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1914-16 comp. 2 pcs of Reg entires with postal agency pmk, 1x PC F.J. 5h uprated with stamp 20h Mi.146 with CDS ČESKÝ BROD and frame postal agency pmk TISMICE, 1x letter with Mi.190, 192 with CDS NÝŘANY and frame CDS ZBUCH; good condition, decorative U:A5
1919 postal-agency LIDICE, c.v.. Geg.0691, nationalized framed pmk on letter with Hradčany 25h, nationalized CDS BUŠTĚHRAD/ 13.7.19; light stain in envelope, sought U:A5
1917 Maxa F75, PC Franz Joseph 8h with perfin "F.W." f. Francis Wawerka, Lipník n. B., CDS LIPNÍK N. B./ 18.IV.17; good condition, rare! U:A5
1909 PC Franz Joseph 5h with perfin "F.&G./ Br." Austrian firm Felten & Guilleaume, CDS BRUCK A. D. MUR/ 4.9.09; good condition, sought! U:A5
1919 Maxa A36, commercial identification letter franked with. exklusivní mixed franking Hradčany-issue stamp. 3h (3 pcs of) and Austrian stamp. Crown 12h, Mi.189 (3 pcs of), all with perfin "A.K." firm A. Kalla, Reg letter with CDS SCMIEDEBERG/ 25.II.19, right franking 45h for postal rate I; good condition, rare and decorative entire obohacující every collection perfínů also forerunner frankings! U:A4
1919 Maxa F75, PC Coat of arms 10h with perfin "F.W." f. Francis Wawerka, Lipník n. B., perfin umístěn in LL corner, CDS nečitelené, according to text LIPNÍK N. B. 20.II.19, good condition, rare!. U:A5
1899 CHINA postcard sent Czech sailor from II. expedition ship S.M.S. KAISERIN ELISABETH to China with mixed franking of stmp China 4c and Hong Congo 2x 1c + 2c, CDS SHANGHAI/ 7.Apr.99, CHEFOO/ 18.Apr.99, HONG KONG/ 21.Apr.99, Paqueboot Line No.3/ 22.Apr.99, POLA POLICARPO/ 20.5.99 and arrival CDS POLA/ 21.5.99; small spots in perforation Chinese stamp., after all exceptional - sought mixed franking! U:A5
1899 CHINA / SHANGHAI LOCAL POST view card with imprinted stamp 1c (Asch.9) sent Czech sailor from II. expedition ship S.M.S. KAISERIN ELISABETH to China, with mixed franking of stmp China 4c and Hong Congo 2x 2c, CDS SHANGHAI/ 5.Oc.99, HONG KONG/ 10.Oct.99 and arrival CDS SLUCKENAU/ 8.11.99; short teeth in/at Chinese stamp. and several light folds in/at stationery, after all exceptional and sought mixed franking! U:A5
1915 K.u.K MARINEDETACHEMENT IN BEIJING/ 12.III.15 print black postmark type 3 on Ppc, on/for address also picture side where is mounted for absence bisected 12h stamp., Mi.145 with violet overprint "5", passed through censorship with red cancel. "examined", office annulled in 1917, addressed to to Bohemia; good condition, sought and rare postmark also stmp with overprint., decorative piece! U:A5
1916 JAPAN / AONOGAHARA violet round postmark on Ppc, POW camp for deportované Austrian sailors from China, addressed to to Bohemia, Us Japanese, French and Austrian censorship, all nice print, rare occurrence, decorative! U:A5
1916 POW CAMP CHEB (Eger), official envelope headquarters POW camp, sent as Reg without franking, postal agency pmk KRIEGSGEFANGENENLAGER (Prisoner-of-war camp) EGER and CDS EGER/ 5.VI.16, Reg label; good condition, exceptional entire! U:A5
1918-19 FRANCE comp. 2 pcs of entires Us by courier mail from France to Bohemia, 1x letter with content with straight line postmark FIELD POST/ CZECHOSL. LEGIONÁŘŮ/ NEPORTOVAT with MC PRAGUE 1/ 5.XII.18 and postcard sent from Paris 28.III.19 with stamp. Hradčany 10h and straight line postmark ARRIVED BY COURIER; good condition U:A5
1919 ITALY 22. home-defensive Czechosl. batt on card with CDS PRAGUE 11/ 7.III.19 with straight line postmark Without Postage Due/ Prisoner + card Italian FP with additional-printing flags with oval FP cachet cancel. R. POSTE/ 31. Reggimento/ C.S. with CDS CS.FP No.75/ 14.III.19 - sent from Uzhhorod; good condition U:A5
1920 RUSSIA legionary postcard (lithography) to Smečna, with Pof.PP2, CDS FIELD POST, 2-lines postmark Postal and telegraph office SMEČNO; very nice U:A5
1918-20 RUSSIA Siberia, comp. 6 pcs of entires, 6. shooting hanácký Regiment, round violet cancel. on 2 letters, cut-square and card, Post Czechosl. army bicircular violet postmark on Ppc sent from Vladivostok with green label Military Home American YMCA, 1x postmark CZECHOSL. RED CROSS/ ZAJATECKÝ ODDÍL on card odeslaném member 5. Prague regiment T. G. Masaryk; all with yellowy stains, clear postmark U:A5
1919 Headquarters 6. division and Headquarters I. skvadrony, violet 2-kruhová postmark on letter and card with CDS CS.FP No.75 and No.50, supplemented with envelope sent as Registered with FP cachet cancel. Czechosl. garrison hospital in Košice with CDS CS.FP No.22 + postcard with CDS CS.FP No.75; good condition U:A5
1919 PR19/001, Sokol festival in Znojmo 24.VIII.1919, print black special postmark on/for philatelically motivated mailing, 3x stamp. Hradčany + green advertising label; good condition U:A5
1940 PDR1, Nymburk - green, special postmark on cut-square with stmp Pof.NV1, nice imprint, c.v.. 800CZK U:A5
1931 TATRANSKÁ POLIANKA - sanatorium Dr. Buhr, on both sides additional printing on/for Us envelope; good condition, decorative U:A5