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1927 Mi.224-225(Block), miniature sheet Visit of American Legionnaires to France, imperforated, at top small thin place - hint of mounting, otherwise very nice and rare, c.v.. Maury (No. 244-245) 800€ U:A5
1927 Mi.Bl.2, miniature sheet Strassbourg, special postmark STRASSBOURG/ EXPOSITION. PHIL. INTERN./ 16.X.27 over stamps, size 109x141mm, c.v.. 1100€+20% = 1320€ U:A5
1930 Mi.255, Air 1.50Fr with perfin "E.I.P.A.", luxury piece mint never hinged, with coupon with exhibition CDS, on edge spot and hinged, 2x shifted (!) and inverted perfin EIPA30, rare, c.v.. Maury (No. 6C var.) 550€++ U:A5
1936 Mi.311a, Aircraft over Paris 50Fr yellow-green, c.v.. 1200€, sought highest value U:A5
1936 Mi.321, Aircraft over Paris, value 50Fr, so-called. "bank-note", c.v.. 1100€ U:A5
1954-58 Mi.987-990, 1120, 1177, Airmail, c.v.. 330€ U:A5