Public Auction 37 / Revenue Stamps

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142009 - 1937-46 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  comp. 10 pcs of ku
1937-46 CZECHOSLOVAKIA., BOHEMIA-MORAVIA comp. 10 pcs of kupeckých due bills, interesting frankings
Starting price: CZK
143482 - 1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA  selection of corner and marginal bl
1939-45 BOHEMIA-MORAVIA selection of corner and marginal block-of-4 insurance stamp., values 1,50 Koruna, 3 Koruna, 4,50K, 5,50K, 6,50K, 8K, 9K, 11K; complete, interesting
Starting price: CZK
142060 - 1947 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 broadcast licence with mounted r
1947 CZECHOSLOVAKIA 1945-92 broadcast licence with mounted revenue 20Kčs and confirmation about/by payment with postal CDS PRAGUE 7.X.47, printed matter format A4; worse quality
Starting price: CZK
138735 - 1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY  fiscal document from 7.12.1858, in h
1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY fiscal document from 7.12.1858, in head multicolor franking 2. issue from start her validity, 2x10Kr + 16Fl, revenue 16Fl is ideally centrován, 2x30Kr in text, 2 black seal, signature of nobleman (?); good condition, very interesting
Starting price: CZK
138740 - 1856 AUSTRIA  auction protocol with multiple 6-coloured fran
1856 AUSTRIA auction protocol with multiple 6-coloured franking in head, revenues cancelled only postmarks, 3 Kreuzer + 4x 6 Kreuzer + 30Kr + 1Fl + 3Fl + 16Fl, very rare revenue 16Fl totally centrován, very rare perforation 13½; : 16; good condition, interesting
Starting price: CZK
139375 - 1863 AUSTRIA  document with franking of Revenues The 2nd iss
1863 AUSTRIA document with franking of Revenues The 2nd issue., 30Kr + 15 Kreuzer + 4 Kreuzer + 2x ½Kr - surplus print; unusual
Starting price: CZK
132995 - 1856 AUSTRIA  document with very rare franking documentary s
1856 AUSTRIA document with very rare franking documentary stamp the first issue 16Fl C.M., perf 15½, cancelled and transcription, rare and sought
Starting price: CZK
138727 - 1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY  lease contract with high franking of
1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY lease contract with high franking of Revenues the first issue C.M. 10Fl + 20Fl, revenue 20Fl with wmk 1a from L bottom corner sheet (pos. 17), dated 18. 10. 1858 - the last month of validity, very interesting (!), then in text 5x 15 Kreuzer, 4 good condition seal, good condition
Starting price: CZK
142095 - 1856-57 AUSTRIA  comp. 2 pcs of documents with documentary s
1856-57 AUSTRIA comp. 2 pcs of documents with documentary stamps 2Fl C.M. and 5 Fl C.M.; 1x written in Czech, interesting
Starting price: CZK
142090 - 1861-70 AUSTRIA  comp. 2 pcs of due bills with revenues 2 Kr
1861-70 AUSTRIA comp. 2 pcs of due bills with revenues 2 Kreuzer + 5 Kreuzer (The 2nd issue.) and 10Kr (1870); significant folds
Starting price: CZK
142089 - 1856-58 AUSTRIA  comp. 2 pcs of due bills with revenues 3 Kr
1856-58 AUSTRIA comp. 2 pcs of due bills with revenues 3 Kreuzer C.M. and 6 Kreuzer C.M.,; significant folds
Starting price: CZK
141834 - 1805-39 AUSTRIA  comp. 7 pcs of newspapers with various impr
1805-39 AUSTRIA comp. 7 pcs of newspapers with various imprinted stamps; very nice
Starting price: CZK
143676 - 1813-23 AUSTRIA  comp. 8 pcs of mýtných bollettes, for exa
1813-23 AUSTRIA comp. 8 pcs of mýtných bollettes, for example. after/behind chosen mýto from 4 pcs of tažných animals etc..
Starting price: CZK
138732 - 1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY  off. document with postmark and reve
1858 HABSBURG MONARCHY off. document with postmark and revenue 6 Kreuzer C.M., dated 31.10.1858, Brno - last day of validity; very good condition, sought!
Starting price: CZK
132982 - 1866 AUSTRIA  multipaginal document with rare 6-coloured fra
1866 AUSTRIA multipaginal document with rare 6-coloured franking in the end of the document (2x 7Fl + 10Fl + 12Fl + 16Fl + 18Fl + 20Fl - cancelled and 7x 50 Kreuzer in text), partially vydrolená red seal, otherwise superb
Starting price: CZK
133870 - 1859 AUSTRIA  multipaginal lease contract with five-coloured
1859 AUSTRIA multipaginal lease contract with five-coloured franking The 2nd issue in head (6 Kreuzer + 30Kr + 50 Kreuzer + 1Fl + 2x 8Fl), cancelled by official seal, in text 9x combination 6 Kreuzer + 30Kr, red seal, signature of nobleman MITROVSKY; damaged margin
Starting price: CZK
133948 - 1864 HABSBURG MONARCHY  multipaginal pre-printed lease contr
1864 HABSBURG MONARCHY multipaginal pre-printed lease contract with high franking 10 revenues The 2nd issue in the end (4x 20Fl + 4x 10Fl + 50 Kreuzer and 15 Kreuzer), noble seal, sought
Starting price: CZK
133949 - 1859 HABSBURG MONARCHY multipaginal pre-printed lease contra
