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1773 JOSEPH II. (1741–1790), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria; imperial letter with seal and signature (LS), very nice U:A3s|
1696 LEOPOLD I. (1640–1705), Holy Roman Emperor, King of Bohemia and Hungaria; imperial letter with seal and signature (LS), very decorative U:A3s|
1828 SALM-REIFFERSCHEIDT Hugo Francis (1776–1836), Moravian nobleman and industrialist; handwritten letter with signature (ALS) U:A4
1889 UMBERTO I OF ITALY (1844–1900), Italian King; document format A3 and signature (DS), konrasignace i.a. minister of war, very fine U:A3s|
1945 UMBERTO II. (1904–1983), Italian King; document format A3 and signature (DS), countersignature i.a. Minister of the Navy, very fine U:A3s|
1899 WILLIAM II. (1859–1941), last German emperor and Prussian King; letter of appointment with imperial seal and full signature, filling holes, on reverse hints after sticking, after all very decorative U:A3s|
1650? WRANGEL Carl Gustav, count from Salmisu (1613–1676), Swedish Field Marshal and politician; cut with autograph, rare U:A4