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1852-68 comp. 13 pcs of stamps, from that 1x pair; Sas.1, pair with blue cancel. prephilatelic type, 5A, 7-9, 14, 16, 18, 20, 26-27, 29, issue Papal Emblem, various margins, rather good quality without thin places etc.., rare Sas.14, 3C, exp. Pfenninger, other exp. Vossen, Sas.20, 80C, unexamined, however right with worse margins, cat. Sassone min. 6530€ U:A5
1852 Mi.10; Sas.10, Papal Emblem 50Baj blue, close but full margins, very nice quality without thin places, cat. Sassone 2750€ U:A5
1859 folded cover of letter to Mondovì; with Mi.7, Papal Emblem 6Baj - pair, CDS ROMA/ 29/11/59, red service postmarks P.D. and FRANCA, cat. Sassone 1200€ U:A5
1852 larger part of letter with stmp Mi.6a, 5Baj marginal piece, from Rome to Paris, redirected to Ireland, much transit postmarks and tarifních notices, also through/over nekompletnost entires extraordinary offer, very rare doslání also destination! U:A5
1852-1859 specialized selection of 41 pcs of stamp., i.a. Sas.1 2x, 6, 9 2x, 10 2x, 11, 12 - hinged, 14, grey - hinged, 18 - hinged, 12 2x, 15, newspaper stamp. 2, 4, 5 - hinged, then i.a. pair PLATE PROOF 5Cent without value in card, rare so-called. Fiecchiho reprints provisory issue, used stamp. 1L repaired, 2 pcs of stamp. closer margin, otherwise all in very nice quality, without thin places etc.., some expertized, 2x certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE; Fiecchi and pair PLATE PROOF excluded from sum, cat. Sassone other total 14700€ U:A5
1852 Mi.5; Sas.10f, Eagle 40C, with významnou plate variety in/at value tablet "CNET" instead "CENT", L close margin, very fine piece, exp. Diena and certificate EXPERT COMMITTEE London, Modena plate defects belongs to most popular from complete classic philately, cat. Sassone 1100€, extraordinary offer U:A5
1833-56 comp. 5 pcs of letters, from that 3x with franking, all with CDS MIRANDOLA, good condition, nice U:A5
1858 Mi.1-7; Sas.1, 3 2x, 5 3x, 8-12, 14, Coat of Arms, complete set ½Gr-50Gr, some stamp. more times, various plate, value 50Gr R small thin place, but wide margins (!), other stamp. in good quality and in/at good margins, cat. Sassone 7900€ U:A5
1853 Mi.8, Coat of arms 25C red-brown, stmp on cut-square with CDS PIACENZA/ 10/LIG/1856, production crease, exp. Asinelli, extraordinary U:A5
1853 folded letter to Modena with Mi.7, Coat of arms 15C red, CDS PARMA 5/NOV, certificate Biondi; on address-side vyříznutý hole U:A5
1855 folded cover of letter to Genoa with Mi.2, Coat of arms 10C black, str-of-3, CDS PARMA 29/GEN, signs of age, relatively rare U:A5
1855 folded letter to Parmy with Mi.1, Coat of arms 5C black, str-of-3, CDS PIACENZA 27/SET, on reverse arrival PARMA; L closer margin after all good condition U:A5
1859 Mi.1-9; Sas.1-9, Numerals, complete set, values 20Baj 2x various shades, from that 1x without gum; also with 2Baj and 4Baj used; mostly expertized, 4Baj close margin otherwise sound condition, cat. Sassone 3.200€
1859 Mi.2, Numerals 1Baj, vert. gutter folded, certificate Bolaffi, rare U:A5
1851 Mi.1, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C black, L close and on other 3 sides wide margins, repaired (underlaid middle), exp. Ketzek, c.v.. 2000€ U:A5
1853 Mi.4; Sas.4, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C green, pair, CDS NIZZA MARITTA, usual light folds (very thin stamp paper), small thin place R, lighter stain on stamp R, in UR corner close margin, however in/at pair rare, cat. Sassone 3850€ U:A5
1853 Mi.6; Sas.6, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C on cut-square with CDS NIZZA MARITTA, R at top oblique margins to frame, otherwise luxury piece with upper sheet margin, exp. Thier, Diena, cat. Sassone 1800€++ U:A5
