Public Auction 37 / Philately / German occupation of Bohemia-Moravia / Postal Stationery B. and M.

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143439 - 1941 CDV1, PC 50h sent as Reg to Switzerland and redirected
1941 CDV1, PC 50h sent as Reg to Switzerland and redirected on/for Swiss FP (!), richly uprated with stamp issue Linden Leaves and Country, CDS PRAGUE 10/ 18.IX.41, orange label FP ZÜRICH, on reverse arrival postmark FP POSTE DE CAMPAGNE 24.IX.41, passed through German censorship; rare
Starting price: CZK
143259 - 1941 CDV5, Linden Leaves 60h+60h, double PC with odpovědní
1941 CDV5, Linden Leaves 60h+60h, double PC with odpovědním dílem, posting train post ČESKÁ TŘEBOVÁ–BRNO 3.V.41, red 2-lines cancel. ZURÜCK / RETURN; interesting
Starting price: CZK
145120 - 1943 comp. 2 pcs of PC, Hitler 50h and PC abroad Linden Leav
1943 comp. 2 pcs of PC, Hitler 50h and PC abroad Linden Leaves 1,50 Koruna, uprated to Registered with stamp Surtax stamps (!), CDS train post BECHYNĚ–TÁBOR and BUDĚJOVICE–KAPLITZ, arrival postmark PRAG
Starting price: CZK
144631 - 1943-4 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 24 pcs of cards with prov
1943-4 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 24 pcs of cards with provisory R label + 1x p.stat PC CDV12, some Reg labels psány by hand, provisional postmark and hinge / label, all with A. Hitler; philatelically motivated, but really post Us, interesting selection of, good condition
Starting price: CZK
143499 - 1939 CTU1a, telegram with printed stmp Linden Leaves 40h, fo
1939 CTU1a, telegram with printed stmp Linden Leaves 40h, folded in perforation, c.v.. 2.450Kč, short tear in upper margin
Starting price: CZK
143441 - 1940 cheque order Spořitelny town Brno with advertising col
1940 cheque order Spořitelny town Brno with advertising color additional-printing, CDS KOJETÍN 14.III.40; good condition
Starting price: CZK
143401 - 1939-42 [COLLECTIONS]  selection of 37 pcs of PC, letter car
1939-42 [COLLECTIONS] selection of 37 pcs of PC, letter cards and certificates of mailing, c.v.. ca. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK