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1918 letter sent as express printed matter, franked with. forerunner Austrian express stamp. 5h rectangle, Mi.220, addressed to in the place, MC PRAGUE 1/ 23.XI.18, nezalepená envelope small format U:A5
1918 commercial letter franked with. parallel Austrian postage stamp. Crown 6h and 12h + Express stamp 2h (used as postage stmp), Mi.187, 189, 219 with CDS SAAZ/ 31.XII.18, addressed to to Prague; good condition, interesting franking U:A5
1918 Reg letter and postcard franked with. i.a. Austrian Postage due stamp 5h and 10h with overprint FRANCO, Mi.P47, P48, Reg letter uprated by. else/yet stamp. Charles 20h 2x, CDS BENEŠOV U SEMIL/ 8.XI.18 (torn Reg label) and CIRKVICE/ 3.1.18; good condition, interesting usage postage-due forerunner stamp. used as postage in/at postal rate I U:A5
1918 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with forerunner and parallel franking Austrian postage-due stamp. used as postage, 1x 25h, Mi.P51 + 20h Charles with CDS CHODAU/ 28.XI.18, 1x pair Postage due stamp 10h, Mi.P48 + 25h Charles and on reverse pair Mi.P47 with CDS KLADNO/ 19.XII.18; good condition, interesting frankings U:A5
1918 larger part of parcel card with fee paid mixed franking Austrian Postage due stamp 10h, Mi.P48 and Austrian express stamp. 5h rectangle Mi.220 with CDS KUKAN/ 18.XII.18; good condition, exceptional franking!! U:A5
1918-19 comp. 2 pcs of entires franked with. Austrian express stamp. 2h triangle, Mi.217, 1x larger part credit notes with mixed franking Austrian postage stmp Mi.194 3x, 185 and spěšné2h with CDS KARWIN/ 31.XII.18, 1x commercial PC franked with. 5-tuple franking spšené stamp. 2h, str-of-3 + pair with line CDS PRESCHEN (Břešťany)/ 7.1.19; good condition, rare non-philatelic franking with express stamps! U:A5
1918-19 comp. 2 pcs of letters small formats franked with Austrian stmp.., 1x as Registered with stamp. 50h Coat of arms, Mi.195 with CDS HŘIŠKOV/ 13.XI.18 and Express letter with 80h Coat of arms with CDS LOMNICE N. P./ 30.1.19, on reverse PRAGUE TGF.; nice frankings for postal rate I U:A5
1918-19 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, where delivering fee was/were paid Austrian parallel stamp., 1x block of four stamp. 5h, Mi.P47 with CDS LUŽICE/ 17.II.19, 2x with Postage due stamp 20h, Mi.P50 with CDS OBER THOMASDORF/ 30.XII.18 and CDS DAMBOŘICE/ 20.I.19 U:A5
1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of entires franked with. Austrian Postage due stamps used as postage, 1x Reg letter franked on back side str-of-3 vypotřebního issue 15/36h, Mi.P61, CDS PEČKY (envelope rozříznutá from 3 sides, then 3 pcs of entires with 5h and 10h Malé number, Mi.P47, P48 from that 1x in mixed franking with postage stmp 15h Charles, CDS VOTICE, PRAGUE, PLAŇANY; good condition U:A5
1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with usage Austrian forerunner and parallel express stmp rectangle 2h and 5h, Mi.219, 220 in mixed frankings Austrian postage stmp and Hradčany; good condition, interesting and valuable selection of U:A5
1918-19 comp. 5 pcs of entires, 3x letter with mixed franking Hradčany 5h and 10h with stamp. Charles 15h and Crown 10h (stuck together from two part/-s before/(in front of) usage) + postcard franked Austrian stamp. Crown 12h + Reg letter with Karek 30h and 15h with CDS ZDICE/ 19.2.19, other CDS RAKOVNÍK, LENEŠICE, ČESKÁ SKALICE, PLZEŇ U:A5
1918-19 comp. 5 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with mixed frankings parallel Austrian postage-due and postage stmp., Mi.P55, P60, P61, P62 used as postage stmp and Mi.P58 used as postage-due; good condition, rare non-philatelic franking! U:A5
1918-20 comp. 6 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes with Austrian forerunner and parallel Postage due stamps., 3x in funci postage stmp values 5, 10 and 30h, Mi.P47, P48, P52 + 3 pcs of used as postage-due values 20, 25 and 30h, Mi.P50, P51, P52, various CDS; all good condition U:A5
