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1926 SCOUTING / UKRAINE scout camp (Пластова оселя Сокіл), tableau A3 with 7 photos and descriptions; very nice, historically very interesting U:A3s|
1900 ŠTRAMBERK (dist. Nový Jičín ) - general view, Štramberská "Truba" (the tower) in time of before/(in front of) rekonstrukcí, photo 20x14cm on carton paper A4, nice U:A4
1896 KŁODZKO (Glatz) - general view, atelier photo 17x11cm, photo Sophus Williams, Berlin; nice U:A5
1939 atelier LANGHANS, photo 10x15cm in passe-partout A4, Romanian military attaché in Prague, signature with dedication Aloisi Moravcovi; very fine, exceedingly rare U:A4
1939 atelier LANGHANS, photo 8x13cm in passe-partout A4, Swedish military attaché in Prague, signature with dedication Aloisi Moravcovi; fold in L margin, after all exceedingly rare U:A4
1900-1930 FRIŠTENSKÝ Gustav (1879–1957) - Czech wrestler, European champion - photoalbum From life master Gustava Frištenského from y. 1900 Kolmanovům in Prague 1930 - with handwritten dedication married couple Kolmanovým, contains ca. 15 official photos and Ppc and ca. 120 (!) contemporary momentkových photos from mistrova life, for example. matches, family photo with wife, boating on/for ship, ride car, herectví etc.., contains also handwritten Frištenského náčrt rodného house with signature; exceedingly interesting collection photos mapující life Gustava Frištenského U:Z
1968 [COLLECTIONS] BRNO, August 1968, selection of 50 pcs of photos with period of military occupation, format 13x9cm, interesting collection U:O5