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1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 5, letters T-G, L at top close but full margins, without gum, after all rare and in very nice quality, certificate K.-A. Louis, catalogue value for hinged £10,000 U:DR
1840 Mi.1b, SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 5, block of 6 letters P-I/Q-K, light vertical fold, from the front small, full to wide margins, R very wide margins with part of side stamps, red postmark Maltese cross, exp. Diena and G. Bühler - marks umístěny quite lower (it means. perfect condition), rarity classic philately, according to available information in the Czech market block this size still never nenabízen, evidently unrepeatable chance, cat. Gibbons min. £22500 (1½; násobek price/-s for block of four) U:DR
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, str-of-4, plate 6, letters E-I/E-L, on three places during margins disturbed line, caused by i.a. extrémním schodovitým shift printing fields in plate, otherwise very fine piece with red cancel. Maltese cross, cat. Gibbons only as 2 pairs £2000 U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, TDIb, str-of-5 letters K-H/K-L, in R margin small original paper crease - it is not damage, in the middle miniature hole size špičky needle/-s (hint of vypadlém zrnku in paper or přítomností foreign tělíska on printing plate) in no way nenarušující general very fine dojem and atraktivitu this rare whole, red cancel. Maltese cross, 3x clear and full print, wide margins, without whatever thin places or folds, extraordinary piece! U:DR
1840 Mi.1b, SG.2, Black Penny, black, str-of-6 (!), plate 6, letters F-A/F-F, between stamp. F-A and F-B and on stmp F-B small oděrka, original fold between F-B and F-C, otherwise nice with complete margins (by/on/at like that long strips very rare), biggest still at our place offered strip Black Penny, quite rare offer to specialized collection or exhibit, cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £5500 U:DR
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, comp. 4 pcs of stamps, very fine margins, 1x whole Maltese cross, plate unresolved U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 1b, letters A-C, luxury piece with wide margins, complete black cancel. Maltese cross with dot in the middle U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 1b, letters I-L, luxury piece on cut-square, with red cancel. Maltese cross U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 1b, letters N-H, small thin place on reverse, wide margins, with red postmark Maltese cross, nice piece rarely with wmk inverted (!), certificate K.-A. Louis, c.v.. £1750 U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 2, letters G-K, very fine piece with significant full red cancel. Maltese cross U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 3, letters D-L, luxury piece with whole red cancel. Maltese cross U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 7, letters F-F, luxury piece with beautiful red cancel. Maltese cross U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 7, letters J-C, R at top cut to margins, otherwise wide margins, L at top repair (thin place in corner), in good condition piece with exceedingly rare blue (!!) postmark Maltese cross, nice clear print, Brit. classic rarity, small/rare and large certificate K.-A. Louis, c.v.. £12000 U:DR
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, comp. 2 pcs of stamps Black Penny, black, plate 2, letters I-A and Q-A, L marginal pieces with red cancel. Maltese cross, very wide margins, resp. one stmp detached from sheet trháním instead stříháním, after all perfect U:A5
1840 Mi.1b+c; SG.2-3, comp. 2 pcs of Black Penny, black and grey-black, plate 5 and plate 1a, letters K-I and M-L, very fine pieces with black (whole print) and red cancel. Maltese cross U:A5
1840 Mi.2b; SG.5, 2P blue, block of 6, plate 2, letters F-A/G-C, black maltézské cross, L and R lower close margin, otherwise in/at very fine quality without whatever thin places or folds, extraordinary offer, rarity classic philately, according to available information in the Czech market block this size still never nenabízen, cat. Gibbons £42000 (as 1½; price/-s for block of four); evidently unrepeatable chance U:DR