1859 HABSBURG MONARCHY multipaginal pre-printed lease contract with documentary stamps 2x 30Kr + 6 Kreuzer in head, 2x (6 Kreuzer + 30Kr) in text, 12Fl and 30Kr in the end, red seal, nice
Starting price: CZK
143479 - 1831 AUSTRIA release from Žitavy with printed revenue 15 Kr
1831 AUSTRIA release from Žitavy with printed revenue 15 Kreuzer, inserted 2 pcs of due bills on/for 360Fl; cross fold
Starting price: CZK
142094 - 1879 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document with 21 pcs of documentary st
1879 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with 21 pcs of documentary stamps, 1 piece in head, 20 pieces in the end, six-colour franking (!); decorative
Starting price: CZK
142097 - 1895 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document with 4-tuple franking (1 reve
1895 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with 4-tuple franking (1 revenue in head), violet (!) service postmark District Court DĚČÍN; unusual
Starting price: CZK
142096 - 1875 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document with mixed franking of issues
1875 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with mixed franking of issues 1870 and 1875, service postmark DĚČÍN, nice
Starting price: CZK
144911 - 1857 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  release on/for 3000Fl with revenue 8Fl
1857 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release on/for 3000Fl with revenue 8Fl C.M. in head, revenue with rare mixed perforation 16 : 13 1/5 ; good condition
Starting price: CZK
138715 - 1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  release with mixed franking, document
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release with mixed franking, document from 31.3.1870, Brno, franked revenue 3. issue - 25 Kreuzer, 2. surplus print perf 10½;, c.v.. Koř.134A, missing almost in all collections - last day usage (!), then revenue 4. issue 7Kr, type I, 1. month usage; very rare, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
139374 - 1881 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  document with mixed franking of issues
1881 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with mixed franking of issues 1879 (½Kr - exceptional) and 1881; very interesting
Starting price: CZK
144905 - 1855 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  lease contract written on 2 sheets kol
1855 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY lease contract written on 2 sheets kolkovaného paper 6G and 15 Kreuzer, in head dokolkováno 2x pair 30Kr C.M., pairs rare, 1x with R margin without perf, nice noble seal of family Mitrovských, vidimus Vladislav count Mittrowsky from Mitrovic; mixed parallel franking revenues and signetu very high values 6G is very rare; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
133950 - 1869 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  confirmation for amount of 4.000Fl wit
1869 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY confirmation for amount of 4.000Fl with revenues The 2nd issue in head (12Fl + 50 Kreuzer), overwritten; sought
Starting price: CZK
143097 - 1911 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  comp. 5 pcs of due bills + court recor
1911 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY comp. 5 pcs of due bills + court record, exekuce; good condition
Starting price: CZK
133889 - 1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / BRNO-ŘEČKOVICE  document from 30.IV
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY / BRNO-ŘEČKOVICE document from 30.IV.1870 with mixed franking The 3rd issue (10Kr pair, 1 month after validity) and The 4th issue (2x 1 Kr + 10Kr), very rare
Starting price: CZK
144907 - 1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release on/for 22Fl and 70Kr, mixed fra
1870 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release on/for 22Fl and 70Kr, mixed franking issue 1866 - 1 Kr in/at this period already invalid and issue 1870 - 2 Kreuzer, type I + 2x 5 Kreuzer, already berlínská blue (!), dated 8.4. 1870; good condition
Starting price: CZK
144912 - 1893 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  release on/for 250Fl, mixed 4-coloured
1893 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release on/for 250Fl, mixed 4-coloured franking issue 1888, 60Kr and issue 1893, 7Kr + 12Kr + 15 Kreuzer, all revenues by hand přepsány word "ÜBER", interesting way cancellation; decorative, unusual
Starting price: CZK
144909 - 1875 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY  release on/for 341Fl and 25 Kreuzer, m
1875 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY release on/for 341Fl and 25 Kreuzer, mixed franking issue 1870 1Fl and issue 1875 25 Kreuzer, revenue 1Fl have/has damaged L lower corner background print, blue round cancel, red seal of family Kinských, signature Filipína countess Kinská; decorative
Starting price: CZK
