1918printed matter to Brno with 3h violet Crown with CDS WIEN 24.XI.18, marked postage due 34h (by blue raddle), mounted provisional porto stamp. 15h + 20h Charles with overprint "T" in circle with nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 26.XI.18; interesting document of postal traffic
1919 Reg letter sent to Dělnickouúrazovoupojišťovnu with mixed Austrian - Czechosl. franking on reverse, with 6H Crown 7x Mi.187 + 3h Hradčany Pof.2, CDS POSTELBERG/ 21.II.19, provisional by hand drawn Reg label with straight line postmark POSTELBERG, in front hints of 2 labels and lower unprofessionally open, after all interesting
1919 selection of greater part dispatch-note and cut dispatch-note franked with. i.a. Hungarian stamp. with overprint KÖZTÁRSASÁG, CDS MISÉRD (Nové Košariská) and ZSELÍZ (Želiezovce), good condition, rare postal documents with stmp of foreign state.!
1919 larger part of parcel card, CDS SVĚTLÁ P. JEŠTĚDEM, at the delivery place with Mi.P58, 1h grey with overprint PORTO, str-of-5, CDS TŘEBÍČ 18/I/19; contemporary toned
1919Reg letter to Germany with parallel franking půlených Austrian stamp. Coat of arms 40h and 50h, Mi.194,195, exact franking 45h for postal rate I, CDS VELKÁ VES ČES. SEV. CDS. 15/2 19, arrival postmark HAMBURG 18.2.19, philatelically motivated entire
1919Časopis doctors Czech Prague - cut square from newspaper mailing with original address label, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.I.19, place 2-řádkovéhonouzového newspaper cancel. in violet color (c.v.. Pofis NR 3) used post off. Prague 1 round postage cancel. FRANKO / 20 / CASH (!); alternate provisional, unique document/attribut from postal transport newspaper mails, sure rare entire
1918Pof.RV133-RV162, complete Žilina issue, total 38 pcs of stamp., incl. RV147 with overprint Köztársaság, in addition 8 pcs of with inverted opt, postage-due 2f RV155 with vertical overprint, shades etc.., all exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Tri, Lešetický ., rare offer
Pof.1-26, selection of 43 pcs of stamps, incl. more interesting values, various color shades, better pieces (Pof.6, 10Nc, 22b, 25-26) spolehlivě expertized, nice quality
Pof.6, 7, joined printing bloks of four 10h green and 15h bricky red, 5 plate, in addition machine offset 10h green on gum, interesting multiple, exp. by Gilbert
Pof.7b, 15h red, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, nice full shade, plate 1, hint on one stamp. and margin, exp. Beneš - red, jewel of every collection Hradčany!
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, block of four unissued stmp without perf, interesting shift molette lower L stamp., documented sheet material pos. 83, printing plate 1; light bend in upper pair, c.v.. 15.000CZK
Pof.21, 120h grey, darker shade, as blk-of-4, oblique crease over 2 stamps, in addition horiz. fold through/over upper 2 stamp., decorative, on reverse first hinge
selection of 21 pcs of bloks of four values 1h - 400h, outside values 25h blue, 50h violet, 200h ultramarine and 400h all with lower margin and control-numbers
Pof.25 joined frame types, 500h brown, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, joined frame types ZP93/1, hinged outside combination types, vertical fold between stamps, c.v.. 10.000CZK
Pof.2Ms, 3h violet, same facing 2-stamps gutter, significant fold, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 12.500CZK, partially worn through in the place fold, thin place against the light
unissued horiz. gutter 20h + 30h, Pof.8, 12, on maculature paper with perf, back side with printing values 40h, partially detached perf on stmp 20h at top, rare piece!
Pof.1vz-26vz, set 22 pcs of imperforated stmp with overprint VZOREC, without value 10h green, 20h carmine and 30h yellow, value 15h Is - spiral type, mainly heavier hinges, c.v.. 3600CZK
Pof.1-4, 6-8, 11, 21, 23, comp. 11 pcs of stamps, i.a. 10h green - horizontal pair, all with production flaw - print on gummed side, hinged on/for nepotištěné side
Pof.7B, IIap, 15h red (interesting shade), IIa bar subtype on pos. 8, plate 2, lightly hinged, off center, small 2 thin places after/around dřívkách in paper, c.v.. 2800CZK
Pof.7D joined spiral types, 15h bricky red, block of four with R margin, spiral types combination pos. 49, plate 1, lightly hinged in margin, bend on one stamp., exp. by Gilbert., Karasek, c.v.. 2500CZK