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2000 Pof.AT1, Veveří (castle), variant I., 5 eliminated values (5,7,8,11 and 13 CZK) with *, all with production flaw - shift inscription up, c.v.. 2000CZK U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, 2. set (1.9.2002), comp. of stamps 14 values, 6,40-34Kč, in addition value 5,40CZK and doplňková 6,50CZK, all stamp. with VV12 - zkrácená nib in/at character H; c.v.. 1546Kč U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, comp. 5 pcs of stamp. officially unissued values - 35CZK, 37CZK, 40CZK, 53CZK, 54CZK, originate from real postal transport - ÚSTÍ N. L., January 2011; exceptional U:A5