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1897 SG.138; Sc.63, Jubilee $3 yellow-brown, original gum, perf 12, certificate Gratton, cat. Gibbons £1.500 U:A5
1897 SG.140; Sc.65, Jubilee $5 olive green, original gum, perf 12, certificate Gratton, cat. Gibbons £1.500 U:A5
1851-1908 [COLLECTIONS] very interesting collection Kolonie and Dominia on 4 old album pages, i.a. 3x Beaver imperforated 1851, type SG.1, then SG.20 , so 10P 1851 repaired and without gum (cat. Gibbons 11.000£) included to sum as 1100£, from y. 1859 to y 1893 complete, incl. sought * 8C Reco-známky, some classic stamps more times, then from anniv. issue 4$, issue 1908 set etc.., podprůměrné pieces excluded from sum, quality zohledněna, cat. Gibbons min. £7850 U:Z
1851 Mi.2; SG.1, Beaver 3d red, ribbed paper, beauty red postmark, cat. Gibbons £900++ U:A5
1852 Mi.4, SG.12, Queen Victoria 7½P green, at upper margin small tearing, otherwise very fine piece with wide margins, photo-certificate B.B.A., cat. Gibbons £2000 U:A5
1860 PLATE PROOF Mi.4; SG.7, Locomotive 1c, comp. 3 pcs of imperforated bloks of four in colour yellow, violet and red on paper without gum, favourite classic stmp, as plate proofs in blocks of four inland quite extraordinary U:A5
1860 Mi.2b; SG.10, Heraldic Flowers 2P orange red, on/for vertical sides close but full margins, good quality, c.v.. 700€, SG £400 U:A5
1857 Mi.8, Heraldic Flowers 8P vermilion red, thin paper, very fine piece with extraordinary margins, c.v.. 650€ U:A5
1862 Mi.8; SG.22, Heraldic Flowers 8P brown-red, very fine piece with wide margins and certificate Matl - splendid exemplar, c.v.. 650€, SG £650 U:A5
1862 Mi.12; SG.18, Heraldic Flowers 4p dark rose, imperforated, very wide margins, linear cancel., c.v.. 240€; SG £110 U:A5
1862 Mi.A12; SG.19, Heraldic Flowers 5P chocolate brown, vertical blk-of-10 with margin, in the middle light original sheet bend, otherwise very fine, original gum, 6 stamps from block mint never hinged, cat. Gibbons only as single stamps £1440 U:A5
1866 Mi.21; SG.30, Queen Victoria 24c dark-blue, corner blk-of-25 with original gum, only 2 stamps hinged, 23 pcs of stamp. mint never hinged, inscriptions American Bank in margin, full good condition sheet margin, extraordinary multiple in perfect quality, cat. Gibbons 1920£++ (as single stamps) U:A5
1921 Mi.113; SG.148I, Ia, IIg, overprint 35c, block of four, 2x types combination 148Ia-148I/ 148Ia-148IIg, very fine, exp. Bühler, interesting combination types, cat. Gibbons 530£++ (as single stamps) U:A5
1857-1908 [COLLECTIONS] very nice collection on 2 old album pages, much better values, from y. 1862 complete, some pieces for quality at all nekatalogisovány, then započteny only basic variants, stamps without gum considered, cat. min. 2420£ U:Z
1851-1872 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 4 old pages, in addition Columbia, Brunswick, Prince Edward Isl., sought classic stamps, i.a. Scotia SG.1 luxury piece, exp. Alcuri, some stamps excluded from sum, quality popsána and zohledněna, overall very nice selection of, cat. Gibbons £3730 U:Z
1861 Mi.2; SG.3; Sc.2, Queen Victoria 3P dark-blue, perf 9, mint never hinged, original gum, certificate Stamp Expertising Authority Basel, exceedingly rare, our estimation cat. Gibbons £1800 U:A5
1932 Mi.P21-31, Newfoundland (dog) 5c-3F complete set 11 pcs of postage-due stamps, superb condition, only 3F with original minor gum fault, catalogue value for MNH 480€ ( 240€ for stamp. hinged) U:A5
