1918printed matter to Brno with 3h violet Crown with CDS WIEN 24.XI.18, marked postage due 34h (by blue raddle), mounted provisional porto stamp. 15h + 20h Charles with overprint "T" in circle with nationalized CDS BRNO 1/ 26.XI.18; interesting document of postal traffic
1919Časopis doctors Czech Prague - cut square from newspaper mailing with original address label, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 11.I.19, place 2-řádkovéhonouzového newspaper cancel. in violet color (c.v.. Pofis NR 3) used post off. Prague 1 round postage cancel. FRANKO / 20 / CASH (!); alternate provisional, unique document/attribut from postal transport newspaper mails, sure rare entire
1918Pof.RV133-RV162, complete Žilina issue, total 38 pcs of stamp., incl. RV147 with overprint Köztársaság, in addition 8 pcs of with inverted opt, postage-due 2f RV155 with vertical overprint, shades etc.., all exp. by Gilbert., Mrňák, Tri, Lešetický ., rare offer
Pof.7b, 15h red, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, nice full shade, plate 1, hint on one stamp. and margin, exp. Beneš - red, jewel of every collection Hradčany!
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, block of four unissued stmp without perf, interesting shift molette lower L stamp., documented sheet material pos. 83, printing plate 1; light bend in upper pair, c.v.. 15.000CZK
Pof.25 joined frame types, 500h brown, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, joined frame types ZP93/1, hinged outside combination types, vertical fold between stamps, c.v.. 10.000CZK
Pof.2Ms, 3h violet, same facing 2-stamps gutter, significant fold, exp. by Mrnak., c.v.. 12.500CZK, partially worn through in the place fold, thin place against the light
unissued horiz. gutter 20h + 30h, Pof.8, 12, on maculature paper with perf, back side with printing values 40h, partially detached perf on stmp 20h at top, rare piece!
Pof.1vz-26vz, set 22 pcs of imperforated stmp with overprint VZOREC, without value 10h green, 20h carmine and 30h yellow, value 15h Is - spiral type, mainly heavier hinges, c.v.. 3600CZK
Pof.7G, 15 bricky red, line perforation 11½; : 13¾;, marginal piece, mint never hinged, exp. by Pittermann + owner's mark and signature, note by pencil on/for upper margin, c.v.. 3.000CZK
Pof.13A, 30h light violet, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, exp. and marked Mrňák + mark Alfons Stach, slightly off center L up, lightly hinged, very fine perf, sought stamp, c.v.. 14.000CZK
Pof.13Aa, 30h dark violet, comb perforation 13¾; : 13½;, exp. and marked Mrňák, Kapras, mark Mafiš Prague, light off center L, very fine perf, lightly hinged, c.v.. 16.000CZK, sought stamp
19202x sent Express letter (!), from Austria to Prague franked with Austrian stmp Eagle 1 Koruna, Mi.313 4x with CDS DOOSDORF/ 9.VIII.20 + on reverse by hand notice with prosbou about/by doslání in/at case nezastižení addressee, on reverse příchozi CDS PRAGUE TELEGRAPH/ 11.VIII.20, letter again franked with. Hradcany-issue stamp. 100h + 60h, Pof.20, 17B, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 12.VII.20 and sent to hotel in Mariánské Lázně, didn't caught, sent back, sent by pneumatic tube mail, on reverse CDS PRAGUE TELEGRAPH/ 13.VIII.20; good condition, rare document/attribut postal history with Hradčany franking!
