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1849 Mi.1 IIa, One Kreuzer Black, plate 2, for collectors very favourite and important stmp European classic, very fine piece with wide margins, with part of polokruhového cancel., photo-certificate Hunziker, exp. Thier U:A5
1850 Mi.3, Numerals 1 Kr violet-red, comp. 3 pcs of stamps, wide margins, various color shades, with numeral pmks "20", "98" and "217", cat. min. 90€ U:A5
1864 letter to town Gotha with Mi.15, Coat of arms in oval 2Sgr, CDS BRUNSWICK/ 6.AUG.1865, photo-certificate Lange, c.v.. 1.200€, sought U:A5
1856 Mi.3, Coat of arms 5S, on this stmp unusually wide margins and general quality, c.v.. 340€ U:A5
1861 Mi.10, State Coat of Arms , blue framed CDS VAREL, rare stamp, exp. Pfenninger, perfect condition, c.v.. 1.100€ U:A5
1862 Mi.18B, Coat of arms 2Gr, on reverse L at top remainder letter paper or hint of sticking, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1850 Mi.4a+b, King Fiedrich Wilhelm IV., black on/for yellow, resp. dark yellow paper, very wide margins, superb numeral cancel. "258" and "1256", nice quality U:A5
1866 Mi.20, 21, Numerals, superb condition, in this issue rare, c.v.. 480€ U:A5
1850 postal stationery cover 1Sgr addressed to to village Stara Rudnica (Altrüdnitz, today Poland) uprated with stamp Mi.1 vertical pair, numeral pmk "103" and transit postmark BERLIN/ 18.2., off. data, decorative U:A5
1854-64 comp. 4 pcs of folded letters, franking Mi.4b (wmk inverted), 8a, 15a (pair), 16a (str-of-3), good postmark, overall good condition, price ca. 400€ U:A5
1858 letter to Amsterdam with Mi.11, 12 (1 + pair), CDS BARMEN/ 14.8.58, on reverse arrival, good condition, decorative U:A5
1850 Mi.1a, Saxon Three, one of best-known and nejvyhledávanějších stmp of European classic, wide margins and color, rare numeral pmk., only quite small repair, exp. Richter, Bühler + photo-certificate Rismondo - very rare piece, missing in most collections U:X
1851 Mi.2 I.a, Coat of arms 3Pf dark green, wide margins, original gum light hinged and residue hinge / label on reverse, interesting piece, cheapest variant c.v.. 1.000€ U:A5
1851 Mi.2 I.a, Coat of arms 3Pf dark green, R light cut, on other sides wide margins, ideally put almost complete CDS DRESDEN/ 31.MAE.59, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1867 Mi.15db, Coat of arms ½Ngr, ochre yellow, almost complete CDS LANGENFELD/ 29.X., from old collection (ex baron Rieger), owner guarantees the stated color, rare offer, c.v.. 2.000€ U:A5
1867 Mi.15e, Coat of arms ½Ngr, lemon-yellow, without gum, from old collection (ex baron Rieger), owner guarantees the authenticity color, exceptional usage, catalogue value for hinged 2.000€ U:A5
1864 Mi.5 I, 1¼Sch grey-blue, very wide margins, with rare cancel. BERGEDORF, from old collection (ex baron Rieger), sought, contemporary owner guarantees the authenticity, in specialized c.v.. GROBE from y 1975 price 650DM U:A5
1864 Mi.7, Numerals 1¼ Sch blue, 2 pcs of, with numeral pmks "119" (ITZENHOE; Reg and) "127" (OLDENBURG; RR), c.v.. ca. 180€ U:A5
1866 letter to Copenhagen with Mi.24, CDS PINNEBERG/ 16.5., on reverse seal and arrival KØBENHAVN, c.v.. 420€, good condition U:A5
1860 folded letter with rarer mixed franking two issues, Mi.1+21, addressed to to saského Weimaru, přednámkové straight line postmark IENA, wide margins stamp. and nice general quality entires U:A5
1863 postal stationery cover 2Sgr to Hanau uprated with stamp Mi.13, CDS CASSEL/ 26.10.1863, on reverse arrival, cut out seal U:A5
1851 Mi.1by, 1 Kr on silk paper, CDS STUTTGART, exp. Thoma, very wide margins and nice general quality, c.v.. 350€ U:A5
1872 Mi.28, German Eagle 18Kr, CDS FRANKFURT, photo-certificate Krug, supernormal quality, rare stamp, c.v.. 2.800€ U:A5
1874 Mi.29DPrä, Postage 2½Gr, double imprint of the middle, photo-certificate Sommer, rare stamp on cut-square, c.v.. 1.500€ U:A5
1900 Mi.66 II., Scenes 5M, type II., highest value, CDS LEIPZIG/ 14.8.01, c.v.. 500€ U:A5
1922 Mi.193U, Horn 4M imperforated, light hinged., c.v.. 130€ U:A5
1930 Mi.Bl.1, miniature sheet IPOSTA, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.600€ U:A5
1931 Mi.459/x/459, Emergency Relief - building/-s, vertical gutter pair Mi.S93, lightly hinged., sought by specialists, catalogue value for MNH 380€ U:A5
1945 Mi.909-910, Parteiformationen SA and SS, LR corner blk-of-4 with control-numbers, common small production gum flaw U:A5
1872 folded cover of letter, mailing in the place, with Mi.14, CDS STADTPOST/14.V., commercial postmark DRESDEN, well preserved, c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1944 FISCAL USAGE OF POSTAGE STAMP UPU Deutschland (Germany), post. identification passport issued in Vienna, German - French text, printed in Switzerland, service pmk with eagle + CDS WIEN 62, incl. photo, mounted post. stmp 50Pf as fiscal, luxury quality U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.IX, Portraits 5Fr, imperforated plate proof - miniature sheet with 4 pcs of stamps, grey-black print on original paper, thin/light folds, in relation to extreme rarities negligible; extraordinary offer, originates from big specialized collection stamps occupied territory U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION miniature sheet Mi.VII K, perf miniature sheet with 4 values 50Fr with 4 types inverted overprint; superb condition, photo-certificate Krischke (2010), cat. min. 1.200€, rare miniature sheet, missing in most collections U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION miniature sheet Mi.XIII, Portraits 50Fr, imperforated plate proof - miniature sheet with 4 pcs of stamps, brown color, original white paper, minor faults in paper out of stmp, with regard to rarities zanedbatelná, extraordinary offer U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION letter with Mi.IX-XIV, MC SS-FELDPOSTPRÜFSTELLE/ 9.11.43, sent to FP 07515 A.P. (unit SS-Abschnitt Flandern), philatelically motivated, after all rare! U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.Klb.XV-XIXB, set 5 pcs of miniature sheets, miniature sheet 50Fr in addition with proof horiz. perf (R!); all superb, quite extraordinary offer, missing also in big collections, also abroad only rarely offered U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION Mi.XI, Portraits 15Fr, imperforated plate proof - miniature sheet with 4 pcs of stamps, print in brown color on/for chromověžlutém paper, original light fold and small tearing out of stmp., in relation to rarity negligible; rare chance for gaining this rare issue U:A5
1943 BELGIUM / FLEMISH LEGION PLATE PROOF Mi.XVIII, 50Fr, on both sides plate proof in/at original color and on original paper, interesting speciality U:A5
1942 BELGIUM / WALLONIAN LEGION Mi.Klb.I-IV, Legionaries, superb souvenir sheets, at our place rarely offered U:A5
1944 DENMARK / DÄNISCHE LEGION Mi.I-III, issue for unit dánských volunteers, superb condition gum and perf, extraordinary offer, c.v.. 1.000€ U:A5
1941 LITHUANIA / RASEINIAI service letter with Mi.1III-7III, 14 pcs of stamps, else/yet with Soviet CDS РАСЕЙНЯИ/ 14.7.41, cat. only stamp. 440€, short tears in margins, interesting contemporary document U:A5
1944 MAKEDONIEN philatelically influenced letter with Mi.1-8, all cheaper overprint types, CDS SKOPJE, sent in the place, c.v.. 450€ U:A5
1943 MONTENEGRO philatelically influenced letter with Mi.10-13, CDS CETINJE, sent in the place, signed, cat. only stamps 960€ U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.I-VI A+B, VII B, VII Ba, VII Bb, luxury series, all values 1R (minimum printing) with whole sheet margin, cat. min. 1.040€ U:A5