1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, very fine piece with light red grid pmk U:A5
1847 Mi.1; Sc.1, Franklin 5c brown, superb marginal piece with light red grid pmk., certificate Expert Committee N.Y., originally for firm D. Feldman U:A5
1856 Mi.5; Sc.12, Jefferson 5c red-brown, certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE, cat. Scott $9.250, this stmp occures almost always without gum, very rare U:DR
1869 esej (PLATE PROOF) Mi.28, Locomotive 3C orange, instead original blue, original gum also grid 9x9 mm, rare, very fine, curiosity for every collection USA U:A5
1869 Mi.34; Sc.121, Eagle 30c, sought stamp in a luxury state, exp. Dr. Ferchenbauer, c.v.. 550$ U:A5
1869 Mi.35, Sc.122, Lincoln 90c, off center, perf in margin, overall good piece without usual thin places and oths. damage, sign. Thier, c.v.. 2250$, 2000€ U:A5
1892 Mi.85; Sc.242, Columbus $2, fair cancelled CDS NEW YORK, L outside picture in perforation small thin place, overall but nice piece, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1893 Mi.88; Sc.245, 400th Anniv of Discovery of America $5 black, very fine piece with nice perf and CDS NEW YORK, exp. Senf, in this quality rare, c.v.. 1600€ U:A5
1894 Mi.100b; Sc.262, Madison $2 blue, with original gum, according to certificate Richter "in/at good celkovém status", as Un is this stmp very rare, Mi. 2800€, Sc.3250$ U:A5
1898 Mi.124; Sc.292, Omaha $1, well centered, heavy postmark, exp. Senf, c.v.. 550€ U:A5
1893 postal stationery cover 1c to Germany uprated with stamp Mi.73 3x, CDS NEW YORK, on reverse arrival KRONACH, decorative U:A5
1893-1928 comp. 6 pcs of entires zaslanými mainly to Europe with multicolor franking i.a. issue Columbus Mi.73, 75, 80, 292 from that 5x as Registered, 2x uprated postal stationery cover, 1x PC; good condition U:A5
1865 letter franked with. 3 pcs of 10C, Sc.68, CDS PAID/ NEW YORK addressed to to Marseille, transfered by ship "China", exceedingly well preserved perf stamps, very fine piece U:A5
1851-1909 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 14 old album pages, strong classic, much highest values and expensive stamps, i.a. Mi.3, 6, 7, 12, 16-25, 24W!, 26-33, 36-45, 58, 59, 71, 98, 113II, 73-84, 149, 241, reprints and quality podprůměrné pieces excluded from sum, mostly very solid quality, cat. over 11.000€ U:Z
1861 letter to Williamsburg with Mi.1; Sc.1a, Davis 5c green, CDS MONTGOMERY, nice imprint, U:A5
1862 letter to Savannah with Mi.4; Sc.4, Davis 5c blue, CDS illegible, without back lapel U:A5
1863 letter to Charleston with Mi.10; Sc.12a, Davis 10c blue, imperforated, CDS GREENVILLE, nice U:A5
1853-61 comp. 3 pcs of stamps, Mi.5z, King Kahameha 5C, thin/light blue paper, Mi.11ay postmark ELUA KENETA, Mi.6, Specimen 13C - damaged and excluded from sum, other pieces in good quality, c.v.. 800€ U:A5
1861-1899 [COLLECTIONS] selection of "Všeobecného issue" on 2 album pages and destičce, i.a. Mi.12 3x, 15, 18III, 23, 29b, also with 7 pcs of stamps Guam, i.a. Mi.12 (!), nice quality, c.v.. total min. 1010€ U:Z
1903 small-sized Reg letter via Liverpool to Switzerland with SG.82 2x, Edward VII. 5C, CDS BELIZE, better destination, very fine piece U:A5
1929 Mi.441 I F, Air with red overprint, exp. Borek, Calves, superb, c.v.. 600€ U:A5
