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1895 KRKONOŠE - comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, Labský waterfall and Sněžka (Schneekoppe), pérová lithography; long address, Us in y 1895 and 1911, 1x partial fold U:A5
1910 BRNO (Brünn) - folding postcard, 4-obrázková, town-hall, Jezuitský church, Vegetable square, general view; Un, good condition, nice U:A5
1915 DOLNÍ HERŠPICE (Unter Gerspitz) - 2-views, village square, school, color; Us, postal agency pmk UNTER GERSPITZ, good condition U:A5
1898 MARIÁNSKÉ LÁZNĚ (Marienbad) - 3-views lithography; long address, Us, light stains in margins U:A5
1908 KOPIDLNO - collage "dispatch note", square; Us, good condition U:A5
1911 KOSTELANY - B/W photo postcard, school, issued J. Horák; Us, postal agency pmk., very good condition U:A5
1911 HOLY HOSTYN - Slezané on/for Hostýně, B/W photo postcard, upright, photographer J. Horák; abraded UL corner U:A5
1904 VŠETATY-PŘÍVORY - railway-station, train, people, issued R.F.W.; long address, Us, light stains U:A5
1900 PRAGUE (Prag) - railway-station Franz Joseph I., railway yard, trains, issued Bellmann; long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1900 PRAGUE (Prag) - department store Novák, Vodičkova street. 34, interior; long address, Un, in front described U:A5
1902 PRAGUE (Prag) - petřínská cable-railway, the bottom station; long address, Us, bumped corners U:A5
1907 PRAGUE (Prag) - restaurant Louvre, K. Kopernický, National street. 22, interior, photo Neumann; Us, very fine U:A5
1910 ĎÁBLICE - collective photo D.T.J. (Worker Gymnastic Association); Us, bumped corners U:A5
1910 HLOUBĚTÍN - general view; Us, very fine U:A5
1910 NÁMĚŠŤ N. O. (Namiest) - lithography, general view, New Year's greeting; Us, light abraded L corner, nice U:A5
1911 HABROVANY - B/W photo postcard, village square, photographer J. Horák; Us, good condition U:A5
1912 MORAVSKÁ CHRASTOVÁ, ZNOJMO (Mähr.-Chrostau, Znaim) - comp. 2 pcs of Ppc, collage with Zeppelins; Us, Znojmo with partial fold U:A5
1919-25 MORAVIA / KRUMVÍŘ, MOUTNICE, NESVAČILKA, STAREČ - comp. 4 pcs of Ppc; standard quality U:A5
1899-2010 [COLLECTIONS] collection of ca. 140 pcs of Ppc, mainly B/W photo postcard, Czechosl topography, then various motives, in addition ca. 70 pcs of new color Ppc, big part topography South Bohemia; mainly Us, standard quality U:O5
1900-45 [COLLECTIONS] selection of more than 200 pcs of Ppc, especially Czechosl. topography, for example. B/W castle in/at Bílina, color lithography Lítvínov, then Terezín, Roudnice etc.. Contains also several pieces abroad and motives; small/rare also large format, long address etc.. U:K
1905-50 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 40 pcs of topographical Ppc, mainly photo postcard i.a. NÁMĚŠŤ N. O. - park, CIDLINA - summer restaurant, BŘEZNICE, DAČICE, TVRDONICE - projekt church, VELENICE - street, VIMPERK - barvený general view, CITOLIBY - castle, JINCE etc.. standard quality, market value ca. 1.500CZK U:O5
1900-15 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 38 pcs of Ppc Switzerland, from that 9 pcs of výstup on/for Mt. Blanc; good quality U:O5
1913 WIEN - exhibition ADRIA, official postcard, lithography, author Kalmsteiner; Us, good condition U:A5