Public Auction 32 / Philately / Europe / Austria

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124678 - 1850 Mi.1 Ib, HP, comp. 4 pcs of stamp. with two-sided print
1850 Mi.1 Ib, HP, comp. 4 pcs of stamp. with two-sided print, 1-dílný, two-piece, four-piece and St. Andrew's cross + part stamps; favourite specialties, cat. Ferchenbauer marks as DD-A(2), DD-B, DD-C, 2x wide margins, 2x close margins, 1x exp. Matl, cat. Ferchenbauer 1.075€
Starting price: CZK
124680 - 1850 Mi.1-2, comp. 12 pcs of stamps 1 Kr and 2 Kreuzer, all
1850 Mi.1-2, comp. 12 pcs of stamps 1 Kr and 2 Kreuzer, all in good quality, with nice margins, various papers, types, color, plate variety and oths., high catalogue value
Starting price: CZK
124675 - 1850 Mi.1, 2, type III., MP, comp. 2 pcs of on cut-squares,
1850 Mi.1, 2, type III., MP, comp. 2 pcs of on cut-squares, CDS WIEN, wide margins, 1 Kr L close margin, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 270€
Starting price: CZK
124677 - 1850 Mi.1, type I., HP, Mi.2 IIIb, MP, comp. 2 pcs of on cut
1850 Mi.1, type I., HP, Mi.2 IIIb, MP, comp. 2 pcs of on cut-squares, marginal pieces, value 2 Kreuzer L close margin, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 485€
Starting price: CZK
124679 - 1850 Mi.1, type III., HP, 2x pair, yellow and yellow-orange,
1850 Mi.1, type III., HP, 2x pair, yellow and yellow-orange, CDS PRAG and TEMESVÁR, very fine pieces, only L 1x close margins, cat. Ferchenbauer 900€
Starting price: CZK
124541 - 1850 Mi.3Ia, pair 3 Kreuzer, print on silk paper, Lombardian
1850 Mi.3Ia, pair 3 Kreuzer, print on silk paper, Lombardian-Venetian CDS VERONA, wide margins and nice general quality, cat. Ferchenbauer ca. 300€
Starting price: CZK
124867 - 1850 Mi.5 IIIb, MP, marginal strip-of-5, CDS TRIESTE, cardbo
1850 Mi.5 IIIb, MP, marginal strip-of-5, CDS TRIESTE, cardboard paper min. 0,12mm, L stmp with thin/light vertical fold, otherwise nice, as str-of-5 rare, cat. Ferchenbauer basic price 900€ + min. 100% (type paper and margin), tj.1.800€
Starting price: CZK
124696 - 1850 Mi.5I, type I., 9 Kreuzer blue, with almost whole blue
1850 Mi.5I, type I., 9 Kreuzer blue, with almost whole blue cancel. MISTEK/ 17.JUL, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer - "splendid exemplar", in addition with plate variety - broken-out "R"
Starting price: CZK
124732 - 1851 Mi.6 (Ferchenbauer. 6IIc), Blue Mercury, on cut-square,
1851 Mi.6 (Ferchenbauer. 6IIc), Blue Mercury, on cut-square, luxury piece with plate variety - omitted print in corner, rarely only with Italian distribution pmk "2", Ferchenbauer I, page. 475 - RR!
Starting price: CZK
124690 - 1851 Mi.6 (Ferchenbauer. 6IIIb), Blue Mercury, block of four
1851 Mi.6 (Ferchenbauer. 6IIIb), Blue Mercury, block of four, wide margins, certificate Ferchenbauer, R small/rare original fold in gum, overall very fine piece, jewel of every collection or exhibit, c.v.. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
124798 - 1851 Mi.7 Ib, Head of Mercury (6 Kreuzer) yellow, so-called.
1851 Mi.7 Ib, Head of Mercury (6 Kreuzer) yellow, so-called. "Yellow Mercury", almost complete cancel. GERAS, significant color, very fine wide margins (!), L minimum thin place outside picture of stmp, L at top fine folds, negligible with regard to rarities stamps, sign. Thier, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer - attractive and působivý "very fine piece", quite extraordinary offer, in this margins exists only several pieces, cat. Ferchenbauer 12.500€, for stamp. with whole cancel. 15.000€
Starting price: CZK
124802 - 1851 Mi.8 Ib, Head of Mercury (30Kr) light rose, so-called.
