Public Auction 32 / TOP100 Bidding

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124852 - 1914-16 comp. 2 pcs of Reg entires with postal agency pmk, 1
1914-16 comp. 2 pcs of Reg entires with postal agency pmk, 1x PC F.J. 5h uprated with stamp 20h Mi.146 with CDS ČESKÝ BROD and frame postal agency pmk TISMICE, 1x letter with Mi.190, 192 with CDS NÝŘANY and frame CDS ZBUCH; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
124734 - 1919-20 comp. 3 pcs of Hradcany-issue Reg letters with posta
1919-20 comp. 3 pcs of Hradcany-issue Reg letters with postal agency pmk, 1x Reg and Express with Pof.11 5x, 5 with CDS MORAVSKÉ BUDĚJOVICE and nationalized postal agency pmk DĚDICE, Reg letter with Pof.8 2x, 3, CDS BŘASY 6.IV.19 with nationalized postal agency pmk PLANÁ, 1x Reg letter with Pof.11 str-of-3, 3 with CDS NÝŘANY and postal agency pmk BLATTNITZ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124851 - 1919 postal-agency LIDICE, c.v.. Geg.0691, nationalized fram
1919 postal-agency LIDICE, c.v.. Geg.0691, nationalized framed pmk on letter with Hradčany 25h, nationalized CDS BUŠTĚHRAD/ 13.7.19; light stain in envelope, sought
Starting price: CZK
124731 - 1919 Reg letter with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 5f, Po
1919 Reg letter with mixed franking of stmp Hradčany 5f, Pof.3 and parallel Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 40h olive, Mi.194, CDS VIMPERK/ 17.II.19 supplemented with nice print Postal Agency S. MÁŘÍ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
125094 - 1944 LEPAŘÍK Vítězslav (1914–1945), member paraskupiny
1944 LEPAŘÍK Vítězslav (1914–1945), member paraskupiny GLUCINIUM, popraven nacisty in 1945; B/W photoportrait, format 14x19cm, dedication with signature "Víťa", London 16.IV.1944, on reverse stains
Starting price: CZK
124827 - 1919 CASH PAYMENT   larger part Hungarian money dispatch-not
1919 CASH PAYMENT larger part Hungarian money dispatch-note with 15f Reaper and zbylých 5h cash paid - handwritten notice, CDS RÓZAHEGY/ 919 Feb.6., interesting combined franking!
Starting price: CZK
125185 - 1920 more/larger part parcel C.O.D. dispatch-note sent from
1920 more/larger part parcel C.O.D. dispatch-note sent from Žilina on/for plebiscitary Oravu, in the place delivering fee paid pair overprint Postage due stamp 10h, from that one stamp. as bisected, Pof.SO34, CDS PODVLK/ 11.V.20 (this village/community was/were in 1924 postoupena Poland)
Starting price: CZK
124848 - 1919 CASH PAYMENT   comp. 2 pcs of R letters franked/paid ca
1919 CASH PAYMENT comp. 2 pcs of R letters franked/paid cash with cancel. FRANCO, 1x CDS HABROVANY/ 22.I.19 with postal agency pmk OLŠANY, 1x CDS LULČ/ 18.I.19 with postal agency pmk ROSTERNITZ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124257 - 1920-21 comp. 3 pcs of really Us entires with with additiona
1920-21 comp. 3 pcs of really Us entires with with additional-printing supplement 20h for Red Cross, postcard with Pof.170, 2x commercial letter 1x with stamp. Pof.171, 1x Pof.170 uprated with stamp issue Chainbreaker 20h, CDS PAVlˇIKOV, PŘIBRAM and special postmark PRAGUE/ Esperanto congress; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124632 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with mixed frankings
1919 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with mixed frankings with Hungarian Postage due stamp 10f, Mi.P40, used as postage stmp, 2x with stamp. Hradčany 20 and 25h, 1x Reaper 25f, CDS POPRÁD, BREZNÓBÁNYA; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124665 - 1864 small-sized letter to Cadore with Mi.15I, 15II 2x + SAR
1864 small-sized letter to Cadore with Mi.15I, 15II 2x + SARDINIA Mi.11a; rare mixed franking, CDS MILAN, missing back lapel, several small dots, after all interesting
Starting price: CZK
124457 - 1919 comp. 6 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes and 1 cut-squar
1919 comp. 6 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes and 1 cut-square, mixed franking with korunovými values Austrian stamp. Coat of arms, 1x franked with. 2 Koruna dark blue Mi.200 I with certificate Gilbert, 3 Koruna dark red Mi.201 I, wide Mi.201 II, Mi.208, granite Mi.209, 4 Koruna Mi.206 and on cut-square 10K dark, Mi.203 I, unclear print; good condition, valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
124801 - 1919 NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL  Pof.NR3, journal Lékařů Czech
1919 NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL Pof.NR3, journal Lékařů Czech - Prague, whole newspaper wrapper with straight line postmark "PAID IN CASH PLACEN" and CDS PRAGUE 1/ 12.I.19; good condition, nice print
Starting price: CZK
124537 - 1919 CPŘ5, Crown 10h sent as Reg to Vienna, uprated with st
