Public Auction 36 / TOP100 Bidding
1958 Mi.2111 I, 10th Congress of IAU., value 60K, printing error in/at right corner letters "UAU" instead "UAJ", c.v.. 40€ U:A5
1939 Alb.NV9 plate mark 1-37, overprint 1CZK grey, complete 100-stamps sheet; rare offer for the first time in auction, cat. only stamps 17000Sk, without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
1919 CDV1, Large Monogram - Charles, PC to Mexico (!), redirected to USA (!) and returned back, uprated with stamp Pof.2, 3, S1, Hradčany 3h and 5h and express stamp. 2h used as postage stmp, lot of postmarks and by hand written notices on front also back side PC i.a. arrival postmark LISTA / MEXICO Jul. 2. 1919, right franking for full rate in/at postal rate II, good condition, rare document/attribut postal history and interesting destination U:A5
1939 Alb.32A, 32YA, 32YD, 33a-b, selection of Hlinka 1,30 Koruna blue-violet and black-blue, 3 Koruna brown, corner blocks of four creating miniatures, 32A with plate mark A1 23.III. 1939, 32YA with plate mark A1 23.III. 1939 wmk P1 and P2 and with plate mark A2 wmk P1 and P2, 32YD with plate mark A2 wmk P1 and P2, 33a-b with wmk P1 and P2; interesting set, on 2 stock-sheets A4 U:A4
Pof.141, 142, 500h grey and 1000h brown, corner blk-of-10 (!), on pos. 89 and 90 nice flaw print, c.v.. as 2x block of four + pair 4340Kč, in/at corner blk-of-10 is c.v.. value significantly higher U:A5
1939 Alb.NV1 plate mark 1-37, overprint 2h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet; without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
1940 Reg and airmail letter from Prague to Istanbul, franked with. 5 Koruna Prague, 50h Karlštejn (castle), redirected, returned through/over Prague dead letter off., chosen fee Postage due stamps 2x 1K+60h, special postmark PRAGUE/ 5.IV.40, air-mail cancel. PRAGUE 7/ 7.II.40, red ISTANBUL/ 11.2.40, redirected CDS ORTAKOY/ 12.2.40, by hand written notice, sent back, stick-on label dead letter off. and sent on/for Jewish religious village/community in Prague, chosen fee near/in/at delivery - off. cancel., Postage due stamp cancelled CDS PRAGUE/ 5.III.40, used Bohemian and Moravian and German censorship - stick-on label + cancel. customs control Prague; signs of usage, rare document/attribut zdobící every collection postal history U:A5
1939 Alb.NV8 plate mark 2-37, overprint 50h brown, complete 100-stamps sheet; rare offer for the first time in auction, cat. only stamps 3600SKK, without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
1939 Alb.NV7 plate mark 2-37, overprint 20h green, complete 100-stamps sheet; rare offer for the first time in auction, cat. only stamps 2000SKK, without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
1939 Alb.NV6 plate mark 1-37, overprint 12h green, complete 100-stamps sheet; for the first time in auction, without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
1957 Mi.1945B, 1948B and 1949B, VI. World Youth Meeting (II.), values 10k, 40k and 1Rb imperforated, all the bottom or upper corner blocks of four, cat. min. 600€ U:A5
1939 Alb.NV2 plate mark 4-38, overprint 5h blue, complete 100-stamps sheet; without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
1919 selection of 36 pcs of designes on/for legionaire stamps, line color shades + 6 pcs of on/for strong cardboard paper, unusual, total 42 pcs, sound condition U:A4
1909-12 comp. 8 pcs of various pictorial post cards with printed stmp Queen Victoria 1c in various colors, 4x addressed to to Germany with uprating stamp. values ½c, 4x addressed to to England without uprating, CDS EUDUNDA and ADELAIDE; good condition, rare usage U:A5
1939 Alb.30YA, 31A, 31YA, selection of Hlinka 1Ks red and 2,50 Koruna blue, blocks of four creating miniatures, value 1Ks with plate mark A3 with wmk P1 and P2 and plate mark A4 with wmk P1 and P2, value 2,50 Koruna with plate mark A1 21.III. 1939 and 31YA with wmk P1 and P2; interesting selection of U:A4
1919 CDV7, Hradčany, sent as Reg to France, returned back, uprated with stamp Hradčany 25h blue, Pof.10, posting nationalized CDS VELVARY/ 18/4 19, arrival postmark ROUEN, lot of doplňkových postmarks and straight line postmark RETOUR, interesting document of postal traffic R mailing abroad in/at postal rate I, good condition U:A5
1953 commercial Reg letter franked 9-násobným print meter stmp, VPZ BRNO 11.6.53, general postage 80Kčs, 8x 9Kčs and 1x 8Kčs, extraordinary franking - sought! U:A5
1933 LUŽA Vojtěch (1891–1944), Czech military General, legionnaire, autograph on postcard U:A5
Pof.155, 156, 50h red and 50h green, marginal pairs, both values with popular plate variety "little-egg", mint never hinged, decorative, exp. by Pittermann U:A5
1928-30 FEE STAMPS FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE comp. 2 pcs of letters to Czechoslovakia, from that 1x as Registered, i.a. franked by stmp Mi.15, 16, service postmarks and notice; 1x open from 3 sides for placing in exhibit U:A5
1943-44 selection of 17 pcs of FP cards with propagandistic added-print, Us, i.a. siege of Leningrad; standard quality, sought U:A5
1919 CDV8, Hradčany, international post card sent as express inland, uprated with stamp 10+15+40h, Pof.6A, 7, 14C, nationalized postmark - CDS PRAGUE 1/ 5.VII.19 and arrival postmark VELVARY/ 6/7.19, right franking for postal rate II, good condition U:A5
1957 Mi.1980B, VI. World Youth Meeting (III.), value 20k imperforated, upper corner blk-of-4, mint never hinged, cat. min. 120€ U:A5
1863-1916 [COLLECTIONS] nice comp. of stamps and blocks, margins, gutter, plate variety etc.., described and in 8-sheet stockbook, it is worth seeing U:Z
1942-44 Mi.836-894, selection of complete sets, for example. Great Patriotic War, Anniversary of the October Revolution, Red Army, Turjenjev (!); all mint never hinged in/at superb quality, c.v.. 475€, very profitable offer U:A4
Pof.4Fa, 5h dark blue-green, line perforation 13¾:11½;, exp. by Pittermann., c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
1964 Mi.Bl.33, miniature sheet Tokio, numbered, №; 021055, printing only 35.000 pcs, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1919 St. Wenceslas, comp. 5 pcs of PLATE PROOF design/sketch on stmp in violet (2 shades), red, blue and green color, print gravure on paper without gum U:A5
1920 CDV22, Hradčany, uprated with stamp Pof.17A, Hradčany 60h, sent as express and sent by pneumatic tube post, CDS SLANÝ/ 2.VII.20, arrival postmark PRAGUE TGF/ 2.VII.20 and number of date-stamper 1349, right single franking for postal rate III, light bend in UR corner PC otherwise nice decorative piece U:A5
1938 Mi.625-636, Crimea and Caucasus, complete set, all in a luxury state, c.v.. 300€ U:A5
1944 GHETTO TERESIENSTADT pre-printed PC with thank for parcel, with 50h A. Hitler, CDS PRAG 2/ 29.VIII.44, addressed to to Sweden (!), red censorship mark with eagle "Oberkommando des Wehrmacht/ geprüft", from important foreign collection (ex F. Hanzl), mailing abroad rare and sought by specialists, fine quality U:A5
1919 MUDRUNKA A., refused stamp design 25h "head women with čapkou" from Professor. Alois Mudruňka, alternace with his design stamps 60h "girl's head", 3 various color, 1x maculature paper, 1x chalky paper, 1x paper with gum, hinged U:A5
1990 Pof.2923, Čapek, first edition, author of engraving Činovský, name state green, value black (issued stamp. - author of engraving Ondráček, name state red, value green), already printed stamp. and skartovaná stamp. from WIFAGu, maculature print, defects, shift perforation. downward to picture; also in this status quite exceptional certificate of destruction printing and zadání new gravure, for comparison also with common stamp. U:A5
PLATE PROOF E. CHARLES / palte proof of the value 20h in black color, L upper corner blk-of-25, arrangement V. printings (e), E. Charles; in blocks quite rare! U:A5
1923 FEE STAMPS FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE Reg letter to Brno i.a. franked by stmp Mi.3A, 5A, CDS MOSCOW 10.12.23, crosswise fold, signs of usage U:A5
1939 off. without franking letter where porto paid by receiver, as postage-due used postage stmp 50h Hlinka pair, Alb.29A with provisory overprint "T" in mixed franking with parallel Czechosl. Postage due stamp 60h - corner piece with plate mark 1, with CDS TURČIANSKÝ SVÄTÝ MARTIN/ 6.VIII.39; lower margin envelope/-s light faded and on reverse hints after sticking, rare U:A5
1866-1913 LEVANT Mi.3-4,8-9,11Ia,12x-14x, 15-18, selection of 133 carských stamps, outside other Mi.3I-4I Russian community shop with overprint "Р.О.П.иТ." 10Pa and 2Pia, Mi.8x-9x value 5 Koruna and 10K, Mi.11Ia overprinted value 7K, Mi.12x-14x value 1 Koruna, 2 Koruna, 7K, other overprints various values; good condition, very profitable offer U:A4
1939 Alb.23-24A, Hlinka 50h and 1Ks, 2x miniature, both with plate mark A1 10.III. 1939; at value 1 Koruna hint on margin U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS2f, newspaper miniature sheet Pof.ANV18, black text, silver emblem, exhibition NY, warped paper, viewing of quality recommended U:A4
1912 ALEŠ Mikoláš (1852–1913), Czech painter and illustrator, autograph on own Ppc, sent to Alois Jirásek; light bent UR corner U:A5
1917 Mi.124-141U, imperforated, Mi.I-XIII, unissued stmp, 2x complete set; c.v.. 390€ U:A5
1920 Reg letter to USA, with 200h ultramarine and 2x 25h violet, Pof.22, 11B 2x, CDS BRATISLAVA 1/ 3.X.20, on reverse arrival NEW YORK/ 26.10.20, Us Czechosl. censorship; sklovitý paper envelope/-s, in margins - several small tearing U:A5
1968 PT4N, Rosary celebration, unissued special commemorative print, rare occurrence, known only ca. 30 pieces (!), with signature of author exceptional, fine quality, c.v.. 5000CZK U:A5
1934 Mi.480-482, Stratospheric Flight, value 5k - vertical wmk, c.v.. 285€, value 5k - very lightly hinged U:A5
Pof.SO8NA, 25h blue, deep shade, comb perforation 3¾ : 13½;, black Opt, exp. by Leseticky., Gilbert, c.v.. 1000€ U:A5
1941 SLOVAKIA Ba.52s, Jánošík 500Ks, set 7M1, nulls, 2x vertical SPECIMEN U:A5
1942 C.C. TEREZIN-THERESIENSTADT PC without franking sent from ghetto in/at Terezín to Brno, sender: J. W., Hamburger Kaserne, Zimmer 172, transported courier Jewish council/court older, additional three-line cancel. Council of Jewish Elders in violet color "Answer nur durch (through)/ Jüd. Kultusgemeinde/ PRAG", censorship mark "Z" + hand-made "9", on reverse text with capital letters - 27 Slovak, sound condition U:A5
1931 Mi.397-401C, Zeppelins, imperforated, c.v.. 185€, lightly hinged, very good margins U:A5
1939 Alb.NV3 plate mark 2-37, overprint 50h brown, corner blocks of four creating miniature, exp. by Gilbert.., Kozák . U:A5
1920 CPP13, whole international dispatch note to Switzerland with Hradčany, vertical pair 500h, 100h and 20h blue-green, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 10.VI.20; small tearing in upper margin otherwise sound condition, c.v.. 2250CZK U:A5
1925-27 FEE STAMPS FOR FOREIGN EXCHANGE comp. 3 pcs of Reg letters abroad, from that 2x to Czechoslovakia, i.a. franked by stmp Mi.7, 8, 9, service postmarks and notice; open from 3 sides for placing in exhibit U:A5
1953 letter from Sunday 7.VI.1953 (!), with Pof.521 3x, exact franking, sender Czechosl. union youth, Sunday datumy are sought by specialists, light wrinkled envelope U:A5
Pof.SO10aNb, 30h dark violet, imperforated, red Opt, exp. by Gilbert., mark Ekstein and 2 owner's mark, c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
PLATE PROOF Pof.SO38ZT, Postage due stmp 30h brown-olive, red Opt, plate proof, nice piece, marked and exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
1940 SLOVAKIA Ba.51s, Svatopluk 1000 Koruna, set 3I5, nulls, 4x horiz. SPECIMEN U:A5
2010 Pof.664, Christmas 10CZK, horizontal pair with L margin, production flaw 3 - stmp in/at L column with significant L white margin U:A5
1918-20 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 18 pcs of entires with forerunner and parallel franking, provisory bisected frankings, postmark train post and FP, on 9 pages with descriptions, nice U:Z
1939 Alb.26C, Hlinka 10h olive, line perforation C5, exp. by Gilbert., cat. Földes 4500SKK U:A5
1874 Mi.P4E, PC yellow, printing error 5 Kreuzer with over splice stamp. 2 Kreuzer, CDS LEITMERITZ/ 26/6 74, nice postal imprint, good condition, Ferchenbauer. 75€ U:A5
1953 Pof.767DO, Transport 1Kčs blue / brown, vertical pair with L margin, with imprint of transfer roll on edge counter sheet both stamps, in addition with date of print, in/at c.v.. Pofis underprized, c.v.. 1000Kč+ U:A5
1918 Prague overprint II. (large emblem), in red color on express stmp - triangle (!) 2h and 5h, ex. Mahr U:A5
1941 Mi.39-40A, 3x set with coupons, 1x value 1,50D with engraving mark, cat. only as stamps without coupons 160€ U:A5
comp. 10 pcs of stamp., contains Pof.41Pp, 50 II, 69, 81, 82, 83a, 85, 91, 94 and 139, all repaired or new gum (!), spolehlivě expertized mostly 2 experts in various combinations (Gilbert, Karasek, Mrňák), c.v.. 23600Kč U:A5
2010 Pof.A623, miniature sheet EXPO 2010, production flaw - double perf on/for part/-s stamps, L upper and right side U:A5
Pof.8C, 20h blue-green, deep shade, line perforation 13¾;, block of four from 2. plate, pos. 83, 84, 93 and 94, marked and exp. by Gilbert., mint never hinged, c.v.. 6000CZK U:A5
Pof.SO(8)Nd, 25h ultramarine, red Opt, unissued stmp, c.v.. 1000CZK U:A5
1939 Alb.31YD P2, Hlinka 2,50 Koruna, corner blocks of four creating miniature, plate mark A2 with wmk P2; sought, c.v.. 2400SKK U:A5
1905 Mi.37A, overprint 2½$/5M, 2x CDS SHANGHAI/ 7.2/08, c.v.. 380€ U:A5
Pof.1-26, 1h-1000h, selection of 39 pcs of stamp. (without Pof.6, 9 and 13), line color shades, nice quality values 120h - 1000h exp. by Karasek., or Pithart, interesting price U:A5
2011 Pof.690, ME in volejbale, veliký shift perforation., name state lower place at top U:A5
1918 CRV19, Skautská PC 10h Us scout post, violet cancel. SCOUT MAIL/ PRAGUE/ 20/11 1919 supplemented with straight line postmark LETTER OD SKAUTA with number 3934 and signature Šaldy, sent to Dr. Rix, owner's mark on reverse R lower Dr.R, c.v.. 60000CZK, rare Us piece - decoration every p. stat. collection! U:DR
Pof.151-161N, values 20h-250h imperforated, comp. 10 pcs of (without 154N I, 156N, 159N), good margins, values 20h and 25h with full offset on reverse, 40h both type II -různý color shade; excepting stamp. 40h with upper margin all expertized (7x Gilbert, 1x Mrňák, 1x Kraus), 5 pcs of mint never hinged, c.v.. ca. 1200CZK U:A5
1970 Pof.1828, Lenin 60h, LR block of four with margin, plate variety 49/1 - double transfer in face, c.v.. 1200 CZK U:A5