1920Reg letter to USA, with 200h ultramarine and 2x 25h violet, Pof.22, 11B 2x, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 3.X.20, on reverse arrival NEW YORK/ 26.10.20, Us Czechosl. censorship; sklovitý paper envelope/-s, in margins - several small tearing
1920express sent Reg printed matter (!), commercial envelope franked on front side by stamp. 50h violet and 5h, Pof.15, 4A, on reverse str-of-3 express stmp 2h, Pof.S1, CDS MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ 16.III.20 (1. day postal rate III); quite rare franking, envelope on reverse slit on/for middle and from part/-s rozložená for exhibit, exp. Tribuna
1920R service letter + C.O.D. letter franked with. pair stamp. 50h blue, Pof.16, nationalized CDS PRAGUE 1/ 31.VII.20 (last day postal rate III), supplemented with official cancel. "Postal office dodáno..."; 3 light vertical folds in envelope, rare
1919comp. 2 pcs of special delivery letters sent abroad, 1x letter addressed to to Germany with 5h, 30h yellow, 50h violet, Pof.12, 15, 3, posting nationalized CDS JEVÍČKO 8.VI.19, 1x pre-printed envelope, addressed to to Switzerland with 100h + 10h, Pof.20, 5, posting nationalized CDS PRAGUE 1/ 6.X.19, on reverse arrival ST. GALEN 8.X.19; good condition nice pieces
1920comp. 2 pcs of cuts dispatch notes with Pof.22, 25 Is, value 200h and 500h with lower margin without control-numbers (issue for airmail issue), value 500h with spiral type I., CDS LIBEREC and ARNULTOVICE; good condition, c.v.. 3.500CZK
Pof.49a I, Coat of arms 3 Koruna dark red, overprint type I., very nice centered piece mint never hinged with small flaw in gum + chip of wood, exp. by Mrnak., Le, c.v.. 25.000CZK
Pof.58A blank coupon, Express stamp - rectangle 5h black Opt, line perforation 12½;, blk-of-16 from the bottom part/-s counter sheet with two blank coupons, contains various combinations joined types overprint and plate variety interrupted letter "O" in the word post, including drawing with identifikací types and plate variety, c.v.. 1.680Kč without plate variety
Pof.82, 10K Postage due stmp - small numerals 10K blue, overprint type II., mounted on paper, CDS Prague 1/ 17.I.20 from favor, signed by pencil, nice piece, c.v.. 5000CZK
Pof.89, Turul 1f grey, overprint type III., on small cut-square, fine centered stmp also overprint, almost complete CDS PRAGUE - MINISTERTSTVO POŠT/ Czechoslovak Post, exp. by Leseticky., Karasek + photo-certificate Karásek, only used stamp. c.v.. 30.000CZK
Pof.118, Parliament 10K brown/ violet, overprint type II., exp. by Mrnak., Pofis, Šula, lightly hinged, nice well centered piece with preserved perf, c.v.. 25.000CZK
Pof.129, Postage due stmp - black numerals 12f, overprint type IV., nice piece, only slightly off center stamp. at top, nice perf, exp. Bloch + photo-certificate F.E.C., owner's mark and signature by pencil, exp. Šula, stamp. Grobe, interesting also as investment, c.v.. 110.000CZK
PLATE PROOF joined printing 14 pcs of designes 4 issues, so-called. II. competition, in/at green color, complete printing sheet with size 255x120 mm, major-part extant printing sheet is cut podélnýmoříznutím according to production bends in paper patrných out of stmp also on/for this sheet, in two corners hinge / label, otherwise with superb gum, exp. Pofis-Beneš
PLATE PROOF blue stamp. (125h) without numeral value, 2 pcs from that 1x with perf, 1x without perf in/at ultramarine color, all on stamp paper with gum
trial print 500h, in black color in/at miniature sheet arrangement on/for white stamp. paper with gum, several silnějších hints of label, after all interesting piece
Pof.147B N, unissued value 15h with line perforation 13¾;, double impression, corner piece with false coupons, exp. by Gilbert., stamp. mint never hinged, cat. only stamp. 1.500CZK
Pof.154ST, 40h brown, comb perforation 14, horizontal pair with joined types II. + I., sought by specialists, exp. by Hirsch., Tri, Pithart, c.v.. 2.000CZK
Pof.157, 60h blue, horiz. gutter from proof print, on yellow paper without gum, unfolded, in lower margin part PLATE PROOF other values, for specialist interesting, cat. min. 3.000CZK