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1851-53 Mi.2b, 3a, 6, 7, numerals 5 Kr and 6 Kr, all with red numeral cancel "115", RASTATT, 3 pcs with complete margins U:A5
1852-53 Mi.2, 6aY, 2Gr the first issue + 1Gr (wmk inverted !) issue II, on cut-square with CDS BRUNSWICK, rare franking in perfect quality, photo-certificate Brettl and Grobe U:A5
1859 folded letter to Hamburg with Mi.7A, very wide margins, exp. Bergmann U:A5
1860 letter to Berlin with Mi.12, CDS BLANKENBURG 6/SEP/1860, přesměrováno to PÜTNITZ (DAMGARTEN), very decorative U:A5
1861 Mi.8A, Coat of arms 10Gr, perforation D1I, blue CDS BREMEN-BAHNF., very nice classic stmp, certificate T. Neumann, in the Czech market rare, c.v.. 1.200€ U:A5
1861 Mi.8B, Coat of arms 10Gr, perforation D1II, black CDS BREMEN, in upper part 2 minimum light places, certificate T. Neumann, in the Czech market rare, c.v.. 1200€ U:A5
1859 Mi.7, Numerals and emblem 9S, minimum light places, exceedingly wide margins, with postmark it is rare stamp, often missing in collections, certificate Lange, c.v.. 2500€ U:A5
1864 Mi.18, Numerals and emblem 9S orange yellow, incomplete blue CDS HAMBURG, the most expensive stmp this staroněmeckého state, exp. Thier, c.v.. 2.600€ U:A5
1859 Mi.1, Coat of arms ½S, small repair, optically very fine piece, exp. Richter, sought "one" missing in most collections, c.v.. 2500€ U:A5
1859 Mi.5, Coat of arms 4Sch dark green, c.v.. 750€ U:A5
1852 Mi.2 I+III, Family Coat of Arms, 1/30Th, pair with joined types, very fine, exp. Bühler, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1859 Mi.5, State Coat of Arms ⅓Gr, at top small thin place (1mm), wide margins and color, exp. Schlesinger, the most expensive clear Oldenburg from general line, c.v.. for stamp. without gum 1700€, missing in most collections U:A5
1861 Mi.9, State Coat of Arms ¼Gr yellow-orange, complete margins, very fine piece with original gum, c.v.. 380€ U:A5
1861 Mi.11b, State Coat of Arms ½Gr dark brown, blue CDS OLDENBURG, small repair in LR corner, wide margins, sought color shade, certificate Berger, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1861 Mi.13, State Coat of Arms 2Gr, blue CDS, very fine piece with wide margins, exp. Diena, Friedl, P. Ferchenbauer, in addition certificate U. Ferchenbauer - "splendid exemplar", extraordinary quality! U:A5
1853-58 comp. 2 pcs of postal stationery covers Mi.U8, format A, uprated with stamp Mi.1A, and U10, format A, uprated with stamp Mi.10; very decorative U:A5
1850 Mi.1a, Saxon Three, one of most sought classical stamp with extremely rare blue (!) CDS ALTENBURG (including cut square with this CDS from letter, kam evidently patřila also stmp), exp. Bühler, quite small repair in no way nesnižuje curiosity this offer - is known only several pieces of Saxon Three with blue postmark, prestigious decoration every big collection or exhibit U:DR
1850 Mi.1a, Saxon Three, one of most sought classical stamp in vzácném oranžovém shade on cut-square with whole CDS LEIPZIG, lower close margin, R small tearing, for expertization sejmuto from cut-square and returned, exp. Opitz, certificate Rismondo "nice piece", for rarity color rare offer to specialized collection, c.v.. 8000€ ++ (ca. 25% after/behind cut square) U:DR
1857 folded letter with Mi.7B, 12, CDS MAINZ 5/JUL/1857, on reverse arrival OSTHOFEN, nice U:A5
1860 folded letter franked with. 2 pcs of stamp. 9 Kreuzer, Mi.10, CDS GIESSEN, marked porto 18Kr, to Montpellier, sound condition, mainly on stmp Thurn Taxis very fine margins U:A5
1851 Mi.5I, Numerals 18Kr, CDS STUTTGART, luxury piece, certificate Thoma, in this quality only rarely offered U:A5
1867 Mi.34, Coat of arms 18Kr yellow-orange, pin hole 10, nicely put red (!) CDS STUTTGART/ 27.3., highest value, on reverse 2 old owner's mark, c.v.. 1.100€ U:A5
1858-61 comp. 3 pcs of folded letters with Mi.17 2x, CDS DEERNDORF/ 27.7.61, arrival EDENKOBEN; Mi.9A, CDS MENGEN, arrival PRAGUE; Mi.7, 8, CDS RAWENSBURG, tearing in L margin U:A5