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1941 CDV1, PC 50h sent as Reg to Switzerland and redirected on/for Swiss FP (!), richly uprated with stamp issue Linden Leaves and Country, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 18.IX.41, orange label FP ZÜRICH, on reverse arrival postmark FP POSTE DE CAMPAGNE 24.IX.41, passed through German censorship; rare U:A5
1941 CDV5, Linden Leaves 60h+60h, double PC with odpovědním dílem, posting train post ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ–BRNO 3.V.41, red 2-lines cancel. ZURÜCK / RETURN; interesting U:A5
1943 comp. 2 pcs of PC, Hitler 50h and PC abroad Linden Leaves 1,50 Koruna, uprated to Registered with stamp Surtax stamps (!), CDS train post BECHYNĚ–TÁBOR and BUDĚJOVICE–KAPLITZ, arrival postmark PRAG U:A5
1943-4 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of cards with provisory R label + 1x p.stat PC CDV12, some Reg labels psány by hand, provisional postmark and hinge / label, all with A. Hitler; philatelically motivated, but really post Us, interesting selection of, good condition U:O5
1939 CTU1a, telegram with printed stmp Linden Leaves 40h, folded in perforation, c.v.. 2.450Kč, short tear in upper margin U:A4
1940 cheque order Spořitelny town Brno with advertising color additional-printing, CDS KOJETÍN 14.III.40; good condition U:A5
1939-42 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 37 pcs of PC, letter cards and certificates of mailing, c.v.. ca. 4.000CZK U:O5