Public Auction 37 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1945-1992 / Provisory 1945-1947

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143153 - 1945 LIBEREC-HARCOV/ 2.VII.1945 two lined violet cancel. on
1945 LIBEREC-HARCOV/ 2.VII.1945 two lined violet cancel. on postcard Bratislava-issue 1,50 Koruna sent as Reg, uprated with stamp Košice-issue 2 Koruna + Linden Leaves 30h, German Reg label, incl. certificate of mailing; good condition
Starting price: CZK
144353 - 1945 address side Reg letter, provisional 2-lines cancel. P
1945 address side Reg letter, provisional 2-lines cancel. PŘÍBOR 6.VII.1945, in UR corner by hand written potrvrzení about/by payment postage 42Pf in/at German currency (!); good condition, sought by specialists
Starting price: CZK
U:A5 | AUTOTRANS (?)Translation request
140818 - 1945 letter and card sent as Registered with mounted vlakov
1945 letter and card sent as Registered with mounted vlakovými Reg label, 1x service letter with provisory cancel. POST OFFICE KARVINNÁ 1/ 28.6.45, 1x card with provisory cancel. SLATINA VE S. 27.7.45, burdened with postage-due
Starting price: CZK
139421 - 1945 letter to Slovakia underpaid stamp. Pof.415, CDS LUČAT
1945 letter to Slovakia underpaid stamp. Pof.415, CDS LUČATÍN 22.XI.45, at the delivery place paid surtax Alb.D13, D25, CDS ŽILINA, nice
Starting price: CZK
143276 - 1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters, from that 2x R, provisional pos
1945 comp. 3 pcs of letters, from that 2x R, provisional postmark ÚDOL S. KRYŠTOFA, POST OFFICE PUDLOV, BLAŽEJOV, 1x German Reg label, Reg letters incl. certificates of mailing; quality print cancel., all philatelically motivated, good condition
Starting price: CZK
140799 - 1945 comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks pos
1945 comp. 5 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks postal úřad: ČESKÝ KRUMLOV , POST OFFICE DĚDICE, POLEŠOVICE, MARIÁNSKÉ ÚDOLÍ, BĚLÁ N. RADB., 2x cash paid, other various franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
140826 - 1945 comp. 6 pcs of letters from that 4x Reg letter with pro
1945 comp. 6 pcs of letters from that 4x Reg letter with provisory postmarks: DUCHCOV, PĚTIPSY, ČESKÝ TĚŠÍN, SPÁLENÉ POŘÍČÍ, 1x ordinary letter POST OFFICE HAVLÍČKŮV BROD 1, 1x letter with cancel. Liberation Prostějov, 1x franked/paid in advance, various franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
140805 - 1945 comp. 6 pcs of certificates of mailing from that 3x eme
1945 comp. 6 pcs of certificates of mailing from that 3x emergency (!): POSTŘELMOV, MAŠŤOV, PFEIL-SORGENTHAL, KONSTANTINOVY LÁZNĚ, LIBČEVES, KLÁŠTEREC N. O.; nice print, good condition
Starting price: CZK
140825 - 1945 comp. 6 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory pos
1945 comp. 6 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory postmarks: MORAVSKÁ OSTRAVA, BOHUMÍN 1 (2 various), ORLOVÁ, POST OFFICE ODRY, POST OFFICE FRYŠTÁT, various franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
140819 - 1945 comp. 6 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory pos
1945 comp. 6 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory postmarks: POST OFFICE ORLOVÁ, POST OFFICE FRYŠTÁT, MÍSTEK (1x blue, 1x black), FRÝDEK 2 (2 various), POST OFFICE MOR. OSTRAVA, from that 1x burdened with postage-due, various franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
140822 - 1945 comp. 7 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory pos
1945 comp. 7 pcs of franked with. letters with provisory postmarks: ZNOJMO 1 (2 various), POST OFFICE KRÁSNÁ LÍPA U RUMBURKU, JINDŘICHŮV HRADEC, DUCHCOV, LITOMÉŘICE, PODIVÍN, various franking; good condition
Starting price: CZK
140812 - 1945-46 comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks:
1945-46 comp. 6 pcs of Reg letters with provisory postmarks: ROUDNO, KUNOVICE U UHERSKÉHO HRADIŚTĚ, JESTŘEBÍ, U. OSTROH, DRMOUL, OSEK U DUCHCOVA, 2x cash paid, other various franking, from that 1x Reg and Express; nice print, good condition
Starting price: CZK
141032 - 1946 Reg letter with provisory Reg cancel FULNEK to Austria,
1946 Reg letter with provisory Reg cancel FULNEK to Austria, franked with. mixed franking, posting rubber FULNEK 1946, on reverse line censorship mark PŘEZKOUŠENO 8.IV.1946, passed through Austrian censorship, přichozí CDS WIEN; good condition, decorative
Starting price: CZK
140595 - 1946 comp. 5 pcs of philatelically influenced letters, from
1946 comp. 5 pcs of philatelically influenced letters, from that 3x as Express, with mixed frankings London issue + 1 stmp from London miniature sheet AS 1 (exile issue), CDS ŽATEC (2x), BŘEZOVÉ HORY, KRASONICE and PRAGUE 35 from March and April 1946, sound condition
Starting price: CZK
143146 - 1945-47 selection of 40 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments
1945-47 selection of 40 pcs of parcel dispatch card segments with provisory postmarks, for example. MÍSTEK, DUCHCOV, PODIVÍN, BLAŽEJOV, NESTĚMICE, DUBŇANY, HAMR, BOJKOVICE + rubber cancel. 1945-46 and oths., placed on stock-book sheet A4
Starting price: CZK