1851 Mi.8 Ib, Head of Mercury (30Kr) light rose, so-called. "Rose Mercury", CDS WIEN/ZEITUNGS-EXPED., usual irregular margins, L closer margin, R with part of adjacent stamps, otherwise in good condition in good quality, sign. Seitz, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer - "very fine piece", cat. Ferchenbauer 17.500€, one of most renowned stmp of European classic, missing also in big collections, quite extraordinary offer !
Starting price: CZK
125180 - 1858 str-of-3 newspaper stmp 1,05 Kreuzer (Soldi), Mi.17a, C
1858 str-of-3 newspaper stmp 1,05 Kreuzer (Soldi), Mi.17a, CDS VENICE/ 11.4., certificate Ferchenbauer, well preserved, cat. Ferchenbauer 2.500€
Starting price: CZK
1875 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP 1 Kr "ROVERETO FALSCHUNG", forgery to defraud the post and finance office (see Ferchenbauer II, page. 598); extraordinary rarity in/at branch newspaper stmp, exp. Seitz and sign. Hössl; very wide margins, R close; dochovány mostly cut pieces; cat. Ferchenbauer according to quality margins 1.250-1.750€, our estimation for this piece 1.500€, inland for the first time in auction!
Starting price: CZK
124692 - 1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP  Mi.9B, 25 Kreuzer, line perfora
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9B, 25 Kreuzer, line perforation 12½;, quite rarely with violet postmark (!), cat. Ferchenbauer 500€
Starting price: CZK
124856 - 1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP  Mi.9b, with superb print postma
1890 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.9b, with superb print postmark FISCAL OFF. PRAGUE, nice piece
Starting price: CZK
125158 - 1894 POSTAGE-DUE  Mi.9, Numerals, block of 6 values 50kr, pe
1894 POSTAGE-DUE Mi.9, Numerals, block of 6 values 50kr, perf line perforation 11½;, CDS TRIESTE/ 1.1.00 (new century), on reverse residue/scrap background, cat. Ferchenbauer 650€
Starting price: CZK
125163 - 1896-99 Mi.68, str-of-5, Mi.83, blk-of-10 Franz Joseph, CDS
1896-99 Mi.68, str-of-5, Mi.83, blk-of-10 Franz Joseph, CDS WIEN 1/1/ 11.1.98 + 20.4.03, well preserved, cat. Ferchenbauer 450€ (only sum stamps)
Starting price: CZK
124686 - 1910 Mi.177, Jubilee 10K on cut-square with cancel. 1. of da
1910 Mi.177, Jubilee 10K on cut-square with cancel. 1. of day, very fine piece with exceedingly nice perf, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 460€
Starting price: CZK
125182 - 1853 folded letter, with Mi.2, HP, type Ib, ranný print, CD
1853 folded letter, with Mi.2, HP, type Ib, ranný print, CDS BUDWEIS/ 10.6., broken seal, light fold below stmp
Starting price: CZK
125187 - 1853 folded cover of letter, with 2x Mi.4 HP III., wide marg
1853 folded cover of letter, with 2x Mi.4 HP III., wide margins, CDS WITTINGAU/ 26.NOV., on reverse arrival postmark. PRAG/ 27.11., broken seal, light fold below stmp, cat. Ferchenbauer 300€
Starting price: CZK
125184 - 1855 folded cover of R letter, with Mi.3 MP IIIa + Mi.4 MP I
1855 folded cover of R letter, with Mi.3 MP IIIa + Mi.4 MP III., CDS PESTH/ 25.1., straight line postmark REGISTERED., less usual prepayment R fee in front, good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 500€
Starting price: CZK
124545 - 1858 Mi.10II, 2 Kreuzer on/for price list sent as printed ma
1858 Mi.10II, 2 Kreuzer on/for price list sent as printed matter, CDS ST. PÖLTEN, also with large cut square 2 Kreuzer with red CDS WIEN, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 490€
Starting price: CZK
125242 - 1860 receipt with Mi.14/II., 2x straight line postmark AUSCH
1860 receipt with Mi.14/II., 2x straight line postmark AUSCHA + DUPPAU, on stmp with overlap, receipt vert. fold, stmp with slight fold, cat. Ferchenbauer 300€