1919 CPŘ5, Crown 10h sent as Reg to Vienna, uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h blue, Pof.10, nationalized CDS BŘEZOVÉ HORY/ 3.II.19; on reverse hinged, good condition, decorative piece
Starting price: CZK
124571 - 1919 CDV1b, Large Monogram - Charles, comp. 3 pcs of, blue i
1919 CDV1b, Large Monogram - Charles, comp. 3 pcs of, blue initials, all with production flaw shifted overprint, double overprint and overprint offset on reverse PC, 2x uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h, CDS VOKOVICE - VELESLAVÍN, PERUC and LITEŇ; good condition, non-philatelic mailing - nice item
Starting price: CZK
124331 - 1906 Mi.61-62A, State Coat of Arms  , c.v.. 65€
1906 Mi.61-62A, State Coat of Arms , c.v.. 65€
Starting price: CZK
124840 - 1918-19 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes,  used divided Au
1918-19 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes, used divided Austrian postage-due and express stmp to payment delivering fees, bisected Express stamp 2h, bisected to exhaustion- 15/2h and 10/24h, Mi.219, P59, P60, various CDS
Starting price: CZK
124618 - 1919 Reg letter franked with. parallel Austrian stamp. as bi
1919 Reg letter franked with. parallel Austrian stamp. as bisected 40h Coat of arms, Mi.194 and 25h Charles, Mi.223, line CDS BLEISTADT/ 6.1.19; good condition, interesting bisected franking from postal rate I
Starting price: CZK
124309 - 1919 joined printing  blk-of-4, green, stamp paper with gum
1919 joined printing blk-of-4, green, stamp paper with gum
Starting price: CZK
124464 - 1919 CP88, 5f, I. part from Hungarian double PC Mi.P49, upra
1919 CP88, 5f, I. part from Hungarian double PC Mi.P49, uprated with stamp Hradčany 10h, Pof.5 with single-circle CDS POPRÁD/ Ápr.4, commercial postmark; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124838 - 1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of cuts dispatch notes,  used divided Au
1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of cuts dispatch notes, used divided Austrian Postage due stamp to payment delivering fees, values bisected 10h, bisected 15h and bisected and čtvrcená 40h, Mi.P48, P49, P53, various CDS; rare!
Starting price: CZK
124800 - 1919 CASH PAYMENT   comp. 13 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes
1919 CASH PAYMENT comp. 13 pcs of cuts from dispatch notes cash franked/paid, various daily and additional postmark; good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
124608 - 1918-19 comp. 5 pcs of entires, 3x letter with mixed frankin
1918-19 comp. 5 pcs of entires, 3x letter with mixed franking Hradčany 5h and 10h with stamp. Charles 15h and Crown 10h (stuck together from two part/-s before/(in front of) usage) + postcard franked Austrian stamp. Crown 12h + Reg letter with Karek 30h and 15h with CDS ZDICE/ 19.2.19, other CDS RAKOVNÍK, LENEŠICE, ČESKÁ SKALICE, PLZEŇ
Starting price: CZK
124332 - 1906 Mi.61B, State Coat of Arms  , line perforation 11½
1906 Mi.61B, State Coat of Arms , line perforation 11½;, c.v.. 250€
Starting price: CZK
125100 - 1914 SCOUTING  advertising PC on/for sale scout literature,
1914 SCOUTING advertising PC on/for sale scout literature, 2-picture (Svojsík, junáci), postally used, dated 30.července 1914, group postmark, fold corner else preserved, certificate of scouting in Czech lands before/(in front of) WWI - RARITA !
Starting price: CZK
125189 - 1926 CDV31b, PC with blue additional-printing Olympic Congre
1926 CDV31b, PC with blue additional-printing Olympic Congress, to Hungary, uprated with stamp T. G. Masaryk 50h and Pigeon-issue 20h, CDS HEŘMANICE U FRÝDLANTU/ 30.I.26; rare usage really Us PC
Starting price: CZK
125239 - 1933 Registered and Express letter to Switzerland from Czech
1933 Registered and Express letter to Switzerland from Czechosl. ministry foreign Affairs, franked with. 10CZK stamp. Prague, Pof.257, CDS PRAGUE 10 HRAD/ 19.V.33, on reverse arrival postmark GENÈVE/ 21.V.33, paper official stick-on label; good condition, on reverse only 2 dusky stains, rare single franking
Starting price: CZK
122232 - 1947 Mi.1148-51, 800th Anniv. of Moscow, str-of-5 III with g
1947 Mi.1148-51, 800th Anniv. of Moscow, str-of-5 III with gutter, c.v.. 120€
Starting price: CZK
124328 - 1875 Mi.27x, State Coat of Arms   10K, c.v.. 50€
1875 Mi.27x, State Coat of Arms 10K, c.v.. 50€
Starting price: CZK
124399 - 1917 Mi.81Bx, State Coat of Arms   10R imperforated, vertica
1917 Mi.81Bx, State Coat of Arms 10R imperforated, vertical chalky background print, with upper margin sheet, label on/for upper margin, stamp. mint never hinged, c.v.. 60€
Starting price: CZK
124461 - 1919 private postal stationery cover with printed stmp Charl
1919 private postal stationery cover with printed stmp Charles 20h, additional printing firm Zbirower Eisenwerke - Hloubkau, nationalized CDS HOLOUBKOV/ 18.I.19; only hinge / label on reverse, good condition, decorative envelope!
