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1853-59 NEWSPAPER FISCAL STAMPS Mi.2, 4, comp. 2 pcs of stamps, c.v.. 810€ U:A5
1852 letter to Tuscan Livorno with Sas.2, 3, Coat of arms 10C and 15C, wide margins also general quality, attractive entire U:A5
1858 Sas.14, Coat of Arms 50Gr pink-brown, at top in margins 2 small thin places, wide margins, original gum (!), very rare stamp with certificate E. Diena, cat. Sassone 20.000€ U:DR
1863 mixed franking 4 pcs of stamps on cut-square, Sas.13Da, 14Dg, 15E and ITALY Sas.3, CDS GALLIPOLI 3/GEN/1863, expertized, certificate Bottacchi, rare U:A5
1854 Mi.8; Sas.8, Victor Emmanuel II. 20C blue, horizontal pair with CDS SARZANA, certificate Sorani U:A5
1855 Mi.10, 13, Victor Emmanuel II, 5C green and 40C carmine, 2x vertical pair on cut-square CDS TORINO, expertized, nice U:A5
1855 Mi.10, 13, Victor Emmanuel II., comp. 2 pcs of stamps with frame cancel. AULLA, aren't on cut-square, signed U:A5
1855 Mi.10; Sas.13Aa, Victor Emmanuel II. 5C green, horizontal strip of 4, CDS CHERI, certificate Bottacchi, cat. Sassone 13.000€ U:DR
1861 Mi.16, Numerals 1C black, 5-násobná franking on cut-square, red-brown straight line postmark SICILIA, exp Diena, certificate Diena, rare U:A5
1857 folded letter to Messina with Mi.10 2x, 11, 13, Victor Emmanuel II., CDS TORINO 30/MARZ/57, arrival postmark MESSINA 4.APR.1857, on reverse transit pmk GENOVA; very rare! U:A5
1858 folded letter to Marseille with Mi.10 - vertical pair, 13, CDS NIZZA MARITTA 6/GEN/58, postmark "P.D." and red transit pmk, exp. Pavoille, Paris; good condition U:A5
1860 folded letter to Vienna with Mi.12b, 20C blue, CDS MILAN 3/GEN, on reverse arrival WIEN, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due 15 Kreuzer, off. remarks, on reverse hints after sticking in album U:A5
1861 printed matter with Mi.17, 2C black / grey, block of four, CDS TORINO 7/NOV/61, cat. Sassone 6000€, nice U:A5
1851 Mi.7, Lion 6Cr blue, vertical pair, the bottom stmp - repaired fold, upper stmp very fine U:A5
1855 letter to Modena with Sas.6, Lion 4Cr green on blue-gray paper, red cancel." P.D." and CDS LIVORNO, wide margins, c.v.. 1000€ U:A5
1861 letter via Milan to Brescia with Sas.20, Coat of arms 20C blue, L margins to marginal line (usual through minimum spaces between stamps), CDS FIRENZE, sound condition, c.v.. 1000€ U:A5
1865-96 comp. 4 pcs of letters with Mi.19, 25, 37+39 and 69 2x, from that 1x Reg letter, usual quality U:A5
1875 folded letter to Argentina with Mi.20, 21, Victor Emmanuel II., 40C+ 60C, numeral pmk "9", CDS COMO 16/MAR/75, transit postmark.; toned U:A5
1870 folded cover of letter sent unpaid abroad, CDS BAHIA, at the delivery place burdened with postage-due Mi.P4, P8, CDS PRATO 2/MAR/1870; on reverse torn, after all exceedingly rare U:A5
1923 Mi.183-185, Fund of the National Militia, complete set, mint never hinged, only at value 30c small fold in paper, otherwise nice, c.v.. 250€ U:A5
1919 VENEZIA GIULIA, TRENTINO Reg and Express PC 10C/10C to Switzerland uprated with stamp Mi.4, 8, stmp with overprint 10C and 45C, CDS TRIESTE CENTRO, censored and cancel. MILAN POSTA ESTERA, very fine U:A5
1923 Mi.4, 15-18, 48-50, 161-164, 300. Anniv Kongregace, 1x full set with overprint "TRIPOLITANIA", set with overprint "SOMALIA ITALIANA" without value 6B/20C, highest value with overprint "CIRENAICA" + in addition complete original set; short teeth, catalogue value for hinged 95€ U:A5
1917 CHINA Mi.41X, Victor Emmanuel III., value 20C with overprint TIENTSIN, without watermark, c.v.. 110€ U:A5
1941 MONTENEGRO Sas.52, unissued stmp with overprint GOVERNATORATO DEL MONTENEGRO / VALORE / (2) LIRE, on/for Yugoslav stamp. Mi.397, value 2Din, very fine and rare piece with certificate E. Diena, cat. Sassone 4500€ U:A5
1921 DALMATIA overprint PC 10 Centisimi di Corona addressed to to Switzerland, uprated 5 pcs of stmp with overprint, CDS ZARA 20.I.21 U:A5
1890-1910 [COLLECTIONS] ITALY, SAN MARINO selection of 44 pcs of various parcel and credit notes, larger part whole, part also Us uprated, part clear with postmark ANNULLATO; good condition, originate from old p. stat. collection U:O4
1934 SHIP MAIL blue oval pmk M/N OCEANIA 3.APR.1934 on Ppc Dubrovnik with picture ship; decorative U:A5
1861-1967 [COLLECTIONS] incomplete collection on hingeless sheets Schaubek in spring folder, interesting classic, stmp with overprint, all sets, only part of the stamps without gum; high catalogue value, suitable for continuation U:Z