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1994 Pof.44, Prehistoric Dinosaurs 5CZK, block of four, production flaw - significant shifted perforation L U:A5
1996 Pof.A110/113, miniature sheet Protected Mammals, upper half miniature sheet, production flaw - incomplete-printing grey-green color in background savců on 2 stmp, c.v.. 4000CZK U:A5
1998 Pof.168ORZ, Havel, complete unfolded sheet, inverted frame perf U:A3v–
2000 Pof.PL261, Beauties of Our Homeland - Prague, production flaw - shift red color transport by/on/at head block, for comparison including standard PB U:A5
2000 Pof.PL261, Beauties of Our Homeland - Prague, production flaw 1 - shift blue color L-wards U:A5
2000 Pof.PL261, Beauties of Our Homeland - Prague, production flaw 1 - shift blue color up and L-wards U:A5
2001 Pof.283, Zodiac - lion, two blocks of 6, paper an1, 1x plate variety 91/1 (only two days!, missing in most collections) and 93/1, 1x 82/2 and 92/2, c.v.. 1220CZK U:A5
2001 Pof.283VV, Zodiac - lion, LR corner blk-of-4, on pos. 90 production flaw - significant incomplete-printing black in/at tlapě lion U:A5
2002 Pof.331, Zodiac - blíženci, L block of 6 with margin and date 9.XI.04, plate variety 52/1 - significant stain below chin right obličeje; one of most sought flaws Czech Republic, 1x folded in/at perforation. U:A5
2003 Pof.369, Orientální koberce 9CZK, production flaw - print on gummed side, interesting U:A5
2003 Pof.381, V125, Lantern, blk-of-9 personalised stamp. České Budějovice Black Tower, stamp. II. variants rough grid, on Spanish paper occurred only on order, printing only 200PA, very sought U:A4
2006 Pof.PL459, Bunch of Flowers 10CZK, whole PB with private additional-printing and printing error, on stmp wrong year "2007" instead 2006 U:A4
2007 Pof.A519, miniature sheet Charles Bridge, production flaw - large rose circle by/on/at lantern L, see article in Philately - one of the most significant ofsetových flaws Czech Republic U:A5
2008 Pof.543, Rosa, 100-stamps. sheet from 21.XII.09, counter sheet B, yellow color test scale shifted about/by two pos. downward, like that only 4 days, then again returned up, in addition significantly reduced koncentrace luminoforu and 1. day new printing form for iredescentní color; on/for market doesn't occur, first-time offered (!), for collector sheets Czech Republic rare chance! U:A3v–
2008 Pof.583, Children in winter, 2. variant, 1x with L coupon EXPONET and off. coupon K2 (!), 1x with L coupon EXPONET and number zakázky V129; missing in most collections, in/at c.v.. significantly underprized U:A5
2009 Pof.602, Firemen CTIF, R marginal blk-of-4, in 4 column light blue grid, in 5 column yellow grid place blue-violet, rare, on request exp. by Arbeit U:A5
2010 Pof.A623, miniature sheet EXPO 2010, production flaw - double perf on/for part/-s stamps, L upper and right side U:A5
2010 Pof.630, Four-leaf clover - Fifinka, horizontal pair without pin hole, with "gutter" - more/larger interspace between pane position from prostředku booklet, 1x nepřerušená and 1x interrupted book U:A5
2010 Pof.PL644, Philately development, paper šp-fl, on/for PK4 significant rings below pomlčkou between date and F ("FAIR") - the most significant defect on/for this counter sheet; rare U:A4
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, L the bottom corner blk-of-6 with margin with production flaw 4/4B - 3 big rings in/at picture stamp., on pos. 9 big grey circular stain before/(in front of) "RE", in addition rozmaz. color between pane position 3 and 4; sought U:A5
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with L margin, production flaw 3 - stmp in/at L column with significant L white margin U:A5
2011 Pof.690, ME in volejbale, veliký shift perforation., name state lower place at top U:A5
2011 Pof.707, Christmas, value A, upper bnd-of-10 with inscription and line kódem, production flaw shifted perforation downward to inscription U:A5