Starting price: CZK
124308 - 1919 joined printing  blk-of-4, dark blue, stamp paper with
1919 joined printing blk-of-4, dark blue, stamp paper with gum
Starting price: CZK
124325 - 1950 Mi.1333 II, Workers - pilot, block of four, letterprint
1950 Mi.1333 II, Workers - pilot, block of four, letterprint, size 15,25x22,25mm, buckle with teeth, c.v.. 1.800€, minor gum fault
Starting price: CZK
125357 - 1936 Mi.744-759, Landscape, complete 16 stamp. set, from tha
1936 Mi.744-759, Landscape, complete 16 stamp. set, from that 10 pcs of stamp. with minor gum fault, small hints from black background, c.v.. 590€
Starting price: CZK
124760 - 1918 larger part of parcel card with fee paid mixed franking
1918 larger part of parcel card with fee paid mixed franking Austrian Postage due stamp 10h, Mi.P48 and Austrian express stamp. 5h rectangle Mi.220 with CDS KUKAN/ 18.XII.18; good condition, exceptional franking!!
Starting price: CZK
124310 - 1919 design For orphans, format 12,5x15cm, brown, author Ben
1919 design For orphans, format 12,5x15cm, brown, author Benda, expertized, on reverse hints after sticking in album, light spotted paper, after all exceedingly rare
Starting price: CZK
125283 - 1940 PDR1, Nymburk - green, special postmark on cut-square w
1940 PDR1, Nymburk - green, special postmark on cut-square with stmp Pof.NV1, nice imprint, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
124684 - 1931-1966 AFRICA  comp. 11 pcs of FDC and big cut-squares fr
1931-1966 AFRICA comp. 11 pcs of FDC and big cut-squares from African colonies, also with India, New Zealand and St. Christopher; mostly with whole sets, catalogue value for MNH SG min. £280
Starting price: CZK
122299 -  Pof.SO(8)Nd, unissued 25h ultramarine with red overprint, p
Pof.SO(8)Nd, unissued 25h ultramarine with red overprint, print spike in upper margin, exp. Le, superb
Starting price: CZK
124394 - 1889 Mi.55x, State Coat of Arms   3,50R black/ grey, corner
1889 Mi.55x, State Coat of Arms 3,50R black/ grey, corner blk-of-4, lower and R with margin counter sheet, hinges in corners vícebloku, 3 stamps quite mint never hinged, on/for right margin povolená perf, c.v.. 268€
Starting price: CZK
125279 - 1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue  collection
1918-19 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection of stmp and mainly entires in spiral stockbook, contains i.a. Austrian also Hungarian mixed franking, partially also on/for p.stat, multiple franking, imperforated 10h on/for cut dispatch-note, varieties perf, interesting postmarks, various color, also value 1000h, maculature, SO1920 (overprint) and oths.; very interesting!
Starting price: CZK
124303 - 1927 PLATE PROOF Pof.187, Masaryk - Neotypie (gravure-print)
1927 PLATE PROOF Pof.187, Masaryk - Neotypie (gravure-print), photo trial, nice
Starting price: CZK
124489 - 1926 POSTAGE-DUE PROVISORY   accounting sheet check orders f
1926 POSTAGE-DUE PROVISORY accounting sheet check orders format A5 with fee paid mixed franking postage stmp T. G. Masaryk 3CZK (used as postage-due) and to exhaustion postage-due stamp., Pof.196 5x, DL35, DL39, CDS VYKLICE/ 20.I.26; several folds, good condition, rare usage
Starting price: CZK
124766 - 1919 ordinary heavier letter franked mixed franking Hradčan
1919 ordinary heavier letter franked mixed franking Hradčany 20h, Pof.8 and parallel Austrian newspaper stmp Mercure 2h used as postage stmp, Mi.212, str-of-3, CDS BUDĚJOVICE 1/ 6.II.19; several dots in envelope and wrinkled margins, interesting franking
Starting price: CZK
124845 - 1916 POW CAMP CHEB (Eger), official envelope headquarters PO
1916 POW CAMP CHEB (Eger), official envelope headquarters POW camp, sent as Reg without franking, postal agency pmk KRIEGSGEFANGENENLAGER (Prisoner-of-war camp) EGER and CDS EGER/ 5.VI.16, Reg label; good condition, exceptional entire!
Starting price: CZK
125237 - 1920 ATTACHED TERRITORY / HLUČÍN REGION  postcard franked
1920 ATTACHED TERRITORY / HLUČÍN REGION postcard franked with. German stamp. 15f, Mi.108 with CDS KRAVAŘ/ DEUTSCH (GERMAN) KRAWARN/ 11.II.20, post off. postoupený Czechoslovakia, B/W postcard Kravaře - Postal street with post, rare document/attribut in perfect quality!
Starting price: CZK
124441 - 1884 TELEPHONE STAMPS private company National Telephone, is
1884 TELEPHONE STAMPS private company National Telephone, issued in/at Glasgow for telephone payment, set 5 pcs of 1P-1Sh (3p without gum) with portrait founder company R.R. Jacksona, postally and historically interesting, in the Czech market rare!
