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1850 Mi.1II; Edifil.1A, Queen Isabel II. 6C black, str-of-4, black decorative postmark, nice piece with close to wide margins, between stamps original folds, rather rare multiple, in the Czech market rare U:A5
1850 Mi.3; Edifil.3, Queen Isabel II. 5R red, very fine piece with red CDS (!), certificate Comex, c.v.. 500€ ++ U:A5
1850 Mi.4; Edifil.4, Queen Isabel II. 6R blue, little ztenčené place in upper part, wide margins, rather rare and often missing stmp, c.v.. 1100€ U:A5
1851 Mi.11, Queen Isabel II. 10R green, sought highest value in perfect quality, exp. Dietrich, c.v.. Edifil 675€ U:A5
1852 Mi.15; Edifil.15, Queen Isabel II. 5R light green, block of four on cut-square, very fine piece with certificate Comex, c.v.. Edifil 975€ ++ U:A5
1852 Mi.16; Edifil.16, Queen Isabel II. 6R green-blue, pair in perfect quality, exp. Revilla and oths., in addition certificate expertní committee Comex, rare, c.v.. Edifil 1775€ U:A5
1853 Mi.18; Edifil.18, Queen Isabel II. 12Cs violet, blk-of-9 (!), from the front small light fold (common with regard to very tenkému paper použitému for print) and very small thin place R in no way neubírají on/for meaning and reprezentativnosti this raritního block, wide margins, color also postmark, exp. Roig, extraordinary offer for every collection Spanish classic U:DR
1854-1856 comp. 5 pcs of stamps issue Queen Isabel II., Mi.28, 29, 31, 35, 37, very nice quality, value 1R blue lower margins to marginal line, 2Cs green superb - this stmp with grid wmk often missing in collections c.v.. 730€ U:A5
1855-56 Mi.34, Queen Isabel II. 2R brownlila, blk-of-10 with wmk 1; Mi.38, block of four with wmk 2 (on reverse toned); Mi.42, block of four without watermark; very nice complexes with complete margins U:A5
1856 Mi.40b, Queen Isabel II. 4C carmine, blk-of-16 with lower margin of sheet, superb, certificate Sismondo, rare multiple, c.v.. as single stamps 320€ U:A5
1862 Mi.52, Queen Isabel II. 19Cs carmine, close margin, favourite stmp with exceedingly nice Basque CDS ELGOIBAR / SAN SEBASTIAN, c.v.. 220€ U:A5
1864 Mi.56, Queen Isabel II. 4C red, blk-of-20 with R margin, superb U:A5
1868 letter via Lisbon to Buenos Aires with Mi.75, 79, Queen Isabel II. 12Cs orange and 20C violet, rare mixed franking two měn, CDS CORUNA, rare letter, very fine U:A5
1874-75 CARLIST ISSUE Mi.2, 3, Don Carlos in circle 1R violet and 50C yellow-green - small thin place in upper part, overall very sound condition, c.v.. 330€ U:A5