1840 Mi.2b; SG.5, 2P blue, str-of-6 (!), plate 2, letters D-C/D-H, stmp D-E L at top minimum thin place, D-H lower close margin způsobený irregular položením stmp field in plate, otherwise quite very fine and decorative piece with red postmarks Maltese cross, biggest still at our place offered strip "dvojek", very rare, quite rare offer to specialized collection or exhibit, cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £7500 U:DR
1840 Mi.2b; SG.5, 2P blue, plate 2, letters S-B, red postmark Maltese cross, wide margins U:A5
1840 Mi.2b+c; SG.5-6, comp. of 2 stamps 2P, blue on cut-square and light blue, plate 2, letters G-D and S-B, full to wide margins, once exp. Dietrich, black Maltese cross, once LONDON "broken points", perfect condition, cat. Gibbons £1750++ U:A5
1841 Mi.3; SG.7, 1P red-brown, plate 11, letters J-F, early impression, so-called. "black plate", L margins in margin, small thin place on reverse, after all good piece with very rare red (!!) postmark Maltese cross, nice and almost full print, certificate K.-A. Louis, c.v.. SG.spec. £5000 U:DR
1850 SG.16b, 1P red-brown, pair, plate 100, letters O-G/O-H, type 1841 with experimental perf 16 (Henry Archer), partially repaired original gum, nice piece with certificate THE ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY, cat. Gibbons as single stamps £5600, rare - it is the first perforated stamps in the world! U:DR
1850 SG.16b, 1P red-brown, plate 93, letters R-E, stmp with experimental perf 16 (Henry Archer), small part gum, perfect condition this rare perf, catalogue value for hinged £2800, here by estimation £1400 U:A5
1855 SG.20a 3x, 23a 4x, 27 3x, 34 7x (from that 1x pair), specialized selection of 17 pcs of stamps 2P blue, plate 5, several stamp. short teeth, overall very sound condition, cat. Gibbons £3600 U:A5
1857 Mi.10B; SG.40, 1P brown-red, perf 14, wmk "Large Crown", blk-of-15 N-A/P-E with part of marginal inscriptions, on reverse toned, missing LL corner, after all rare multiple, included to sum as cheapest color, cat. Gibbons also without zohlednění margins ca. £950++ U:A5
1857 Mi.10B; SG.40, 1P brown-red, perf 14, wmk "Large Crown", blk-of-15 P-D/T-F with 12 pcs of mint never hinged stamps, 2 stamp. hinged, stmp S-F with rezavou spot, after all rare multiple, darker shade, but included to sum as cheapest color, cat. Gibbons ca. £1400 U:A5
1855 Mi.11B; SG.34, 2P blue, block of 6, plate 5, K-D/L-F, perf 14, wmk "Large Crown", minor faults - L tearing 2mm and small thin place by/on/at middle wmk, after all nice and relatively rare multiple, cat. Gibbons £1050 U:A5
1857 Mi.11IIB; SG.35, 2P blue, plate 6, perf 14, wmk "Large Crown", exp. Bühler, certificate Louis, very fine piece, in/at neupotřebeném status rare stamp, c.v.. £2750 U:A5
1864 Mi.16; SG.43, 1P pink-red, corner blk-of-4, plate 178, letters S–K/T–L, with full margin, marginal inscriptions and plate number 178, 2 pcs of mint never hinged stamps, very fine multiple, with plate number rare (!), cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £650 U:A5
1864 Mi.16; SG.43, 1P dark pink-red, blk-of-9, plate 96, letters K–A/M–C, R vertical fold, otherwise very fine multiple with marginal inscriptions, perfect perf and 4 pcs of mint never hinged stamps, cat. Gibbons by estimation £900 U:A5
1864 Mi.16; SG.44, 1P dark pink-red, corner blk-of-4, plate 176, letters A–K/B–L, with úpnými margin, marginal inscriptions and plate number 176, 3 pcs of mint never hinged stamps, very fine multiple, with plate number rare (!), cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £650 U:A5
1864 Mi.16; SG.44, 1P dark pink-red, corner blk-of-4, plate 214, letters A–A/B–B, with full margin, marginal inscriptions and plate number 214, very fine multiple, with plate number rare (!), cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £700 U:A5
