Public Auction 32 / Other Collector`s Domains

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125102 - 1940 MILITARIA  militar passport in the name of Vojtěch Lys
1940 MILITARIA militar passport in the name of Vojtěch Lysický, older desátník, book for vyplácení žoldu, issued in/at Toulose, air-mail formation/section in France, jmenovaný was/were later by/on/at 310. wing in England, killed in action in 1944, inside book signature captain. Bušiny, military unit postmarks, vertical in the middle folded, else preserved
Starting price: CZK
121128 - 1921-37 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  comp. 4 pcs of tickets for t
1921-37 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 comp. 4 pcs of tickets for the benefit of legionaries, also with list of prizes, very nice
Starting price: CZK
121146 - 1936 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39  theatre ticket town Opava, city
1936 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 theatre ticket town Opava, city coat of arms, very nice
Starting price: CZK
121168 - 1867 AUSTRIA  ticket of raffle in support of completion cath
1867 AUSTRIA ticket of raffle in support of completion cathedral St. Vitus in Prague, good condition
Starting price: CZK
121173 - 1916 LOTERIE / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  promotional poster, 43. k.u.
1916 LOTERIE / AUSTRIA-HUNGARY promotional poster, 43. k.u.k. (Imperial and Royal). state lottery, author Rudolf Junk, format 47x 63cm, cross fold, torn in fold, after all very decorative
Starting price: CZK
125094 - 1944 LEPAŘÍK Vítězslav (1914–1945), member paraskupiny
1944 LEPAŘÍK Vítězslav (1914–1945), member paraskupiny GLUCINIUM, popraven nacisty in 1945; B/W photoportrait, format 14x19cm, dedication with signature "Víťa", London 16.IV.1944, on reverse stains
Starting price: CZK
125090 - 1933 PILOTI Czechoslovak. ARMÁDY, photo postcard tabla leav
1933 PILOTI Czechoslovak. ARMÁDY, photo postcard tabla leavers school for officers air forces in/at reserve , troop pozorovatelů; on reverse autographs, i.a. Hanuš Joseph, Hýbler Joseph, Mrázek Charles, Sýkora Francis, Vybíral Thomas and oths., after/behind war members RAF, atelier Elektrofot Prostějov, postally Un, nice quality
Starting price: CZK
125099 - 193? BURIAN Zdeněk (1905–1981), bicolored cover book/-s M
193? BURIAN Zdeněk (1905–1981), bicolored cover book/-s Modří mravenci from K. Hlouchy, publ. JRV, without lapel, probably sejmuto from brožovaného issue, well preserved, for collector welcomed
Starting price: CZK
124698 - 1919 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS  pocket calendar Czechoslovak army
1919 CZECHOSLOVAK LEGIONS pocket calendar Czechoslovak army in Russia for year 1920, interesting content (for example. Soudy Czechosl. army in Russia, Field post Czechosl. army in Russia, etc..) 89 sides, on reverse handwritten journal from return to Czechoslovakia, edition Informačně-osvětového division M.V., Irkutsk 1919, interesting, good condition
Starting price: CZK
125103 - 1936 CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY., manual for stíhačku AVIA B-534, i
1936 CZECHOSLOVAK ARMY., manual for stíhačku AVIA B-534, issued in/at Letňanech, 28 page., format larger than A5, bound, well preserved, rarity!
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 32 / Other Collector`s Domains - Information

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