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1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, very fine piece with light red grid pmk U:A5
1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, superb marginal piece with light red grid pmk., certificate Expert Committee N.Y., originally for firm D. Feldman U:A5
1856 Mi.5; Sc.12, Jefferson 5c red-brown, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE, cat. Scott $9.250, this stmp occures almost always without gum, very rare U:DR
1869 esej (PLATE PROOF) Mi.28, Locomotive 3C orange, instead original blue, original gum also grid 9x9 mm, rare, very fine, curiosity for every collection USA U:A5
1869 Mi.34; Sc.121, Eagle 30c, sought stamp in a luxury state, exp. Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 550$ U:A5
1869 Mi.35, Sc.122, Lincoln 90c, off center, perf in margin, overall good piece without usual thin places and oths. damage, sign. Thier, c.v.. 2250$, 2000€ U:A5
1892 Mi.85; Sc.242, Columbus $2, fair cancelled CDS NEW YORK, L outside picture in perforation small thin place, overall but nice piece, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1893 Mi.88; Sc.245, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America $5 black, very fine piece with nice perf and CDS NEW YORK, exp. Senf, in this quality rare, c.v.. 1600€ U:A5
1894 Mi.100b; Sc.262, Madison $2 blue, with original gum, according to certificate Richter "in/at good celkovém status", as Un is this stmp very rare, Mi. 2800€, Sc.3250$ U:A5
1898 Mi.124; Sc.292, Omaha $1, well centered, heavy postmark, exp. Senf, c.v.. 550€ U:A5
1893 postal stationery cover 1c to Germany uprated with stamp Mi.73 3x, CDS NEW YORK, on reverse arrival KRONACH, decorative U:A5
1893-1928 comp. 6 pcs of entires zaslanými mainly to Europe with multicolor franking i.a. issue Columbus Mi.73, 75, 80, 292 from that 5x as Registered, 2x uprated postal stationery cover, 1x PC; good condition U:A5
1865 letter franked with. 3 pcs of 10C, Sc.68, CDS PAID/ NEW YORK addressed to to Marseille, transfered by ship "China", exceedingly well preserved perf stamps, very fine piece U:A5
1851-1909 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 14 old album pages, strong classic, much highest values and expensive stamps, i.a. Mi.3, 6, 7, 12, 16-25, 24W!, 26-33, 36-45, 58, 59, 71, 98, 113II, 73-84, 149, 241, reprints and quality podprůměrné pieces excluded from sum, mostly very solid quality, cat. over 11.000€ U:Z