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1918 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Mi.P1, double overprint DRZAVA/ 10 S.H.S.. 10, very interesting U:A5
1933-34 Mi.249-254, PEN club Dubrovnik; 272-274, Sokol; c.v.. 140€ U:A5
1918-20 comp. 2 pcs of PC, 1x forerunner 10h Militar Post, CDS BANJA LUKA 31.XII.18 + 1x definitive 15Vin+ uprated by. Mi.100II (3x), čevené commercial cancel., sent to manželku Joseph Rössler-Ořovského; good condition U:A5
1952 postal stationery cover 3Din, sent as Reg to Austria, uprated with stamp Mi.631, 638 (2x), 645, CDS KRAGUJEVAC 21.II.52, supplemented with official cancel. Srbského red cross, passed through Austrian censorship, on reverse arrival WIEN 26.II.52 U:A5
1938 airmail letter to Prague with multicolor franking, CDS DUBROVNIK 1.IX.38, on reverse transit pmk and arrival PRAGUE 82 AIRPORT; decorative U:A5
1918-93 [COLLECTIONS] collection of stamps, placed on album sheets in 2 spring folder and 3 stockbooks, all in cardboard box, cat. over 2000€ U:K
1945-76 [COLLECTIONS] complete collection of stmp and miniature sheets, placed on album sheets KA-BE in 2 spring folder, c.v.. ca. 4200€, carefully sorted U:Z
1945-49 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 20 pcs of court letters, various franking and postmark, standard quality U:O5