Public Auction 37 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920

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143222 -  Pof.143, 5h blue, selection of bloks of four and larger who
Pof.143, 5h blue, selection of bloks of four and larger wholes partially with plate number, plate number 3 and 4 in protective frame (2x), placed on stockbook card
Starting price: CZK
143227 -  Pof.143A, 5h blue, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four, 2x with of
Pof.143A, 5h blue, comp. 3 pcs of bloks of four, 2x with offset on gum and 1x with retouch R1, exp. by Mrnak., Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
143208 -  Pof.144, 5h violet, selection of 38 pcs of stamps with plat
Pof.144, 5h violet, selection of 38 pcs of stamps with plate variety and retouch, exp. by Chvalovsky
Starting price: CZK
143221 -  Pof.144A+B, 5h violet, selection of bloks of four and large
Pof.144A+B, 5h violet, selection of bloks of four and larger wholes, placed on stockbook card
Starting price: CZK
144444 -  Pof.144C, 5h violet, LR corner piece with control-numbers,
Pof.144C, 5h violet, LR corner piece with control-numbers, horiz. comb; c.v.. 2.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
143234 -  Pof.145-146, 10h dark green and 10h olive, comp. 2 pcs of L
Pof.145-146, 10h dark green and 10h olive, comp. 2 pcs of L bottom corner blk-of-4 with paper crease, Pof.146 with plate number
Starting price: CZK
143674 -  Pof.145, 10h dark green, selection of, mint never hinged st
Pof.145, 10h dark green, selection of, mint never hinged stamp. with plate variety on pos. 86, also with same defect on postcard, CDS NOVÉ BENÁTKY 10.XI.20; repaired filling holes in L margin; interesting selection of
Starting price: CZK
143212 -  Pof.146, 10h olive, selection of 20 pcs of P+L bloks of fou
Pof.146, 10h olive, selection of 20 pcs of P+L bloks of four with plate number, placed on stockbook card
Starting price: CZK
143213 -  Pof.146, 10h olive, selection of 20 pcs of corner pieces wi
Pof.146, 10h olive, selection of 20 pcs of corner pieces with plate number, i.a. plate number 5 in protective frame, placed on stockbook card
Starting price: CZK
143706 -  Pof.146C, 10h olive, blk-of-25 with R margin, horiz. comb,
Pof.146C, 10h olive, blk-of-25 with R margin, horiz. comb, partially detached perf in R margin, c.v.. ca. 27.000CZK, 4x stamps hinged, 4x hint on margin
Starting price: CZK
144296 -  Pof.146C, 10h olive, block of 6 with L margin, horiz. comb,
Pof.146C, 10h olive, block of 6 with L margin, horiz. comb, exp. by Pittermann., c.v.. 6.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
143233 -  Pof.146C, 10h olive, UR corner blk-of-4, horiz. comb, exp.
Pof.146C, 10h olive, UR corner blk-of-4, horiz. comb, exp. by Karasek., c.v.. ca. 4.000CZK
Starting price: CZK
141578 -  Pof.143, 145, 147, 152, 153, comp. 5 pcs of machine offsets
Pof.143, 145, 147, 152, 153, comp. 5 pcs of machine offsets issue Holubica and Liberated Republic, 1x sheet offset, all mint never hinged, and 1x Pigeon-issue 5h blue as Pr with paper crease, hinged
Starting price: CZK
143211 -  Pof.148, 20h orange, selection of 38 pcs of corner pieces w
Pof.148, 20h orange, selection of 38 pcs of corner pieces with plate number, placed on stockbook card
Starting price: CZK
143210 -  Pof.148, 20h orange, selection of plate number in blocks of
Pof.148, 20h orange, selection of plate number in blocks of four and larger entireties, placed on stockbook card
Starting price: CZK
143521 -  Pof.149A, 25h dark green, horizontal pair with upper margin
Pof.149A, 25h dark green, horizontal pair with upper margin sheet, at top double perf, decorative, label on edge sheet, stamp. mint never hinged, exp. by Karasek
Starting price: CZK
143235 -  Pof.150, 30h violet, comp. of 3 corner pieces with plate nu
Pof.150, 30h violet, comp. of 3 corner pieces with plate number 1, 2 and 3, c.v.. 1.050CZK
Starting price: CZK
143147 -  Pof.153, 30h, comp. of 5 corner pieces with plate number an
Pof.153, 30h, comp. of 5 corner pieces with plate number and control-numbers, L pieces with plate number 1, 2, 3 (2x), right/genuine piece with plate number 4, 2x hinged in stamp field; thin/light folds, c.v.. ca. 1.480CZK
Starting price: CZK
141577 -  Pof.144TBa, 144TBb, 146Tba, 146TBb, selection of opposite f
Pof.144TBa, 144TBb, 146Tba, 146TBb, selection of opposite facing pairs stamp. issues Pigeon-issue and Liberated Republic, 5x block of four thin with margin, 2x block of four wide with margin, 2x pair wide, 1x pair thin; Pof.156TBa as blk-of-4 from that 1x hinged, c.v.. ca. 3.900CZK
Starting price: CZK
140620 -  Pof.148K, 20h orange with coupon and sheet margin; exp. by
Pof.148K, 20h orange with coupon and sheet margin; exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
138597 -  Pof.148TBa, 20h orange, close opposite facing pair, mint ne
Pof.148TBa, 20h orange, close opposite facing pair, mint never hinged, exp. by Gilbert., c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
144999 -  Pof.148TBb, 20h orange, wide opposite facing pair, with low
Pof.148TBb, 20h orange, wide opposite facing pair, with lower margin; c.v.. 1.800CZK
Starting price: CZK
143236 -  Pof.143-148N, set 6 pcs of imperforated stmp 5h-20h, expert
Pof.143-148N, set 6 pcs of imperforated stmp 5h-20h, expertized, 143N with thin/light offset, c.v.. ca. 1.400CZK
Starting price: CZK
143238 -  Pof.143-148N, set 6 pcs of imperforated stmp 5h-20h, expert
Pof.143-148N, set 6 pcs of imperforated stmp 5h-20h, expertized, c.v.. 800CZK
Starting price: CZK
141575 -  Pof.143-149N, comp. 10 pcs of stamp. issue Pigeon-issue, 8x
Pof.143-149N, comp. 10 pcs of stamp. issue Pigeon-issue, 8x imperforated unissued, value 15h brown with offset on gum, 2x PLATE PROOF; c.v.. ca. 1.370Kč
Starting price: CZK
143806 -  Pof.144-149N, set 6 pcs of imperforated stmp, without value
Pof.144-149N, set 6 pcs of imperforated stmp, without value 5h blue, partially exp. by Gilbert
Starting price: CZK
143677 -  Pof.144, 147N, 5h violet, exp. by Karasek and 15h brown, im
Pof.144, 147N, 5h violet, exp. by Karasek and 15h brown, imperforated; both with production flaw - print on gummed side
Starting price: CZK
143242 -  PLATE PROOF  Pof.143-149, selection of 33 pcs of imperforat
PLATE PROOF Pof.143-149, selection of 33 pcs of imperforated stmp, offsets on gum, zkuských prints, creases and maculature
Starting price: CZK
142777 - 1920-21 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters, from that 1x as R
1920-21 comp. 2 pcs of commercial letters, from that 1x as Registered, various multiple franking, 1x sent by railway mail LOUNY–RAKOVNÍK; on reverse hints after sticking in album
Starting price: CZK
143274 - 1922 comp. 3 pcs of entires with Pof.144, 5h violet, 6-náso
1922 comp. 3 pcs of entires with Pof.144, 5h violet, 6-násobná franking, mixed franking with Pof.154B and uprated PC CDV23, all with retouch on pos. 24, 31; exp. by Chvalovsky., cat. over 600CZK
Starting price: CZK
144386 - 1924 letter with Pigeon-issue TBa thin and TBb wide + 2x iss
1924 letter with Pigeon-issue TBa thin and TBb wide + 2x issue Chainbreaker 40h from that 1x retouch R1 - retouch linden cards, CDS HUMPOLEC 18.XII.24; folds in R part
Starting price: CZK
143196 -  [COLLECTIONS]  comp. of stamps all values, placed in stockb
[COLLECTIONS] comp. of stamps all values, placed in stockbooks and on/for stock-cards, separate stamps also blocks, specialisation - plate variety and retouch, exp. Chvalovský, identified pos. and plate, lot of plate number, tête-bêche and oths., mainly used stamps, part mint never hinged, all in box, total 4kg of material, suitable for other examining, estate of collector
Starting price: CZK
143189 -  [COLLECTIONS]  big selection of freely scattered stamps hot
[COLLECTIONS] big selection of freely scattered stamps hotnoty 20h, placed in flat box, thousands pieces (!), suitable for examining, from estate
Starting price: CZK