1854 Mi.9b, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C brown-rose, CDS NIZZA MARITTA, small repair, this dark color shade is significantly rarer then color basic stamps Mi.9a and often missing in collections, exp. Colla?, cat. Michel 2600€, Sass. 4250€ U:A5
1855 Mi.10c, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C olive green, horizontal pair, oval pmk ALCAMO, certificate Cardillo U:A5
1855-1861 Mi.10, 16 str-of-5, CDS CALTAGIRONE/ 19/NOV/61, rare U:A5
1855 Mi.14, Victor Emmanuel II. 80C yellow, decorative blue framed pmk PIROSCAFI POSTALI FRABCESI (fragment) U:A5
1857 letter to Évreux with Mi.10, pair, 13, Victor Emmanuel II., CDS TORINO 6/FEVR/57, on reverse seal, transit pmk and arrival ÉVREUX, certificate Bottacchi, rare U:A5
1858 folded cover of letter to Naples (Napoli) with Mi.12-14, Victor Emmanuel II. - tricolour franking, CDS GENOVA/ 22/OTT/58, torn in margins, after all decorative and rare U:A5
1858 folded cover of letter to Naples (Napoli) with Mi.12-14, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C+40C+80C, tricolour franking, CDS GENOVA 3/DIC/58, attractive letter U:A5
1860 letter to Chile (VALPARAÍSO) with Mi.11-14, Victor Emmanuel II. 10C+20C+40C+80C, 4-coloured franking (!), CDS CHIAVARI/ 19/MAG/60, transit pmk GENOVA, TORINO, SARDAIGNE/ CULOZ, LONDON, PANAMA; decorative, very rare U:DR
1863 folded cover of letter to Lyon with Mi.13, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C red, CDS NAPOLI/ 6/OT/63, framed pmk P.D., two-sided transit pmk and arrival LYON, exp. Bolaffi, nice U:A5
1861 Mi.11, 12 2x, 13 3x, Victor Emmanuel II. - tricolour franking on cut-square, red CDS MILAN/ 5/OTT/61, nice U:A5
1861 folded cover of letter from Genoa to Nice with Mi.13, Victor Emmanuel II. 40C red, cancel. MENTON/ 10/OCT/61, nice U:A5
1851 Mi.3x, Lion 2So brown-red, certificate Bolaffi, cat. Sassone 5000€ U:A5
1857 Mi.10, Lion 1Qu black, horizontal pair, L close margin, at top to line, cat. Sassone min. 1700€ U:A5
1857 Mi.16; Sas.16, Lion 9Cr lilac, very close margin L lower, certificate Raybaudi, cat. Sassone 8500€ U:A5
1859 Mi.16; Sas.16, Lion 9Cr lilac, highest value, sole stmp issue Heraldic Lion in issue provisional governance, small repair in the place wmk, feignedly very nice and representative piece, rare stamp with certificate Raybaudi, cat. Sassone 8500€ U:A5
1860 Mi.18, Coat of arms 5C green, horizontal pair, cat. Sassone min. 400€ U:A5
1861 folded letter to Cosenza with Mi.2, Victor Emmanuel II. ½Gr brown 6x (!), vertical pair and str-of-4, CDS COTRONE/ 29/DIC/1861, certificate Raybaudi, stain, after all very rare! U:A5
1888 letter to Florence underpaid stamp. Mi.24, numeral pmk "745" and CDS CASTELLANETA/ 27/AGO/88, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due Mi.P3 3x, 5, 6 2x, CDS FIRENZE, decorative U:A5
1878 GENERAL ISSUE folded letter to Bordeaux with Mi.6, 30c dark brown with overprint ESTERO, straight line postmark long address TUNISI and COI POSTALI ITALIANI, on reverse transit pmk CAGLIARI/ 6/6-78, certificate Bottacchi, nice U:A5
1872 ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS letter to Livorno with Mi.17, 19, CDS TUNISI/ 10/LUG/72, on reverse transit pmk and arrival, longitudinal fold out of stmp U:A5
1920-25 [COLLECTIONS] ADVERTISING COUPONS comp. of stamps with advertising coupons on stock-sheet, some more times, sought, cat. min. 800€ U:O4
1918-23 [COLLECTIONS] OCCUPIED TERRITORIES comp. of stamps with overprints VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO, DALMATIA, SICILY and NAPLES (Napoli), on 2 stock-sheets, cat. min. 2.200€ U:O4
1874-1930 [COLLECTIONS] ITALIAN POST ABROAD, COLONIES interesting comp. of stamps on 3 stock-sheets, cat. according to owner 2300€ U:O4