1922 Mi.44; SG.61, George V. £1 black / lilac, red paper, catalogue value for hinged 280€; SG £225 U:A5
1862 Mi.4D, Queen Victoria in oval with inscription POSTAGE, value 6P violet, line perforation 13, dirty perf, on reverse note by pencil., c.v.. 700€ U:A5
1884 Mi.18; SG.57, Queen Victoria £1 brown-red, c.v.. 450€; SG £275, toned U:A5
1852 Mi.2xa; SG.3, Seated Britannia blue, without nominal value, blued paper, wide margins - L with larger part of adjacent stamps, linear cancel. with numeral "1", from old collection, c.v.. 300€; SG £190 U:A5
1868 Mi.9bU; SG.32a, Seated Britannia 6P bricky red, imperforated pair, without watermark, c.v.. 800€; SG £750 U:A5
1873-1878 Mi.22, 31 I; SG.64, 86, Seated Britannia 5Sh with centrical thimple postmark BARBADOS and bisected 5Sh stamp. with overprint I. type 1P, with předpisově odstřiženým valuable label (see. cat. Gibbons page. 82), very fine pieces, cat. Gibbons £950 U:A5
1886 Mi.40, Queen Victoria 5Sh olive yellow, on cut-square from Reg letter, fragment CDS BARBADOS, highest value, cat. min. 300€ U:A5
1852-1910 [COLLECTIONS] collection on 4 old album pages, nice classic period incl. first imperforated issue, then all sets Queen Victoria 1882-86 and Seated Britannia 1892-1907 and oths., cat. Gibbons min. £2420 U:Z
1865-75 Mi.1-5, 9, 10; SG.1, 3, 5, 7, 8 comp. 7 pcs of classical stamp (nominal complete the first issue) and SG.16,17 overprint, 1P/1Sh with fototestem Brandon, cheap SG.3 spots, otherwise all nice, cat. Gibbons £760 U:A5
1875 Mi.10; SG.17; Sc.15, Queen Victoria with overprint ONE PENNY/ 1Sh green, certificate F.E.C., original gum, cat. Gibbons £500 U:A5
1918 Mi.47; SG.54c, George V. 10Sh red / green, on green paper, nice piece, cat. Gibbons 425£ U:A5
1918 Mi.48; SG.55, George V., highest value £1, superb marginal piece, catalogue value for hinged 550€, SG £325, i. e. catalogue value for MNH ca. 1.100€, resp. £650 U:A5
1942 Mi.113; SG.118a, George VI. 5Sh red / light green, on yellow paper, line perforation 14, cat. Gibbons £350 U:A5
1890 Mi.31, SG.41a, overprint 2½P on stmp Queen Victoria 8P in/at block of 6 from center sheet, with three opposite facing pairs, one hinged, two remaining mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 850€ U:A5
1938 Mi.134; SG.163-163f, Island Coat of Arms, comp. of 7 types incl. 163c, cat. Gibbons £1242 U:A5
1858-1906 [COLLECTIONS] classic part of collection on/for album sheet, i.a. also fiscal 1Sh Queen Victoria, SG.F7, cat. Gibbons total £370 U:Z
1932 Mi.70-81; SG.84-95, Centenary of Assembly of Justices and Vestry, c.v.. 550€; SG £400+ U:A5
1860-61 comp. 3 pcs of classic letters with simple resp. dvounásobnou franking stamp. Isabel 1 Real, 1x MI.6, 2x Mi.9, CDS HABANA, sent to Spain, ordinary quality margins in this issue, letters single with missing zadními lapels, letter dvounásobné franking is complete, all kubánské classic entires are rare U:A5
1860 Mi.1, SG.1, exceedingly well preserved perf and color, original gum U:A5
1896-1900 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with shodnou franking, SG.44 2x and SG.46, with thimple postmarks ST. LUCIA., to USA, resp. Nova Scotia, nice quality U:A5
1858 BUENOS AIRES MI.3, 4P red, local issue, on reverse ordinary light places, which/what are zanedbatelná with regard to rarities this classic stamps, inland for the first time in auction, missing in/at every square known collection Jížní America, sign. Thier, cat. Michel 2500€ U:A5