Starting price: CZK
125175 - 1865 folded letter small format, with Mi.25b (dark green col
1865 folded letter small format, with Mi.25b (dark green color), CDS WIEN/ 19-II., good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer 300€
Starting price: CZK
125173 - 1867 folded letter with Mi.31, 35, CDS NETOLIZ/ 31.12., tran
1867 folded letter with Mi.31, 35, CDS NETOLIZ/ 31.12., transit. BUDWITZ/ 1.1., arrival WIEN/ 2.1.68, seal, stamp. Mi.25 damage in corner, overall well preserved
Starting price: CZK
124548 - 1883 Reg letter two-sided with Mi. 46, 44 5x, 5 Kreuzer, 2 K
1883 Reg letter two-sided with Mi. 46, 44 5x, 5 Kreuzer, 2 Kreuzer 5x, CDS CHLUMETZ, addressed to to Sušice, 1 stamp. with missing corner, otherwise in perfect quality, small format with rather rare franking, cat. Ferchenbauer ca. 400€
Starting price: CZK
125248 - 1895 reply form with tricolor franking Mi.51 + 52 + 53, CDS
1895 reply form with tricolor franking Mi.51 + 52 + 53, CDS PRAGUE/ 16.7.95 + TÁBOR/ 1?.7.95, format 21x17cm, German variety, more cross fold, in/at fold short horiz. tearing, stamps well preserved, postmark readable, price ca. 3.500€
Starting price: CZK
124874 - 1905 Reg postcard to Port Arthuru on/for Russian Dálném V
1905 Reg postcard to Port Arthuru on/for Russian Dálném Východě, through/over Helsinki, transfered by křižníkem "POBEDA", with přesnou franking 35h složenou from 10 stamps in/at 6-barevné combination, CDS NOVÉ MĚSTO N./M.; quite extraordinary destination and entire; cat. Ferchenbauer shows only five-coloured franking min. 350€ +150% after/behind Reg letter abroad
Starting price: CZK
124846 - 1908 dispatch-note to Feldkirch (Vorarlberg) i.a. franked by
1908 dispatch-note to Feldkirch (Vorarlberg) i.a. franked by stmp Mi.156, Jubilee 10Kr, CDS BREGENZ, 2 light folds out of stmp.; all franking with stmp 10Kr are rare
Starting price: CZK
125287 - 1912 dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h to Switzerland w
1912 dispatch-note with imprinted stamp 10h to Switzerland with Mi.145, 150, 154 2x, CDS MOJSTRANA/ 25.5.12; very decorative
Starting price: CZK
125141 - 1854 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS  folded letter franked w
1854 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS folded letter franked with. documentary stamp issue I 3 Kreuzer C.M., usage revenue was/were legální, CDS LAUN/ 14/3, light dirty, signs of age, examination recommended
Starting price: CZK
125168 - 1881 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS  bill with mixed frankin
1881 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS bill with mixed franking postage stmp and revenue, stamp. Mi.37 + revenue 7kr from year 1881, overwritten, good condition, cat. Ferchenbauer fancy price
Starting price: CZK
125209 - 1885 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL STAMPS  bill with fee paid only pos
1885 FISCAL USAGE POSTAL STAMPS bill with fee paid only post. stamp. 2 Kreuzer issue 1883, Mi.44, overwritten, according to text Altstadt 17.3.1885; several small light dots in paper invoice, rare entire, cat. min. 1.500€
Starting price: CZK
125206 - 1895 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS  release with fee paid m
1895 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS release with fee paid mixed franking revenue 10Kr issue 1893 and post. stamp. issue 1890 3 Kreuzer, Mi.52, cancelled by official seal also transcription; good condition, rare entire
Starting price: CZK
124653 - 1850 Mi.1, type I., HP, two str-of-3 5Cmi on cut-square, in
1850 Mi.1, type I., HP, two str-of-3 5Cmi on cut-square, in colour light yellow-orange and yellow-orange, (used stamps from two sheets - cat. Ferchenbauer přirážka +200€), CDS ADRIA, in perfect quality, photo-certificate Diena; extraordinary offer originate from big collection Lombardy-Veneto svěřené to sale our firm; cat. Ferchenbauer for 6 pcs 5Cmi on/for cut-square 2.600€, for str-of-6 7.000€, our estimation for this piece min. 3.000€
Starting price: CZK
124674 - 1850 Mi.1, type I., HP, comp. 3 pcs of stamps 5Cmi, 1x with
1850 Mi.1, type I., HP, comp. 3 pcs of stamps 5Cmi, 1x with underlaid middle on/for stronger paper, 1x yellow-orange exp. by Ferchenbauer., 1x on silk paper 0,06mm exp. Seitz, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 475€
Starting price: CZK
124673 - 1850 Mi.2 Ib, grey, tissue paper, plate variety - incomplete
1850 Mi.2 Ib, grey, tissue paper, plate variety - incomplete-printing below shield, black stain in "0", very fine piece, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 400€
Starting price: CZK
124683 - 1850 Mi.2, type I., HP, str-of-3 10Cmi, CDS VERONA, in perfe
1850 Mi.2, type I., HP, str-of-3 10Cmi, CDS VERONA, in perfect quality with nice margins, exp. Diena, cat. Ferchenbauer 800€ (Sass. 900€)
Starting price: CZK
124672 - 1850 Mi.2, type I., HP, str-of-3 10Cmi, grey-black, CDS MASS
1850 Mi.2, type I., HP, str-of-3 10Cmi, grey-black, CDS MASSA, in perfect quality with nice margins, exp. Fiecchi, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 900€, in addition 3 whole postmark and margin print, i. e. c.v.. total min.1.200€
Starting price: CZK
124682 - 1850 Mi.2, type I., HP, tissue paper, very fine piece, L obl
1850 Mi.2, type I., HP, tissue paper, very fine piece, L oblique margins, with upper margin 12mm (!), CDS PADUA, exp. Gazzi, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 500€, margins above 10mm are rare
Starting price: CZK
124654 - 1850 Mi.4, type III., MP, 30Cmi str-of-4 with CDS VERONA, wi
1850 Mi.4, type III., MP, 30Cmi str-of-4 with CDS VERONA, wide margins, between 1. and 2. stamp. outside picture original cutting for separation from sheet, so-called. Vortrennschnitt, cat. Ferchenbauer 750€ (Sass.1.650€)
Starting price: CZK
124655 - 1850 Mi.5, type III., MP, str-of-3 45Cmi, CDS VENICE, signif
1850 Mi.5, type III., MP, str-of-3 45Cmi, CDS VENICE, significant color, luxury piece, exp. Diena, Raybaudi, Ferchenbauer. 600€ (Sass.1.500€)
Starting price: CZK
124656 - 1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP  Mi.1 (Ferch.1a), 1 Kr black, bl
1858 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMP Mi.1 (Ferch.1a), 1 Kr black, blue cancel. BASSANO, small repair, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer, very rare stamp, missing often also in big collections, cat. Ferchenbauer 4.000€ (Sass. 8.000€)
Starting price: CZK
124863 - 1854 AUSTRIAN FIELD POST IN ITALY  extremely rare usage Tusc
1854 AUSTRIAN FIELD POST IN ITALY extremely rare usage Tuscan (!) stamps Mi.5xa, Lion 2Cr blue, in/at Austrian postal transport, single circle cancel "FIELD-POST. No. 2" , (on/for unoriginal background), good quality, photo-certificate M. Eichele shows "minor faults - with regard to/at rarities negligible"; Ferchenbauer IV, page. 56 only zmiňuje; quite extraordinary offer, inland first-time offered, suitable to big collection or to exhibit
Starting price: CZK
125298 - 1856 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS  letter to town Marostic
1856 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS letter to town Marostica franked with. 3 revenues 5Cmi (Sassone.1), photo-certificate Diena, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 20.000€, Sassone 32.000€, superb, unique rarity !!!
