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1945 Mi.59, Majer.U14, Crown of St. Stephen 2.00/1P dark green, c.v.. Majer 1400CZK U:A5
1945 Mi.70, Majer.U56, St. Margaret 60/24f violet, c.v.. Majer 10000CZK U:A5
1945 Mi.78, 83-84, 88, selection of 16 pcs of stamps, partially on cut-squares, interesting postmarks, i.a. KERECKI; nice selection of U:A5
1945 Mi.78; Majer.1, Soldier 60f red, stmp with coupon with star, c.v.. Majer 1200CZK U:A5
1945 Mi.79-80, 81-84, comp. 7 pcs of bloks of four, Mi.80 - corner blk-of-4, Mi.79A+B, typical dusky stains in gum, c.v.. 980€ U:A5
1945 Mi.79, Broken Chain 100 blue, complete 50-stamps. sheet with 6 coupons, in margin inscription ЛИТО-ЛАМ 1945; viewing of quality recommended U:A3v–
1945 Mi.80, Clenched Fist 200f blue / red, part of sheet with lower margin, 8x4 stamps U:A3v–
1945 Mi.80, Clenched Fist 200f blue / red, comp. 7 pcs of stamps, shifted prints, imperforated stmp and gutter; c.v.. ca. 380€ U:A5
1945 Mi.80; Majer.Mv3, Clenched Fist 200f blue / red, gutter, c.v.. Majer 2500CZK U:A5
1945 Mi.81, Soviet Star 10f orange, selection of blocks with perf errors/flaws, cat. only stamp. 130€ U:A5
1945 Mi.83, 88, Soviet Star 40f green, imperforated corner blk-of-8, vertical fold out of stmp.; 20f grey, imperforated corner blk-of-12 without gum, warped paper (maculature?) U:A5
1945 Mi.83, Soviet Star 40f green, complete 100-stamps. sheet with plate number 1A, suitable for examining U:A3v–
1945 Mi.84, Soviet Star 60f red, complete 100-stamps. sheet with plate number 1A, suitable for examining U:A3v–
1945 Mi.85F, Soviet Star 100f brown, marginal block-of-6 with omitted horiz. perf and double perf in margin, offset; toned U:A5
1944 Mi.86, Soviet Star 200f brown / red, horiz. str-of-6 with sheet offset stamps also values 200, gutter with shifted print values 200, vertical strip of 4 with omitted horiz. perf, marginal block-of-4 with double perf; interesting selection of U:A5
1945 Mi.86, Soviet Star 200f brown / red, complete 100-stamps. sheet, in margin inscription ЛИТО-ЛАМ; suitable for examining U:A3v–
1945 Mi.86, Soviet Star 200f brown / red, imperforated part of sheet, upper 3 line with margin and gutters, folded out of stmp., very rare U:A3v–
1945 Mi.P27, c.v.. Majer Ud20II 4000CZK U:A5