144895 - 1859 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY auction protocol on/for big amount with
1859 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY auction protocol on/for big amount with high tricolor franking 2. issue from 13.7.1859, rare values - 5 Fl + 8Fl + 2x 16Fl, little frequent combination values; overall very well preserved, small/rare archiving fold
Starting price: CZK
144901 - 1858 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document dated 7.11. 1858 with already
1858 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document dated 7.11. 1858 with already 1 week neplatným and already earlier used revenue 6 Kreuzer C.M., revenue with blue cancel. district office in/at Tišnově (!), written in Czech; sought, good condition, cross fold
Starting price: CZK
U:A3s| | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
144903 - 1853 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document written on/for two okolkovaný
1853 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document written on/for two okolkovaných sheets with signetes 1G and 3 Kreuzer from January 1853, additionally okolkováno revenues 1. issue 3 Kreuzer + 6 Kreuzer + 30Kr, these was/were cancelled black cancel. kamerálního office, nice red cancel. lordship Dolní Kounice ; very decorative, very good condition
Starting price: CZK
144896 - 1869 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with 11 revenues 3. issue in h
1869 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY document with 11 revenues 3. issue in head incl. wmk also last reprint, 7-barevná franking, 2x 5 Kreuzer + 7Kr + 3x 50 Kreuzer + 1Fl + 2x 2Fl + 5 Fl + 20Fl; cross fold
Starting price: CZK
144898 - 1869 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY lease contract with 10 revenue 6 color
1869 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY lease contract with 10 revenue 6 color franking 3. issue in the end incl. last reprint, 20Fl + 10Fl + 6Fl + 2x 50 Kreuzer + 3x 12Kr + 2x 3 Kreuzer; unfolded, signs of age
Starting price: CZK
144897 - 1865 HABSBURG MONARCHY  lease contract with interesting jedn
1865 HABSBURG MONARCHY lease contract with interesting jednokolkovou franking 15Fl 2. issue, with signature Joseph Wallis; good condition, cross fold
Starting price: CZK
143654 - 1835-1910 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of fiscal valuable matte
1835-1910 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY selection of fiscal valuable matters with printed also mounted revenues, part described and identified, then larger quantity of cuts; total over 1,5Kg of material, in cardboard box
Starting price: CZK
139373 - 1890 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, HAMBURG  warrant with mixed franking,
1890 AUSTRIA-HUNGARY, HAMBURG warrant with mixed franking, Hamburg imprinted stamps (1x inside) and Austrian documentary stamp issue 1888 50k, service postmark Austrian consulate in Hamburg; nice
Starting price: CZK
139372 - 1855 AUSTRIA, SAXONY  document with mixed franking, Saxon im
1855 AUSTRIA, SAXONY document with mixed franking, Saxon imprinted stamp 4Ngr and Austrian documentary stamps the first issue 1Fl and 30kr C.M.; inside beauty seal
Starting price: CZK
139371 - 1852 AUSTRIA, SAXONY  document with mixed franking, Saxon im
1852 AUSTRIA, SAXONY document with mixed franking, Saxon imprinted stamp 4Ngr and Austrian documentary stamp the first issue 6 Kreuzer C.M.; very good condition
Starting price: CZK
142091 - 1918 SAXONY  warrant with documentary stamps 1M and 1,50M, s
1918 SAXONY warrant with documentary stamps 1M and 1,50M, service postmarks - customs office and police; interesting
Starting price: CZK
142098 - 1894 SAXONY  authority for moving a corpse with documentary
1894 SAXONY authority for moving a corpse with documentary stamps 1M and 5M, service postmark LEPZIG, consular postmark, police and customs stamp BODENBACH; interesting
Starting price: CZK
142092 - 1900 PRUSSIA  warrant with documentary stamps 2½M 2x, 1
1900 PRUSSIA warrant with documentary stamps 2½M 2x, 1M and 0,50M, service postmarks; superb
Starting price: CZK
133951 - 1862 [COLLECTIONS]  AUSTRIA  whole lease protocol with frank
1862 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA whole lease protocol with franking of Revenues The 2nd issue - surplus print, 5-coloured franking, 12 revenues in the end, 20x (6 Kreuzer + 30Kr) in text, red seal, nice
Starting price: CZK
126650 - 1807 [COLLECTIONS]  AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS  newspaper Cour
1807 [COLLECTIONS] AUSTRIA/ NAPOLEONIC WARS newspaper Courier d'Angleterre, collection 12 pcs of copies/imprints, superb red Brit. newspaper fiscal stamp and newspaper fiscal stamp WCK (Koř.23), 2x without revenue, in text description Napoleon's válek, written French; exceedingly interesting
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 37 / Revenue Stamps - Information