Starting price: CZK
124670 - 1918 Mi.I-XIII, Charles I., sought unissued set, perforated,
1918 Mi.I-XIII, Charles I., sought unissued set, perforated, 3x minor gum fault, cat. Ferchenbauer 475€, profitable price
Starting price: CZK
124694 - 1879-1895 PLATE PROOF Mi.1-9, the first issue., complete set
1879-1895 PLATE PROOF Mi.1-9, the first issue., complete set, imperforated, ½Kr - lithography on/for strong paper, 1 Kr - letterprint on/for strong paper, 2Kr-25Kr - on white paper with gum, all in original colors (Ferchenbauer IV, page. 215, 221); 2 Kreuzer - light fold, otherwise very fine, 3 pieces mint never hinged; extraordinary offer, missing also in big specializovaných collections; cat. Ferchenbauer min. 1.085€
Starting price: CZK
124767 - 1918 PLATE PROOF Mi.144-146, Charles and Zita, charitable is
1918 PLATE PROOF Mi.144-146, Charles and Zita, charitable issue, comp. 6 pcs of plate proofs - trial/expertization colors, minimum printing, rare, missing in most collections, cat. Ferchenbauer 550€
Starting price: CZK
124364 - 1918 comp. 2 pcs of uprated 8h PC, 1x Reg, uprated with stam
1918 comp. 2 pcs of uprated 8h PC, 1x Reg, uprated with stamp Mi.125, 127 2x ( 1x yellowy perf) with CDS USORA + subdivision straight line postmark hospital in/at Usoře, 1x uprated with stamp 2h with additional-printing, Mi.147 with CDS REGATICA + military unit postmarks hospital in/at Regatici; good condition
Starting price: CZK
125285 - 1901 Reg PC Mi.P131 uprated with stamp Mi.76, CDS OPOČNO/ 1
1901 Reg PC Mi.P131 uprated with stamp Mi.76, CDS OPOČNO/ 12.11.01, nice
Starting price: CZK
125280 - 1909 PC Mi.P190 5h with privately additional-printed stmp Fr
1909 PC Mi.P190 5h with privately additional-printed stmp Franz Joseph 10h, uprated with stamp Mi.145 2x, Reg to USA, CDS ČÁSLAV/ 10.4.09, arrival NEW YORK, light fold; rare!
Starting price: CZK
125286 - 1913 commercial postal stationery cover f. Beyer, Wien, with
1913 commercial postal stationery cover f. Beyer, Wien, with privately additionally printed stamps Franz Joseph 20h+25h, sent C.O.D. to Prague, CDS WIEN/ 2.IV.13, very fine
Starting price: CZK
125233 - 1878 Hungarian postal stationery cover 5f, Mi.U10 franked wi
1878 Hungarian postal stationery cover 5f, Mi.U10 franked with Austrian stmp 5 Kreuzer VI. issue, Mi.37 with CDS GRAZ STATION/ 30.8.78, on reverse arrival postmark TETSCHEN/ 31.8.78, incl. content; unprofessionally open in R margin, interesting usage Hungarian p.stat in Austrian territory, after/around year 1871 very exceptional (!) - postal stationery cover without postage effect
Starting price: CZK
124639 - 1883 phonecards, comp. 14 pcs of phonecards, Ferch.1, 2 2x,
1883 phonecards, comp. 14 pcs of phonecards, Ferch.1, 2 2x, 5 3x, 6 2x, 7 2x, 8, 9 2x, 10, all in/at exceedingly good quality, without whatever folds, with nice cancel. WIEN, SCHNEEBERG, REICHENAU, and oths., hovory to Brno, Budapest etc.., cat. Ferchenbauer 1.250€
Starting price: CZK
124542 - 1867-1900 comp. 3 pcs of reply receipts, various blank form/
1867-1900 comp. 3 pcs of reply receipts, various blank form/-s, 3 various issue, with Mi.38, 53 2x, 91, CDS SAAR, TROPPAU, M. OSTRAU, in perfect quality, rare
Starting price: CZK
125387 - 1946 Mi.Klb.772-775B, souvenir sheets Renner, complete print
1946 Mi.Klb.772-775B, souvenir sheets Renner, complete printing sheets, supernormal quality, very fine gum, c.v.. 2.300€ (cat. ANK 2.650€)
Starting price: CZK