Public Auction 36 / Collections
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1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 18 pcs of entires with forerunner and parallel franking, provisory bisected frankings, postmark train post and FP, on 9 pages with descriptions, nice U:Z
1918 [COLLECTIONS] selection of sheets and parts of sheets issue Hradčany, production flaw, matters of interest, high catalogue value; placed in superb stockbook on/for sheets in/at 41 protective foliích incl. protective box, very interesting U:Z
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] exhibit postmarks on stmp Hradčany, contains 89 pcs of entires and 97 pcs of cuts dispatch notes supplemented with cut-squares also samotnými stamp. with whole print CDS, lot of single circle cancels (!) on stmp also entires, divided on/for various varieties postmarks as line, frame, machine, railway etc.., sorted with descriptions on/for 84 pages A4 in/at transparent covers and placed in office cover; mainly good quality U:Z
[COLLECTIONS] PIGEON-issue Pof.143-150, specialized comp. of stamps, plate variety and retouch, value 5h violet - 5 pcs of upper half-sheets, 15h - blk-of-15, in 8-sheet stockbook, expertly elaborated, interesting research material U:Z
1918-39 [COLLECTIONS] specialized collection issues Pigeon-issue and Liberated Republic, in 8-sheet stockbook, plate variety, retouch, blocks, plate number etc.., expertly elaborated, interesting research material U:Z
1920 [COLLECTIONS] BREAKING CHAINS Pof.157, 60h blue, specialized collection about 800 pcs of stamps, described, sorted and placed on 32 album pages, plate variety and retouch, expertly elaborated, interesting research material U:Z
1918-19 [COLLECTIONS] NEWSPAPER PROVISIONAL collection provisional on 8 pages, contains i.a. newspaper wrappers with franking Pof.NN4AI (c.v.. –,– ), NN4HII, NN13Ba, NN14, NN16a, NN17Ia+b, NN17II, NN3B, also with individual newspaper hinge / label, for example. Pof.NN14, NN14TB, NN17IPL; c.v.. ca. 60000CZK; very nice collection U:Z
1918-38 [COLLECTIONS] collection big p.stat and blank forms, contains 47 pcs of clear dispatch-notes as CPP1A-1C, CPP2A-2B, CPP4A-4B, CPP7A-7B, CPP8A-8B, CPP11 2x, CPP13, CPP14 3x, CPP16 2x, C.O.D. dispatch-note i.a. CDP2A, CDP10, CDP3A-3B, CDP6A-6B, CDP9, 7 pcs of dispatch-notes with additional-printed revenue stmp., order card as stationery CPV1A, CPV4, stationery CPV12A 3x, telegrams CTÚ1A, CTÚ3, CTÚ4, and then 29 pcs of Us big p.stat, i.a. forerunner Hungarian telegram with stamp. 2f uprated with stamp Hradčany 400h and 50h with CDS ÓTURA 919 Jul.17., 1. part forerunner Austrian order card/-s, used CPV2A, CPV6b, CPV10A, stationery CPV12A, stationery CPV12B, CPA1A, 2x complete Austrian forerunner dispatch-note, major part p.stat in very good status, part double p.stat with detached perf, catalogue clear 113000Kč, used 80000Kč, total ca. 193000Kč U:Z
1939 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.1-19, almost complete set plate numbers with jednotlivou stmp, to set missing only Pof.15 with wide margin and plate number 1A, most of stamps exp. by Gilbert + Paetow, several also Mrňák, 1x brown spot in margin (5h), otherwise good quality, c.v.. 38400Kč U:A4
1879-99 [COLLECTIONS] interesting comp. of stamps in 2-sheet stockbook, contains i.a. Mi.1-5, 6-11 2x, P1-3 and oths., c.v.. 1800€++ U:Z
1912-43 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps, all sets incl. highest values, 99% hinged, on 4 stock-sheets, 4 stamp. oily hinged U:O4
1920-25 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING COUPONS comp. of stamps with advertising coupons on stock-sheet, some more times, sought, cat. min. 800€ U:O4
1918-23 [COLLECTIONS] OCCUPIED TERRITORIES comp. of stamps with overprints VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO, DALMATIA, SICILY and NAPLES (Napoli), on 2 stock-sheets, cat. min. 2.200€ U:O4
1874-1930 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN POST ABROAD, COLONIES interesting comp. of stamps on 3 stock-sheets, cat. according to owner 2300€ U:O4
1933-1945 [COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection incl. better sets and miniature sheets, for example. Mi.499-507 Emergency Relief - Wagner, Mi.588-597 Emergency Relief - Costumes, Mi.Bl.2, Mi.Bl.7, Mi. 634-642 Modern building/-s etc..; good quality, on hingeless sheets in spring folder, hinge / label considered, c.v.. ca. 9300€ U:Z
