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1939 HÁCHA Emil (1872–1945), president Czechoslovak republic and Protectorate Bohemia-Moravia; card with autograph "Dr. E. Hácha 12.7.39" and German portrait photo, in addition several cut-squares from period print; all Háchovy autographs from his prezidentského period are very rare! U:A4
1915 HINDENBURG Paul von (1847–1934), German Field Marshal, president, autograph on 2 portrétové postcard; good condition, very interesting U:A5
1934 KUTLVAŠR Charles (1895–1961), Czech legionnaire and military General, autograph on memorial stamp card troop Nazdar and Czech družiny, signatures other military činitelů; good condition, interesting U:A4
1933 LUŽA Vojtěch (1891–1944), Czech military General, legionnaire, autograph on postcard U:A5
1900 NEJEDLÝ Zdeněk (1878–1962), Czech historian and politician, autograph on postcard from Nizhny Novgorod (!) addressed to Aloisi Jiráskovi, good condition U:A5
1936 SVOJSÍK Anthony Benjamin (1876–1938), founder Czech scouting (Junák (scout)), autograph on PC, interesting text - Baden-Powell; good condition U:A5
1950 ZÁPOTOCKÝ Anthony (1884–1957), Czechoslovak communist president, autograph on postcard High Tatras, also signature his wife Mary; light bent corners U:A5