1865 Mi.27; SG.101, White Letters 1Sh green, marginal block-of-4, plate 4, wmk heraldic flowers, 4x round postmark "S", forerunner cancellation, commercial postmark (!), rare, L short teeth, otherwise very fine and atypical piece, cat. Gibbons £1000++ U:A5
1867 Mi.33; SG.117, White Letters 1Sh green, plate 5, wmk "spray of rose", block of 8 S-E/T-H, nice CDS MANCHESTER, sporadically usual short teeth, otherwise very fine and rare multiple, cat. Gibbons ca. £400++ U:A5
1870 Mi.36; SG.48, ½P dark pink-red, blk-of-15, plate 12, letters J–D/N–F, teeth from LR stamps with light patina (this stamp. hinged), other 14 pcs of stamps mint never hinged, very fine and extraordinary block, cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £3500 U:DR
1870 Mi.36; SG.48, ½P dark pink-red, blk-of-16, plate 13, letters A–A/D–D, in perforation sporadically slightly toned, lower in the middle torn in perforation, otherwise very fine multiple with min.10ks mint never hinged stamps, extraordinary block (!), cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £3000 U:DR
1870 Mi.36; SG.48, ½P dark pink-red, blk-of-9, plate 11, letters L–P/N–R, several teeth with light patina, otherwise very fine multiple, 5 pcs of mint never hinged stamps, cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £1600 U:A5
1870 Mi.37s; SG.52s, Queen Victoria 1½P red, block of four, plate 3, overprint SPECIMEN, R one tooth missing, superb intact gum, c.v.. ca. £1800 U:A5
1878 Mi.50; SG.129, £1 brownlila, very fine piece with light centrical CDS VERE - STREET W.D.O. 1881, R quite small shadow of light fold, in no way neubírající on/for prvotřídním vzhledu stamps and in/at přiloženém certificate nezmíněný, fine preserved color and perf, certificate B.P.A. London, cat. Gibbons £7000 (4000+75%) U:DR
1883 Mi.82-84; SG.178, 180, 183, set 3 pcs of stamps, cat. Gibbons £815, nice postmark also condition U:A5
1888 Mi.98; SG.186, £1 lilac, with wmk "orb", cat. Gibbons £4.000, faded color U:A5
1891 Mi.99; SG.212, The Green Pound, good postmark, nice color, cat. Gibbons £750 U:A5
1876 Mi.IV; SG.156a, unissued stmp 8P lilac brown, plate 1, wmk "large garter", original gum, very fine piece with perfect perf and significant color, extremely rare stamp missing in every collection, according to our opinion unrepeatable offer, cat. Gibbons £8500 U:DR
1840 Mi.1a; SG.1, Black Penny, intense black, plate 1a, letters H-L, on cut-square with red Maltese cross and CDS MAY 13 1840, in LR corner close margin, otherwise very fine, early usage, cat. Gibbons for letter from this date £3000 U:A5
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 1b, letters E-H, incomplete letter to Manchester with interesting tmavočerveným cancel. GREENACRES (today part Manchester), on stmp red Maltese cross, wide margins U:A5
1840 comp. 4 pcs of letters with SG.1, 2, Black Penny, intense black F-F at top closer margin, black Q-I in upper corner margins to margins, black B-K L closer margin on/for nice local letter PENNY POSTMACDUFF to blízkého BANFF (good destination) and dvojnásobná franking plate 6 J-B + J-H, stmp J-H before mounting damaged, otherwise wide margins etc.. cat. Gibbons min. £3000 U:A5
1840 folded letter with Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 7, letters J-D, CDS ABERDEEN and Maltese cross "ruby", c.v.. SG.spec. A1ve, superb letter without usual original folds, cat. Gibbons £3000 U:A5
1840 folded cover of letter to London with Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, letters J-B, sent from small Scotch town GALASHIELS, usual folds out of stmp, wide margins and black Maltese cross U:A5
1841 redirected letter with Black Penny, letters P-D, blue CDS LOSTWITHIEL (rarer destination, small village/community in/at Cornwallu) to town Reading, here additionally franked other Black Penny, letters O-D and redirected to London (recipient R. Palmer, member of parliament after/behind county Berkshire), black postmark Maltese cross, transit postmark and arrival, handwritten notice "postal rate BE FORWARDED", both stamps with full to wide margins, signs of age; redirected letters with double franking first stamps world are very rare (!), inland square isn't known another piece U:DR