Public Auction 37 / Philately / Czechoslovakia 1918-1939 / Dove 1920 - Information

1. 6. 1920  Holubice

Na výzvu Ministerstva pošt a telegrafů předložil vítězný návrh na poštovní známky emise Holubice Jaroslav Benda. Celkem bylo vydáno 8 známek v 6 různých hodnotách, od 5 do 30 haléřů, z toho hodnoty 5h a 10h ve dvou různých barvách. Všechny známky emise Holubice byly vytištěny knihtiskem (KT), pro tisk jednotlivých hodnot byl použit různý počet tiskových desek (TD), od 2 do 69 kusů, sestavených do 2 nebo 4 tiskových forem (TF) ze známek stejných nebo různých hodnot, dokonce i v sestavě se známkami jiného vydání (Hradčany, Osvobozená republika). Všechny hodnoty byly vytištěny na bílém papíru s hladkým lepem a opatřeny hřebenovým zoubkováním HZ 14. Celé 100 kusové archy poštovních známek 5h fialová a 10h olivová byly opatřeny i řádkovým zoubkováním ŘZ 13¾ a stejným ŘZ 13¾ byly ozoubkovány i známky 5h fialová, 10h olivová a 20h oranžová pocházející z archů vytištěnými pro známkové sešitky. Ze stejných archů pocházejí i mezi sběrateli oblíbené úzké nebo široké dvojice těchto 3 hodnot.

Poštovní známky emise Holubice byly do poštovního provozu zaváděny postupně, hodnoty 5h modrá, 10h zelená a 15h hnědá v červnu 1920, 5h fialová, 10h olivová, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená v srpnu 1920.  Vydání hodnoty 30h fialová bylo v úředním Věstníku oznámeno 22. 4. 1925. Platnost jednotlivých hodnot emise Holubice nebyla ukončena ve stejný den, ale opět postupně, podle potřeb poštovního provozu. Poštovní známky 5h modrá (1. náklad) a 10h zelená pozbyly platnosti 30. 4. 1921, hodnoty 5h fialová a 30h fialová dne 31. 7. 1928, zbývající hodnoty 5h modrá (2. náklad), 10h olivová, 15h hnědá, 20h oranžová a 25h zelená platily do 29. 2. 1932.