1935-36 Mi.536-538, 542-547, 548, complete set Tolstoj L11 and L14, Pioneers L11 and L14 and Dobroljubov L11 and L14; Mi.542-547 L11 hinged, otherwise all mint never hinged U:A5
1958 Mi.2065C, Gorkij, c.v.. Standart-Kollekcija 2044A, very good condition U:A5
1887/9 Mi.44b, German Eagle in oval 50Pf dark olive; certificate Manfred Wiegand BPP U:A5
1939 Alb.NV3 plate mark 4-37, overprint 7h orange, complete 100-stamps sheet; without folds, exp. by Gilbert U:A3v–
Pof.31 D, 100h brownlila, line perforation 13¾:10½;, fine centered, mint never hinged, exp. by Pittermann and signature by pencil, c.v.. 3000CZK U:A5
PLATE PROOF values 15h bricky red, deep shade, plate 7, on/for lightly browny paper without gum, plate proof for p.stat, sought by specialists, exp. by Pittermann U:A5
1940 Exile issue, AS8e, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text, golden emblem, exhibition NY, standard quality U:A5
Pof.SO33Pp, Postage due stmp 5h brown-olive, light blue inverted overprint, nice piece, exp. Weiss and mark Majer, c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
Pof.SO32DV, Newspaper stamp 30h Falcon in Flight (issue), black Opt without year "1920", exp. by Mahr BPP U:A5
1919 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters franked with. mixed frankings Austrian express stmp 5h rectangle (used as postage stmp) with postage stamp. Hradčany, 1x with 10h Pof.5, with pair Austrian express stmp Mi.220, with CDS KREIBITZ/ 13.II.19, 1x with 20h, Pof.8 together with express Austrian stamp. 5h Mi.220, CDS SCHLUCKENAU/ 25.XI.19; good condition U:A4
1920 CPP13, whole international dispatch note to Switzerland with Hradčany, 1000h + 50h violet and issue issue Agriculture and Science 300h red, CDS JABLONEC N. N. 22.X.20; light vertical fold otherwise sound condition, c.v.. 2250CZK U:A5
1939 VOSKOVEC George (1905–1981), WERICH John (1905–1980), Czech actors, handwritten signatures on Ppc from USA, good condition U:A5
1939 Alb.28, Hlinka 30h violet, corner blk-of-4 with omitted perf, cat. Földes min. 1100SKK U:A5
1918 Prague overprint II. (large emblem), in red color on surtax stmp Franz Joseph 1914, we aren't aware of a similar piece, unissued and rare, ex. Mahr U:A5
Pof.157N, 60h blue, marginal block-of-4, exp. by Gilbert., chip of wood in paper U:A5
1938 large format Reg letter to Nitra with Pof.346, Štefánik, block of 6, DR1, by hand crossed out, additionally mounted triangular label RULED OUT SUBSTITUTED SERVICE, CDS PRAGUE/ 14.XII.38; interesting document of postal traffic U:A4
1935-37 Mi.532-35, 539-541, 566-569, comp. of 3 complete sets, Birth Michaila Kalinina, Activists, Dzerzhinsky, all very good condition U:A5
1938 Pof.595-601, complete set Flights Moskva–Portland and Flights Moscow–San Jacinto; very good condition U:A5
2002 Pof.AT2, Zvíkov, 2. set (1.9.2002), comp. of stamps 14 values, 6,40-34Kč, in addition value 5,40CZK and doplňková 6,50CZK, all stamp. with VV12 - zkrácená nib in/at character H; c.v.. 1546Kč U:A5
1942 AIRMAIL Czech-German blank form - statement vah air-mail letter mailings, CDS PRAGUE 7/ 15.VIII.42, arrival postmark WIEN 1/ 15.VII.42, filled scale mailing to Bulgaria, Hungary, Croatia, Rumania, Greece and Serbia; folds and tearing in lower margin, rare occurrence! U:A4
2007 Pof.A519, miniature sheet Charles Bridge, production flaw - large rose circle by/on/at lantern L, see article in Philately - one of the most significant ofsetových flaws Czech Republic U:A5
Pof.28 I, 25h brown, exceptional perforation 11½; : 13¾; : 11½; : 11½;, mint never hinged, exp. by Pittermann., c.v.. 7000CZK U:A5
1939 Exile issue, AS3a, miniature sheet Pof.A329/330, black text also emblem, exhibition NY, special postmark CZECHOSLOVAK DAY 6.VII.1939, standard quality U:A5
