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1944 KHUST Pof.RV174-211, set 34 pcs of stamps, missing 195, 200, 201, exp. by Blaha., c.v.. 44000Kč, Majer 64610Kč U:A5
1944 MUKACHEVO Majer.1-19, missing only No.13, St. Margaret 30f red, exp. Majer, c.v.. Majer 69620Kč U:DR
1944 MUKACHEVO Majer.20-22, exp. Majer, c.v.. Majer 22400Kč U:A5
1944 MUKACHEVO Majer.23-28, exp. Majer, c.v.. Majer 48500CZK U:A5
1944 MUKACHEVO Majer.43-44, exp. by Blaha., c.v.. Majer 4800CZK, value 20f with production flaw - oblique fold in paper U:A5
1944 MUKACHEVO Majer.45-48, exp. Majer, c.v.. Majer 15700CZK U:A5
Pof.A360/362, Kosice MS, between KO (KOŠICE) significant red stain, in stamp 5 Koruna white circle on 5, above stamp. 2 Koruna two production defects paper; cat. min. 1300CZK, interesting U:A5
Pof.354-356Mv(4), Košice-issue, horiz. 4-stamp gutters with lower margins with plate mark, wide margins, c.v.. 3900CZK; 6 Koruna - light blue U:A5
Pof.354-356Mx(4), Košice-issue - small crosses 2, 5, 6Kčs, in addition on all values selection of vertical marginal 3-známkových gutter, bottom corner pairs with plate numbers and middle bottom bloks of four, all composes miniature sheet; very light hinged on stmp 6Kčs U:A4
Pof.A360/362, 354-356, Košice-issue, selection of miniature sheet, 6-zn. vertical gutter with upper margin, then 4-stamps horiz. gutter, in addition 2 complete set and other stamp. various shades, all mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 2700CZK U:A4
Pof.A360/362DV, 354-356Ms(2), 354-356Mv(4), Košice-issue, selection of miniature sheet with plate variety "broken paw", vertical 2-stamps gutter and horiz. 4-stamps gutter; c.v.. 2950CZK U:A4
1945 Pof.369B, Bratislava-issue, comp. 2 pcs of complete unfolded 200-stamps. sheets, value 4 Koruna, 1x normal print, 1x production flaw - smudged print on/for whole counter sheet, the most significant in the middle (zalité numeral(s), "thin" čtyřky), significant difference (on pos. 191 both variants plate variety, on/for both sheets plate variety 182 and 192), 1x blurred čtyřky in addition zalité; only c.v.. defects min. 580CZK; sporadically wrinkle, in margin fold and fine tearing U:X
1945 Pof.371ST, Bratislava-issue 10K black, upper corner blk-of-24 with joined types, type II on pos. 26 + Pof.363 - marginal block-of-6, Pof.364 - corner blk-of-6, Pof.365 - marginal block-of-4 and Pof.369 - corner blk-of-6, all multiblocks with plate variety, mint never hinged, c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
1945 Pof.384, Moscow-issue 50h, horizontal pair and block of four, wrinkle paper - hair paper crease, sought U:A5
1945 Pof.396OHZ, War Heroes 1,50Kčs, horiz. upper pair with margin, conversely getting combined perforation U:A5
1945 Pof.A408/412VV, Partisan MS with significant shifted print (11 mm up) green color - stamp. values 5 Koruna, good condition, sought U:A4
1949 Pof.498, Lenin 1,50, UL blk-of-5 with coupon, ST I+II+I U:A5
1949 Pof.503, Vančura 80h, 1x block of 6, 1x horizontal strip of 3, both with plate variety 49/1 - significant line near the ear, both dotisky, on/for which is plate variety known (paper under UV lamp variously thin place); rare U:A5
1951 Pof.M594N, Smetana 1,50Kčs, imperforated opposite facing 4-stamp gutter, exp. Darmitzel, c.v.. 10.000CZK, nice U:A5
1952 Pof.666, Gottwald 1Kčs, 1x UL corner blk-of-4 bright green - in margin post. notice ink by pencil overlapping to pos. 1; rarest shade, rare usage, as mint never hinged nabízen first-time (!), still předloženy only two blocks of four, quite extraordinary offer, on request exp. by Arbeit.., including common block of four for comparison U:A5
1952 Pof.485, Gottwald 1Kčs, significant shifted perforation L to picture of stmp U:A5
1952 Pof.A691/692, miniature sheet BRATISLAVA, imperforated, flaw print - omitted stmp 692 (print only red color), sought defect, exp. by Karasek., in auction Majer 2010 sold after/behind 50000CZK U:A5
1950 PLATE PROOF Pof.545, 5. anniv of liberation, value 5Kčs, comp. 8 pcs of plate proofs in various colors on stamp paper with gum, sought by specialists, c.v.. 7200CZK U:A5
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.637, International Week of Youth, plate proofs - 1x red horizontal pair, 1x red-brown horizontal pair; exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 3600CZK U:A5
1953 Pof.737, Zápotocký, stmp with R margin, from above 13. omitted perforation hole; sought U:A5
1953 Pof.767DO, Transport 1Kčs blue / brown, vertical pair with L margin, with imprint of transfer roll on edge counter sheet both stamps, in addition with date of print, in/at c.v.. Pofis underprized, c.v.. 1000Kč+ U:A5
1953 Pof.773DO, Anniv of Death, marginal block-of-4 with imprint of transfer roll U:A5
