145, 152, all souvenir sheets except Bl.5 and 11 (Bl.2 - minor faults, toned) etc..; c.v.. 12.200€
Starting price: CZK
125030 - 1947-54 TRIESTE / ZONE A I  collection of mint stamps on sto
1947-54 TRIESTE / ZONE A I collection of mint stamps on stock-sheet, c.v.. 660€ (Sassone 1.345€), detailed index inserted
Starting price: CZK
125029 - 1947-54 TRIESTE / ZONE A II  collection of mint stamps on st
1947-54 TRIESTE / ZONE A II collection of mint stamps on stock-sheet, c.v.. 660€ (Sassone 1.300€), detailed index inserted
Starting price: CZK
125272 - 1939-87 CANADA  basic stamp collection, miniature sheets, bl
1939-87 CANADA basic stamp collection, miniature sheets, blocks stamps and stamp booklets, placed in 14-sheet stockbook and in flat box, partial specialisation - papers, perf and značkovací bands, special stamp sheets, stamp bklt and stamp bklt pages (index inserted), numbering according to catalogue Scott, c.v.. Michel ca. 4.000€
Starting price: CZK
124299 - 1853-1935 BRITISH GUIANA  collection of stamps on 5 stock-sh
1853-1935 BRITISH GUIANA collection of stamps on 5 stock-sheets, cat. Gibbons more than £2.600, various quality, defect stamps excluded from sum
Starting price: CZK
124339 - 1860-1940 FRENCH COLONIES / CARIBBEAN, OCEANIA  interesting
1860-1940 FRENCH COLONIES / CARIBBEAN, OCEANIA interesting comp. of stamps and miniature sheets, in 12-sheet stockbook, contains all sets incl. better values, c.v.. ca. 10.000€
Starting price: CZK
124897 - 1897-1919 GERMAN COLONIES / TOGO, CAMEROON  collection Kamer
1897-1919 GERMAN COLONIES / TOGO, CAMEROON collection Kamerunu, complete Mi.1-25, i.a. with perfect Mi.19, photo-certificate Steuer (2001), cat. min. 1.670€
Starting price: CZK
124898 - 1893-1919 GERMAN EAST AFRICA  complete collection Mi.1-39 -
1893-1919 GERMAN EAST AFRICA complete collection Mi.1-39 - used, only Mi.38, 38I, 39 hinged, Un, Mi.20 - minor faults, otherwise nice, cat. min. 1.470€
Starting price: CZK
124340 - 1880-1940 FRENCH COLONIES  interesting comp. of stamps and e
1880-1940 FRENCH COLONIES interesting comp. of stamps and entires, placed in 8-sheet stockbook, contains all sets incl. better values, it is worth seeing, unattested, we advice own calculation
Starting price: CZK
124886 - 1910-2000 HONG KONG  comp. of ca. 200 pcs of stamps, mainly
1910-2000 HONG KONG comp. of ca. 200 pcs of stamps, mainly 60. years, placed in 4-sheet stockbook, according to owner c.v.. 1.350€
Starting price: CZK
124995 - 1902-65 AUSTRALIA  specialized collection clear (mainly mint
1902-65 AUSTRALIA specialized collection clear (mainly mint never hinged) stamp. from y. 1932 to end shilling currency in y 1965, contains blocks with margin, gutter, coupons etc.., total c.v.. 8.820AUD + Postage due stamp 1902 -1946, here clear also used, total after/behind c.v.. 2.680AUD, all placed 32 sheet stockbook A4, total australský c.v.. ACSC 11.500AUD; rare usage collections with this specialisation in the Czech market!
Starting price: CZK
124985 - 1915-23 NEW GUINEA / NORTHWEST PACIFIC ISL.  complete specia
1915-23 NEW GUINEA / NORTHWEST PACIFIC ISL. complete specialized collection overprint issue on/for Australian stamp., divided according to wmk, color shades, etc.., all perfectly placed in stockbook A4, total 74 pcs of stamp. and blocks, mainly stamp. hinged in very good status, according to australského c.v.. ACSC 7.000AUD, here for the first time offered, nevídaná quality also completeness!
Starting price: CZK
124293 - 1850-1912 TASMANIA, VICTORIA  the 2nd part of the famous stu
1850-1912 TASMANIA, VICTORIA the 2nd part of the famous study collection of Australian states, on 79 album sheets, all issues elaborated according to color shades and perforation, including specialisation of postmarks! Collection contains only chosen quality pieces, lifetime work (!), expertly described postmarks on total 21 album sheets are as free insert, collection contains also revenues + set of 43 pieces of reprints issued to the occasion of the visit of Edward VII, Prince of Wales, for his prestigious collection. Printing only 100 pieces, offered set of reprints got as donation Admiral Höhnel - estimation 1.000€. Quite rare chance, more beautiful collection in Czech Republic evidently doesn't exist, according to owner catalogue price minimally 21.500€ (Tasmania = 14.600€, Victoria = 6.900€), definitely it is worth seeing! (Rem.: P.stat and entires from this collection are offered as single items in this auction)
Starting price: CZK
124885 - 1860-1930 COLONIES  collection of stamps from Portuguese, Sp
1860-1930 COLONIES collection of stamps from Portuguese, Spanish, French, Netherlandish and Italian colonies, placed on 28 unbound album pages Schwaneberger, issue 1942, surely 1300 pcs of stamps, incl. some better stamp., well-priced
Starting price: CZK
124884 - 1860-1930 COMMONWEALTH  collection British Colonies, placed
1860-1930 COMMONWEALTH collection British Colonies, placed on ca. 60 unbound album pages Schwaneberger, issue 1942, surely more than 2.000 pcs of stamps, incl. some better values, nice basis of collection for an effective price
Starting price: CZK
124881 - od 1840 WHOLE WORLD  comp. of stamps, mainly classic from Br
od 1840 WHOLE WORLD comp. of stamps, mainly classic from British Colonies and Europe, Staroitalské and German states, England, Austria and oths., in 8-sheet stockbook A5, originates from very old estate, various quality, mostly more expensive to very expensive stamps, in no way unworked, according to our opinion profitable investment, suitable for other examining, elaboration and sale!
Starting price: CZK