1920 CDV18, Hradčany, sent as express, uprated with stamp Hradčany Pof.4, 17A, 5h green and 60h, print znárodněných postmarks - CDS PRAGUE 7/ 9.IV.20, arrival postmark VELVARY/ 10.IV.20, right franking for postal rate III, decorative piece good condition U:A5
1949 Pof.L32ST, overprint provisory 30/50Kčs, horizontal pair with L margin, ST II + I, superb condition U:A5
1938 Mi.580A, 614-624, Georgian national epic poem, complete set Members of Expedition, Soviet children; all in a luxury state U:A5
Pof.43, Coat of arms 50h green, block of four with joined overprint subtypes IIa+Ia, shifted overprint, pos. 49-50/59-60, exp. by Gilbert., Karasek U:A5
1957 Mi.1922B, 1945B, 1948B, 1949B, 1980B, World Youth Meeting, complete set imperforated stmp, mint never hinged, c.v.. 230€ U:A5
PLATE PROOF selection of 39 pcs of various plate proofs, contains 21 pcs of plate proofs values 20h - 250 in black color on/for white or greyish paper + 18 pcs of values 30h - 250h in/at original also other colors on various papers, c.v.. well over 1000CZK U:A5
Pof.SO8NcB, 25h ultramarine, line perforation 13¾;, red Opt, marked and expert Benes., c.v.. 1500CZK U:A5
1936 SVOJSÍK Anthony Benjamin (1876–1938), founder Czech scouting (Junák (scout)), autograph on PC, interesting text - Baden-Powell; good condition U:A5
Pof.SO7, 20h carmine without perf, UL corner blk-of-4, nice full shade carmine color, light bend in corner margins, otherwise nice, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 60.000CZK U:DR
1840 Mi.1b, SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 5, block of 6 letters P-I/Q-K, light vertical fold, from the front small, full to wide margins, R very wide margins with part of side stamps, red postmark Maltese cross, exp. Diena and G. Bühler - marks umístěny quite lower (it means. perfect condition), rarity classic philately, according to available information in the Czech market block this size still never nenabízen, evidently unrepeatable chance, cat. Gibbons min. £22500 (1½; násobek price/-s for block of four) U:DR
1928 Pof.233-242B, Jubilee 30h-5Kč, unissued stmp for representative purpose, line perforation 12¼;, superb and rare set with 7 marginal pieces, exp. by Karasek and Mahr BPP, extraordinary offer, for the first time in auction, c.v.. 83000Kč U:DR
1918-38 [COLLECTIONS] collection big p.stat and blank forms, contains 47 pcs of clear dispatch-notes as CPP1A-1C, CPP2A-2B, CPP4A-4B, CPP7A-7B, CPP8A-8B, CPP11 2x, CPP13, CPP14 3x, CPP16 2x, C.O.D. dispatch-note i.a. CDP2A, CDP10, CDP3A-3B, CDP6A-6B, CDP9, 7 pcs of dispatch-notes with additional-printed revenue stmp., order card as stationery CPV1A, CPV4, stationery CPV12A 3x, telegrams CTÚ1A, CTÚ3, CTÚ4, and then 29 pcs of Us big p.stat, i.a. forerunner Hungarian telegram with stamp. 2f uprated with stamp Hradčany 400h and 50h with CDS ÓTURA 919 Jul.17., 1. part forerunner Austrian order card/-s, used CPV2A, CPV6b, CPV10A, stationery CPV12A, stationery CPV12B, CPA1A, 2x complete Austrian forerunner dispatch-note, major part p.stat in very good status, part double p.stat with detached perf, catalogue clear 113000Kč, used 80000Kč, total ca. 193000Kč U:Z
1920 MARIENWERDER Mi.21 I., 21 II.a, 21 II.b, Postage stamps 1M Deutsches Reich Mi.94 with three-line overprint "COMMISSION/ INTERALLIÉE/ MARIENWERDER, complete set, quite rare offer, in Czech Republic for the first time in auction (!), exp. Richter, c.v.. 11000€ U:DR
1860 letter to Chile (VALPARAÍSO) with Mi.11-14, Victor Emmanuel II. 10C+20C+40C+80C, 4-coloured franking (!), CDS CHIAVARI/ 19/MAG/60, transit pmk GENOVA, TORINO, SARDAIGNE/ CULOZ, LONDON, PANAMA; decorative, very rare U:DR