Fiskální ceniny - kolkové známky a signety

Fiskální filatelie zahrnuje kolky, kolkové známky, kolkové signety, známky daňové, dávkové, poplatkové - mj. příspěvkové, propagační, příležitostné, místní neboli městské poplatkové známky, bolety a další.

Signety jsou kolky tištěné přímo na listiny, oznamovací kolky, dále kolky na vlasové pudry, líčidla a škrob

Kolková známka je cenina, potvrzující zaplacení správního či soudního poplatku nebo daně. Kolky jsou buď známky k vylepení na dokumenty, nebo tištěné přímo na papír dokumentu. Kolky se vylepují na směnky, šeky, dlužní úpisy (promesa), kupní a jiné smlouvy. Do této kategorie patří také dávkové známky, kalendářní a novinové kolky, bankovkové kolky a kolky na hrací karty.

Cenné papíry obsahují kolky z tržeb z cenných papírů a kolkované cenné papíry.

Průkazky a legitimace obsahují rybářské a honební lístky, dobytčí pasy, osobní průkazy.

Kolky vojenské hranice

Kontrolní a uzavírací známky na mlýnské výrobky, cukr, kypřící prášek do pečiva, cigaretové kolky, kolky potvrzující daň ze šumivého vína v lahvích, daň ze zápalek, umělých sladidel, výbušných látek a uzavírací známky tabákových výrobků.

Zvláštní známky obsahují oznamovací kolky, statistické známky, daň z masa, daň z piva v sudech, tabákových náhražek, známky desátkové daně, známky pro platbu školného, soudní doruční známky, městské kolky, národní kolky, daňové stvrzenky, juxty a bolety, známky Slovakotur, známky potravní daně, kolky na poštovních průvodkách a statistických ohláškách, kolky na rozhlasových koncesích, známky k hracím automatům, dálniční kupony, veterinární poplatkové známky, pojišťovací známky a známky kuponové privatizace.

Jiné známky obsahují známky Červeného kříže, Sokolské známky, členské příspěvkové a jiné známky, známky městské hromadné dopravy, reklamní známky, místopisné známky, výstavní a příležitostné, charitativní, propagandistické, vlastenecké a národopisné, známky léčebného fondu, známky rozhlasového poplatku, železniční známky a známky ostatní dopravy, dopisní zálepky, pečetky atd.