Starting price: CZK
124320 - 1922 Mi.D4 I, Official for embassy in Berlin, overprint 600M
1922 Mi.D4 I, Official for embassy in Berlin, overprint 600M/3R, type I., c.v.. 170€
Starting price: CZK
124344 - 1957-58 comp. 10 pcs of letters, from that 8 pcs of air-mail
1957-58 comp. 10 pcs of letters, from that 8 pcs of air-mail to Czechoslovakia, richer franking (from part/-s also on reverse), 1x ordinary. letter to Czechoslovakia and 1x letter in terms of China; 2 pcs of from part/-s damaged, otherwise usual quality, interesting
Starting price: CZK
124460 - 1919 CPŘ7, 8, comp. 3 pcs of Austrian letter cards 15h and
1919 CPŘ7, 8, comp. 3 pcs of Austrian letter cards 15h and 20h Charles without margins, 2x CPŘ7 uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h with CDS JIHLAVA 1/ 1.III.19, 10h with CDS VYSOKÉ MÝTO/ 21.VI.19 and CPŘ 8 without uprating with CDS BRNO 1/ 11.I.19; good condition
Starting price: CZK
125245 - 1922 Pof.L5, II. provisional air mail stmp. 100/200h violet,
1922 Pof.L5, II. provisional air mail stmp. 100/200h violet, plate variety 1 - cut zero, exp. by Mrnak., Pofis, cat. min. 1.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
124600 - 1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with usage Austri
1918-19 comp. 4 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with usage Austrian forerunner and parallel express stmp rectangle 2h and 5h, Mi.219, 220 in mixed frankings Austrian postage stmp and Hradčany; good condition, interesting and valuable selection of
Starting price: CZK
124624 - 1919 CDV1b + CDV2b, comp. 4 pcs of PC with blue monogram, 2x
1919 CDV1b + CDV2b, comp. 4 pcs of PC with blue monogram, 2x CDV1b uprated with stamp Hradčany 5h, CDS KOPISTY, FRIEDBERG IN BOHEMIA and 2x CDV2b, I. and II. part without dofranku with CDS ČASTOLOVICE, VOKOVICE - VELESLAVÍN; nice pieces
Starting price: CZK
125222 - 1919-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue  selection
1919-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue selection of more than 500 pcs of cuts dispatch notes, contains i.a. also 3 pcs with value 1000h, interesting also single-circle postmark, etc..
Starting price: CZK
125191 - 1942 CDV16, Hitler 60h insufficiently franked and sent to Sl
1942 CDV16, Hitler 60h insufficiently franked and sent to Slovakia, CDS PODĚBRADY/ 7.XII.42, where was/were burdened by postage-due, mounted Slovak Postage due stamp Alb.D8, D7, CDS BRATISLAVA/ 10.XII.42; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124463 - 1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h with perf for typewriter, 2 pcs of wi
1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h with perf for typewriter, 2 pcs of with wide upper zakládacím margin (!), uprated by. 1x Austrian express stamp. 2h rectangle and 1x Hradčany 3h, nationalized CDS OLOMOUC - ŘEPČÍN/ 21.I.19 and 6.III.19; good condition, rare usage with wide margin
Starting price: CZK
124574 - 1919 CDV1a, Large Monogram - Charles, comp. 4 pcs of PC, all
1919 CDV1a, Large Monogram - Charles, comp. 4 pcs of PC, all production flaw, shifted overprint, triple (!) overprint, two overprints next to themselves and overprint offset on reverse PC, 2x uprated with stamp Hradčany 3h and 5h, CDS ŽLEBY, MÝTO, STRAKONICE and PODHOŘANY N. V.; 1x repaired tearing in L margin, non-philatelic mailing - interesting item
Starting price: CZK
124343 - 1957-58 comp. 9 pcs of entires, from that 8x airmail letter
1957-58 comp. 9 pcs of entires, from that 8x airmail letter to Czechoslovakia, multicolor frankings, partially also on reverse and 1x postcard, well preserved
Starting price: CZK
124704 - 1919-20 comp. 4 pcs of Reg letters, 2x jedno-násobná frank
1919-20 comp. 4 pcs of Reg letters, 2x jedno-násobná franking stamp. 75h and 80h, Pof.18, 19 with CDS KOSTELEC N. V. and PŘEDMĚŘICE, 2 pcs of mixed franking Hradčany-issue stamp. 60, 80 and 100h, Pof.17A, 19, 20 and Pigeon-issue 5h with CDS NEKOŘ and MĚLNÍK; good condition
Starting price: CZK
124834 - 1919-22 comp. 8 pcs of cuts dispatch notes where is used pos
1919-22 comp. 8 pcs of cuts dispatch notes where is used postage-due stamp, as postage, issue Ornament values 500h, 100h with postal agency pmk VELKÉ KOSMALOVICE, 20h, 25h, 30h and 50h + to exhaustion-issue Hradčany 20/3h and 50/75h, part with overprint FRANKO; good condition, rare selection of
Starting price: CZK
124275 - 1918 Hluboka issue,  letter with 20h Charles with black over
1918 Hluboka issue, letter with 20h Charles with black overprint Pof.RV49, CDS ZLIV/ 28.10.18; two light yellowy stains in envelope
Starting price: CZK
124279 - 1922 ordinary letter with Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreake
1922 ordinary letter with Pigeon-issue and issue Chainbreaker 50h green, Pof.156 RT, retouch of egg in waist, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 18.X.21; good condition, small format envelope/-s
Starting price: CZK
124462 - 1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h, comp. 4 pcs of, all uprated with sta
1919 CPŘ3, Charles 8h, comp. 4 pcs of, all uprated with stamp Hradčany 1h and 3h, str-of-4 Express stamp 2h, Newspaper stamp Sokol 2h, Hradčany 5h + Newspaper stamp Sokol 2h, 2x forerunner railway pmk TANWALD - EISENBROD and TRAUTENAU - PRAG; good condition, clear postmark
Starting price: CZK
124625 - 1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles, 2 pcs of PC sent as Reg
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles, 2 pcs of PC sent as Registered, reccomendation charge was/were paid cash (!), 1x CDS HORNÍ CEREKEV/ 7.I.19 supplemented with postal agency pmk HORNÍ VES and 1x CDS POĚBRADY/ 28.I.19; good condition, rare usage cash uprated postcards!