1841 redirected letter with Black Penny, letters P-D, blue CDS LOSTWITHIEL (rarer destination, small village/community in/at Cornwallu) to town Reading, here additionally franked other Black Penny, letters O-D and redirected to London (recipient R. Palmer, member of parliament after/behind county Berkshire), black postmark Maltese cross, transit postmark and arrival, handwritten notice "postal rate BE FORWARDED", both stamps with full to wide margins, signs of age; redirected letters with double franking first stamps world are very rare (!), inland square isn't known another piece U:DR
1840 Mi.1b, SG.2, Black Penny, black, str-of-6 (!), plate 6, letters F-A/F-F, between stamp. F-A and F-B and on stmp F-B small oděrka, original fold between F-B and F-C, otherwise nice with complete margins (by/on/at like that long strips very rare), biggest still at our place offered strip Black Penny, quite rare offer to specialized collection or exhibit, cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £5500 U:DR
1840 Mi.2b; SG.5, 2P blue, str-of-6 (!), plate 2, letters D-C/D-H, stmp D-E L at top minimum thin place, D-H lower close margin způsobený irregular položením stmp field in plate, otherwise quite very fine and decorative piece with red postmarks Maltese cross, biggest still at our place offered strip "dvojek", very rare, quite rare offer to specialized collection or exhibit, cat. Gibbons by estimation min. £7500 U:DR
1840 Mi.2b; SG.5, 2P blue, block of 6, plate 2, letters F-A/G-C, black maltézské cross, L and R lower close margin, otherwise in/at very fine quality without whatever thin places or folds, extraordinary offer, rarity classic philately, according to available information in the Czech market block this size still never nenabízen, cat. Gibbons £42000 (as 1½; price/-s for block of four); evidently unrepeatable chance U:DR
1852 Mi.5; SG.9, Sailing Ship 1C dark purple, CDS DEMERARA, in lower part small thin place, in no way nesnižující význam of this rare stmp, exceedingly preserved color and wide margins, certificate Holcomb, cat. Gibbons £4250 U:DR
1852 Mi.6; SG.10, Sailing Ship 4C dark blue, CDS DEMERARA, ordinary quality, small thin place, faded color on/for margins (for lithographic print common), very rare classic stmp, cat. Gibbons £9000 U:DR
1876 Mi.IV; SG.156a, unissued stmp 8P lilac brown, plate 1, wmk "large garter", original gum, very fine piece with perfect perf and significant color, extremely rare stamp missing in every collection, according to our opinion unrepeatable offer, cat. Gibbons £8500 U:DR
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, TDIb, str-of-5 letters K-H/K-L, in R margin small original paper crease - it is not damage, in the middle miniature hole size špičky needle/-s (hint of vypadlém zrnku in paper or přítomností foreign tělíska on printing plate) in no way nenarušující general very fine dojem and atraktivitu this rare whole, red cancel. Maltese cross, 3x clear and full print, wide margins, without whatever thin places or folds, extraordinary piece! U:DR
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 7, letters J-C, R at top cut to margins, otherwise wide margins, L at top repair (thin place in corner), in good condition piece with exceedingly rare blue (!!) postmark Maltese cross, nice clear print, Brit. classic rarity, small/rare and large certificate K.-A. Louis, c.v.. £12000 U:DR
1840 Mi.1b; SG.2, Black Penny, black, plate 5, letters T-G, L at top close but full margins, without gum, after all rare and in very nice quality, certificate K.-A. Louis, catalogue value for hinged £10,000 U:DR