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1858 BUENOS AIRES MI.3, 4P red, local issue, on reverse ordinary light places, which/what are zanedbatelná with regard to rarities this classic stamps, inland for the first time in auction, missing in/at every square known collection Jížní America, sign. Thier, cat. Michel 2500€ U:A5
1880 letter franked 16C with pin hole, Mi.33, marginal piece, CDS BUENOS AIRES, sent through/over England to Switzerland, arrival postmark BIRONICO, better destination, good condition U:A5
1869 folded letter to Argentina with Mi.9, pair, straight line postmark COTAGAITA, decorative U:A5
1844-54 Mi.4-7, 21-22, Numerals 10R-90R so-called. "Goat's Eyes", supplemented with 2 stamps "Coloridos" 280R and 430R, nice pieces with průměrnými margins, Mi. 614€ U:A5
1866 Mi.11A-18A, Numerals 10R-600R, so-called. "Cat's Eyes", line perforation 13¾;, usual defects perf, sought issue, from old collection (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 2.700€ U:A5
1854 Mi.22, Numerals 430R yellow so-called. "Coloridos", luxury piece with exceedingly wide margins and certificate Juchert U:A5
1861 Mi.22, Numerals 430R yellow so-called. "Coloridos", imperforated, highest value, very wide margins, dumb postmark., from prvorepublikové collection (ex Pfeffer), c.v.. 200€ U:A5
1868 interesting klasický letter from NOVO HAMBURGO, posted on/for English ship směřující to CARACASU, here franked venezuelskou stamp. 1/2R, Medio Real Mi.14 with CDS Correos/...; good condition U:A5
1875-76 comp. 2 pcs of letters from classic period, letter to France, franked 2x200 Reis, Mi.28, CDS RIO DE JANEIRO, at top near/in/at opening damaged perf one stamps and missing part back lapel, after all decorative entire, 2x sign.; other letter to Portugal, with 100 Reis, Mi.27, transfered by ship "Bayne" with marked portugalským tarifem 300 Reis, perfect condition U:A5
1853 Mi.7, SG.11, 1c Sailing Ship, lithographic print on/for stronger paper, wide margins and nice CDS, self-evident guarantee of genuineness, c.v.. 1200£ U:A5
1856 folded letter to Valparaisa with Mi.1 II, 5C with wide margins, CDS SANTIAGO, perfect condition U:A5
1860 Mi.7a, Coat of arms in/at perlovém circle, value 10c olive yellow, The 2nd issue., inscription CONFED. GRANADINA, lined background, 2 pcs of, from that 1x darker shade - print from worn folder; very wide margins, from old collection (ex Pfeffer), cat. min. 140€ U:A5
1861 Mi.9, Coat of arms in oval, issue "United States of New Granada", forerunner of united Columbia, 2½C black, hand obliteration, perfect condition, certificate Moorhouse, rare classic stmp !! U:A5
1861 Mi.9, Coat of arms in oval, black 2½c, lower closer margin, minor faults, issue for Novou Granadu, the most expensive stamp. from the set, from old collection (ex baron Rieger), cat. Michel 460€ U:A5
1865 Mi.27-32, Coat of arms with kondorem, complete set, unused value 1c Mi.27a (white paper), other stamp. used, good margins, c.v.. 154€ U:A5
1865 Mi.31II, Coat of arms with kondorem 50C green, pair, very fine piece, only lower close margin (very small spaces in/at sheet), exp. Diena U:A5
1865 Mi.33 + 36 and 37, Various coats of arms, comp. 3 pcs of classical stamp., value 2½c hand obliteration, value 50c unused, nice quality, from important collection (ex V. Pfeffer), c.v.. 160€ U:A5
1860 Mi.8, str-of-4 "Un Dinero" Coat of arms, minor faults - light places, in no way nesnižuje curiosity this relatively rare whole classical stamp, c.v.. as single pieces 640€ U:A5
1899 Mi.P34, Postage due stmp 10S brownlila, c.v.. 1.500€ U:A5
1951 Mi.497F, Air 30c red, perf 12½:12, without overprint, c.v.. Michel doesn't report U:A5
1863-65 Mi.10, comp. 2 pcs of letters with stamps Un Dinero, CDS LIMA, sent through/over Panamu and London to France, with interesting postage-due postmarks GB/2F87 5/10C and GB/1F 90C, signs of age, after all interesting destination and with regard to tarifním razítkům from classic period rather rare U:A5
1866-70 comp. 2 pcs of letters from classic period, franked stamp. Mi.15, 1Dinero Coat of arms green and pair 1Dinero Coat of arms red Mi.10, with cancel. IQUIQE to Limy, resp. with CDS LIMA via London to Genoa, letters in good quality and from rare destination U:A5
1931 Mi.159-165; SG.218-224, Mercure with overprint, c.v.. 360€, SG £350 U:A5
1941 Mi.A224-227, Mercure, complete set 5 pcs of stamps, c.v.. 420€ U:A5