1850 comp. 2 pcs of letters with SG.16b, 1P red-brown, plate 96, letters Q-L and R-G with experimental perf size 16 (Henry Archer), sent from Ilfracombe to Epsomu, perf partially cut off (typical for přechodné period from imperforate stamps to zoubkovaným), signs of age, rare and interesting historical documents/attributes, cat. Gibbons £5400 U:DR
1854 comp. 2 pcs of letters with Mi.8A; SG.17, 1P red-brown, perf 16, blue paper, wmk "Small Crown", Die I, 1x with rarer skotským nedatovým postmark CHARLOTTE PLACE, cat. Gibbons £100 (+ £60 after/behind postmark) U:A5
1858 folded cover of letter to Lyon (France) with Mi.11; SG.35, 2P blue, plate 6, perf 14, wmk "Large Crown", str-of-4 (!), CDS MANCHESTER, perfect condition, cat. Gibbons min. £330 U:A5
1856 folded cover of letter from London to Birmingham with Mi.10-11; SG.29, 34, 1P + 2P, plate 5, numeral cancel "1" and arrival postmark; less frequent 3P franking in good condition U:A5
1857-70 folded letter addressed to USA (New Orleans), with SG.43, 45 plate 12 (!), CDS LIVERPOOL Fe.11.70, good condition, cat. £500+ U:A5
1870 letter to Leeds with SG.53, 1½P dark pink-red, plate 1, printing error (!) - letters O–P/P–C instead C–P/P–C, CDS WAKEFIELD, folded out of stmp, arrival postmark LEEDS on reverse, stmp with several short tooth, after all nice piece in/at beauty color and extraordinary rarity - on letter about unique rarity - single printing error cat. Gibbons £1500, for letter by estimation £6000 U:DR
1864 letter to Frankfurt with SG.83, queen Victoria 6P dark violet, CDS LONDON, decorative embossed embossed margins, rare arrangement envelope/-s, signs of age, after all extraordinary and decorative, c.v.. £185++ U:A5
1878 letter to Adenu with SG.156, Queen Victoria 8P orange, numeral pmk "983", CDS SAUNDERSFOOT, arrival postmark on reverse, on envelope with blue overprint/imprint VIA BRINDISI, very fine perf, nice piece, rather rare franking, c.v.. £550 U:A5
1841 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 17 pcs of chosen letters, from that 3 incomplete, with Mi.3, SG.8-10, with interesting postmarks, i.a. rare MORE postal rate PAY (surtax 2P), small community as ALLOA, RINGWOOD, printing error postmark number 120 instead 644, service letter O.H.M.S., 2x early usage type postmark 1844 - May, early impression, so-called. "black plate" from plate 9, other with plate variety wmk (!) and oths., all very fine, nice imprints, interesting and representative selection of U:O5
1858-59 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 21 pcs of letters with Mi.16; SG.43, 1P brown-red, various plate, some better number - 135, 206, 110, 139, 203, 222, also with 5 pcs of letters with Mi.17; SG.45, 2P blue, 2x plate 8, 3x plate 9, some interesting , i.a. O.H.M.S., redirected opakovaně franked with 3 pcs of stamp. 1P, local letter from PAISLEY, very small destination as NEWENT, GREWKERNE, CHIPPING SODBURY and oths., letter from JERSEY, rarer railway-station CDS GLOSTER-STATION 2x etc.., very nice quality, nice postal imprints, cat. Gibbons ca. £1050++ U:O5
1841 PLATE PROOF Mi.3; SG.8, imprimatur 1P red-brown, plate 26, letters A-J, very fine marginal piece with upper inscriptions and with hand-made mark plate, piece from so-called. "Imprimatur sheet" - definitive shape stamps, print and type color, issued often in/at slightly different colour shade, on typically blueing through paper without gum, in only single sheet from every plate for off. schálení and permit complete issue, according to SG.spec. exists in the market only 22 pcs of imprimatur stamps from this plate, c.v.. 1400£ U:DR
1841 PLATE PROOF Mi.3; SG.8, imprimatur 1P red-brown, plate 32, letters A-J, piece from so-called. "Imprimatur sheet" - definitive shape stamps, print and type color, issued often in/at slightly different colour shade, on typically blueing through paper without gum, in only single sheet from every plate for off. authorization and permit complete issue, according to SG.spec. exists in the market only 22 pcs of imprimatur stamps from this plate, very fine marginal piece with upper inscriptions and with hand-made mark plate, c.v.. 1400£ U:DR