1941-43 [COLLECTIONS] SERBIA complete general line stamps (only without cheap set Monasteries 1942), contains block of four Mi.82, 83, 84, 85I and oths., cat. min. 520€ U:Z
1949-84 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection incl. better pieces, to y 1954 stamp. with postmarks; placed on album sheets in spring folder, c.v.. at least 2500€ U:Z
1949-1979 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection incl. all miniature sheets (!) Mi.242-2477; very good condition, placed in stockbook, c.v.. ca. 5100€ U:Z
1949-1970 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection (!) Mi.111-634; issue "Horns" without certification, on hingeless sheets in spring folder U:Z
1867-1918 [COLLECTIONS] BOSNIA A HERZEGOVINA, LEVANT, CRETE, FP incomplete collection, contains a lot of superb pieces, higher catalogue; placed on 23 album pages U:Z
1946-76 [COLLECTIONS] more/larger collection, without miniature sheets Renner, issue Masks, Costumes, contains however set better sérií: Children, Carinthia, Birds, all Personalities; placed in spiral stockbook, all mint never hinged U:Z
1883-1938 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection, after all contains a lot of valuable sérií: Airmail 1925, Composers "B", Velké Landscape, Builders, Generals, FIS II, Niklas; placed in spiral stockbook, c.v.. at least 4000€ U:Z
1863-1916 [COLLECTIONS] nice comp. of stamps and blocks, margins, gutter, plate variety etc.., described and in 8-sheet stockbook, it is worth seeing U:Z
1841 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 17 pcs of chosen letters, from that 3 incomplete, with Mi.3, SG.8-10, with interesting postmarks, i.a. rare MORE postal rate PAY (surtax 2P), small community as ALLOA, RINGWOOD, printing error postmark number 120 instead 644, service letter O.H.M.S., 2x early usage type postmark 1844 - May, early impression, so-called. "black plate" from plate 9, other with plate variety wmk (!) and oths., all very fine, nice imprints, interesting and representative selection of U:O5
1858-59 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of letters with Mi.16; SG.43, 1P brown-red, various plate, some better number - 135, 206, 110, 139, 203, 222, also with 5 pcs of letters with Mi.17; SG.45, 2P blue, 2x plate 8, 3x plate 9, some interesting , i.a. O.H.M.S., redirected opakovaně franked with 3 pcs of stamp. 1P, local letter from PAISLEY, very small destination as NEWENT, GREWKERNE, CHIPPING SODBURY and oths., letter from JERSEY, rarer railway-station CDS GLOSTER-STATION 2x etc.., very nice quality, nice postal imprints, cat. Gibbons ca. £1050++ U:O5
1866-1877 [COLLECTIONS] specialized selection of postmarks on/for more than 200 pcs of classical stamp issues Emperor Pedro II., on 2 stock-sheets, much special razítkových forem, atypical and color cancel., hand-made transcription, rather rare mixed franking Mi.29+42, blk-of-10 Mi.23, rare selection of, cat. min. 2070€ U:O4
1896-1950 [COLLECTIONS] nice collection of stamps incl. first issues, period 1909-36 on/for old album pages almost complete, nicely vysbírané overprint set, in addition Italská Ethiopia Mi.1-7 from y 1938, then on stock-sheet issue 1928 - ministry album and 3 color overprints, střihané reprints issue 1919, printing errors "V" - issue 1945 in/at sheets and oths., cat. min. 2700€ U:Z
1860-1915 [COLLECTIONS] SG.6a, 52, 73, D42, D59, 280, selection of 69 pcs of stamps Australian states Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania etc.., on cut-squares album sheets, for example. SG.229 10s šeříková and vine red (c.v.. 225£); placed on stock-sheet A4, cat. min. 1000£ U:Z
1883-1901 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of 40 pcs of sheets from účetních, pokladních or spisových books (documents bound Viennese knihvazačem and tiskařem F. Rollingerem), svázání zpoplatněno in/at kolcích according to number sheets on pages with total 115 revenues in various 2 and 3 and 4-barevných combinations, issue 1883, 1885, 1888, 1893, 1898 (Crown), interesting selection of U:O4
1700 AUSTRIA (MORAVIA) parchment document moravian royal tribunálu in Brno určující poručnictví above Maximiliánem Horetzkym svobodným pánem from Horek, written in German, signed in Brno, 3 signatures and 2 seal, i.a. John Kazimír from Moravec, Maximilian Francis Kratzer from Schönsbergu; very nice U:K