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1965 PLATE PROOF Pof.1485, Towns - Cheb, master die in black color, cardboard paper, signature Herčík; decorative U:A5
1968 PLATE PROOF Pof.1678, Svoboda 60h, plate proof in/at original color, harder paper without gum, in upper part rest of hinge, overall nice U:A5
1959 ordinary letter franked vertical pair with lower margin, Pof.1091X, printing error Novotný 30h violet, CDS PROSTĚJOV/ 22.X.59; exp. by Karasek., slightly toned in envelope U:A5
1961 Pofis. PL1217, Butterflies, blk-of-10, type II., excellent quality, c.v.. 8000CZK U:A5
1976 Pof.PL2215 II, Toximania, type II., c.v.. 1100CZK U:A5
1946-49 Pof.L19, L27, Air Motifs 9Kčs brown, marginal block-of-4 and block of 6 without upper margins, both with plate variety 1/4 (double upper frame, see M. Bachratý in Philately), then corner. pair with plate variety + plate variety 1/9 (line from Č to L perforation. and significant shift molette downward), then corner blk-of-4 with plate variety 1/92 long line below L bottom corner, in addition free * L27 with plate variety 1/4 U:A5
1949 Pof.L25-27, L32, overprint provisory, selection of shifts overprints, value 1/1,50Kčs downward, 3/5,50Kčs L-wards up, 6/9Kčs up transport and downward (marginal Pr), 30/50Kčs L-wards U:A5
1949 Pof.L32ST, overprint provisory 30/50Kčs, horizontal pair with L margin, ST II + I, superb condition U:A5
1962 PT1, Exhibition PRAGA 62, c.v.. 1200CZK U:A5
1968 PT4N, Rosary celebration, unissued special commemorative print, rare occurrence, known only ca. 30 pieces (!), with signature of author exceptional, fine quality, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1968 PT5A+B, Hradčany, comp. 2 pcs of black-prints, c.v.. 1400CZK U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 3/47, Lidice, on reverse No. 489, sent to tajemníka minister post, sound condition U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 5/47, T. G. Masaryk, sent to minister agriculture, on reverse low No. 18, in front line by ballpoint U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 6/47, Moyses, sent to tajemníka minister zdravotnictví, on reverse No. 114, open on/for L side U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 7/47, October Revolution, sent to director ČAT, on reverse No. 498 U:A5
1948 ministerial FDC M B/48, Gottwald, on reverse No. 229, incl. cards with dedication, c.v.. 1200CZK, light stain U:A4
1948 unannounced FDC 1. Anniv of February, with 2 stamps (by/on/at normal FDC mounted only 1 stmp), sought by specialists U:A5
1953 money letter for 5000Kčs old currency, form/blank envelope franked with. on both sides total 241,50Kčs, CDS BŘECLAV/ 4.6.53; rozříznutá flap, nepoškozená franking, small tearing in L margin envelope/-s, rare usage U:A4
1953 letter franked commercial meter stmp in value 30Kčs in old currency, PRAGUE 1/ 18.6.53, fine quality, on request exp. Dražan
1953 letter from Sunday 7.VI.1953 (!), with Pof.521 3x, exact franking, sender Czechosl. union youth, Sunday datumy are sought by specialists, light wrinkled envelope U:A5
1953 commercial Reg letter franked 9-násobným print meter stmp, VPZ BRNO 11.6.53, general postage 80Kčs, 8x 9Kčs and 1x 8Kčs, extraordinary franking - sought! U:A5
1953 underpaid letter CDS LUČENEC/ 7.VI.53, with Gottwald 3Kčs, burdened with postage-due in/at general value 54Kčs, used 36 pcs of Postage-due stamps stamp. 1,50Kčs; 3 stamps damaged nešetrným opening envelope/-s, after all interesting, sought U:A5
1953 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters franked/paid print meter stmp with postage 30Kčs in old currency, ELEKTROODBYT PRAGUE 1/ 10.6.53, Shop klenoty KRNOV 1/ 8.6.53 U:A5
1948 CDV95A/1-7, off. additional printing to stamp exhibition PRAGA 1950, 1. issue, light wrinkled corners, Bulgarian text - stain on back side, as multiple good, c.v.. 12.000CZK U:A5