1943 NATIONAL INDIES Mi.VIIB, VIIBa, VIIBb, comp. 3 pcs of stamp. with value 1Rupie, sought highest value, profitable U:A5
1942 NORWAY / NORWEGIAN LEGION corner blk-of-15, charitable stamps in support of this unit, issued on paper without gum, very low edition, in perfect quality, extraordinary offer, still biggest doložený multiple U:A5
1944 UKRAINE / GOROCHOW Mi.17-20, 2 stamps without gum, 2x small light places (in this issue common); No. 20 corner piece, rare issue, printing only 1.200 sets, cat. min. 650€ U:A5
1944 UKRAINE / LUBOML Mi.21-24, marginal pieces, No. 24 with several slight spots in gum - in this type of gum quite common and without meaning with regard to rarities issue; printing only 1.200 sets; favourite, in/at last period increase catalogue, often missing in collections, signed, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1944 UKRAINE / WLADIMIR-WOLYNSK Mi.25-28, marginal pieces, superb, in this issue extraordinary quality, printing only 1.200 sets, cat. min. 650€ U:A5
1948 SOVIET ZONE / BEZIRK 36 - BRANDENBURG mixed franking various issues: Mi.180VII, 80Pf Worker, vertical pair + Mi.177VII, 40Pf Zemědělec, all with hand-made overprint "36/ Brandenburg" + Mi.185 with overprint "Sowjetische/ Besatzungs/ Zone", on/for cut parcel dispatch-note, well clear pmk PLAUE (HAVEL)/ 7.7..48, on reverse arrival COTTBUS/ 12.7.48, sought by specialists, margins cut wrinkled otherwise good condition U:A5
1948 SOVIET ZONE / BEZIRK 41 - BEIRFELD Mi.180X, 80Pf Worker with hand-made overprint "41/ Zwickau", on/for cut parcel dispatch-note, well clear pmk BEIERFELD (ERZGEB.)/ 28.6.48, one from most sought places usage, rare chance, c.v.. Mi.-Spezial min. 1.500€ U:A5
1928 Mi.128-134, People's Aid, complete set - corner pieces, c.v.. 1.100€, superb U:A5
1947 Mi.Bl.1-2, souvenir sheets Flood relief, c.v.. 1.300€ U:A5
1958 CENTRAL COURIER SERVICE / ZKD comp. 10 pcs of stamps the first issue., contains Mi.16 B (Potsdam), pair Mi.16 L (Berlin), 16 M (Dresden) and Mi.17 D (Rostock), 17 E (Leipzig), 17 J (Schwerin), 17 L (Berlin), 17 M (Dresden), 17 O (Neubrandenburg), from that 5 pcs of exp. Engel + 4 pcs of letters with Mi.17 B - stamp. according to platného předpisu torn, resp. Mi.17 L, 17 H and 17 M, from golden exhibit (ex Dražan), stamp. courier service missing in most collections GDR, rare offer U:A5
1958-60 CENTRAL COURIER SERVICE / ZKD comp. 9 pcs of stamps issued for territory Postupim (POTSDAM), contains Mi.16B, 17B, 18 I.B, 18 II.B, 19 I.B, 20B, 21B, 22B and 23B, from that 6 pcs of exp. Engel + 2 letters with Mi.17B, resp. Mi.31F - stamp. according to platného předpisu torn, from golden exhibit (ex Dražan), stamp. courier service missing in most collections GDR, cat. min. 180€ U:A5
1901 Mi.27III, Scenes 5RM, photo-certificate Jäschke-Lantelme, very fine piece, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1900 Mi.19 I-II, overprint 6Pes25c / 5M, type II., well centered stamp. also overprint, light hinged of first hinge., nice piece, c.v.. 2.000€ U:A5
1900 Mi.7-19, overprint, complete set, cheap stamps Mi.9, 14 - minor faults, otherwise all very fine, several pcs expertized, stamp. 30C/25Pfg with plate variety - damaged R (originally stamp. Mi.58II), and 35C/30Pfg with plate variety - interrupted frame lower (cat. Michel doesn't report), c.v.. for basic overprint set in/at nejlevnějších types 650€ U:A5
1889 Mi.6-10, German Eagle, set 5 pcs of stamps, stamp. 1¼Pia exp. Zenker, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1901 GERMAN EAST AFRICA Mi.21a, Ship 3R dark carmine red, mint never hinged, c.v.. 550€ U:A5