1919 Express letter with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 20h, Pof.8 and Austrian parallel Coat of arms 60h, Mi.196, CDS CHODAU/ 17.II.19, addressed to to Prague, sent by pneumatic tube mail, on reverse CDS PRAGUE TGF/ 18.II.19 and commercial paper seal; good condition, decorative franking from postal rate I U:A5
1919 front side letter envelope/-s franked with. i.a. Austrian express stamp. 2h rectangle with lower coupon, Mi.219 + 20h Charles and 3h Hradčany; rare occurrence express stmp with coupons U:A5
1919 Reg letter franked with. parallel Austrian stamp. as bisected 40h Coat of arms, Mi.194 and 25h Charles, Mi.223, line CDS BLEISTADT/ 6.1.19; good condition, interesting bisected franking from postal rate I U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters with mixed frankings Austrian express stmp 5h used as postage and stamp. Hradčany in/at I. and postal rate II, 1x ordinary letter with Pof.5 and pair express stmp Mi.220 with CDS KREIBITZ/ 13.II.19, 1x envelope with Pof.8 and express Mi.220 with CDS SCHLUCKENAU/ 25.XI.19; good condition U:A4
1919 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 20h, Pof.8 and Austrian parallel Charles 25h and 30h, Mi.223, 224, 1x as heavier Reg letter with CDS BRUCH IN BOHEMIA/ 19.II.19 with provisory Reg cancel, 1x CDS EGER/ 17.II.19 with provisory Reg cancel - envelope vertical folded; interesting frankings from postal rate I U:A4
1919 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with Austrian 40h Coat of arms, Mi.194 and Hradčany 5h, CDS ŘENČOV/ 21.II.19 and STUDNICE U VYŠKOVA/ 24.II.19; small tearing in/at envelopes, forerunner Austrian Reg label small post offices U:A5
1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes, where delivering fee are paid interesting mixed frankings Austrian and Czechosl. stamp., 1x Hradčany 5h + to exhaustion- postage-due 15/36h Mi.P61 with CDS ČAKOVICE 8.II.19, 1x Postage due stmp 5h Pof.DL1 and to exhaustion- Austrian 15/36h Mi.P61 with CDS HEINERSDORF/ 6.II.19, 1x Postage due stmp 5h Pof.DL1 and Austrian postage-due 15h Mi.P49 with CDS PŘEMYSLOVICE/ 26.3.19; good condition, nevídaná offer mixed doplatků! U:A5
1919 comp. 6 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes and 1 cut-square, mixed franking with korunovými values Austrian stamp. Coat of arms, 1x franked with. 2 Koruna dark blue Mi.200 I with certificate Gilbert, 3 Koruna dark red Mi.201 I, wide Mi.201 II, Mi.208, granite Mi.209, 4 Koruna Mi.206 and on cut-square 10K dark, Mi.203 I, unclear print; good condition, valuable selection of U:A5
1919 Hungarian money dispatch-note addressed to to Semily, where delivering fee was/were paid soubežnými Austrian stamp. 4h Velké number, Mi.P36 5x, nationalized CDS SEMILY 20.I.19; partially odlepené Hungarian stamp. on face-side with mailing CDS SOMBATHELY 919 Jan.15.; exceptional non-philatelic franking transitional period vrzniku Czechoslovakia U:A5
1919 service letter franked with. Austrian parallel stamp. 6h already invalidated issue 1908, Mi.143 and 15h Charles Mi.221 with CDS BEROUN/ 7.II.19 supplemented with mailing frame postal agency pmk TETÍN; good condition, quite exceptional franking parallel stamps! U:A5
1919 parcel dispatch card segment, where fee for delivery parcel was/were paid utžením čtvrtinky Austrian Postage due stamp 20h, Mi.P20 with CDS PŘÍBRAM 1/ 15.I.19, ústřžek mounted on cut-square article from Philatelic revue with description this konkrétního piece U:A4
1919 CARPATHIAN RUTHENIA larger part credit notes franked with Hungarian stmps with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG Charles 20f and Parliament 1 Koruna, CDS VOLÓCZ/ 919. Mar.28., rare usage used stamp. Hungarian republic in territory of Czechoslovakia U:A5