Starting price: CZK
125151 - 1995 Pof.66, Pitter 7CZK, block of four, significant shift n
1995 Pof.66, Pitter 7CZK, block of four, significant shift numeral value and grey color, rare, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
125238 - 1931 comp. of 3 issues Zeppelins, Mi.397A-401A (wmk unresolv
1931 comp. of 3 issues Zeppelins, Mi.397A-401A (wmk unresolved), Mi.397C-401C, Mi.402B-405B, on reverse rest of hinge or hints after sticking, c.v.. ** more than 550€
Starting price: CZK
124304 - 1924-25 Pof.PN2, Lion in circle 1 Koruna, issue without gum
1924-25 Pof.PN2, Lion in circle 1 Koruna, issue without gum
Starting price: CZK
125224 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue  collection
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue collection plate flaws on/for all values outside 1000h, contains ca. 1.800 pcs of stamp. and blocks with identified plate variety with description, sorted according to values, supplemented with several cuts from dispatch notes, mainly used stamp., smaller part clear, placed on pages in 5 spring folder; originates from Germany, descriptions in German + very extensive lifetime work!
Starting price: CZK
120601 - 1942 request sheet with Ostrava 4 Koruna, Pof.37, CDS UNHOŠ
1942 request sheet with Ostrava 4 Koruna, Pof.37, CDS UNHOŠŤ/ 18.VII.42, printed matter A4 with imprint 438 (III-1941); folded, filling holes, sought usage postage stmp on/for blank forms!
Starting price: CZK
124864 - 1852 Reg letter with Mi.3 + 4 pair, in addition with bisecte
1852 Reg letter with Mi.3 + 4 pair, in addition with bisected stmp, total 6P, handwritten notice "REGISTERED", numeral pmk "466" (Liverpool), arrival postmark PWLLHELI, rare destination (small village/community in/at northern Walesu) also franking
Starting price: CZK
124575 - 1863 letter with Mi.11, 15II, nice mixed franking, CDS MILAN
1863 letter with Mi.11, 15II, nice mixed franking, CDS MILAN, on reverse arrival FONZASO, very fine
Starting price: CZK
124695 - 1919 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes franked with. i.a. H
1919 comp. 3 pcs of cuts dispatch notes franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG 10f Charles with CDS FAJKÜRT/ 919 Mar.27., 4x 20f Charles with CDS POZSONY/ 919 Feb.28., 50f Zita with CDS BESZTERECZEBANYA KISUTALY/ 919 Mar.17; good condition, rare postal documents with stmp of foreign state.!
Starting price: CZK
124728 - 1860 Mi.1a, Double-headed Eagle 10K, exp. Kalinowski, small
1860 Mi.1a, Double-headed Eagle 10K, exp. Kalinowski, small repair in LL corner, overall average condition
Starting price: CZK
124778 - 1855-1870 Mi.10B 2x, 16 5x, 36, comp. 8 pcs of stamps Queen
1855-1870 Mi.10B 2x, 16 5x, 36, comp. 8 pcs of stamps Queen Victoria, various plate, 2x minor faults, otherwise good quality, i.a. pair No. 16 plate 199 with whole margin with sheet inscriptions; cat. Gibbons min. £680
Starting price: CZK
125235 - 1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue, SO1920 (ov
1918-20 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1918-39 / HRADČANY-issue, SO1920 (overprint) big specialized collection of plate flaws on stmp issue Hradčany and with overprint SO1920 (overprint) (mainly mint never hinged stamps), carefully sorted and placed on album sheets in spring folder, cat. only stamp. without plate variety min. 15.000CZK, general c.v.. price min. 30.000CZK; very nice collection!
Starting price: CZK
124403 - 1924 FEE STAMPS FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE  Reg letter to Belgium,
1924 FEE STAMPS FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE Reg letter to Belgium, CDS CHARKOV/ 13.2.24, Reg cancel + on reverse control stamps for foreign výměnu 1k/ 1R (3x) and 1k/ 1R (1x), in corners hints of greasy labels, front and back side of letter detached and underglued, after all interesting entire
Starting price: CZK
124872 - 1863 Mi.P1a, Postage due stmp 10C yellow, original gum, very
1863 Mi.P1a, Postage due stmp 10C yellow, original gum, very wide margins, sign. Diena, c.v.. 2.000€
Starting price: CZK
124334 - 1906 Mi.69 II Bd, State Coat of Arms   with flashes 10K, cor
1906 Mi.69 II Bd, State Coat of Arms with flashes 10K, corner blk-of-10, c.v.. 400€
Starting price: CZK
124558 - 1860 letter to Naples (Napoli) with Mi.19 and 20, CDS LIVORN
1860 letter to Naples (Napoli) with Mi.19 and 20, CDS LIVORNO, by ship post, with surtax 20Cmi, at top short tearing and light fold, rarer franking
Starting price: CZK
124306 - 1919 comp. 6 pcs of designes - Hand, on stamp paper with gum
1919 comp. 6 pcs of designes - Hand, on stamp paper with gum, various color, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
124307 - 1919 comp. 6 pcs of designes - Hand, Linden seedling, on sta
1919 comp. 6 pcs of designes - Hand, Linden seedling, on stamp paper with gum, various color, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
119332 - 1935-42 SOVIET UNION  specialized collection of stamps, diff
1935-42 SOVIET UNION specialized collection of stamps, differentiated perf, positions of watermarks, grids; mainly mint never hinged, only several stamps hinged, placed in 4-sheet stockbook Ministry communications USSR, c.v.. 5.200€, index inserted
Starting price: CZK
124274 - 1841 Mi.4 (SG.13), Queen Victoria 2P blue, nice bright colou
1841 Mi.4 (SG.13), Queen Victoria 2P blue, nice bright colour, cat. Gibbons £5.000, evidently new gum
Starting price: CZK
124994 - 1861 Mi.19 IIa (Sc.67), Presidents 5C ochre, without gum, ca
1861 Mi.19 IIa (Sc.67), Presidents 5C ochre, without gum, catalogue value for hinged 18.000€, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE (2006), stamps with gum practically don't occur in the market
Starting price: CZK
124983 - 1894 Mi.101 (Sc.263), Presidents $5 green, c.v.. 4.000€, 2
1894 Mi.101 (Sc.263), Presidents $5 green, c.v.. 4.000€, 2 certificates EXPERT COMMITTEE
Starting price: CZK
120508 - 1943 PLATE PROOF  Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp Terezín, block o
1943 PLATE PROOF Pof.Pr1B, Admission stmp Terezín, block of four, plate proof on yellow paper without gum, on reverse imprinted, exp. by Mahr., certificate Krischke, extraordinary!
Starting price: CZK
124984 - 1869 Mi.34 (Sc.121), Landscape Motives 30C blue / carmine, c
1869 Mi.34 (Sc.121), Landscape Motives 30C blue / carmine, c.v.. 6.500€, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE, bright colour
Starting price: CZK
124978 - 1869 Mi.33 (Sc.120), Landscape Motives 24C green / violet, c
1869 Mi.33 (Sc.120), Landscape Motives 24C green / violet, c.v.. 7.000€, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE
Starting price: CZK
124798 - 1851 Mi.7 Ib, Head of Mercury (6 Kreuzer) yellow, so-called.
1851 Mi.7 Ib, Head of Mercury (6 Kreuzer) yellow, so-called. "Yellow Mercury", almost complete cancel. GERAS, significant color, very fine wide margins (!), L minimum thin place outside picture of stmp, L at top fine folds, negligible with regard to rarities stamps, sign. Thier, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer - attractive and působivý "very fine piece", quite extraordinary offer, in this margins exists only several pieces, cat. Ferchenbauer 12.500€, for stamp. with whole cancel. 15.000€
Starting price: CZK
118595 - 1889-92 Mi.1-9, postage stmp Transvaalu with line overprint
1889-92 Mi.1-9, postage stmp Transvaalu with line overprint "Swazieland", complete set of, exceedingly rare set, total 7 pcs incl. values 10Sh exp. Kohler, 5 cheap values heavier hinges, rozhodoující value 10Sh nice piece, on reverse 3 old owner's mark, from old collection (ex baron Rieger), quite rare offer, c.v.. 9.000€
Starting price: CZK
119294 - 1943 Pof.A111 (Mi.Bl.I), Heydrich's MS, format 101x149, type
1943 Pof.A111 (Mi.Bl.I), Heydrich's MS, format 101x149, type I., printing 1000 pieces; rare miniature sheet issued on the occasion of 1. Anniv death Reinhard Heydrich, according to our opinion one from the most well-preserved extant pieces, only 2 light folds in lower corners, without expressive folds and repairs; photo-certificate Mahr BPP; extraordinary offer (!), this according to catalogue most valuable miniature sheet from complete world philately missing in overwhelming majority collections, c.v.. 20.000€
Starting price: CZK
121399 - 1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, plate 10, clear stamp. withou
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, plate 10, clear stamp. without gum, very wide margins L and lower, wide margins at top and R, rarest plate 10, c.v.. Michel 6.000€, cat. Gibbons 20.000£, also with copy photo-certificate Brit. Royal philatelic association, rare offer, exkluzívní piece!
