1918Prague overprint II. (large emblem), comp. 10 pcs of stamps with opt inverted, unissued overprints on Austrian postage-due stmp 1916, 10h-50h and on/for pomocném issue PORTO 1917 1h, 10/24h and 15/36h, very rare, several short teeth, ex. Mahr
1918Prague overprint II. (large emblem), in black color on postage due stmp 1916 - complete set, except values 20h quite lightly hinged, practically superb gum, as whole unissued set quite rare, ex. Mahr
1918Prague overprint II. (large emblem), in red color on postage due stmp 1916 - complete set, on stmp 40h on reverse interesting stain from printing color overprint, as whole unissued set quite rare, ex. Mahr
1918PLATE PROOF Prague overprint I. and II., comp. 13 pcs of plate proofs, from přepilovaných cliché on 4 cards white and hnědého carton paper, ex. Mahr
Pof.7b, 15h red, block of four with lower margin and control-numbers, nice full shade, plate 1, hint on one stamp. and margin, exp. Beneš - red, jewel of every collection Hradčany!
Pof.13N, 30h light violet, on small cut-square, almost complete CDS PRAGUE/ 15.I.20, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek + on reverse owner's mark, c.v.. 3500CZK
Pof.2-26vz, selection of 20 pcs of imperforated stmp with overprint VZOREC, incl. 10h green and 20h carmine, values 5h blue-green, 10h green, 20h carmine, 50h blue and 75h grey-green exp. by Gilbert., 100h exp. by Leseticky., at value 40h small paper crease; wide margins, cat. over 7000
1918[COLLECTIONS] selection of sheets and parts of sheets issue Hradčany, production flaw, matters of interest, high catalogue value; placed in superb stockbook on/for sheets in/at 41 protective foliích incl. protective box, very interesting
Pof.1-26D, selection of 17 pcs of stamps 1h-1000h, line perforation 11½;, officially issued, also nepřepážková perf, incl. 6D and 9D, both exp. by Pittermann., nice quality, rare multiple, c.v.. 9260Kč
Pof.7H IIs, 15h bricky red, line perforation 13¾:10¾;, plate 1, vertical marginal Pr, mint never hinged, label on edge sheet, as Pr rare, marked and exp. by Pittermann + owner's mark, c.v.. 8000Kč++
Pof.8C, 20h blue-green, light color shade, line perforation 13¾;, block of four from 1. plate, pos. 46, 47, 56 and 57, marked and exp. by Skaloud., mint never hinged, c.v.. 6000CZK
Pof.8C, 20h blue-green, deep shade, line perforation 13¾;, block of four from 2. plate, pos. 83, 84, 93 and 94, marked and exp. by Gilbert., mint never hinged, c.v.. 6000CZK
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / palte proof of the value 20h in black color, L upper corner blk-of-25, arrangement V. printings (e), E. Charles; in blocks quite rare!
1919comp. 2 pcs of vnitrostátních letters, 1x as Express with Hradčany, Pofis. 6A, 7B T1, 7C T1, 9C T1, 13B, CDS PRAGUE 1/ 29.VII.20, on reverse arrival, other Express letter with Hradčany, Pofis. 10A, 17a, right franking II. postal rate, nationalized CDS BRNO/ 10.X.19, on reverse arrival nationalized CDS KONICE/ 11.X.19; good condition
Pof.35a, Crown 6h orange, black Opt, type II., exp. by Leseticky., Mrňák, Karasek, Tri, certificate Federation of Czech Philatelists with signature Karásek, c.v.. 75.000CZK
selection of 18 pcs of stamp. Coat of arms 2 Koruna - 4 Koruna, různe variants, contains Pof.48 I, 2 Koruna light close 2x type I and 2x overprint type II., lighter and darker shades, from that 2x mint never hinged; Pof.49 I, 3 Koruna light close, I. and II. type, from that 1x mint never hinged; Pofis. 50 I, 4 Koruna light close, 4x type I., from that 2x white and greyish paper, both mint never hinged + 2x thin/light and strong overprint + 1x type II.; Pof.50 I, 4 Koruna dark close, 1x I. and 1x overprint type II.; Pof.48 II, 2 Koruna granite paper, types I + II..; Pof.49 II, 3 Koruna granite paper types I + II..; all well centered, nice quality, 4 pcs of stamp. expertized, on all pcs guarantee owner for authenticity, c.v.. 5000CZK
Pof.50 I Ob, Coat of arms 4 Koruna light close, overprint type II., almost full overprint offset on gum (!), c.v.. Pofis offset on this value doesn't report, from estate (ex Mahr), on reverse 2 old marks, interesting
Pof.51, Coat of arms 10K light violet, overprint type I., greyish paper, mint never hinged, nice piece, marked by Tribuna., Hirsch, Karasek + owner's mark, c.v.. 8500CZK
Pof.51ax, Coat of arms 10K dark violet, overprint type I.,, clear print, deep shade, yellowish paper, well centered stmp also overprint, exp. by Mahr BPP and owner's mark, c.v.. 7500CZK
Pof.65, Postage due stmp - big numerals 2h red, overprint type I., fine centered stmp also overprint, on reverse bigger hinge mark and 2 owner's mark, exp. by Leseticky., Tri, Hirsch, Diena, Mikulski + photo-certificate Mikulski, c.v.. 90.000CZK
Pof.81, 82, Postage due stmp - small numerals, value 5 Koruna overprint type I., exp. by Mrnak + value 10K overprint type II., owner's mark and full guarantee owner for authenticity, both well centered, c.v.. 5550Kč
Pof.89, Turul 1f grey, overprint type I., "wmk "z"", totally centered stmp also overprint, exp. Wallner, Karasek, Stupka + photo-certificate Stupka from y 2011, mint never hinged, c.v.. 58000Kč
[COLLECTIONS] PIGEON-issue Pof.143-150, specialized comp. of stamps, plate variety and retouch, value 5h violet - 5 pcs of upper half-sheets, 15h - blk-of-15, in 8-sheet stockbook, expertly elaborated, interesting research material
1919BRUNNER V. H., enlarged refused I.návrh on/for stamp 25h issue Chainbreaker from Professor. Vratislava Hugo Brunnera, from other competition in/at June 1919, with year L and without name/-s, after/around arrangement realizováno, brown color, white paper, size 45x55mm, hinged, exp. Dr. Fischmeister
1918-39[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection issues Pigeon-issue and Liberated Republic, in 8-sheet stockbook, plate variety, retouch, blocks, plate number etc.., expertly elaborated, interesting research material
1920[COLLECTIONS] BREAKING CHAINS Pof.157, 60h blue, specialized collection about 800 pcs of stamps, described, sorted and placed on 32 album pages, plate variety and retouch, expertly elaborated, interesting research material
1925Pof.188A production flaw, Masaryk - Neotypie (gravure-print) 50h green, big corner folded paper + print on gummed side, stamp. joined corner margin with other stamp. without print, horiz. wmk P5; exp. by Gilbert and Karasek, including photo-certificate Karásek, with by supplier domluvená reduced price - originally 25.000CZK
1928Pof.233-242B, Jubilee 30h-5Kč, unissued stmp for representative purpose, line perforation 12¼;, superb and rare set with 7 marginal pieces, exp. by Karasek and Mahr BPP, extraordinary offer, for the first time in auction, c.v.. 83000Kč
1937airmail letter to Brazil, sample without value (!), with Pof.301, L10, L13, CDS HRONOV/ 2.IV.37, transit pmk PARIS and arrival SAO PAULO on reverse, rare