1919 comp. 10 pcs of cuts dispatch notes franked with. i.a. parallel Hungarian stamp. Reaper values 2, 3, 5, 15, 20, 25, 35 and 40f, various CDS; good condition U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of cuts and one greater part Hungarian money dispatch-note franked with. Válečnými surtax stmp Mi.183, 184, multiple franking; good condition U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG 20f Charles Mi.238 with CDS BESZTERECZEBANYA KISUTALY/ 919 Feb.6., 1x 40f Zita Mi.240 with CDS OROZSKA/ 919 Jan.3.; good condition, rare postal documents with stmp of foreign state.! U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of larger parts Hungarian credit notes small format with fee paid Hungarian Postage due stamps pair 10f and 20f Red number, Mi.P40, P43, CDS ALSOKUBIN and POZSONYNÁDAS; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of larger parts Hungarian credit notes franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG 10f + 25f Charles with CDS KOMÁROM/ 919 Feb.1. and 10f Reaper with 15f stamp. without overprint with CDS POZSONYLIGETFALU (Petržalka)/ 919 Mar.8. (to 14.8.1919 below Hungarian administration); good condition, rare postal documents with stmp of foreign state.! U:A5
1919 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with mixed frankings with Hungarian Postage due stamp 10f, Mi.P40, used as postage stmp, 2x with stamp. Hradčany 20 and 25h, 1x Reaper 25f, CDS POPRÁD, BREZNÓBÁNYA; good condition U:A5
1919 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG 10f Charles with CDS FAJKÜRT/ 919 Mar.27., 4x 20f Charles with CDS POZSONY/ 919 Feb.28., 50f Zita with CDS BESZTERECZEBANYA KISUTALY/ 919 Mar.17; good condition, rare postal documents with stmp of foreign state.! U:A5
1919 comp. 3 pcs of larger parts money Hungarian dispatch-notes franked with. i.a. parallel Hungarian stamp. Zita 50f 1x with stamp. Hradčany 10h and CDS UDVARNOK/ 919 Mar.17. and Zita 40f 2x from that 1x mixed franking str-of-3 and stamp. Hradčany 5h, CDS NYITRA and FEHERMALOM; good condition, exceptional franking U:A5
1919 comp. 4 pcs of larger parts Hungarian dispatch notes with frankings parallel Hungarian stamp. as Charles 10f, 20f and 25f, Mi.213-215, War charitable 15f and 40f, Mi.184, 185, CDS LOSONCZ, MALACZKA, NAGYSZOMBAT, LIPTÓSZENTMAKLÓS U:A5
1919 comp. 5 pcs of cuts from Hungarian dispatch notes with fee paid parallel Postage due stamps Red number values 2f, 5f, 10f, 15f and 20f, Mi.P37, P38, P40, P42, P43, various CDS as FACSKÓ, BREZNÓBÁNYA, BÁN etc..; good condition, valuable selection of with U:A5
1919 comp. 6 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes ruzných sorts franked with. parallel stamp. Reaper values 2f, 6f, 15f, 20f, 25f and 35f, all outside 2f used as postage stmp, various CDS as LOSONCZ, MIAVA, NAGYSZOMBAT etc..; all good condition U:A5
1919 larger part alternate C.O.D. order franked with. i.a. Hungarian bisected stmp Charles 20f brown, Mi.215 + Mi.195 2x, CDS GYETVA/ 919 Feb.17.; dispatch-note in margin slightly browny, after all exceptional franking, dostupná literature doesn't report her existenci! U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order with delivering fee paid halving Hungarian Postage due stamp 10f, Mi.P40, CDS ZAYUGRÖCZ (Uhrovec)/ 919. Mar.5., postal-charge paid Hungarian stamp. Mi.213, 215 2x, 191; good condition, rare! U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian C.O.D. order franked with. outside Hradčany-issue stamp. Hungarian express stamp. 2f, Mi.180 (used as postage stmp) on reverse, CDS TRSTENA/ 919 Mar.18.; good condition, used after valid time, after all rare U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian international credit notes with provisional 7-násobnou franking Hungarian stamp. 