1945 Pof.431-432, Kozina, comp. 4 pcs of blocks, value 2,40Kčs 2x vert. bands with L + R horseshoes and part of sheet with upper and the bottom horseshoe, value 4Kčs - part of sheet with upper and the bottom horseshoe; also with Pof.375, Linden Leaves 60h blue, complete sheet with plate variety on pos. 31/1 - vertical line in/at sheet L, plate variety 78 and 99
1945-49 comp. of 6 issues with coupons double-sided, contains Pof.431-432KL+KP, 450-452KL+KP, 458-459KL+KP, 460-461KL+KP, 470-473KL+KP, 511-513KL+KP, all mint never hinged, on stmp Pof.472 by mistake 2x same coupon postcard, on/for plate A4, c.v.. 1.170Kč
1950 Pof.558/561, National exhibition PRAGUE 1950, 3x joined printing 4 stamps, upper, middle and the bottom part original printing sheet, mint never hinged
1950 Pof.A564, miniature sheet PRAGUE 1950, plate 12, on pos. 2 - point between posledními characters "KO" in "ČESKOSLOVENSKO", inscription 32; little occurring plate
1945-59 selection of 22 pcs of corner blk-of-4 with margin and dates of print (!), it contains e.g. set Prague Spring, Month/Moon Czechosl. - Soviet friendship, Radiovynálezci, Kollár 3Kčs, etc..; sought by specialists
1952 Pof.667, Huss light brown (!), horizontal strip of 5; sought surplus print, as mint never hinged rare, for comparison common blk-of-10 in brown color, exp. by Arbeit
1952 Pof.A691/692, miniature sheet BRTISLAVA 1952, mint never hinged, on reverse on/for upper margin finger-print, otherwise mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.200CZK
1953 Pof.A719IIIb, miniature sheet Gottwald, defect part of edition, dot outlines above normálními outlines UR sheets; known from 60. years, rare occurrence
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.637ZT, International Week of Youth, PLATE PROOF red, significant production flaw - horiz. line along of whole lower margins; very unusual, small/rare production flaw in paper, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. common stamps 900CZK
1952 PLATE PROOF Pof.637ZT, International Week of Youth, PLATE PROOF carmine, production flaw - long carmine line by L vertical perf; unusual, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. 900CZK
1945-46 comp. 7 pcs of Reg and airmail letter addressed to Sweden, franked by stmp various issues, i.a. Bratislava's, 1x simple franking stamp. 15Kčs T. G. Masaryk Pofis. 427 and 1x letter franked with. mixed franking with stamp. 20Kčs Štefánik Pof.428, all with mailing cancel. PARKAN; good condition
1945-46 comp. 9 pcs of airmail letters addressed to Sweden, from that 4x Reg and airmail letter, 2x commercial letter, franked by stmp various issues i.a. 1x 5-násobná franking 3CZK War Heroes Pofis. 399, Bratislava-issue, stamp. 15Kčs T. G. Masaryk Pofis. 427atd., posting and arrival postmark.; good condition
1945-47 comp. 2 pcs of Reg letters with mixed franking of stmp Moscow and London issue, 1x stamp. Masaryk 50h with plate variety 26, 1x stamp. Masaryk 1 Koruna with plate variety 29/3, nationalized CDS CHOCERADY, right franking + 1x letter with Moscow-issue 4x5h, 10x10h and 6x 20h, 4x plate variety, CDS OSTRAVA 13.I.47; good condition
1945-48 comp. 8 pcs of airmail letters addressed to Chile (5x) and England (3x), from that 2x Reg and airmail letter, various airmail labels, various franking, i.a. 2x airmail stmp., Bratislava-issue 10Kčs; good condition
1947 comp. 3 pcs of Reg and airmail letter addressed to Finland, with various issues, for example. Air 10Kčs with lower coupon Pofis. L20, set stamp. St. Adalbert etc.., CDS SUŠICE, arrival postmark TURKU/ABO; good condition
1945 large format Reg letter to Zlín franked with. miniature sheet Pof.A408/412, CDS TRENČIANSKE TEPLICE/ 7.X.45, on reverse arrival postmark ZLÍN 10.X.45; superb
1952 Reg letter franked with. i.a. miniature sheet Pof.A691/692, BRATISLAVA 1952, special postmark BRATISLAVA 18.X.1952 (FDC) incl. certificate of mailing, miniature sheet with production flaw - shifted perforation L
1945-53[COLLECTIONS] specialized collection old currency, well elaborated for example. War Heroes, i.a. 2x corner blocks of four with plate number, value 10CZK, Pof.402 with plate variety 183/1 - "spring after/behind hat", various shifts, perf, then Linden Leaves, contains also Pof.A564 type II and Pof.A691-2, in addition various color shades, offsets and other unusual matters of interest, several entires, cut-squares with Košice issue, commemorative postmarks etc..; placed in two spring stockbooks on/for 111 album pages
1945 [COLLECTIONS] Pof.387-402, War Heroes, complete set in/at upper also bottom 100-stamps. blocks with margin and plate number, at value 50h above pos. 7 plate mark - letter C, at value 40h plate variety 15/1; c.v.. ca. 2.900CZK
1954 Pof.780, Profession 75h, 5 pcs of stamp. from various editions - various shades, variously zbarvený paper, incl. very rare black-blue; rare, sought
1954 Pof.783, Profession 1,20CZK, marginal block-of-8, surplus print with smooth gum to to margins with sought shade, omitted perforation hole between pane position 32 and 33, 33 and 43; unusual
1955Pof.840-843, National costumes (I.), complete set in blocks of four with margin PB, at value 60h and 1,60Kčs combination types II. + I., sought by specialists, mint never hinged, c.v.. 1.630Kč