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1861 folded letter to Cosenza with Mi.2, Victor Emmanuel II. ½Gr brown 6x (!), vertical pair and str-of-4, CDS COTRONE/ 29/DIC/1861, certificate Raybaudi, stain, after all very rare! U:A5
1888 letter to Florence underpaid stamp. Mi.24, numeral pmk "745" and CDS CASTELLANETA/ 27/AGO/88, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due Mi.P3 3x, 5, 6 2x, CDS FIRENZE, decorative U:A5
1878 GENERAL ISSUE folded letter to Bordeaux with Mi.6, 30c dark brown with overprint ESTERO, straight line postmark long address TUNISI and COI POSTALI ITALIANI, on reverse transit pmk CAGLIARI/ 6/6-78, certificate Bottacchi, nice U:A5
1872 ITALIAN POST IN TUNIS letter to Livorno with Mi.17, 19, CDS TUNISI/ 10/LUG/72, on reverse transit pmk and arrival, longitudinal fold out of stmp U:A5