10f post. bank, Mi.179, from that 4x on/for back straně,DR SZAKOLCZA (Skalice)/ 919. Feb.26., sent back and redirected; small tearing in R margin dispatch-note, unique multiple franking! U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian credit notes provisional franked with. Hungarian Postage due stamp (used as postage stmp) 20f black number (!), Mi.P32, CDS KLÍN/ 919 Feb.1., unique usage parallel Hungarian Postage due stamp in time of validity, decorative piece suitable to exhibit! U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian credit notes with delivering fee paid mixed franking Hradčany 5h with transcription "Porto" and Hungarian Postage due stamp 15f red number Mi.P42, CDS NAGYSZOMBAT/ 919. Mar.3.; good condition, rare mixed franking! U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian credit notes franked with. provisional Hungarian Postage due stamps 30f red number used as postage stmp, Mi.P44 2x, CDS ERDÖKÖZ (Polhora by Brezne)/ 10.Feb.919; good condition, rare and decorative piece, jewel of every collection CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 U:A5
1919 larger part Hungarian post. order, delivering fee is provisional paid postage stmp 5f Reaper, Mi.192 with oval overprint PORTO, CDS NAGYBICSCSE; good condition, rare! U:A5
1919 cut square from post. dispatch-note franked with. pair Hungarian parallel stamp. 10f Reaper - white numerals, Mi.186 2x, CDS POZSONYSZÖLLOS (Vajnory)/ 919 Feb.2.; cut corners cut, after all ceněná franking U:A5
1918 CASH PAYMENT comp. 12 pcs of Reg entires franked/paid cash, CDS BRNO 1 (here R + Ex), TELLNITZ, TASOV, JEDOVNICE, BLANSKO, TELČ, KROMĚŘÍŽ, KLEIN MOHRAU, VELKÉ BÍLOVICE, ŽABOVŘESKY, BRNO 6, BRNO 11, various doplňková postmark FRANCO, FH, BF and hand-made note.; good condition, interesting selection of U:A4
1918 CASH PAYMENT comp. 4 pcs of entires with print hotovostních postmarks, 2x MC PRAGUE values 3h and 20h, 2x hand-made postmark values 3h with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 20.XII.18 and 5h with CDS PRAGUE 1/ 30.XII.18, all values in/at postal rate I for Printed matter, Spěšný printed matter and ordinary letter; good condition U:A5
1919 CASH PAYMENT comp. 10 pcs of R entires + 2 pcs of usual mailing, all cash paid, CDS STUDENÁ, KOLÍN 1, TUCHLOVICE, BRNO 1 (R + Ex), HIRSCHENSTAND, KARLSBAD 2 (nice advertisement for hotel Schwedisches haus), ČÁSLAV, SPÁLENÉ POŘÍČÍ, BEROUN (postcard sent usually), ŘEVNICE (ordinary letter), MĚLNÍK; good condition, interesting selection of U:A4
1919 CASH PAYMENT comp. 13 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes cash franked/paid, various daily and additional postmark; good condition, interesting U:A5
1919 CASH PAYMENT comp. 2 pcs of R letters franked/paid cash with cancel. FRANCO, 1x CDS HABROVANY/ 22.I.19 with postal agency pmk OLŠANY, 1x CDS LULČ/ 18.I.19 with postal agency pmk ROSTERNITZ; good condition U:A5
1919 CASH PAYMENT comp. 3 pcs of larger parts dispatch notes franked/paid cash, CDS HŘÍŠKOV + cancel. FRANCO, CDS TURDOSSIN with straight line postmark POSTOVE - HOTOVOSTI, ZÓLYOM with straight line postmark FRANKO H. PB U:A5
1919 CASH PAYMENT larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note with 15f Reaper and zbylých 5h cash paid - handwritten notice, CDS RÓZAHEGY/ 919 Feb.6., interesting combined franking! U:A5
1918 Hluboka issue, letter with 20h Charles with black overprint Pof.RV49, CDS ZLIV/ 28.10.18; two light yellowy stains in envelope U:A5
Pof.4Nb, 5h dark green, marginal block-of-4, pos. 69-70, 79-80, plate 8, exp. by Skaloud., certificate Škaloud, light production folds in margin, cat. min. 7.100Kč, rarest unissued plate U:A5
Pof.5Mp(4), 10h red, vertical 4-stamps opposite facing gutter, as Pr, folded, on 1 stmp favourite plate variety "clock", cat. min. 6.000CZK U:A5
Pof.7a IIp, 15h brown-red, bar type II on pos. 4, plate 1, c.v.. 4.000CZK, gum crease, unattested U:A5
Pof.9N, 20h red, c.v.. 3.500CZK, very wide margins U:A5
Pof.11a IIp, 25h black-violet, bar type II on pos. 81, plate 1, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 4.000CZK U:A5
Pof.18 joined frame types, 75h grey-green, complete 100-stamps sheet, 3x joined frame type on pos. 1, 2, 21, plate 1; mint never hinged only, minor gum fault, unfolded sheet U:A3v–
Pof.1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, 19 and 22 in/at blk-of-10, various plate variety, joined spiral types on/for Pof.7, part exp. by Karasek., exceedingly decorative, cat. min. 2.600CZK U:A4