1954 Pof.775-778, 780, Profession, selection of sought shades, stamp. 15h 3 shades, incl. rare bright green with smooth gum, stamp. 20h 6 shades, incl. b, c, 40h 3 shades with various gum, 45h 2 shades, 75h 2 shades; nice selection of U:A5
1954 Pof.776, Profession 20h, LR corner blk-of-4, partially neproražená perf under the pos. 100 and only light naznačená in LR corner, sought shade, glrilled gum (!) - here very rare, printing printed between 999X violet and 1091 (důkaz Kuldovy hypotézy); rare piece, on request exp. by Arbeit.., extraordinary offer! U:A5
1954 Pof.792, Year of Czech Music, 1x corner blk-of-4 light orange - very rare shade (on request exp. Arb.), 1x corner blk-of-4 with signature Svolinský, 1x marginal block-of-4 with signature Schmidt U:A5
1955 Pof.840-843, National costumes, corner blocks of four, value 60h ST II + I, c.v.. 1180 U:A5
1956 Pof.887-892, Prague Spring, right the bottom corner blk-of-9 with dates of print; on this issue blocks with complete date exceptional, placed on stock-sheet A4 U:A4
1956 Pof.907-912, Engines, corner blocks of four, very good condition, cat. only single stamp. 600CZK U:A5
1957 Pof.A967II, miniature sheet Zápotocký, type II., c.v.. 3200CZK U:A5
1959 Pof.1091X, printing error Novotný 30h violet, block of four, exp. by Karasek., cat. min. 10800CZK U:A5
1959 Pof.1091X, printing error Novotný 30h violet, c.v.. 2700CZK, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1961 Pof.1174II, Personalities, type II - ORSZÁCH, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1961 Pof.1174II, Personalities, type II - ORSZÁCH, c.v.. 3500CZK, exp. by Karasek U:A5
1961 Pof.1222bII, Butterflies 80h blue and green, type II - změněná printing tree in/at right corner; sought type, c.v.. 3600CZK U:A5
1966 Pof.1574, Art I - Hollar, plate variety on pos. 3/2 - tear U:A5
1966 Pof.1574, Art I - Hollar, plate variety on pos. 3/2 - tear U:A5
1970 Pof.1813ST, Beethoven 40h black-grey, marginal block-of-15 with joined types, type II on pos. 21, sought, c.v.. 5500CZK U:A4
1970 Pof.1824, Lada 1Kčs, horizontal pair type II., c.v.. 2400CZK U:A5
1970 Pof.1824b, Lada 1Kčs, dark blue, type II with upper margin, shift red R (the first dílky střech right/genuine buildings red place brown), on request exp. by Arbeit.., cat. min. 1200CZK U:A5
1970 Pof.1824b, Lada 1Kčs, dark blue, LR corner blk-of-4, type II.; on request exp. by Arbeit.., c.v. 4800CZK U:A5
1970 Pof.1828, Lenin 60h, LR block of four with margin, plate variety 49/1 - double transfer in face, c.v.. 1200 CZK U:A5
1972 Pof.1961, Czechoslovakia world champion, plate variety pos. 21 - interrupted "T", c.v.. 1200CZK U:A5
1973 Pof.2029xa, 25. Anniv of Constitution, LL block of 6 with margin with date of print 10.V.73, paper without optical brightener, type II.; c.v.. 1680CZK U:A5
1974 Pof.2090xa, Children's Day, block of four, paper without optical brightener, c.v.. 3600CZK U:A5
1975 Pof.PL2130xa+xb, Traditions 60h, comp. 2 pcs of PB, various papers, paper without optical brightener (for comparison) and optically cleared paper; c.v.. 1800CZK U:A4
1976 Pof.2217, Coil 60h red, whole blk-of-30 (!), 3 line à 10 pcs of, undetached in vert. direction, rather rare, interesting multiple U:A4
1978 Pof.A2333, miniature sheet Old Prague, shift red color L-wards - all the bottom coats of arms significantly deformed; nezvyklé U:A5
1983 Pof.A2613, souvenir sheets Nordposta 1983, complete set souvenir sheet fields, c.v.. 2000 CZK U:Z
1985 Pof.2706yb, 40. Anniv SOF 50h, LL corner blk-of-4 with margin, fluorescing paper 2; on request exp. labour, c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
1985 Pof.2724, 2726, comp. 2 pcs of miniature sheets Art, value 1Kčs and 3Kčs, with perforation. and středními coupons; c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1989 Pof.SL2888/2889, Czechoslovak Ship Transport., bklt sheet, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1989 Pof.SL2888/2889, Czechoslovak Ship Transport., bklt sheet, c.v.. 3500CZK U:A5
1990 Pof.2923, Čapek, first edition, author of engraving Činovský, name state green, value black (issued stamp. - author of engraving Ondráček, name state red, value green), already printed stamp. and skartovaná stamp. from WIFAGu, maculature print, defects, shift perforation. downward to picture; also in this status quite exceptional certificate of destruction printing and zadání new gravure, for comparison also with common stamp. U:A5
1990 Pof.2928ORZ, Havel 50h, block of four with upper margin, inverted frame perf, exp. by Arbeit., c.v.. 7000CZK, profitable U:A5
1953 PLATE PROOF Pof.735, plate proof stamp. Gottwald 3Kčs, dark grey color, bělený basis, paper without gum, marked and exp. by Karasek + Be, well preserved U:A5