Starting price: CZK
122408 - 1860 Mi.8 (Sass.15), Coat of Arms ½Tor blue, part of po
1860 Mi.8 (Sass.15), Coat of Arms ½Tor blue, part of postmark, certificate Raybaudi, c.v.. Sassone 16.000€
Starting price: CZK
120048 - 1843 GENEVA  Mi.1HR, Coat of arms 5C, postmark - red rosette
1843 GENEVA Mi.1HR, Coat of arms 5C, postmark - red rosette, 2x photo-certificate, Rellstab (1983) and Eichele (2008), c.v.. 8.000€, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
120429 - 1912 Mi.VII (SG.321b), George V. 100R grey-black, cat. Gibbo
1912 Mi.VII (SG.321b), George V. 100R grey-black, cat. Gibbons £4.000
Starting price: CZK
124258 - 1962 Mi.142, 145; SG.172, 175, overprint TRISTAN RELIEF, cat
1962 Mi.142, 145; SG.172, 175, overprint TRISTAN RELIEF, cat. Gibbons £3.550, very rare stamps, owner guarantees the genuineness and the quality
Starting price: CZK
124260 - 1912 Mi.II (SG.62), George V. 100R, cat. Gibbons £5.500
1912 Mi.II (SG.62), George V. 100R, cat. Gibbons £5.500, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
124293 - 1850-1912 TASMANIA, VICTORIA  the 2nd part of the famous stu
1850-1912 TASMANIA, VICTORIA the 2nd part of the famous study collection of Australian states, on 79 album sheets, all issues elaborated according to color shades and perforation, including specialisation of postmarks! Collection contains only chosen quality pieces, lifetime work (!), expertly described postmarks on total 21 album sheets are as free insert, collection contains also revenues + set of 43 pieces of reprints issued to the occasion of the visit of Edward VII, Prince of Wales, for his prestigious collection. Printing only 100 pieces, offered set of reprints got as donation Admiral Höhnel - estimation 1.000€. Quite rare chance, more beautiful collection in Czech Republic evidently doesn't exist, according to owner catalogue price minimally 21.500€ (Tasmania = 14.600€, Victoria = 6.900€), definitely it is worth seeing! (Rem.: P.stat and entires from this collection are offered as single items in this auction)
Starting price: CZK
124337 - 1860-1985 ITALY  almost complete collection on album sheets
1860-1985 ITALY almost complete collection on album sheets in 2 albums, c.v.. for Un stamps **/* more than 28.000€, for stamps with new gum 22.700€, for stamps without gum 6.900€, extraordinary offer (!), total c.v.. more than 58.000€, it is worth seeing
Starting price: CZK
124390 - 1902 Mi.75 (SG.144), Edward VII. £5 black / violet, mar
1902 Mi.75 (SG.144), Edward VII. £5 black / violet, marginal stmp, cat. Gibbons £3.250, signed Bolaffi (?), natural grooves in paper, light hinged, very rare stamp
Starting price: CZK
124616 - 2010 Pof.VZS04, Four-leaf clover - Myšpulín, complete stam
2010 Pof.VZS04, Four-leaf clover - Myšpulín, complete stamp booklets with popular production flaw - without pin hole, printing field 6; perfect condition, new discovery mainly popular production defects on/for other issue booklet, for the first time in auction (!), c.v.. 95.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
124688 - 1850 Mi.1a, Saxon Three, one of best-known and nejvyhledáva
1850 Mi.1a, Saxon Three, one of best-known and nejvyhledávanějších stmp of European classic, wide margins and color, rare numeral pmk., only quite small repair, exp. Richter, Bühler + photo-certificate Rismondo - very rare piece, missing in most collections
Starting price: CZK
124774 - 1878 Mi.50 (SG.129), Queen Victoria £1 brownlila, excel
1878 Mi.50 (SG.129), Queen Victoria £1 brownlila, excellently preserved original color, contrary of major-part existing pieces, ordinarily faded and having then only fragment values, very fine piece, beauty thimple postmark LONDON, photo-certificate Brandon, cat. Gibbons £4000 + 75%
Starting price: CZK
124802 - 1851 Mi.8 Ib, Head of Mercury (30Kr) light rose, so-called.
1851 Mi.8 Ib, Head of Mercury (30Kr) light rose, so-called. "Rose Mercury", CDS WIEN/ZEITUNGS-EXPED., usual irregular margins, L closer margin, R with part of adjacent stamps, otherwise in good condition in good quality, sign. Seitz, photo-certificate Ferchenbauer - "very fine piece", cat. Ferchenbauer 17.500€, one of most renowned stmp of European classic, missing also in big collections, quite extraordinary offer !
Starting price: CZK
124883 - 1840-1987 GREAT BRITAIN  basic stamp collection in/at atypic
1840-1987 GREAT BRITAIN basic stamp collection in/at atypical album, well contains classic, i.a. Mi.1 3x, Mi.2 2x, from that 1x with photo-certificate Knopke, Mi.35, 49, 99, 118, 174 (minor faults); in overwhelming majority nice quality, some stamps in relation to lower quality at all excluded from sum, cat. Gibbons to y 1960 min. £22.850
Starting price: CZK
124887 - 1840-1980 GREAT BRITAIN  wide specialized collection of stam
1840-1980 GREAT BRITAIN wide specialized collection of stamps with many classical stamps, i.a. Mi.1 3x, 2, 35 plate 2, 99, 118, 174 - minor faults, well vysbírané plate in time 1855-1880, absolute most of stamps in very good quality, cat. Gibbons min. £26.000
Starting price: CZK
124790 - 1840 Mi.1 11x, Queen Victoria 1P black, comp. 11 pcs of stam
1840 Mi.1 11x, Queen Victoria 1P black, comp. 11 pcs of stamps uspořádaných according to plate, 1a, 1b, 2-10; quite rare offer, all in/at perfect quality with nice to superb margins; plate on reverse marked, cat. Gibbons min. £3.925
Starting price: CZK
124931 - 1840 Mi.1b (SG.2), Queen Victoria 1P black, marginal stmp, c
1840 Mi.1b (SG.2), Queen Victoria 1P black, marginal stmp, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE, cat. Gibbons £10.000, exceptionally rare stamp with L margin
Starting price: CZK
124934 - 1840 Mi.1a (SG.1), Queen Victoria 1P intense black, plate VI
1840 Mi.1a (SG.1), Queen Victoria 1P intense black, plate VI, original gum, certificate THE ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY, cat. Gibbons £15.000, jewel of every collection!
