1863incomplete folded letter to Liverpool with 4-coloured (!) franking 2 + 4 + 8 + 16S various issues (Mi.3, 7, 8 and 6), numeral pmk "1" supplemented with CDS KJOBENHAVN 7.9., transit red CDS LONDON 10.MR.63 in front and incomplete CDS HAMBURG on reverse; thin/light toned, at our place ojediný usage, c.v.. FACIT ca. 13.400,-
1900-10[COLLECTIONS] small collection ca. 100 pcs of p.stat from various also sought French colonial territory as ZANZIBAR, DIEGO SUAREZ, INDOCHINA, CHINA, REUNION, MADAGASCAR, CRETE, TUNISIA, MOROCCO, BENIN, ALEXANDRIA etc.., contains PC, double PC, letter-card/-s, p.stat envelope and newspaper wrappers, part philatelically motivated, part worse quality, originate from old p. stat. collection, interesting
1939 OFFICIAL envelope NSDAP Hollabrunn to place Niederkreuzstetten, with Mi.D150, D154, CDS WIEN 6.II.39, redirected to Břeclav, on reverse nice postmark
1872-1945[COLLECTIONS] larger accumulation especially postmarked stamps Germany, mainly chosen pmk, nice imprints, some pieces more times, classical period, inflanční issue with nice cancel., various sets etc..; placed in 4 full stockbooks A4, high catalogue value
1933-1945[COLLECTIONS] almost complete collection incl. better sets and miniature sheets, for example. Mi.499-507 Emergency Relief - Wagner, Mi.588-597 Emergency Relief - Costumes, Mi.Bl.2, Mi.Bl.7, Mi. 634-642 Modern building/-s etc..; good quality, on hingeless sheets in spring folder, hinge / label considered, c.v.. ca. 9300€
1919-1930[COLLECTIONS] specialized comp. of stamps Germany, přibližně from year 1919 - Mi.100 - 490, major part inflation issue, a lot of color shades; mostly expertized (!), placed in stockbook A4 on stock-sheets, cat. min. 2000€
1860Mi.U7, postal stationery cover with printed stmp 10+1kop on face-side, numeral pmk "1" supplemented with red cancel. VARŠAVA 21/12, light fold in lower margin envelope/-s
1850-69 [COLLECTIONS] comp. 10 pcs of folded letters, from that 8x with,. the first issue., 1x with Lombardy-Veneto the first issue.; i.a. pairs, postmark, standard quality
1908-16 PLATE PROOF comp. 14 pcs of imperforated plate proofs, from that 1x pair, in original colors incl. rarer values 36h and 54h for Postage due stmp 1917 (!), value 10h Franz Joseph mint never hinged, values 20h and 35h without gum
1916 Reg letter franked with. Surtax stamp. Military, value 35+3h, CDS DOLANY OKR. OLOMOUC 4.IV.16, violet censorship mark OLMÜTZ, on face-side off. evidence cancel., on reverse yellow censor letter-card; good condition, small/rare decorative format
1861Mi.23b, Franz Joseph 1,05 Kreuzer grey, block of four on cut-square, CDS BANFI - HUNYAD, very fine piece, certificate Dr. Ferchenbauer - "splendid exemplar", cat. Ferchenbauer 6250€
1877 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMPS Mi.5b; Ferch.5d, Coat of arms 1 Kr ultramarine (!), with common forerunner cancellation newspaper print, L at top disturbed margin line, otherwise wide margins also general quality, intaktnínesmytý piece of this very rare classic stamps, which/what missing in/at almost every collection, certificate Matl, cat. Ferchenbauer 3750€ + ca. 20% margin!
1899p.stat strip Franz Joseph 2 Kreuzer, issue 1890 as cover mailing 1kg journals, with weight dofrankem postage-due stamp. Mi.P5 2x, 6 2x, newspaper stamp. Mi.42, 43 and revenue newspaper stamps Mi.7, 8, 9B (25 Kreuzer !), on/for stationery black CDS PRAGUE 1, on stmp red CDS PRAGUE 1, philatelically inspirováno, after all unique piece, only 25 Kreuzer as cut square with red cancel. have/has in/at cat. Ferchenbauer ca. 1050€, (for entires proškrtnuto)
1850Reg letter to Rimini with Mi.5IIIy, 3IIIy 3x, 45Cts + 3x 15Cts, III. types MP, CDS PADUA, on reverse Reg fee - one stamp. 15Cts missing resp. second stamp. torn, interesting also as front side, very fine margins and decorative piece
1918 Mi.147, 148/ Ferch.147D+K, 148D, value 2H Landscape double overprint, from that 1x inverted and value 2H Franz Joseph double overprint, both stamps mint never hinged
1850-1920[COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps, contains 60 pcs of stamp. the first issue., from that 3x Mi.1, various papers, other stamps - various perf, Kreuzers also heller values; all on 5 stock-sheets
1908-10 comp. of stamps, contains complete set from r.1908, Mi.63IAa-76IAa, in addition Mi.77Axa, all in blocks of four, 6x with plate number; placed on stock-sheet A4
1899-10 CHINA smaller comp. of stamps Russia, with overprints "KITAJ" and Chinese currency, Levant, contains i.a. value 3,50R with overprint "KITAJ", Mi.16y etc.; placed on card A5
1863 LEVANT State post Mi.1a, Coat of arms 6kop grey-ultramarin, issue for printed-matters sent between Russian offices in/at Turkish přístavech, extraordinary quality, according to our opinion in catalogues podceňovaná and relatively rare stamp
1864Mi.U1, U7, 2 pcs of postal stationery covers with additional-printing stamp. 10+1kop, various wmk, framed pmk VOLMAR and red CDS ST. PETERBURG, good condition seal, folds, catalogue Mi.U1= 900€
1908CHINA Mi.P1 II., PC 3kop with blue overprint KITAJ, sent as Reg, uprated by. 4 pcs of stmp with overprint with CDS ŠANCHAJ 29.5.08, arrival postmark KEGEL 15.6.08; small stains in margin PC
1908CHINA Mi.P1, double PC with blue overprint "KITAJ", unilaterally Us as Registered, uprated by. 2 stamp. with same overprint, CDS ŠANCHAJZAGRAN. P.K. 26.5.08, arrival postmark KEGEL; in margins stains, after all rare