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1947 ministerial FDC M 3/47, Lidice, on reverse No. 489, sent to tajemníka minister post, sound condition U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 5/47, T. G. Masaryk, sent to minister agriculture, on reverse low No. 18, in front line by ballpoint U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 6/47, Moyses, sent to tajemníka minister zdravotnictví, on reverse No. 114, open on/for L side U:A5
1947 ministerial FDC M 7/47, October Revolution, sent to director ČAT, on reverse No. 498 U:A5
1948 ministerial FDC M B/48, Gottwald, on reverse No. 229, incl. cards with dedication, c.v.. 1200CZK, light stain U:A4
1948 unannounced FDC 1. Anniv of February, with 2 stamps (by/on/at normal FDC mounted only 1 stmp), sought by specialists U:A5