Starting price: CZK
124936 - 1920 Mi.I (Yv.PA1), Ross-Smith, air-mail label first flight
1920 Mi.I (Yv.PA1), Ross-Smith, air-mail label first flight England - Australia, certificate Diena (1992); the most expensive stmp from general Australia and worldwide sought rarity, issued 576 pieces, from that 125 destroyed, 364 used, i. e. only 87 pieces is Un (!); unique offer !!
Starting price: CZK
124940 - 1934 Mi.111X (SG.138), Map with kangaroo £2 carmine / b
1934 Mi.111X (SG.138), Map with kangaroo £2 carmine / black; belongs to between most sought stamps from Commonwealth (!), as mint never hinged stmp absolute rarity !!, in Czech Republic at all for the first time in auction, catalogue value for hinged SG £3.000
Starting price: CZK
124946 - 1853 SG.3, Queen Victoria 1P red-orange, yellowish paper, un
1853 SG.3, Queen Victoria 1P red-orange, yellowish paper, unwatermarked, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE, cat. Gibbons £15.000; small/rare point in L margin outside picture of stmp, close margin, after all extraordinary rarity, at our place still unoffered
Starting price: CZK
124962 - 1853 Mi.3 (SG.7, Yv.5), Queen Victoria 1P red-orange, 2 cert
1853 Mi.3 (SG.7, Yv.5), Queen Victoria 1P red-orange, 2 certificates Brandon (2008) and Diena (1972), cat. Gibbons £6.000; extraordinary offer!
Starting price: CZK
124995 - 1902-65 AUSTRALIA  specialized collection clear (mainly mint
1902-65 AUSTRALIA specialized collection clear (mainly mint never hinged) stamp. from y. 1932 to end shilling currency in y 1965, contains blocks with margin, gutter, coupons etc.., total c.v.. 8.820AUD + Postage due stamp 1902 -1946, here clear also used, total after/behind c.v.. 2.680AUD, all placed 32 sheet stockbook A4, total australský c.v.. ACSC 11.500AUD; rare usage collections with this specialisation in the Czech market!
Starting price: CZK
124999 - 1920 Mi.34-43, Princess Charlotte's Marriage, complete overp
1920 Mi.34-43, Princess Charlotte's Marriage, complete overprint set, highest value 5Fr+5Fr - marginal piece, mint never hinged, exceptionally quality and well centered, uníkátní (!!!), certificate Behr (2010), No. 42 - 2 rusty teeth, c.v.. 17.000€, top item!
Starting price: CZK
125007 - 1849 Mi.6b (Yv.7), Ceres 1Fr vermilion, signed Calves, Roume
1849 Mi.6b (Yv.7), Ceres 1Fr vermilion, signed Calves, Roumet, certificate Scheller, beauty grid pmk, famous classic stmp, jewel of every collection, quite exceptional offer!, c.v.. 15.000€ (Yvert 20.000€)
Starting price: CZK
125290 - 1861 Mi.16, Numerals 1C black, horizontal pair, both stamp.
1861 Mi.16, Numerals 1C black, horizontal pair, both stamp. without embossed center, very wide margins, original gum, exp. Avi + photo-certificate SBPV (Swiss association of philatelic experts) from y 2006 (Dr. Helmut Avi), c.v.. Michel doesn't report, c.v.. Bolaffi č.44B 12.000€++, in/at c.v.. Sassone č.19b –,– price struck through
Starting price: CZK
125295 - 1861 Mi.1 (Sass.17), King Victor Emmanuel II. ½T green,
1861 Mi.1 (Sass.17), King Victor Emmanuel II. ½T green, block of four, upper stmp with double ražbou center, CDS GALLIPOLI/ 13.NOV.1861, c.v.. Michel doesn't report, Sassone 50.000€; exceedingly rare
Starting price: CZK
125298 - 1856 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS  letter to town Marostic
1856 POSTAL USAGE OF REVENUE STAMPS letter to town Marostica franked with. 3 revenues 5Cmi (Sassone.1), photo-certificate Diena, cat. Ferchenbauer min. 20.000€, Sassone 32.000€, superb, unique rarity !!!
Starting price: CZK
125335 - 1840 Mi.1b (SG blue MC), Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 4, l
1840 Mi.1b (SG blue MC), Queen Victoria 1P black, plate 4, letters L–E, nice postmark blue / black (!) Maltese cross, L close margin, otherwise wide margins, photo-certificate THE ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY, cat. Gibbons for blue postmark £12.000
Starting price: CZK