Public Auction 34 / Philately / America and Caribbean / North America / USA

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133574 - 1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, very fine  piece with li
1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, very fine piece with light red grid pmk
Starting price: CZK
132362 - 1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, superb marginal piece wi
1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, superb marginal piece with light red grid pmk., certificate Expert Committee N.Y., originally for firm D. Feldman
Starting price: CZK
132864 - 1856 Mi.5; Sc.12, Jefferson 5c red-brown, certificate EXPERT
1856 Mi.5; Sc.12, Jefferson 5c red-brown, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE, cat. Scott $9.250, this stmp occures almost always without gum, very rare
Starting price: CZK
133569 - 1869 esej (PLATE PROOF) Mi.28, Locomotive 3C orange, instead
1869 esej (PLATE PROOF) Mi.28, Locomotive 3C orange, instead original blue, original gum also grid 9x9 mm, rare, very fine, curiosity for every collection USA
Starting price: CZK
132363 - 1869 Mi.34; Sc.121, Eagle 30c, sought stamp in a luxury stat
1869 Mi.34; Sc.121, Eagle 30c, sought stamp in a luxury state, exp. Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 550$
Starting price: CZK
132333 - 1869 Mi.35, Sc.122, Lincoln 90c, off center, perf in margin,
1869 Mi.35, Sc.122, Lincoln 90c, off center, perf in margin, overall good piece without usual thin places and oths. damage, sign. Thier, c.v.. 2250$, 2000€
Starting price: CZK
132650 - 1892 Mi.85; Sc.242, Columbus $2, fair cancelled CDS NEW YORK
1892 Mi.85; Sc.242, Columbus $2, fair cancelled CDS NEW YORK, L outside picture in perforation small thin place, overall but nice piece, c.v.. 600€
Starting price: CZK
132651 - 1893 Mi.88; Sc.245, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America $5 b
1893 Mi.88; Sc.245, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America $5 black, very fine piece with nice perf and CDS NEW YORK, exp. Senf, in this quality rare, c.v.. 1600€
Starting price: CZK
132323 - 1894 Mi.100b; Sc.262, Madison $2 blue, with original gum, ac
1894 Mi.100b; Sc.262, Madison $2 blue, with original gum, according to certificate Richter "in/at good celkovém status", as Un is this stmp very rare, Mi. 2800€, Sc.3250$
Starting price: CZK
132653 - 1898 Mi.124; Sc.292, Omaha $1, well centered, heavy postmark
1898 Mi.124; Sc.292, Omaha $1, well centered, heavy postmark, exp. Senf, c.v.. 550€
Starting price: CZK
132732 - 1893 postal stationery cover 1c to Germany uprated with stam
1893 postal stationery cover 1c to Germany uprated with stamp Mi.73 3x, CDS NEW YORK, on reverse arrival KRONACH, decorative
Starting price: CZK
133176 - 1893-1928 comp. 6 pcs of entires zaslanými mainly to Europe
1893-1928 comp. 6 pcs of entires zaslanými mainly to Europe with multicolor franking i.a. issue Columbus Mi.73, 75, 80, 292 from that 5x as Registered, 2x uprated postal stationery cover, 1x PC; good condition
Starting price: CZK
133221 - 1865 letter franked with. 3 pcs of 10C, Sc.68, CDS PAID/ NEW
1865 letter franked with. 3 pcs of 10C, Sc.68, CDS PAID/ NEW YORK addressed to to Marseille, transfered by ship "China", exceedingly well preserved perf stamps, very fine piece
Starting price: CZK
132709 - 1851-1909 [COLLECTIONS]  collection on 14 old album pages, s
1851-1909 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 14 old album pages, strong classic, much highest values and expensive stamps, i.a. Mi.3, 6, 7, 12, 16-25, 24W!, 26-33, 36-45, 58, 59, 71, 98, 113II, 73-84, 149, 241, reprints and quality podprůměrné pieces excluded from sum, mostly very solid quality, cat. over 11.000€
Starting price: CZK