1963 philatelically influenced letter with sets Mi.19-33 (SG G26-G40), CDS FALKLAND ICELAND/ DEPENDENCY/ 16.JY.63, allegedly last day of validity (according to Mi. to 30.6.1969), well preserved, c.v.. 110 € (SG £110)
1918 Reg letter to London, franked with. stamps SG 186-188 (overprint), arrival postmark. LONDON/ 11.NOV.18, CDS and Reg cancel less readable, letter according to SG £735, well preserved
1916-31 comp. of stamps, official with overprint "OS" Mi.1-12 , postage stmp Mi.62 + 93, 4x marginal piece, official in/at quality **/* (minor gum fault also lightly hinged), otherwise mint never hinged, catalogue value for hinged 370€
1948 2x Reg letter to England, with Mi.1-10 but without better values (missing No.6 and 8), philatelic mailing, transit through/over New York, good condition
1853 Mi.2, Queen Victoria, value 4P yellow-orange, plate unresolved, exceedingly fine quality also margins, light cancel., from old collection (ex baron Rieger), cat. min. 600€ (cat. Gibbons £850)
1854 folded cover of R letter (!) addressed to to Sydney, underpaid pair Mi.6B, black oval pmk "1/ V" + red PAID/ MELBOURNE/ 9.JY.1854, hand-made "Registered/ 961", postmark marked postage due "3", on reverse arrival postmark SYDNEY/ NEW SOUTH WALES/ 25.JY.1854; pair between stamp. from 90% cut, letter cross folded and at top also lower shortly torn, after all very interesting, Reg letters from Australia from y 1854 are quite rare
1886 telegraph stmp Mi.2A, Queen Victoria 6p violet, line perforation 14, with numeral pmk "18" (= BUNBURY), older literature shows that several stamp. was/were in y 1886 postally used (also note. in/at c.v.. Michel); superb, from old collection (ex baron Rieger), fancy price, in/at c.v.. Michel price struck through
1911 mourning letter to Germany with Mi.46, through černému frame part CDS illegible/ 6.OC.11, letters to Europe rare, light wrinkled margins, otherwise good condition
1945-78 [COLLECTIONS] selection of sheets, placed in punched pockets in 2 letter files, contains mainly used whole sheets or parts of sheets, i.a. Postage due stmp - flowers 1971, Water Birds 1967, postage stmp Towns, City Coats of Arms and oths., part mint never hinged, i.a. Portraits 1945, Congress Students' union 1945, October Revolution 1947 etc..
1989-92 interesting collection 140 pcs of stamp booklets issued to various příležitostem, small editions (several desiítek), 95 pcs of stamp booklets complete with stamps, other without stamps, to nichžpatřičné stamps weren't paste-in (marked on pages incl. catalogue numbers), placed in punched pockets in spiral stockbook, i.a. Community fórum, S us to Europe, Volte No. 20, 23, Privatizačnífondy, Scouting, Jamboree, Havel, T.G.M., Pope, Horáková, Mozart, Battle about/by Britain, Mushrooms, Football, Jiránek etc..; supplemented with 17 pcs of stamp booklets CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 - unofficial issue
1966-91 [COLLECTIONS] nice selection of motive stamps, on 4 sides stockbook sheets A4, description attached, according to supplier cat. over 300€, profitable
1898-1919 [COLLECTIONS] GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA complete collection (without unissued I and II), incl. often chybějících used Mi.23 and 32A, 5M, in perfect quality, c.v.. min.1.530€
1980-2000 [COLLECTIONS] selection of various files advertising photo postcard, PC and postal stationery covers in larger box with lid, contains ca. 60 files with originálními covers, ca. 150 pcs of PC and ca. 80 pcs of postal stationery covers; nice collection
1880-1913[COLLECTIONS] AUSTRALIA collection of 75 pcs of entires and 11 pcs of entires from Tasmania, Victoria and West Australia, min. 12 pcs addressed to Europe, originally part of the collection of classic stmp of Australia, sold by Burda Auction, standard quality